WW3 And Preppers preparations

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Robert Stewart

Awesome Friend
Jun 3, 2014
Kalangadoo,South Australia, Australia
G'day fellow preppers its been a break in between drinks as i've been flat out busy just recently i've stepped back and noticed that were almost on the brink of WW3 given what has happened lately and troops from Australia and America being deployed back to Iraq to fight ISIS and now Indonesia is starting to amp up their military inventory for a possible attack on Australia in the near future

Adding that this year is 100th Anniversary of when the Anzacs landed at Gallipoli in WW1 something is bound to go down one way or another

Thought i might gauge the responses of fellow preppers and how they are prepping for WW3 if and when it breaks out

As for me well if the war does reach Australian soil like it did in ww2 when our now close allie Japan bombed darwin in 1942 i'll be asking to be issued with Aussie Army camo gear and a .303 rifle along with deployment to the Territory as that will be the main entry point should we be invaded as Darwin is infact Gateway to Asia
Indonesia and much of Asia are becoming a concern for many . Islam seems to be taking over that part of the World .
We have a new Cold War going with Russia .
One could say we are in WW3 and have been for some time .
I think the plane that disapeared was headed to Austrlia to be flown into a building like 9 11 but the towl heads did'nt realize they did not have fule to make it there .
we are on the threshold of something very big and nasty,my neighbor in east is starting his push towards west,have been doing so for a while,just waiting for the shooting games to begin.
I think it's begun, but by and large I think the previous prepping pattern continues. Almost all things call for the same preps. You need clean air, water, food, shelter, and arms, ammunition, and defense. The only thing that really changes in my opinion, is deciding on what is a less-likely target for the evil doers of the world. Other than that, prepping for WW3 is virtually the same as prepping for a hurricane is the same as prepping for an earthquake is the same as prepping for a flood.... It's all very similar.
I think it's begun, but by and large I think the previous prepping pattern continues. Almost all things call for the same preps. You need clean air, water, food, shelter, and arms, ammunition, and defense. The only thing that really changes in my opinion, is deciding on what is a less-likely target for the evil doers of the world. Other than that, prepping for WW3 is virtually the same as prepping for a hurricane is the same as prepping for an earthquake is the same as prepping for a flood.... It's all very similar.
I agree, whatever type of disaster or emergency, your basics of prepping are the same. One thing that could change would be your location. Face it, living in the country is safer in almost all cases. Mayby not if your near missile silos or NORAD, but being away from large crowds and having natural resources to help sustain you is a big one. I'm kind of at the point in life that I'm not too worried about anything. I enjoy all the prepping activities I do, and hope they will help sustain me through any scenario that may come. The world can be a pretty nasty place, and your situation could be changed in an instant, so being prepared to be mobile could save your life. We all read and see in the news of stories of war and entire towns being overrun by one group or another. Faced with an invading army or mob, running is probably the only option to stay alive. So far here in the states we have been pretty fortunate to not have any major conflict or disasters. Sure, we've had a few storms, but compared to lots of places we've enjoyed a time of prosperity and peace for quite a while. I do believe that all will change in the coming years. Our economy is being stretched to the breaking point, and religious differences in the world are getting more and more volatile. I have planted roots here, and have built a comfortable home to live in and built a pretty sustaining life here. I am smart enough to realize that this place is only a piece of ground, and if forced to, leaving alive is better than dying for it. I guess the moral here is to check out your bugout bag occasionally, and update things in it. You never know when it may come to truly relying on it to keep you alive.
Referring back to what i posted at the start of the thread when you look at it Australias now close allie Japan was power hungry mad back in ww2 and flexed its muscles much like China and Indonesia are preparing to do they did this by invading SE Asia and West PNG and also bombing Australia too given Darwins strategic position in terms of defence and fuel storage as like in 1940's its a sitting duck for another air invasion

As a rural prepper i wont be bugging out if SHTF i'll be joining in the defence of Australia as someone has to do it and show our enemies that were not door mats
Logistically, it's pretty difficult to actually invade the US. However, any WW3 preps really wouldn't be too much different than general preps....

1) Have replenishable water (well, rain collection)
2) Have replenishable food (garden, livestock)
3) Have stores of both
4) Guns and ammo
5) Means to go back to pre-power ways of doing things.

The only other additional preps are more nuclear attack-related. We're far enough away from targets or nuke plants to worry too much about direct fallout, etc. (especially since most modern weapons are airburst), but really big nukes on a nearby target could have at least some minor effects. It's in the plan still, but plan is to get some full bio protection suits, respirators, and of course, radiation detection equipment, testing equipment, etc. (need to know if soil is bad, etc.). Most nuke preps are also good preps vs. a Pandemic.
I think most don't get the logistical challenge of an invasion of the US. In other nations, power is largely centralized amongst a minor number of key cities. That isn't to say they don't have all over control, just that in an invasion, you take these few key places, and you're successful.

In the US on the other hand, each state has numerous bases, state government, state law enforcement, etc., so this is a much more challenging prospect, and you'd be ousted from any toehold. Like trying to cut the heads off a Hydra. Adding to this, you'd have to get a large force often 1000's of miles, to the target, without being destroyed enroute. Then, you're pretty much on your own for supplies, etc. Our geography has always been one of our greatest defenses.
An invading force would have to demobilize an defensive force, as an example, here is a comparisons on established infrastructures to bring a defensive force into battle ready anywhere within the country. As you can see to invade the US would be a total quagmire for an invading force, not to mention that Canada would have to be incapacitated, both Canada and the US would have to be attacked simultaneously. Even if russia and china joined forces naval and air power doesn't come close to the US naval and air power comparison below just on active air power not counting air power from our naval forces, china and russia won't leave there country open by bringing all their air power to the states, both russia and china have a far greater border to defend so air power for there home defense is going to be paramount, no, both russia and china aren't going to weaken their own security to invade the US plus both countries know, an attack on the US and or Canada is an attack on NATO and both know they don't have friends on their own border. The only military damage either country can put upon the US is a nuclear strike period!

Air Power
Fighters/Interceptors: 64
Fixed-Wing Attack Aircraft: 64

Fighters/Interceptors: 2,207
Fixed-Wing Attack Aircraft: 2,797

Fighters/Interceptors: 769
Fixed-Wing Attack Aircraft: 1,305

Fighters/Interceptors: 1,066
Fixed-Wing Attack Aircraft: 1,311

Square Land Area: 17,098,242 km
Coastline: 37,653 km
Shared Border: 22,407 km
Waterways: 102,000 km
Major Ports and Terminals: 7
Roadway Coverage: 982,000
Railway Coverage: 87,157
Serviceable Airports: 1,218

Square Land Area: 9,596,961 km
Coastline: 14,500 km
Shared Border: 22,457 km
Waterways: 110,000 km
Major Ports and Terminals: 15
Roadway Coverage: 3,860,800
Railway Coverage: 86,000
Serviceable Airports: 507

Square Land Area: 9,826,675 km
Coastline: 19,924 km
Shared Border: 12,048 km
Waterways: 41,009 km
Major Ports and Terminals: 24
Roadway Coverage: 6,586,610
Railway Coverage: 224,792
Serviceable Airports: 13,513
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An invading force would have to demobilize an defensive force, as an example, here is a comparisons on established infrastructures to bring a defensive force into battle ready anywhere within the country. As you can see to invade the US would be a total quagmire for an invading force, not to mention that Canada would have to be incapacitated, both Canada and the US would have to be attacked simultaneously. Even if russia and china joined forces naval and air power doesn't come close to the US naval and air power comparison below just on active air power not counting air power from our naval forces, china and russia won't leave there country open by bringing all their air power to the states, both russia and china have a far greater border to defend so air power for there home defense is going to be paramount, no, both russia and china aren't going to weaken their own security to invade the US plus both countries know, an attack on the US and or Canada is an attack on NATO and both know they don't anyhave friends on their own border. The only military damage either country can put upon the US is a nuclear strike period!

Air Power
Fighters/Interceptors: 64
Fixed-Wing Attack Aircraft: 64

Fighters/Interceptors: 2,207
Fixed-Wing Attack Aircraft: 2,797

Fighters/Interceptors: 769
Fixed-Wing Attack Aircraft: 1,305

Fighters/Interceptors: 1,066
Fixed-Wing Attack Aircraft: 1,311

Square Land Area: 17,098,242 km
Coastline: 37,653 km
Shared Border: 22,407 km
Waterways: 102,000 km
Major Ports and Terminals: 7
Roadway Coverage: 982,000
Railway Coverage: 87,157
Serviceable Airports: 1,218

Square Land Area: 9,596,961 km
Coastline: 14,500 km
Shared Border: 22,457 km
Waterways: 110,000 km
Major Ports and Terminals: 15
Roadway Coverage: 3,860,800
Railway Coverage: 86,000
Serviceable Airports: 507

Square Land Area: 9,826,675 km
Coastline: 19,924 km
Shared Border: 12,048 km
Waterways: 41,009 km
Major Ports and Terminals: 24
Roadway Coverage: 6,586,610
Railway Coverage: 224,792
Serviceable Airports: 13,513
Any attack directly against the U.S. military would be suicide for the attacker. It's kind of the same scenario that Rome had long ago. Their military was the strongest thing going on at the time, no one could beat in a direct fight. Rome did fall though, but it was from small attacks here and there, and they eventually spent so much trying to maintain security all over that they bankrupted themselves. See any similarities?
So yes, I do see similarities, being spread to thin, maintaining the vast infrastructure, budget restraints and in-fighting amongst the power brokers
It seems like we would learn from the past, but I guess that's not human nature. When I was young I wanted to be involved and make the world a better place. Now I am content to just make my little part of it as peaceful and nice a place as I can. I'm not saying that's a good or bad thing, I just don't have the energy to fight all the corruption and greed now. I hope the younger generation has the moral character to keep trying to make the world safer, as there will always be those that want to grab as much power as they can.
What was it they said at the beginning of The Civil War . All the armys of Europe could not by force take a drink from the Ohio River but we can destroy our selfs from within .
It seems like we would learn from the past, but I guess that's not human nature. When I was young I wanted to be involved and make the world a better place. Now I am content to just make my little part of it as peaceful and nice a place as I can. I'm not saying that's a good or bad thing, I just don't have the energy to fight all the corruption and greed now. I hope the younger generation has the moral character to keep trying to make the world safer, as there will always be those that want to grab as much power as they can.
Likewise, I still get mad when I see the BS in the world, and the total corruption, self interest, greed, you name it. If I could press a button and make it go away I would.

But then I think f*ck it, I've had a good life and am still having a good life, I'm happy making my little corner of the world a safe and enjoyable place to be. And if the world can keep it's **** together for another 20 years "waddoicare".

OTOH my generation never had a "cause" I think, I'm grateful for that but just maybe I have enough fight left in me to sign up for one. It would have to be pretty immediate and a "clear and present danger", like an invasion as mooted by Robert in the OP.
Likewise, I still get mad when I see the BS in the world, and the total corruption, self interest, greed, you name it. If I could press a button and make it go away I would.

But then I think f*ck it, I've had a good life and am still having a good life, I'm happy making my little corner of the world a safe and enjoyable place to be. And if the world can keep it's **** together for another 20 years "waddoicare".

OTOH my generation never had a "cause" I think, I'm grateful for that but just maybe I have enough fight left in me to sign up for one. It would have to be pretty immediate and a "clear and present danger", like an invasion as mooted by Robert in the OP.
I'm not sure there's any cause our govt. Could get me to rally for them. I honestly think the last war we really should have done was ww11. Liberating kewait was mayby worth doing, but I think a lot of young men died and were maimed for nothing from Korea, Vietnam,Iraq and Afghanistan. Each of the countries are worse than they were when we we leave. I do think isis needs to be stopped, and considering we pretty much created them I guess we are going to have to have a hand in it. I will help protect my community, but at this point in my life, going overseas to fight some politicians idealistic war ain't going to happen.
Don't kid yourself, that war was never about liberating Kuwait. It was all about getting Saddam out of power, due to the threat he posed in his push to get rid of the petro-dollar. This goal, is basically the endgame behind all of our military actions after the Cold War. Whether Syria, Afghanistan, etc.
Don't kid yourself, that war was never about liberating Kuwait. It was all about getting Saddam out of power, due to the threat he posed in his push to get rid of the petro-dollar. This goal, is basically the endgame behind all of our military actions after the Cold War. Whether Syria, Afghanistan, etc.

Though saddam selling oil using the euro wouldn't have any affects on the US dominance of the petro dollar or as the world reserve currency, more then just the petro dollar was at play, countries have been selling oil at other denomination other then the USD since the 50s without any affects to the USD standing, another point, the US hasn't depended on middle eastern oil since early or middle 70s, most of the oil we purchase has been and continues to be Canada, South America and parts of Africa but most come from Canada, most middle eastern oil goes to Europe, persian gulf and mexico both at 8% supply to the US mexico can supply up to 16% if need be, making up the loss, 40% of middle eastern oil goes to Europe 59% goes to Japan, our intervention helped Europe and Japan, not the US, the geo-politics at play is protecting our allies that help protect us by keeping the flow of oil to our friends freely, it has more to do then the petro-dollar ;)
I mean more in keeping the dollar as the world reserve currency. My term use could have been more specific.... ;)
Don't kid yourself, that war was never about liberating Kuwait. It was all about getting Saddam out of power, due to the threat he posed in his push to get rid of the petro-dollar. This goal, is basically the endgame behind all of our military actions after the Cold War. Whether Syria, Afghanistan, etc.
There are always more things going on behind the scenes. Considering how disfunctional our govt is at most things, I sure hope they have a game plan with all that's going on over there.
Ha! Remember why the rich slave owning land owners wanted to be free of British rule- "Taxation without Representation" they called it. Well, look at what we have now "with representation" Remember who really built this country- the poor men and women who bent and toiled and labored, not the names we learned in history books.
I sure hope they have a game plan with all that's going on over there.

Bad as it sounds, personally, I think that ISIS is the best thing to ever happen for our power brokers in DC... Keeps our enemies awake at night thinking they could lose power without the big bad Satanic USA in the area keeping ISIS in check.

Make no mistake, we could wipe out ISIS in a heartbeat, but frankly, I'm sure our leaders realize that to serve our own interests, it's better to keep them there as a threat to keep the others in line and playing ball with our own interests (preventing Russian natural gas pipelines, etc.). I would hope the leaders in ISIS are smart enough to realize this too, and avoid actions that would further require more direct US action. Tick off the American public too much, and the leaders will have no choice but to slam down the fist.

Don't get me wrong, personally, I still say wipe 'em out....but right now, I think to our leaders, they are serving a purpose they are still being used for.
As far as ISIS is concerned, I am at a crossroads. On one hand, who are we as Americans that we should judge other groups, have we not learned from our experience with the American Indian? On the other hand, since we are the only single nation capable of policing this menace, do we not have the moral imperative to do what is right? Is congress upset that Iran is offering aid to Iraq? Maybe we should let this play out and see what happens. Enough American lives have been destroyed physically and emotionally in that part of the world. I know, I've seen it first hand. Do we tear more of our families apart for them? My prayers go out to the average citizen over there who just wants what we all want. Some so called freedom, a meal and the comfort of family.
As far as ISIS is concerned, I am at a crossroads. On one hand, who are we as Americans that we should judge other groups, have we not learned from our experience with the American Indian? On the other hand, since we are the only single nation capable of policing this menace, do we not have the moral imperative to do what is right? Is congress upset that Iran is offering aid to Iraq? Maybe we should let this play out and see what happens. Enough American lives have been destroyed physically and emotionally in that part of the world. I know, I've seen it first hand. Do we tear more of our families apart for them? My prayers go out to the average citizen over there who just wants what we all want. Some so called freedom, a meal and the comfort of family.
It is a hard situation. If their not stopped the cockroaches will be all over the globe causing destruction. I do think that other countries need to be involved more though. I don't think we can afford to be the world police alone anymore. I've always felt for the average person over their. Like you said, most just want some peace and safety for their family just like we do.
Oil and money have created the viper pits of the middle east/africa, the developed nations have become to reliant on the middle east creating the quid pro quo, now that we removed the snake handlers sadam, gaddafi and possibly bashar, throwing morsi under the bus and now egypt friends with iran giving iran more of an opportunity to push it's influence, iran has always been the trouble maker since 79' and now we have given them what they have sought, we have removed the check and balances from this region opening up the viper pits that is far more dangerous then what we have had to deal with in the past. Since when has anyone ever tamed a viper and never been bit? Today they are spewing onto our streets.
Its not like we can isolate from the islamic terrorist , they are growing in our cities and prison's now . As far as isis would I tell a Christian from Iraq or Sirya that Im your Christian Brother I know they buried your young Children alive , I know they crusafied your oldest son for others to see , I know they took your Daughters as Wives for thier army , I know they made your Wife a slave , I know what a terrible life your Wife and Daughters are living now , I know they destroy'ed the centuries old Church you attended and your ancestors were part of the original Apostals Church . But We must avoid War . With Brothers like that they don't need eneny's Waite till they are bombing and shooting our families in shopping malls here .
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A coalition of 8 countries including pakistan and jordon headed by saudi arabia and egypt, the saudi/egyptian coalition is gearing to go in to yemen, the saudis are all ready bombing the shiites in yemen, saudis have just mobilized 150,000 troops to go into yemen and now we have a proxy war between the saudis and iran, the entire middle east is about to blow into a full blown shiites and sunnis war....
Thought i might gauge the responses of fellow preppers and how they are prepping for WW3 if and when it breaks out
I might be "out" of the military now, but they own me via the retired reserve for several more years. if something *big* happened on a national scale, I'm willing to bet that old guys like me would find themselves pressed back into service in some form, even if we are too far along to be deployed again. In WW2 they were using old war vets to guard vital US installations as I recall.
Other than that, if something *big* were to happen, your response would depend on what the tipping point event was that led to the current situation. I don't foresee a physical attack on US mainland soil, but I wouldn't put it past someone like North Koreas leader I Am Fat to detonate a dirty bomb or try to knock out our grids with EMP. You could find yourself completely unscathed or a refugee. All you can do is prepare for a bad day and hope that events do not prove your preparations to be inadequate
I might be "out" of the military now, but they own me via the retired reserve for several more years. if something *big* happened on a national scale, I'm willing to bet that old guys like me would find themselves pressed back into service in some form, even if we are too far along to be deployed again. In WW2 they were using old war vets to guard vital US installations as I recall.
Other than that, if something *big* were to happen, your response would depend on what the tipping point event was that led to the current situation. I don't foresee a physical attack on US mainland soil, but I wouldn't put it past someone like North Koreas leader I Am Fat to detonate a dirty bomb or try to knock out our grids with EMP. You could find yourself completely unscathed or a refugee. All you can do is prepare for a bad day and hope that events do not prove your preparations to be inadequate
I have no illusions that if the government decided to, all veterans, and civilians for that matter are subject to duty. My main concern is how bad would it have to be for them to call back 50+ years olds. I think it was Einstein that said "I'm not sure what weapons WW111 will be fought with, but WW1v will be fought with sticks and stones." We have too many nukes in the world, it's only a matter of time before they are used again. Humans, we think we are the smartest species.....
By the way, happy Memorial Day.