New territory with cat's health

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Dec 20, 2017
Taking kitty to vet tomorrow, if they can get us in. She didn't move much today, not normal at all. Didn't eat or drink much. Pretty sure it has something to do with feline diabetes though she wasn't officially diagnosed yet. That is a different story and belongs in the rant section but I digress.
Anyone with any experience about cats and insulin/diabetes, please let me know your cat's story.
Taking kitty to vet tomorrow, if they can get us in. She didn't move much today, not normal at all. Didn't eat or drink much. Pretty sure it has something to do with feline diabetes though she wasn't officially diagnosed yet. That is a different story and belongs in the rant section but I digress.
Anyone with any experience about cats and insulin/diabetes, please let me know your cat's story.
I had a cat with diabetes. He was 10 years old when he was diagnosed and lived to be 17.

I gave him 2 insulin shots a day. He would come out and tell me it was time and he never fought me about getting the shot. The insulin was a little expensive, but he was a great cat - an easy going Maine Coon kitty.

At one point he started being wobbly and couldn't stand up or walk and he looked like he didn't recognize us. I put some Karo syrup into his mouth and rubbed it around and then rushed him to the vet. By the time the vet saw him he was fine. Vet said "classic diabetes". I had Karo ready but never needed it again.

Bob with his lion cut:

Scooter was diabetic. He got two shots a day also and was really good at taking his shots.

For insulin, we got ours at walmart. Tell them its for your cat, saves you a bunch of money. It's been a couple years since he passed, at that time the insulin was 25 bucks a vial.
My senior cat (22 yrs) started acting like that a few years ago. Vet diagnosed hypothyroid and put him on thyroid meds. He gets 1/2 a pill twice a day and lives a happy, healthy life now. He looks forward to "his pill", I give it to him in a pill pocket and to him it is a treat. It has given him 3 years so far and I thought he was dying when we took him to the vet.

He eats well and drinks plenty of water. He is alert, loving and a great companion.

I love our vet for taking such good care of him.
Great, everyone. Thank you for your stories. They will go this morning. I’m still feeling bad so sitting this one out. It’s a good vet, there are at least three others between here and there but we go where we feel it is best.
I started taking care of an outdoor cat that wandered up to our house when we lived in town. He was a huge cat. We had dental work done in him and he had ear infections we were treating. He drank a LOT of water. He was diagnosed with diabetes and we started giving him insulin shots. Just about a week into it, we found him laying in the garage under some things we stored there. I thought he was dead. I started to pull him out of where he was hidden and he moved. Hubby grabbed him up and I rubbed some Kari syrup around in his mouth. Hubby rushed him to the vet (I was still in my pajamas) and I thought the cat would be okay by the time they got to the vet. The cat’s body temp was low and he was still very sluggish. It turns out he had kidney damage from being an untreated diabetic for so long. We had him put to sleep. We tried to give this cat a good life.
Here's the amazing part: her bloodwork was fine. No borderline anything. No constipation, they examined her and didn't feel any signs of constipation. Had mentioned doing an xray but I guess decided against it. They are giving her fluids. "Probably just an upset tummy."
Here's the amazing part: her bloodwork was fine. No borderline anything. No constipation, they examined her and didn't feel any signs of constipation. Had mentioned doing an xray but I guess decided against it. They are giving her fluids. "Probably just an upset tummy."
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Hope she gets better.
...Maybe she just accidentally watched a Biden video on TV :rolleyes:.
Hope she gets better.
...Maybe she just accidentally watched a Biden video on TV :rolleyes:.
she's been around long enough, she knows better!
Bloodwork they're saying the glucose was high, okay, but not high enough?
And her kidney function was high. I guess that is to be expected with age. She's walking around like cats do, you know... "Wow, why'd you let them take me there? I threw up twice. I'm hungry."
Honestly, I thought she was dying yesterday. She has started picking on the dog again already, so yay, I guess she's feeling better.
Isn't that just like an animal? We had a dog when the kids were young. He was leaping at the fence barking at the dogs next door and he landed wrong and hurt his leg. He limped to the house and wouldn't get up. The next day we took him to the vet and suddenly he was fine. No limping or anything. The vet couldn't find anything wrong with his leg.

We took him home and he spent 3 or more days lying on the floor while we fed him right there. He seemed to be in a lot of pain. But at the vet........nope........that leg was fine.

Spoiled is what I think he was. I'm not saying that about your cat but I'm sure of it regarding the dog. We all adored him of course.
I had a horse that'd pull that crap. Had just bought this barrel racer from a lady who begged me, desperate for money. Didn't need another horse, guess i'm a sucker for a sob story. Anyway, took him for a ride, got about half mile from home when he came up lame. Checked the hoof, didn't see anything but oh well. Started leading him back home. We didn't get 50yrds til there was a "miracle", no more limp. 🤬

He'd pull that crap every time i got on him! He was the goofiest horse i ever owned. 🤣 Always up to something, always making me laugh!
Kitty is laying on my bed, she’s not doing anything. She ate a little bit this morning. Drank some. I’ve never seen her like this as she has been the past couple of days. I was able to shoot some olive oil into her mouth, she didn’t really fight me on it.
Put a call into the veterinarian office. Kids will have to deal with it tomorrow.
Finally her age is catching up to her, I feel the same. She’s been a fairly healthy putter-tat.
Kitty is laying on my bed, she’s not doing anything. She ate a little bit this morning. Drank some. I’ve never seen her like this as she has been the past couple of days. I was able to shoot some olive oil into her mouth, she didn’t really fight me on it.
Put a call into the veterinarian office. Kids will have to deal with it tomorrow.
Finally her age is catching up to her, I feel the same. She’s been a fairly healthy putter-tat.
Sadly, it might just be her age.

I have only one kitty right now and she is 16 years old. I think her hearing isn't that good these days since she is no longer afraid of thunder. She still scampers around every so often and she is eating and drinking well (she has a fountain-type water bowl). I watch her closely and expect there will be decline. She can still jump up onto my lap. She sleeps a lot but for an old girl she is pretty spry.

I hope your kitty has many more healthy years ahead of her.
Thank you, @Senedra
They thought everything seemed fine with her yesterday. She doesn’t act like an older cat, can jump up the nearly 3 feet to my bed although I try to keep a chair near so it’s not a struggle.
She’s such a fluff.
She might just be feeling under the weather a bit. All my cats have done that at one time or another. The vet checked for the obvious things and you gave her oil for the not so obvious. I expect she will be fine soon.

We love our floofs.
Go get some mineral oil at Walmart and a small syringe, kitty is constipated! Slowly squirt a little in her mouth, one diabetic size syringe, then another 8 hours later!🙄
I've been using olive oil and was able to get her to drink a little water. She came out, used the litter box, went to the food dish, ate some, then went back to bed. I swear she's copying me. No she's not.
Darn vet's office didn't call back.
Home for lunch and she’s definitely active. She’s been eating and evidence in litter box. We’ll give her some pumpkin later on. Gave her tuna and the liquid for lunch.
Thank you for getting us through that. I also wondered about the thyroid and will ask the vet, @freelove
Back to where she was just about…she didn’t talk to me under the door this morning while I was getting ready for work, she didn’t justle down the hall to say hi, she didn’t come to the kitchen for breakfast. Hasn’t eaten.
Laid on my bed or daughter’s most of the day.
This evening I got her to eat a very little bit of chicken livers smushed up. She seems alert enough. Litter box evidence. Last night she was lively enough to pick on the doge.

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