The ones I don't have packed:
Total survival - how to organize your life, etc. - James Jones
handbook to practical disaster preparedness - Arthur Bradley
Preppers instruction manual - Arthur Bradley
disaster preparedness for emp attacks and solar storms -Bradley
The weekend homesteader (I like this one as it tells you stuff to do month by month and you can even do it on a small bit of land) - Anna Hess
Food and Fire - Marcus Bawdon
Home made flour cookbook - Alderson
Home cheesemaking - Carroll
Homemade pasta made simple - Zangara
The home creamery - Kathy Farrell-Kingsley
The vegetable gardners bible - Edward Smith
Big book of homemade products for your skin, health, and home - Jan Berry
Weck small batch preserving (also has info on fermentation) - stephanie Thurow
For fun-
winter cocktails - Maria del sacasa
Most of my canning books and other gardening books are packed away already.
We have all our medical books from school - procedures for primary care physicians. (This would be a good one - very comprehensive - its my hubbys)
Advanced trauma life support
Advanced cardiac life support