Wow weird American weather

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they make big bucks on it,that's for sure..and make life more difficult for us,there have been talks here to even ban the use of wood for heating purpose in this city I live polluting..yeah right,what's next? don't breathe to lower the CO2 levels..
But if we would stop cutting down all the trees we wouldn't have to worry about the CO2. Plants breath in CO2 and give us oxygen. That is why we can breath, the more trees they cut down the worse the CO2 is. Has nothing to do with wood stove smoke at all. It has to do more with cars, and big factories, and more houses being built.
true,the more cars and big factories the more pollution,unless they find a permanent way to cut down the pollutions there...what I wrote about wood stoves only shows that they sometimes do very silly things..besides when they heat something with wood here it's more or less only the sauna...
The pinko's also claim cattle , pigs , people breathing is destroying the World .
If you cut a tree plant a tree , Drive your car as needed , Let company's run their business with out Government regulating them to out of business . Dismantle the EPA . All these folks saying they cant trust the Government turn around and do exactly what the most extream fringes of leftist Government wants them to .
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I think I have planted about 40 trees and bushes on our land over the past 9 years. Then I start complaining because for every one that I plant they cut down 20 up the road to start a new sub division. Makes no sense to me then folks complain when tornadoes come through. I wonder why?
My mom always said the fuzzy caterpillars were spot on, however many say they are not. They were usually correct in Maine the bigger the black the more bad the winter was. So if yours is all black and I have heard a few others saying it from across the US then it looks like it may be a really long and cold winter.

Our deer, squirrels and beavers have been unusually busy, the beaver has been moving further in taking larger trees with good bark generally not a good sign though the almanac said we are to have a mild winter, I'm not so sure.
it has been mild for us so far,when it comes to where im located..but thats just the icing on the cake.on account i think that we're gonna have a very hard and harsh winter this time round.
We got snow here in NC in March this past spring. That was different I have never seen snow past the middle of Feb. So it makes me wonder if the weather is going back to the old timey winters. My aunt use to talk about the first years when she had come down here many years ago and she said it was like mild winters in Maine. However I have never seen it like that here. Who knows maybe things are going back to the way they use to be. But I have been watching the ants, squirrels and so much more this year, looks like the winter may be a bad one. We had stink bugs trying to come inside this year. That has never happened before. Not just one or two, but hundreds. Normally we have lady bugs trying to come in. I don't mind them but the stink bugs this year that was something else. It was 70 degrees yesterday and I caught 12 in here and had to throw them out. I don't want stink bugs in the house.
i've been seeing spiders and lady bugs..i haven't seen this many ladybugs in the house before..and of course.we get a lizard in the house time 2 time..
i've been seeing spiders and lady bugs..i haven't seen this many ladybugs in the house before..and of course.we get a lizard in the house time 2 time..
Those aren't native ladybugs, they are an invasive species known as "multicolored Asian lady beetles" and they invade houses in the fall. And they BITE.
Those aren't native ladybugs, they are an invasive species known as "multicolored Asian lady beetles" and they invade houses in the fall. And they BITE.
I had one bite me last year. In Maine none of them ever bit. Us kids would play with them then put them on a plant the ones around here enjoy landing on me then biting me.
It was my understanding the Dept of Ag released the Asian Lady Bugs to eat the Asian something or other that came in on shrubs and trees imported by nursery's
probably a stupid aphid. I hate buying nursery stuff and a month later it's covered in aphids. Bought a gernaium a few years ago and it was covered in spider mites. Now I just plant things myself.
The non-native ones are more orangeish or brown while the native ladybugs are red. And the non-native ones have varying amounts of spots. Some are solid orange or brown with no spots at all.

They exude a foul smelling liquid that stains walls and causes allergic reactions in many people.

The ones that were purposely introduced by the U.S. Department of Agriculture were in Pennsylvania where most did not survive the winter. The invasive ones in this part of the country spread from New Orleans, probably coming in on an Asian cargo ship.

Maybe this "global warming" we are having will freeze the suckers. :D
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The non-native ones are more orangeish or brown while the native ladybugs are red. And the non-native ones have varying amounts of spots. Some are solid orange or brown with no spots at all.

They exude a foul smelling liquid that stains walls and causes allergic reactions in many people.

The ones that were purposely introduced by the U.S. Department of Agriculture were in Pennsylvania where most did not survive the winter. The invasive ones in this part of the country spread from New Orleans, probably coming in on an Asian cargo ship.

Maybe this "global warming" we are having will freeze the suckers. :D
Yeah plus the ones I remember as a kid in Maine had all black heads these ones have white on their heads. So far they seem to ba able to survive the NC winters. However many try to get inside the house, and other ones find cracks to stay in. We had some nice porch posts given to us and my husband banged one, when he pulled the piece of wood off last winter he found millions of the lady bugs in there. Even my chickens wont eat them. I never knew the porch posts were hollow and when I found that out we decided to burn them. Lady bugs and all. All 5 of them were loaded with lady bugs. I hate going outside in the fall and getting covered in the things.

The issue that I have with the lady bugs is they are not doing the job of getting rid of the aphids. Instead I have lost tons of plants to aphids. Even a few bushes, yet the lady bugs are busy doing God only knows what. Sure isn't in my yard in spring and summer, but come fall they all land here wanting in.

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