How Long until Christmas?

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Yes, today is the day that I will never go out on the road.
People are always amazed that yes, there are that many last-minute shoppers! :oops:.
Tomorrow, on the other hand, all the stores will be closed, and everybody will be gathering around their dining room table:thumbs:.
That will be the day we will hit the road to travel to Pigeon Forge to spend 4 days with 'the kids'. (long drive from here)
*Notice: If I am missing for a while, I did NOT have a stroke!!! gaah
PM on the way
It's about 3:20PM on Christmas Eve. It's about time for my wife's uncle, were he still with us, to start his shopping. Every year, he'd drag my MIL along to find gifts for his wife with literally minutes to spare. He never disappointed her and he always spent way too much. 🤪
I worked part time at Macy's when I was a young adult. There are announcements that everyone in the store can hear. One year, Christmas Eve, it was close to closing. The announcements had been coming. At the prescribed time, we were all told to shut down our registers unless we were in the middle of a transaction. I did, and then started to head to the office to turn everything in. Here comes a woman who had waited until the last moment to shop. She wanted me to check her out. Where was she when we were told to close out our registers? I don't know. When I told her we were closed, she lost her mind. She yelled at me and accused me of not checking her out when there was time. Nope, she was trying to convince me to re-open my register and check her out. It was impossible. I saw her down in the office complaining that the clerk refused to check her out. I did refuse to check her out, after we were told to close and I had closed out the register. Too bad, so sad.
Thank Goodness thats over for another year.
roll on the spring.
I like the "down time" of the winter months. Didn't get a break last year due to a roof blowing off the summer kitchen then replacing of said roof. By March/April, when it was time to start seeds, I was beat and lack-luster. I'm a good ol' bear - need to hibernate 😊
I like the "down time" of the winter months. Didn't get a break last year due to a roof blowing off the summer kitchen then replacing of said roof. By March/April, when it was time to start seeds, I was beat and lack-luster. I'm a good ol' bear - need to hibernate 😊
I so agree with you. I have had such a busy year! When one of my clients told me that she had this week off of work, and almost all the others did as well, it was such a relief! I am housesitting in a house with a puppy and a cat, but this is nothing like having 7 appointments in one day, days and days in a row.
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I so agree with you. I have had such a busy year! When one of my clients she had this week off of work, and almost all the others did as well, it was such a relief! I am housesitting in a house with a puppy and a cat, but this is nothing like having 7 appointments in one day, days and days in a row.
7 a day is a lot!
i started buyinga gifts for my grankids just in case we get nuked or aliens take over before Christmas. the way things are going you never know.
There are people who shop year round for Christmas gifts. One of my clients does. When I was exchanging gifts with the larger family, I Christmas shopped year round, always on the look out for what might be a decent gift for someone.

A friend told me that he and his family make up Amazon wish lists and it helps them to shop for each other.
There are people who shop year round for Christmas gifts. One of my clients does. When I was exchanging gifts with the larger family, I Christmas shopped year round, always on the look out for what might be a decent gift for someone.

A friend told me that he and his family make up Amazon wish lists and it helps them to shop for each other.
Not being Cheap but along thru the year Prices always Change ^ as CHRISTmas gets closer so they can lower just before the Sales... :merrychristmassanta::presents: