World War Three

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Jun 24, 2018
ozark mountains
I will start this thread with a deluge of information as to the situation as of " today " . I realize many do not have intestinal fortitude to be able to face such matters. For those that have a hard time facing such a serious topic , simply do not open up the link . From experience I already know many will simply deny that this information is our reality . Warning this link " has not been watered down " to make it more watchable for those easily frightened
I do not "simply deny" that the probability of nuclear war is at its highest since 1961 Cuban missile Crisis. I firmly believe that this is true.
We all could very well die tomorrow.
I simply don't worry about it, as I can do absolutely nothing about it.
I find it completely pointless to raise my stress level, to obsess, to let it take up space in my brain.
While I could see a negligent nuclear discharge setting off a nuclear war, I don't believe WWIII will be a nuclear war. Modern wars are about profit. Profit from ramping up the military, profit from logistics and aid, profit from for rebuilding after the war, etc. The nuclear option removes too much profit from the puppet masters who actually pull the strings of the politicians who pull the strings of the military leadership.
I do not "simply deny" that the probability of nuclear war is at its highest since 1961 Cuban missile Crisis. I firmly believe that this is true.
We all could very well die tomorrow.
I simply don't worry about it, as I can do absolutely nothing about it.
I find it completely pointless to raise my stress level, to obsess, to let it take up space in my brain.
Correct that we can not do anything to stop what is unfolding . However what we can do is prepare to face it . Many on this forum have a good start surviving this very high probability , as in having a homestead along with survival creatures . Panic will be on a scale that most have never seen when the earth begins to tremble from exploding Nukes . This panic will be most prevalent with those that chose to ignore and tried to push the threat away from their consciousness . Rice Paddy Daddy I am a fellow Vietnam veteran . When we went out on a mission , we always prepared . We didn't simply go ditty bopping along without weaponry to face Charlie . The same applies to getting ready for what not only we face but our children and grandchildren face . - Preparations that are doable for most folks weaponry , food , water radiation resistant shelter from Nuclear Fallout .
While I could see a negligent nuclear discharge setting off a nuclear war, I don't believe WWIII will be a nuclear war. Modern wars are about profit. Profit from ramping up the military, profit from logistics and aid, profit from for rebuilding after the war, etc. The nuclear option removes too much profit from the puppet masters who actually pull the strings of the politicians who pull the strings of the military leadership.
Curious - did you watch a few minutes of the link ? Not part of the link will say N.A.T.O is not willing to give up the conflict and neither is Russia . Both are escalating rapidly the tactics and weaponry being deployed . Soon and perhaps today F16 aircraft supplied by N.A.T.O. will be running strike missions deep inside Russian Motherland . The logical conclusion Nuclear strikes on N.A.T.O. countries .
What is with all of the posturing, What about the rumored hyper-sonic Russian missiles, which are supposed to be unstoppable. the "west" has been portaying the Bear as backward fools.
A suggestion for those that don't have a cellar and a modest budget to raise survival probability from Nuclear Radiation . Buy sandbags and when the time is appropriate fill them with dirt or sand to place in a area inside the inner portion of a home . Shear weight will help dampen the amount of radiation reaching the inhabitants of the home . For example I have my sandbags ready to build an about 3 foot high wall on each end of my hallway creating a crawl area behind the bags until the radiation decreases . -- -- There is the 7 /10 rule - For each 7 days the radiation will deplete by ten fold . For those skeptical , simply google this information -- My computer time to bounce this around with you guys has now expired .
Curious - did you watch a few minutes of the link ? Not part of the link will say N.A.T.O is not willing to give up the conflict and neither is Russia . Both are escalating rapidly the tactics and weaponry being deployed . Soon and perhaps today F16 aircraft supplied by N.A.T.O. will be running strike missions deep inside Russian Motherland . The logical conclusion Nuclear strikes on N.A.T.O. countries .

Nope. Every YouTube click puts money in the pocket the enemies of freedom. Plus I have never really found a source of real reliable info on YT, just peoples opinions based on information they obtained from less than reliable sources. If you like YT, than rock on. But to me it's no different than CNN, MSNBC, Fox, or any other source of propaganda. Real information is only released or allowed to be public if that's what those who control the information want to happen.
While I could see a negligent nuclear discharge setting off a nuclear war, I don't believe WWIII will be a nuclear war. Modern wars are about profit. Profit from ramping up the military, profit from logistics and aid, profit from for rebuilding after the war, etc. The nuclear option removes too much profit from the puppet masters who actually pull the strings of the politicians who pull the strings of the military leadership.
What about ideology? What profit is in that?
As some may have noticed, my prepping foundation is built on the immediate (20) TWENTY Years post USSR first successful (August 1949) test of a Nuclear Bomb. Strangely the current prepping consciousness is the same.

When I really-really-really want to super upset the current prepping community. I point out the core beliefs of prepping 1950 through 1975'ish. (Which are currently loathed)
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The only port for US Navy ballistic missile submarines on the entire east coast of the US is Kings Bay, Georgia.
About 50 air miles from our farm.
The only other US post for them is Bremerton, Washington.

I would assume that these two places are very, very high on Russia's target list since just one of these subs can pretty much destroy their country.

At 50 miles distance from the target the blast winds would pretty much flatten Answered Prayers Farm and radiation would do the rest.
But I'm not going to spend tens of thousands of dollars I don't have to have a fallout shelter built underground. Even if i did we probably wouldn't even have time to get in it once the crap hit the fan.

Years ago I put my life into the hands of God. He has saved my life a number of times already, and if He decides that it's my time to die, let His will be done.

edited to add: we have YEARS of food put back, and yes I do have the weaponry and mindset to defend us.
There are 7.5 BILLION people, yet we all allow a handfull of certifiable madmen to have nuclear buttons and hold the entire world hostage. Here's a novel concept. What if the People of Earth joined together to stop the madness, before it's too late. Restore some sanity to the world.

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We have hyper sonic missiles, too. They're not the only ones.
And I'm of the opinion, too, that there's nothing I can do about it.
Just keep doing what I do.
The problem with the "we have them too" logic, is that our R&D systems are now very expensive and badly tied up in red tape....... and our capability to then manufacture the actual missiles is very much slower/more expensive than China's.

Missiles are very expensive and they have a limited shelf life (and technology supersedes them quite quickly). It is therefore very hard to convince governments to build very large stockpiles of the very best missiles.

The missiles we have been sending to Ukraine, have been difficult to manufacture at the scale needed.......and these have been mostly well established weapon systems.

If you burn through your stock before the other side does, you lose.

High tech, no holds barred combat on a global scale, will empty the West's missile warehouses in days to weeks, more so than months.
The Allies won WWII because the US could produce so much war materials, plus the Russians killed so many Germans and kept them too busy on the Eastern Front so we were able to take Western Europe.

But they key was the sheer amount of war materials we were able to produce.
This country could never do that today.
I can't do a thing to stop the potential of World War Three but I can sure increase my odds of surviving it . I live in a high prepper populated area so I would expect a high survival rate in the area . However cruising prepper / survival forums have concluded most areas don't even come close to being adequately prepared . -- For an example during a tornado a few days ago my closest neighbor was retreating with his woman into his hidden bunker and the woman cut her foot badly on broken glass . He obviously should have not cluttered up his bunker with canning jars . They as My clan survived the tornado but the point being made is not many actually have prepared for surviving World War Three . That is why I say , I live in a high populated prepper area . The death rate in most areas I am expecting to be horrific . Just pretending it will never happen is not my strategy .
What is with all of the posturing, What about the rumored hyper-sonic Russian missiles, which are supposed to be unstoppable. the "west" has been portaying the Bear as backward fools.
It's a bunch of BS to keep everyone on edge and controllable, we are all Snowball for each other. why would we screw that up by actually fighting?
Something that just occurred to me , many on this forum likely " do not know " Germany has now officially in writing told their citizens to " prepare for World War Three " . The German government instructed the peasants to build individual shelters for surviving a Nuking assault . I will let another forum member to dig that up if any are interested in facing such matters .
Nope. Every YouTube click puts money in the pocket the enemies of freedom. Plus I have never really found a source of real reliable info on YT, just peoples opinions based on information they obtained from less than reliable sources. If you like YT, than rock on. But to me it's no different than CNN, MSNBC, Fox, or any other source of propaganda. Real information is only released or allowed to be public if that's what those who control the information want to happen.
YouTube is owned by Google, which is why I refuse to support it. I'm completely off of Google. I no longer have a Microsoft account and run Linux machines and use Linux-based productivity software except for one machine that has Windows...only because of legacy software I use.

Despise "the system" and am off of it as much as possible. I don't have a smart phone, so neither Android nor iOS. Make it harder for big brudda to spy on you, folks, ditch those Google and MS accounts, and get rid of their surveillance platforms otherwise known as smart phones. My flip phone is made by an independent manufacturer and doesn't even text.
The only port for US Navy ballistic missile submarines on the entire east coast of the US is Kings Bay, Georgia.
About 50 air miles from our farm.
The only other US post for them is Bremerton, Washington.

I would assume that these two places are very, very high on Russia's target list since just one of these subs can pretty much destroy their country.

At 50 miles distance from the target the blast winds would pretty much flatten Answered Prayers Farm and radiation would do the rest.
But I'm not going to spend tens of thousands of dollars I don't have to have a fallout shelter built underground. Even if i did we probably wouldn't even have time to get in it once the crap hit the fan.

Years ago I put my life into the hands of God. He has saved my life a number of times already, and if He decides that it's my time to die, let His will be done.

edited to add: we have YEARS of food put back, and yes I do have the weaponry and mindset to defend us.
Years ago while serving in Iraq I adopted this strategy for dealing with danger/death. It has given much peace. We do the best we can, but beyond that, may the Father's will be done. When God calls me home, He calls me home...
Most people underestimate the survivability of nuclear war.

It is important to consider that, while there are many nuclear weapons in the world, most analysts of the subject of nuclear exchanges conclude that most weapons would not make it to their targets (or function).

More than half would be among the weapons that would:
  1. Be destroyed by pre-emptive strikes on their launch site/platform
  2. Malfunction
  3. Be held in reserve for later exchanges....that never come
  4. Be intercepted en-route to their target
  5. Miss by a large distance
That last point is that, even when people are located far from any likely target, there exists the possibility of being hit by a "miss".......but at very much lower probability than being hit when you are adjacent to a high priority target.

The two most well proven data sets we have regarding casualties are from Hiroshima and Nagasaki......with bomb yields of 15kT and 20kT respectively.

Here is a good reference that goes through the casualties at those bomb sites.

from that paper:


So, the maximum distance that people were killed at, from ground zero, was about 1.5 miles........for a 15kT weapon. At 3 miles, it didn't injure many.......

Another good resource for assessing/considering survivability is this site:

on that site, you can drag the cursor onto your nearest target, set the yield (I would use 500kT) and either ground or air burst the weapon for the simulation. Most cities would be targeted for air burst, while buried infrastructure like Cheyenne Mountain or missile silos are probably targeted for ground burst.

You can also enter the prevailing wind direction/speed for your area, to model the fallout applicable only to ground burst detonations.

Most people who do the above, will find their survivability is better than they would have guessed.

If you find that you are located somewhere at very high risk, then you should develop plans to be somewhere else if the probability of a nuclear exchange gets very much elevated.

Surviving a nuclear war is just like surviving any other very severe crisis.

Consider how to best do that with a calm, logical, well informed and un-emotional mindset.

Quitters never win and winners never quit.
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YouTube is owned by Google, which is why I refuse to support it. I'm completely off of Google. I no longer have a Microsoft account and run Linux machines and use Linux-based productivity software except for one machine that has Windows...only because of legacy software I use.

Despise "the system" and am off of it as much as possible. I don't have a smart phone, so neither Android nor iOS. Make it harder for big brudda to spy on you, folks, ditch those Google and MS accounts, and get rid of their surveillance platforms otherwise known as smart phones. My flip phone is made by an independent manufacturer and doesn't even text.
You know when to bow-out. I’m more stubborn… I’ll use it (some tech, but not all) if it benefits me. Yes I know the risks… and I know when to give them the finger - my story. Seriously, it will be my stubbornness, with a touch of wisdom that keeps me alive, in my dreams, lol.

WWIII will happen…. But I have no predictions about who will be writing the history books about it. The big questions is: Who will still be here?
Most people underestimate the survivability of nuclear war.

It is important to consider that, while their are many nuclear weapons in the world, most analysts of the subject of nuclear exchanges conclude that most weapons would not make it to their targets (or function).

More than half would be among the weapons that would:
  1. Be destroyed by pre-emptive strikes on their launch site/platform
  2. Malfunction
  3. Be held in reserve for later exchanges....that never come
  4. Be intercepted en-route to their target
  5. Miss by a large distance
That last point is that, even when people are located far from any likely target, there exists the possibility of being hit by a "miss".......but at very much lower probability than being hit when you are adjacent to a high priority target.

The two most well proven data sets we have regarding casualties are from Hiroshima and Nagasaki......with bomb yields of 15kT and 20kT respectively.

Here is a good reference that goes through the casualties at those bomb sites.

from that paper:

View attachment 154682

So, the maximum distance that people were killed at, from ground zero, was about 1.5 miles........for a 15kT weapon. At 3 miles, it didn't injure many.......

Another good resource for assessing/considering survivability is this site:

on that site, you can drag the cursor onto your nearest target, set the yield (I would use 500kT) and either ground or air burst the weapon for the simulation. Most cities would be targeted for air burst, while buried infrastructure like Cheyenne Mountain or missile silos are probably targeted for ground burst.

You can also enter the prevailing wind direction/speed for your area, to model the fallout applicable only to ground burst detonations.

Most people who do the above, will find their survivability is better than they would have guessed.

If you find that you are located somewhere at very high risk, then you should develop plans to be somewhere else if the probability of a nuclear exchange gets very much elevated.

Surviving a nuclear war is just like surviving any other very severe crisis.

Consider how to best do that with a calm, logical, well informed and un-emotional mindset.

Quitters never win and winners never quit.
This is small part of my upcoming novel. Between sabatoge and incompetence, North Korea accidentally nukes Bejing when they were aiming at the US. Oops. And half the russian nukes detonate on launch. ;) Reality? I don't know, it's a novel. :)

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