Wow weird American weather

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Silent Earth

Awesome Friend
Sep 25, 2013
watching from afar
Well I've seen my share of extreme weather, I live in Northern England so I have seen snow build up to be over 15 feet high OVER A PERIOD OF MANY DAYS, But I've never seen or experienced the phenomena of LAKE EFFECT SNOW.

I just watch Sky News reporting from Buffalo in New York State and how in under 12 hours they got 2 feet of snow !!!!!, apparently cold winds from the north blow across large US lakes where water is still warm and it creates a giant snow making machine that can in bad cases dump in excess of 1 meter of snow in one day on hapless local towns.
How the hell to you prep for that ??? extra food , extra off grid fuel ( power lines don't like wet snow) 4x4 with plough blade and big snow tyres , god knows but what a helluva event to get stuck in.
It's global warming (OOOPS no, the new name is climate change) I tell ya. Or atleast that is what Al Gore, Bill Gates, Hussein Obama is trying to convince us to believe. So we can ALL pay that carbon tax Al Gore wants. How do you prep for that? Just ask Canadians, or those that live in Alaska, but most that lives up there knows how to prep for such. Driving.... Well that is a whole different ball game. :rolleyes: :eek: :mad:
I understand the Inverness gets lake effect snow coming off of the Moray Firth. The conditions have to be just right. I believe the worst lake effect snow in the U.S. is in Buffalo, NY:
I understand the Inverness gets lake effect snow coming off of the Moray Firth. The conditions have to be just right. I believe the worst lake effect snow in the U.S. is in Buffalo, NY:
Your right Doc, but I don't ever recollect us getting near as dammit a yard of blown wet snow overnight, its awesome just to imagine how hardy those folks must be.
We are a custom to getting 6, 7 and 10ft of snow, I have a d6 cat and will cut a path, my older 4x4 has 44s and lifted with heavy chains on all 4, if all fails I have the snowmobile but most of the time we just hunker down and enjoy the weather.

Yes we get up to 10 foot of snow around here up in County Durham just about every winter and 2 to 3 ft on lower levels but I cannot remember us ever getting that much overnight as the chap from Buffalo said on Sky News, Eg 3 ft plus in 12 hours WOW is the only word that springs to mind.
Yup folks tend to forget that in the UK we are at similar Latitudes to Labrador / Hudson Bay / British Columbia (even Moscow) and the only reason its generally so mild here in the summer is because of the gulf stream.
Apparently this snowstorm broke the 1888 record below

March 11-12, 1888

"An unseasonable and devastating snowstorm struck from the Chesapeake Bay to Maine. The cities of Washington, Philadelphia, Boston and New York City were paralyzed. This incredible "Nor'easter" dumped 50 inches of snow in Connecticut and Massachusetts while New Jersey and the state of New York had 40 inches. Drifts of 40 to 50 feet high buried houses and trains. From Chesapeake Bay to Nantucket, 200 ships were sunk with 400 lives lost"
Today UK media is reporting that the next storm coming in from the NE onto the US is likely to break previous records.
We were in the 40's last FLORIDA.....
I had to put on a jacket (after finding it)....
so you guys have all the snow...they promised us some snow to morrow, 2-3 inches,that will be enough to take some motorists by surprise,as they go with summer tires...
still remember 70's and 80's..we had real winters then,now it's just a wishful thinking...wonder how many of those affected think right now;wish I would have prepped for something like fridge is empty,my car is burried in snow...can't anyone help me??
This is what the weather use to be like back in the 60's and 70's. Nothing strange about it. It's more like the old fashioned winters rather then the new wimpy winters.
somehow I would take snow over this gray drizzle we have here... we've had for the whole month 12 hrs visible sun,other than that clouds,clouds and more of it...had to buy those special lights for my plants,they started to wither 'cause of no sun
I have seen winters where I thought its like the upper Mid West and some where you would think it was winter in the tropics . When we have one of the real mild Winters its useualy followed by a drought summer . It seems that cycle has passed for now and we are going to have colder more winter like weather this year . Also for those that have heard the old timers tales I was outside this morning and saw a Fuzzy Worm and it was solid black .
I sure hope I get some good minus degrees here,othervise the weeds in my garden will survive all and I'll have a lot more weeding next season...bye the way we had some sun today...2 hrs,so this month 14 hrs of sun total
I have seen winters where I thought its like the upper Mid West and some where you would think it was winter in the tropics . When we have one of the real mild Winters its useualy followed by a drought summer . It seems that cycle has passed for now and we are going to have colder more winter like weather this year . Also for those that have heard the old timers tales I was outside this morning and saw a Fuzzy Worm and it was solid black .
My mom always said the fuzzy caterpillars were spot on, however many say they are not. They were usually correct in Maine the bigger the black the more bad the winter was. So if yours is all black and I have heard a few others saying it from across the US then it looks like it may be a really long and cold winter.
so,please tell me...where is this global warming??? you are freezing your butt off over there,we are in some kind of limbo sun no snow..nothing
It.s the Weather patterns , Its not been tracked enough to claim global warming , cooling or Climate change . But you can bet Al Gore and other liberals have cashed in on such claims .

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