WW3 And Preppers preparations

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I have no illusions that if the government decided to, all veterans, and civilians for that matter are subject to duty. My main concern is how bad would it have to be for them to call back 50+ years olds. I think it was Einstein that said "I'm not sure what weapons WW111 will be fought with, but WW1v will be fought with sticks and stones." We have too many nukes in the world, it's only a matter of time before they are used again. Humans, we think we are the smartest species.....
By the way, happy Memorial Day.
If you recall there were stories in the media that the military was so short on some specialties in Afghanistan and Iraq there were recalled pilots whose rated aircraft weren't even flying anymore.
I would say if they were recalling guys out of the retired reserves as a practice that its gotten pretty bad at that point.
As to the decision to use nukes...hopefully if they were used on us I would hope our remaining leadership wouldn't waffle on a proper level of retaliation.
My concern there is that Obama is NOT an adequate leader and that he is placing the nation in harms way through the decisions he is making about our own nuclear arsenal and how he deals with other nuclear capable nations
And thanks about the holiday
Google on the BMDS, it might put your mind at ease somewhat. Granted, nothing is perfect, but it is pretty frickin' amazing. And that's just with what they are actually telling us. I have it on decent authority there is at least two additional major components that are not in the public narrative...namely ground-based and space-based HELs. (though the space-based ones are closing in on their projected service life, and don't have some of the advances of the more recent ones).
Google on the BMDS, it might put your mind at ease somewhat. Granted, nothing is perfect, but it is pretty frickin' amazing. And that's just with what they are actually telling us. I have it on decent authority there is at least two additional major components that are not in the public narrative...namely ground-based and space-based HELs. (though the space-based ones are closing in on their projected service life, and don't have some of the advances of the more recent ones).

My understanding with the advancement of the railgun (sea trials now) it will be incorporated into the BMDS in 5 years.
In the First Gulf War, it looked like the Army literally pulled some from the old folks home and VA retirement villa. I had one Colonel, a surgeon, who was already capped beyond his inactive reserve commitment pulled back to practice medicine state-side. He was one of the last to be deactivated after all the active duty components had completed their leave time. In our office alone, one of my airman who was not world wide qualified to deploy because he was recovering from a torn ACL and knee replacement, stated that our office was at one time in November 1990, filled at 400 percent of the manning standards with senior officers and noncoms. It was so sad, that he was trying to comply with every directive, which often was countermanded by another officer or NCO. Poor guy was a nervous wreck before we got back and only did one hitch because of this crappy experience.

So while I have been off inactive reserve for about a year and half now, I don't place any belief that they can't just yank my butt back in. They have my address and telephone number. One of my former troops told me that he would immediately find a way to get me back if the SHTF. I told him to lose my number, because I'd disappear off the scope. Either way, they screw with my retirement pay, then I guess I'd have to show up.
My understanding with the advancement of the railgun (sea trials now) it will be incorporated into the BMDS in 5 years.

Which means we've likely been using it for 10....

I mean, they had a pretty good bead on that tech for a long time. The recent Navy test, I think the projectile went like Mach 7. The trick has always been the gun survival after a few shots. But, for a BMDS situation, that may not even be a factor, as it's a "just in case" kind of thing.

The replacement for the Burke component of the BMDS is already sporting THELs (Tactical High Energy Lasers). Then there are the Boeing mounted ones as well. Doesn't even consider the rumored THEL semi trucks. Kind of the perfect incognito solution.
That kind of lead into the X-51, it's replacement. But even that was more of a test bed vehicle for the engines. Supposedly, the tech will be used in next gen high speed strike weapons, but we'll see. I personally see it being used more for unmanned spy missions.