Are there any veterans on here? What advice do you give to prepare for a possible attack?

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I had something truly evil done to me by a woman who is in a top position of her church. She's the most evil person that I've ever encountered and is fooling a lot of people so I hold no pollyanish views of what people can
I have also known evil people that embedded themselves in a church .Yes some of the worst do such things as I suppose it is a phycological thing and it also makes preying on victims easier , especially children . -- On another view on the thread topic - Of course just preparing for a land invasion and nothing else would likely be a big mistake . However that scenario is incorporated amongst the many possible scenarios in my prepping endeavors . Land invasion will never happen ! Well it is already happening . The invaders may not be wearing a uniform , but the military aged males are indeed flooding in and promptly getting weaponed up as , " Shanrose "pointed out . -- Interestingly I saw on another forum a member declaring a economic collapse was not happening " yet " as he wasn't at the point of barricading himself and his family in their home with their food , water , guns and amo for the final Alamo style battle . Yet of course we are now seeing food becoming unattainable for some " too expensive " losing their homes and becoming homeless . The point being some become so affixed on the scenario that they are expecting to happen , that when it happens in an unexpected form , they do not recognize it for what it is . ---- Shanrose - the only solution that I can presently phantom . if your mate is not on board with seeking out a remote piece of property to bug out to " even if that is a vacant " no structure " investment is to simply do as you are already doing ,prepare for bugging out , Another point , where I now reside I moved to with my wife and two children and began my survival location sleeping in a tent and washing dishes and bathing in a creek . Oh yea I also quite the best job that I ever had abadanoned the payed for house that I had built with my own hands " mostly " to begin over , " I had received the call from a higher being " . As it turned out " as my daughter later told me " That was the best move that I have ever done in my lifetime . I later had that abandoned house burnt to the ground , as my instincts are good and I foresaw a squatter problem occupying the abandoned house .
My service was 55 years ago, but some things have not changed.
We have the most powerful military in the world, no country will be able to invade us.

I foresee China using cyber attacks against us. They already have been doing so but our military has been able to stay one step ahead. For now.
The fear among those in the know seems to be that an enemy will do concentrated attacks on the computer controls of our nation wide electrical grid, causing it to fail.
That would possibly kill millions in the first week and bring the country to a halt.

God led my wife and I to a rural area 30 years ago. I'm glad that He did. We will survive.
Everything runs by computer now so an attack on that will likely cause major disruptions. We did get solar but my hubby hasn't installed it yet. We have many enemies within unfortunately. Evil is real and it's intensifying. Those of us with eyes to see know something is afoot.

I'm staying alert to when Zuckerberg's bunker is finished.

I'm glad that God led you and your wife to a rural area. I'm still trying to decide where to go and have been asking God to guide me.
The other link to read is the "Plan Do Check Act".

No plan survives first contact with the enemy, or with reality.

Above ALL ELSE, be prepared to Improvise, Adapt, Overcome.

Lori and I are moving to a "country/rural/not far from cities house. It's not for survival, but it meets her and my desires for retirement. She loves the house and floorplan, it meets all my wants. BIG cities are 30-40 miles, smaller ones are 10-15 miles. I can drive a golf ball to the Post office and Fire station.

You have to do what you like, and makes you comfortable.
Thank you! There's a lot of wisdom on here. I've been having an uncomfortable feeling that something is coming - I can't shake it. I feel like I'm on high alert. I've heard others feel that too. There is much wisdom when each person contributes their point of view.
Ok this is still being talked about. Here's why no country would want to invade the US or any like armed country. They know that if the others side see's that they can't win, there no reason NOT to use nukes. Once nukes start dropping the attacking country is in a no win situation. So if you want to attack a country it's logical to attack from within with the methods that I listed in my first post.

It looks good but our military is being destroyed from within - all by design:
It has to come from with in & we have been in that war for thirty years & are losing it.

8) Large CoastlineThe coastline of the USA is 5x than that of Africa.Part of this is because Africa has few inlets and large bays.The USA also has 3x more coastline than Europe.More coast also means controlling more ocean in your country’s exclusive economic zones.
Today's submarine force is the most capable force in the world and the history of U.S. Navy, comprising 53 fast attack submarines, 14 ballistic-missile submarines and four guided-missile submarines.

The United States Navy has 11 large nuclear-powered fleet carriers—carrying around 80 fighters each—the largest carriers in the world; the total combined deck space is over twice that of all other nations combined.

Where are US troops based in the US?

As of September 2023, the US had 2.63 million military personnel, including active-duty troops, reserve, and civilian workers stationed domestically.[1] Of these, 1.14 million (3,294) were active-duty troops across the 50 states and Washington, DC. Roughly 60% of these troops were in five states: California (161,052 troops), Virginia (127,020), Texas (110,582), North Carolina (90,841), and Florida (65,159).

Any outside fighters would not have a home to return to, because the USA would take the war to them while fighting them on US soil, yes we are that big. 47 stations world wide, so we would be in their neighborhood be for they finished their first attach on US soil.
Thank you! There's a lot of wisdom on here. I've been having an uncomfortable feeling that something is coming - I can't shake it. I feel like I'm on high alert. I've heard others feel that too. There is much wisdom when each person contributes their point of view.
Something IS coming.

Few will be prepared.
I have also known evil people that embedded themselves in a church .Yes some of the worst do such things as I suppose it is a phycological thing and it also makes preying on victims easier , especially children . -- On another view on the thread topic - Of course just preparing for a land invasion and nothing else would likely be a big mistake . However that scenario is incorporated amongst the many possible scenarios in my prepping endeavors . Land invasion will never happen ! Well it is already happening . The invaders may not be wearing a uniform , but the military aged males are indeed flooding in and promptly getting weaponed up as , " Shanrose "pointed out . -- Interestingly I saw on another forum a member declaring a economic collapse was not happening " yet " as he wasn't at the point of barricading himself and his family in their home with their food , water , guns and amo for the final Alamo style battle . Yet of course we are now seeing food becoming unattainable for some " too expensive " losing their homes and becoming homeless . The point being some become so affixed on the scenario that they are expecting to happen , that when it happens in an unexpected form , they do not recognize it for what it is . ---- Shanrose - the only solution that I can presently phantom . if your mate is not on board with seeking out a remote piece of property to bug out to " even if that is a vacant " no structure " investment is to simply do as you are already doing ,prepare for bugging out , Another point , where I now reside I moved to with my wife and two children and began my survival location sleeping in a tent and washing dishes and bathing in a creek . Oh yea I also quite the best job that I ever had abadanoned the payed for house that I had built with my own hands " mostly " to begin over , " I had received the call from a higher being " . As it turned out " as my daughter later told me " That was the best move that I have ever done in my lifetime . I later had that abandoned house burnt to the ground , as my instincts are good and I foresaw a squatter problem occupying the abandoned house .
Yes! People tend to trust those in churches which makes preying on the innocent easier. I don't know if it's true or not but I read that "Christians" have as many demons as those in the world. Only they're more 'respectable' ones. When a family member went off to college I researched campus safety. I spoke with a man whose sister was murdered at Lehigh college whose family started a campus safety organization. I really respected them for that. I will never forget the conversation: I said "I guess you don't have these problems in Christian colleges." He replied: "Actually Christian colleges are worse because they don't want to report the problems." I was floored. All those good church people smile and sing "Hallelujah!" and then go lie and put young women at risk.

I also believe as you do: invasion has already begun. All these men coming in is undeniable. The fact that they're getting guns should send a chill down our spines. I saw a picture of a young Chinese man who was in America for all of 2 weeks and posted a picture online of him holding an AR-15. Look at the process that they force Americans to go through to get a gun. And then they're being given EBT cards that they call "The magic card" because it never runs out. This is while Americans are cutting back, cutting corners, and pinching pennies. It's like a giant middle finger in the face of Americans. (forgive me - hope I don't offend anyone!) I feel like something is coming and it's uncomfortable - like waiting for the other shoe to drop.

I'm glad that you were led by a "higher being" - I love hearing about people being led. ItI've been asking God to show me what to do. We did buy a small place that's remote - but I'm concerned if the gas pumps go down we couldn't get to it. There are so many aspects to this that we must think of. My husband is resourceful and said that he'd find a way to get the gas and I trust that he will. But I'm a city girl at heart and like being close to stores. We also have great neighbors. I like the sense of community. We walked the block today and these beautiful orange flowers were blooming across the entire front yard of a house. A woman was sitting out and I asked her what they were and we got to chatting. She went in and got a bag for us to pick seeds and take them home. I love that - being able to talk to neighbors. I don't know why but we just seem to be in a good development of people. So I'm really on the fence about everything. However, I do have that nagging feeling that won't go away.

I knew you probably had good instincts from being in Vietnam. A neighbor who I really liked - I don't know what it was about him but he just had something that made you listen to him. He was in Vietnam and told me that he survived by listening to his intuition. So I thought that you probably did as well. I'd really like to hone my intuition
I'm glad that you were led by a "higher being" - I love hearing about people being led. ItI've been asking God to show me what to do. We did buy a small place that's remote - but I'm concerned if the gas pumps go down we couldn't get to it. There are so many aspects to this that we must think of. My husband is resourceful and said that he'd find a way to get the gas and I trust that he will.

He was in Vietnam and told me that he survived by listening to his intuition. So I thought that you probably did as well. I'd really like to hone my intuition
Two things that I want to address on the above information . It appears you do have a bug out location , or at least I hope it would suffice as one . As for as getting there , I will repeat something I have posted before but perhaps on a different thread and certainly have posted on at least one other forum that I haunted until one day " recently " it was there no more . A college took a donation up to help victims in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and sent my daughter and I into the devastation . From lake village Arkansas to the gulf coast of Mississippi " all " gas stations were out of power and dark closed and guarded by armed guards . So much as for your husband somehow going to get fuel to reach that bug out location . However my instincts and common since had already kicked in and I had filled multiple gas cans to keep refilling my vehicle , I was toting in the back of my vehicle hidden under a blanket . We traveled into the gasoline barren landscape 400 miles in and 400 miles out with the fuel we had hidden in the back of our vehicle . Actually we traveled further than that but the gasoline not available distance was about 400 miles on our journey one way . The scene and stuff we witnessed was truly apopolitic . I bring this up to present a way for you to reach your bug out location . --- 2nd thing I want to address , perhaps your military Vietnam acuantaince had been through a class like I attended in my " Green Beret " training . We went through a class on developing animal instinct . We sometimes relied on our instincts to stay alive , just as your friend told you . I may go into further depth into this sometime but for now I have company that has arrived .
Two things that I want to address on the above information . It appears you do have a bug out location , or at least I hope it would suffice as one . As for as getting there , I will repeat something I have posted before but perhaps on a different thread and certainly have posted on at least one other forum that I haunted until one day " recently " it was there no more . A college took a donation up to help victims in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and sent my daughter and I into the devastation . From lake village Arkansas to the gulf coast of Mississippi " all " gas stations were out of power and dark closed and guarded by armed guards . So much as for your husband somehow going to get fuel to reach that bug out location . However my instincts and common since had already kicked in and I had filled multiple gas cans to keep refilling my vehicle , I was toting in the back of my vehicle hidden under a blanket . We traveled into the gasoline barren landscape 400 miles in and 400 miles out with the fuel we had hidden in the back of our vehicle . Actually we traveled further than that but the gasoline not available distance was about 400 miles on our journey one way . The scene and stuff we witnessed was truly apopolitic . I bring this up to present a way for you to reach your bug out location . --- 2nd thing I want to address , perhaps your military Vietnam acuantaince had been through a class like I attended in my " Green Beret " training . We went through a class on developing animal instinct . We sometimes relied on our instincts to stay alive , just as your friend told you . I may go into further depth into this sometime but for now I have company that has arrived .
Oh wow - I can't believe there were armed guards at gas stations. I hadn't figured on that. So my husband may not be able to get the gas. I'm glad you alerted me to that so I can tell him that we must store enough gas to get there. I did read that Katrina was a dry run for how they're going to enact martial law and confiscate guns - I don't know if it's true, but that's what some believe.

I would have loved a class that teaches instinct. My neighbor may have been through that class. It's funny - I don't know what it was about him - I can't put my finger on it:: he had a good spirit? He had a survival look like he was always alert. I don't know how else to explain it.

I would be interested in it if you share what you learned. I've had an uncomfortable feeling for awhile now - I don't know how else to explain it. It's an uneasiness and feeling like something big is about to hit. Something else nags at me too: if anyone gets injured I wondered how we would access pain relief. I stored bandages and first aid. There are so many aspects of preparing for what is to come and I keep going over what I may need and have an uneasy feeling that I forgot something.
A couple of these would do the trick - M134 minigun:

View attachment 162316
Never saw anything like that. I like what Paul from Off Grid Desert Farming said: if anyone breaks into his house there's going to be fireworks. The China, Russia, Korea - or whoever wants to take us over, must know that Americans are armed. I don't know anything about military strategy but it makes sense that they'd try to take over by stealth. Maybe kick the door in while you're sleeping, or when you're distracted by something else - maybe on a holiday? That's why I'm trying to distill wisdom from those who have been in a war.
You got that right. Plus they are dividing the citizens by the color of their skin & any other way they can think of to divide them.
Yes they are trying to divide us by skin color. It's why I go out of my way to reach out to those of another color. We live near a black community and have black families in our neighborhood and have never had a problem. I was walking in our neighborhood and met a nice black guy walking his three dogs. I stopped to pet them and loved chatting with him. I was in a store and trying to reach cans from a top shelf but couldn't. I looked over and this tall young black guy knew what I needed. He said "you want me to get that for you?" I've had dozens of the same incidents so the whole "race issue" is a farce meant to divide us. We need to all show each other that it's not what the media pushes. I have zero political power but I can do small things to contribute to the good of society. If we all do that maybe we can make a difference.
It has to come from with in & we have been in that war for thirty years & are losing it.

8) Large CoastlineThe coastline of the USA is 5x than that of Africa.Part of this is because Africa has few inlets and large bays.The USA also has 3x more coastline than Europe.More coast also means controlling more ocean in your country’s exclusive economic zones.
Today's submarine force is the most capable force in the world and the history of U.S. Navy, comprising 53 fast attack submarines, 14 ballistic-missile submarines and four guided-missile submarines.

The United States Navy has 11 large nuclear-powered fleet carriers—carrying around 80 fighters each—the largest carriers in the world; the total combined deck space is over twice that of all other nations combined.

Where are US troops based in the US?

As of September 2023, the US had 2.63 million military personnel, including active-duty troops, reserve, and civilian workers stationed domestically.[1] Of these, 1.14 million (3,294) were active-duty troops across the 50 states and Washington, DC. Roughly 60% of these troops were in five states: California (161,052 troops), Virginia (127,020), Texas (110,582), North Carolina (90,841), and Florida (65,159).

Any outside fighters would not have a home to return to, because the USA would take the war to them while fighting them on US soil, yes we are that big. 47 stations world wide, so we would be in their neighborhood be for they finished their first attach on US soil.
Yes but our military is being decimated. We did have a strong army up until a few years ago:
Oh wow - I can't believe there were armed guards at gas stations. I hadn't figured on that. So my husband may not be able to get the gas. I'm glad you alerted me to that so I can tell him that we must store enough gas to get there. I did read that Katrina was a dry run for how they're going to enact martial law and confiscate guns - I don't know if it's true, but that's what some believe.

Apparently many had not realized , that gasoline would not be available as they fled the aftermath of hurricane Katrina . We tried to keep to major highways to minimize the possibility of being stopped by some desperate hoard , blocking the highway and desperately seeking to rob people . So as we traveled down the major highways the roads were littered with vehicles that had run out of gas and the occupants just like being in a daze sitting there , not knowing what to do . I am not talking about a few dozen vehicles stranded on the road , I am talking about hundreds of run out of fuel vehicles that stretched mile after mile . As an example of the desperation - One guy was hanging out his nice fairly new vehicle's window holding a carboard sign that read " title for a ride " . -- People were stranded sitting by their vehicles for many days , likely drinking nasty water from ditches and relieving themselves of their body waste in full view of their newly acquired neighbors sitting in a vehicle near them . I saw no one trying to walk out of the devastation .
I'm very appreciative that you shared that as I do not want that to happen to us. This is. why I come here and try to learn as others' experience can enlighten us to make wiser decisions, and they have seen or thought of something that we had not considered. I am very wary of desperate people as that's when it becomes dangerous.

t's hard to try to sort through all the lies to get to the probable truth. And the summation of all of my research tells me that something big is coming.

I listen to Off Grid Desert Farming and he pretty much stays up on what's happening. I don't agree with him about Putin as he's part of the club but I do think that WW 3 is imminent.

If you have other bits of knowledge I'd be interested. When you need advice about plumbing you consult a plumber, when you need advice about electricity you consult an electrician, when you need advice about war you consult with a vet.

There's allegedly a lunar eclipse tomorrow and others had suggested a possible false flag. I believe some clue was in the Leave Behind movie. If others hear of anything please post it.

Thanks for the above video . I was impressed . I am going to subscribe to his channel and add this information source to several other sources that I tap into to keep up with truth . Television sources withhold information and will seldom even " lightly " touch on such matters . Strangely some folks are unable to accept what is happening and seem to be living in some sort of fantasy mentality
Thanks for the above video . I was impressed . I am going to subscribe to his channel and add this information source to several other sources that I tap into to keep up with truth . Television sources withhold information and will seldom even " lightly " touch on such matters . Strangely some folks are unable to accept what is happening and seem to be living in some sort of fantasy mentality
Yes he's pretty good. Can you tell me what other sources you use? I learned that most of the alternative news sources weren't reliable but this guy is. The older and more informed that I get, I learn that we truly are in a matrix.
Oh wow - I can't believe there were armed guards at gas stations. I hadn't figured on that. So my husband may not be able to get the gas. I'm glad you alerted me to that so I can tell him that we must store enough gas to get there. I did read that Katrina was a dry run for how they're going to enact martial law and confiscate guns - I don't know if it's true, but that's what some believe.

I would have loved a class that teaches instinct. My neighbor may have been through that class. It's funny - I don't know what it was about him - I can't put my finger on it:: he had a good spirit? He had a survival look like he was always alert. I don't know how else to explain it.

I would be interested in it if you share what you learned. I've had an uncomfortable feeling for awhile now - I don't know how else to explain it. It's an uneasiness and feeling like something big is about to hit. Something else nags at me too: if anyone gets injured I wondered how we would access pain relief. I stored bandages and first aid. There are so many aspects of preparing for what is to come and I keep going over what I may need and have an uneasy feeling that I forgot something.
You want to take a class that teaches you to trust your instinct.
I would suggest you join the military or law enforcement.
Nothing like the Army sending you to a God forsaken country where you have a target on your head or heart the whole damn time your're there. You learn to trust your instincts real damn fast.
If it sounds to good to be true.
It's probably is not a good thing a trap.
As for your neighbor he's probably seen combat or been in combat zone.
Now you're probably asking yourself how I know these things.
I also am an Army veteran.
I'm also Military Police officer.
And I have been in some of God forsaken countries.
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You want to take a class that teaches you to trust your instinct.
I would suggest you join the military or law enforcement.
Nothing like the Army sending you to a God forsaken country where you have a target on your head or heart the whole damn time your're there. You learn to trust your instincts real damn fast.
If it sounds to good to be true.
It's probably is not a good thing a trap.
As for your neighbor he's probably seen combat or been in combat zone.
Now you're probably asking yourself how I know these things.
I also am an Army veteran.
I'm also Military Police officer.
And I have been in some of God forsaken countries.
I already use my instincts but I"d like to hone them - especially because I think we are going to come under attack - either by land, air, or grid down.

My neighbor was in combat. He told me that he survived 'Nam by trusting his instincts. He was very serious so I think that he endured some things. I'd just like to know how to get better at honing the instincts. I'm too old for the military or police but I am going to look for classes on it if someone holds them. I think it might be the most important skill that we develop with what's coming.
I guess you can think what you want but I do believe that an attack on foot or by air is likely. Just trying to read the tea leaves...
You’re right.
Air attack happened on 9/11 and could happen again.
On foot could happen when sleeper cells are activated to take-out electric power distribution centers.
Nothing like the Army sending you to a God forsaken country where you have a target on your head or heart the whole damn time your're there.

Hey, you forgot to mention that you get to meet new and interesting people, then kill them. Join for the bad food, constant waiting and broken gear; stay for the PTSD and politicians letting you down. But the training was really good!
You’re right.
Air attack happened on 9/11 and could happen again.
On foot could happen when sleeper cells are activated to take-out electric power distribution centers.
Yes I believe another one is likely and I too have a concern about sleeper cells. We've all seen the invasion of the southern border. Remember when Obama asked the military if they would shoot American citizens? We pray and hope that our fellow man will do right but look at what they did to the vets back in the day. I think it was Patton who attacked them because they complained of not receiving pay I believe. But I believe it will likely be China or Korea. The Chinese already bought up a lot of farmland - why?

The other thing is that I can't shake this uneasy feeling of something afoot. May God help us one and all.
I already use my instincts but I"d like to hone them - especially because I think we are going to come under attack - either by land, air, or grid down.

My neighbor was in combat. He told me that he survived 'Nam by trusting his instincts. He was very serious so I think that he endured some things. I'd just like to know how to get better at honing the instincts. I'm too old for the military or police but I am going to look for classes on it if someone holds them. I think it might be the most important skill that we develop with what's coming.
Probably hunter training , the tracking stalking / being stalked being quiet would be more benificial, as well as tips from military experienced,
Probably hunter training , the tracking stalking / being stalked being quiet would be more benificial, as well as tips from military experienced,
They probably have some military manuals online - they have everything else. If I find one I'll post the link. I think that vets will survive more than any other group simply because they've been in a war situation and know things.
They probably have some military manuals online - they have everything else. If I find one I'll post the link. I think that vets will survive more than any other group simply because they've been in a war situation and know things.
Download and save all the good stuff that’s on the web now. It won’t always be there, in fact it might start disappearing at an alarming rate in the near future.
I will share something from my intuition / animal instinct classes . I took the classes very serious and consider them one of the best classes that I ever took in either the civilian or military realm . An example they gave us - The fugitive John Dillinger , the feds found to be very allusive . They over and over got a tip of his whereabouts and conducted a raid to capture him . However each time he had just left . They were so close that even a smoldering cigarette was found , but John was again gone . They figured they had someone within their ranks that was tipping him off , thus continually escaping ahead of their raids . A woman wearing a red dress to tip off the feds was with him at a movie theater and through the love of money for the reward , betrayed him and he was finally captured . -- After his capture he was interrogated trying to get him to tell of whom was tipping him off . To their surprise the feds came to the conclusion , no one was tipping him off . His animal instinct was so attuned that when he got that feeling he grabbed his bag and " left running " . He kept his bag packed and ready for when he got the feeling he needed to bust out the door running . --- We were incouraged to try to develop and hone our instinct to survive the war . Remember the movie " forrest Gump " where Lt. Dan would get those feelings when leading a patrol and try to act upon them . The scene was indeed comical but non the less rooted in realty that the Nam guys were trained to do . --- In reality though some folks simply have more ability to hone and develop those instincts better than others . My personal thoughts on the matter that hinges to some degree on genetics already incorporated in their body when born .
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I will share something from my intuition / animal instinct classes . I took the classes very serious and consider them one of the best classes that I ever took in either the civilian or military realm . An example they gave us - The fugitive John Dillinger , the feds found to be very allusive . They over and over got a tip of his whereabouts and conducted a raid to capture him . However each time he had just left . They were so close that even a smoldering cigarette was found , but John was again gone . They figured they had someone within their ranks that was tipping him off , thus continually escaping ahead of their raids . A woman wearing a red dress to tip off the feds was with him at a movie theater and through the love of money for the reward , betrayed him and he was finally captured . -- After his capture he was interrogated trying to get him to tell of whom was tipping him off . To their surprise the feds came to the conclusion , no one was tipping him off . His animal instinct was so attuned that when he got that feeling he grabbed his bag and " left running " . He kept his bag packed and ready for when he got the feeling he needed to bust out the door running . --- We were incouraged to try to develop and hone our instinct to survive the war . Remember the movie " forrest Gump " where Lt. Dan would get those feelings when leading a patrol and try to act upon them . The scene was indeed comical but non the less rooted in realty that the Nam guys were trained to do . --- In reality though some folks simply have more ability to hone and develop those instincts better than others . My personal thoughts on the matter that hinges to some degree on genetics already incorporated in their body when born .
That's interesting about John Dillinger. I began looking up intuition and how to develop it. It could very well have been passed on through genetics. If you watch deer, they are always alert and looking around for threats, and if there is any noise they take off. Same thing with dogs - they seem to pick up things that we don't as they can seem to instantly assess an individual. Our dog wouldn't let anyone onto our property but this one delivery driver. It was really something to watch. He would actually play with her out front. So animals do seem to have that sixth sense. I wonder if we somehow phase out our instincts because we don't use them. It seems that it lays dormant if you don't use it.

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