Zombie Alert!!!

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You guys poke fun at zombies, but have you heard of a drug called flakka?

People under the influence of flakka (or bath salts) are extremely violent, and known to cannibalize people. It sometimes takes five people and multiple taser hits to subdue them.

I worked in a Florida hospital at ground zero (West Palm Beach) of the flakka epidemic.

Remember the rap star Big Lurch?

He (while using PCP) ate parts of his live-in girlfriend while she was still alive.

There are rumors that he used hot sauce.

Supposedly, when asked why he ate his girlfriend with hot sauce, he said:

"...because I didn't have no ketchup..."

He's currently serving life in prison without possibility of parole.

Look it up if you don't believe me.

YUP in the uk these bath salts and plant fertilisers were often sold as LEGAL HIGHS , as I understands it they would be made to one formula then sold to the terminally stupid aka teens and students. The government would then criminalise that formula so the druggies would change the formula slightly thus again making it legal, and so it went on. Evolution at work the terminally stupid just keep killing themselves.
I always had problems with the zombie thing in prepping.

Hornady actually had "Zombie Max" ammo, which I thought was awful for several reasons.

1) In any self-defense shooting, the prosecution will examine every aspect of the shooting, including the ammo. If you're using Zombie Max ammo, they will argue that you're a crazy nut-job who's paranoid and doesn't live in the real world.

2) Such things portray the prepping world as a society of nut-jobs when we often struggle for legitimacy, and things like this detract from the seriousness of our views.

3) In my mind, the prepping world needs to recruit reasonable, intelligent, level-headed people, and products like Zombie Max ammo can push people who are on the fence away from our views.

4) If the prepping world has a reputation for being unstable paranoiacs, then police, politicians, the religious community, and so on may distance themselves.

5) I might have problems participating in shooting sports with people who are worried about a zombie apocalypse. I try not to go shooting with people whom I suspect are crazy and/or mentally unstable.

And so on. See below:

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I always had problems with the zombie thing in prepping.

Hornady actually had "Zombie Max" ammo, which I thought was awful for several reasons.

1) In any self-defense shooting, the prosecution will examine every aspect of the shooting, including the ammo. If you're using Zombie Max ammo, they will argue that you're a crazy nut-job who's paranoid and doesn't live in the real world.

2) Such things portray the prepping world as a society of nut-jobs when we often struggle for legitimacy, and things like this detract from the seriousness of our views.

3) In my mind, the prepping world needs to recruit reasonable, intelligent, level-headed people, and products like Zombie Max ammo can push people who are on the fence away from our views.

4) If the prepping world has a reputation for being unstable paranoiacs, then police, politicians, the religious community, and so on may distance themselves.

5) I might have problems participating in shooting sports with people who are worried about a zombie apocalypse. I try not to go shooting with people whom I suspect are crazy and/or mentally unstable.

And so on. See below:

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I’ve just always looked at it as funny. As they say if you’re prepared for zombies then you can handle anything! I do agree it makes preppers seem kind of looney but hey, being able to laugh at yourself is a good thing....