Would you give up lifestyle for moving to bug out place?

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Have you seen the PVC well buckets to get water out of a standard drilled well? You can make one for $10 or so. Would be some work if the well is 100+ feet down, but still better than a creek in a serious shtf situation when clean drinking water is a priority.
I use one now to get water from a well with static level at 233ft...fun times
And yep, I'm in process of moving to the new off-grid homestead...soon. I can work from anywhere, been with the same company for 22 years, but am starting to become more self sufficient with crafts

This is wonderful, and especially that your crafts may be able to fill your $$ need. (what type of crafts?)
I would love to find a piece of land in the middle of nowhere and live off the grid - but unfortunately, my mobility issues would make doing that really difficult if not impossible. As much as I love my work, I am also more than ready to retire, and would in a heartbeat if I did not have student loans to pay off. I would be quite content if an EMP hit tomorrow- except I would miss talking to all of you! I can manage without electricity- wood heat, multiple ways to cook, and close access to water - except I would miss the hours I spend on my computer every night! :D
As to timing, I hope it is many years away but my goal is to be prepared for tomorrow. I thoroughly enjoy the doomsday predictions like Y2K. These are times to evaluate my preps and fill some of the gaps.

I have lived off grid on boats and in the only log cabin on an island accessible only by boat or float plane. Today I need to live closer to a hospital.

I have a medical device that needs electricity as does my wife so we have two generators. The battery bank is purchased but not yet installed. A wind storm knocked out power close to us just recently. A day later over 2,000 homes were without power. I assume that all or most of those are back online. We got a call from a friend asking to come stay the night with us as she also needs power at night to survive.

I'm not going anywhere. I'd love to move further out but the wife wouldn't and to be honest, I can't due to health. It would take too long to move my preps so I'd be worse anywhere I go. This is my redoubt.
Back when gasoline hit $5 a gallon a local sold all that he had and moved to a South American county. Convinced the world was ending and all of that. Two years latter he moved back, wife divorced him (smart woman?) and son was arrested for assault. Now I wonder if he moved back on his own free will or the South American country forced him?
When you decide to move to another continent, you need to speak the language of the area you move to. Even if you speak a little Spanish, you need to know the dialect of Spanish spoken in the area you move to. Like other parts of the world, South America has many places that are not safe to live in. With the people I know who are world travelers, South America is one place none of them have ever been to. Maybe it is less developed there, and maybe that has advantages. I don't know.

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