Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Old fashioned
HCL Supporter
Nov 24, 2017
West Ky
I got 2 rants for today..
First ,
My wife just had back surgery yesterday,
So, I'm babysitting her today, and she is getting hungry , just wants , craving, McDonalds cheeseburgers.

Now , we do have a Mcds in our little town,
But it is terrible. I remember when they built it, and said at the time, where they gonna get people to work in it?

Well over the years , we have learned that .....you never, ever get what you order.

So , I went today, first time in over a year,
Ordered 2 cheeseburgers and a medium french fry.

Window 1..paid.
Pull to window 2 , and was asked to pull up, and they would bring it right out...sure:rolleyes:OMG

5 minutes later , (I'm remaining calm, honest)they bring it out...
I ALWAYS check it ,

yep , you got it...no fries.

I have to get out , go in tell them, they they forgot the fries...

I said you got that right...the sorryest McD in the country . went home and fed my wife.

Rant #2 ... Insurance commercials...
Do they honestly think they are doing us all a favor by not making us pay for the first accident ????

After paying thru the nose for coverage for the past umpteen years...
OMG..what am I paying for coverage for , if I got to pay for the accident on top of that..

Doing me a favor???Yeah right.

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We have two McDonalds in Springfield. One is full of the lowest form of life crack addicted, call phone texting, "what do you want now?", give me $15 an hour useless people who can't make the fries without undercooking them. The other has what looks like high school students and retired people working it and your order is always right, service is good and polite. Which one do you think I go to?
If you are on a four or six lane highway and are not passing someone move to the lane to your right. If you are taking more than 30 seconds to pass someone you are NOT passing them you are hovering and need to slow down or speed up. It is NOT your job to block people because YOU think they are going too fast. I have a car horn because you are distracted with that phone call, you lip stick or trying to find that french fry you dropped, so don't be surprised if I use it to wake you up.
People who bring in fish or reheat fish at work. Gross. There are two kinds of fish that are acceptable to cook and/or eat at work; goldfish crackers and Swedish fish candy. Otherwise fish should stay in the water. View attachment 2385

We just got our fish in the mail a couple hours ago, all the way from Iceland and Alaska. Came in dry ice,neato.

Fish eaters gotta eat too.:D

Seeing Hillary and others never paying for their crimes. Or just plain " seeing their mugs but not in a mug shot".
I should be packing and cleaning but instead I'm sitting here reading what the heck is going on in everyone else's world. Ticks me off. To actually get something done I have to turn this thing OFF. I don't have my phone synced with this account, and thank goodness I don't, else I'd always be here. AND! It's freaking wind chilling out there at 27 degrees of raw wind. Thanks to the semi-polar vortex.
I should be packing and cleaning but instead I'm sitting here reading what the heck is going on in everyone else's world. Ticks me off. To actually get something done I have to turn this thing OFF. I don't have my phone synced with this account, and thank goodness I don't, else I'd always be here. AND! It's freaking wind chilling out there at 27 degrees of raw wind. Thanks to the semi-polar vortex.
Sorry about the cold. Regarding the forum, we can try to be less interesting and engaging. ;) :D
I should be packing and cleaning but instead I'm sitting here reading what the heck is going on in everyone else's world. Ticks me off. To actually get something done I have to turn this thing OFF. I don't have my phone synced with this account, and thank goodness I don't, else I'd always be here. AND! It's freaking wind chilling out there at 27 degrees of raw wind. Thanks to the semi-polar vortex.

:welcome: maybe you like us.:thumbs up:

too many cloudy days ,weather manipulators. :(
Rant #1

I took Roo to school this morning and we were running a tad late so I took her to the designated drop off spot rather than park and walk her. I wait my turn in the line of cars only to have a jerk 2 cars up not pull up all the way to unload his kids. If everyone pulls up 2 maybe 3 cars can unload safely. This guy pulled up and uploaded in the middle of the spot. So the guy in front of me unloads his kids in the street rather than wait for jerk #1. Once they both pull away I pull all the way up to get Roo unloaded safely...

ANNNNNNND I get honked at because the car behind me unloaded her kids in the street when the guy in front of me did instead of waiting! Because I waited I now "forced" her to have to wait for me to unload Roo SAFELY and pull away before she can enter back on the street and drive away.

Rant #2

I park down the street from Roo's school then walk to the gate to pick her up everyday. After Roo leaves the gate we walk back to the car joined by another mom and one of Roo's classmates that she is friends with. Today as we headed back down the street a parent was parked right by the school in a red zone. When the school cop tried to get her to move her mini van she started honking the horn to scare him off. In the process she is damaging the hearing of every kid and parent walking on the sidewalk next to the damn minivan! She thought she was exempt from the law and could park in the damn fire lane!

Rant #3

So, Roo goes to the local elementary school that services the city and the reservation. If we could afford the tuition she'd be going to the Christian private school back in the town we moved from (10 miles away). But today really cemented that we need to move ASAP. One of the brats that goes to Roo's school thought it was funny and pulled the fire alarm. The kids with their teachers spent half the day in the field waiting for the all clear from the fire department. Time wasted they could be learning!
Junk Mail.......funeral and burial brochures reminding us several times a month we are going to die.:eyeballs:

Not on the bucket list to fantacise about the bucket~:(
I shredded a whole bunch of that today. I have a bad habit of throwing all my mail in a bin and then go through and file, shred, etc. all at once. It was interesting how much stuff related to dying was there.
People who bring in fish or reheat fish at work. Gross. There are two kinds of fish that are acceptable to cook and/or eat at work; goldfish crackers and Swedish fish candy. Otherwise fish should stay in the water. View attachment 2385
I worked with a woman who brought fish to work, and would go in ahead of everyone and start cooking her fish, because it had to cook for 11 minutes in the only microwave, while several of us had to wait. Honestly, I didn't mind the fish, but if you are taking 11 minutes of a 30 minute lunch break ahead of everyone else, you are probably one of the most self centered people.

Microwaves: we had a bus driver who was early enough to pick up students that she would come in and put her hot link sausage in the microwave, uncovered. The p.e. teacher told her to cover it up. This was regular behavior for her, and he began watching to see who was always leaving a mess in the microwave.
A very testy preschooler that we have at our school had a horrible, horrible day yesterday. In my office 3 times. Hitting, spitting, throwing stuff, disrespectful to his teacher. Mom picks up at 5:30 and we tell her about his day and he cannot have a treasure from the treasure box. Try again tomorrow. Tomorrow is a new day. She reaches in and grabs a few bubble gums and gives it to him on the way out.
I agree. I have the curriculum and everything for the first 5 years of school BUT I was shot down by K. Roo needs the socialization he said. Now he is trying to figure out how we can afford to move back to town and away from the reservation. I told him he needs to give me a shot at homeschooling her and stop thinking I'll kill her from the sass that comes out of her 6 year old mouth. I survived the 3 weeks she was home for the holidays without his help.
Not to be down on K, but that socialization stuff is pretty much BS, I had a neighbor that home schooled all but one of her kids and the one that went to school was the one that went bad, the rest of her kids are outgoing, friendly and extremely smart, the one that went to school ( In California) is a druggy, spent time in prison for attempted murder and is constantly on welfare, not saying that kids going to public school would be like that, but in the 20+ years I worked custodian/maintenance, it sure made me a believer in home schooling. Most of the home schooled kids I've seen end up graduating far above publicly schooled kids. I hope that you can work out home schooling, your children will be far better off for it.
And now, the "experts" think kids should not have best friends in school because it is too exclusive They need to be friends with everyone to be inclusive. They are afraid kids will form cliques - and I guess if that happens, the Earth's rotation will change or something. What in blue blazes is wrong with a kid having a best friend? Listening to these idiots worry about cliques when our kids can't read, do math, or critically think just makes me mad as Hades!!! Don't these idiot experts realize that the money they spend worrying about the inclusionary behaviors of elementary school children would be better spent on actual education?????

OK, rant over........
We have five children and I homeschooled the first three. We found a group of like minded homeschoolers and met once a month at the roller rink, met each Fri afternoon at the park for large group PE, we swapped old curriculum, held each other's hands when days were tough, and our children met good friends. Homeschooling doesn't mean antisocial.
I "homeschool" the twins on the weekend with my curriculum, because they are learning communist core at school. They work for 2 hours for me. I feel if we don't, then they will be total morons entering high school.
People who bring in fish or reheat fish at work. Gross. There are two kinds of fish that are acceptable to cook and/or eat at work; goldfish crackers and Swedish fish candy. Otherwise fish should stay in the water. View attachment 2385

I worked for a major computer manufacturing company (once upon a time) and I was in control of the HVAC (Heating, Ventlilation, and Air Conditioning) system. Due to have a large number of Asian employees and a tremendous amount of fish type dishes being heated in the cafeteria, I had to change the HVAC system setting. During the lunch hour, I went to full outdoor air (no air recirculated) and full exhaust. This cycle was Known as the KimChi cycle. Energy wasteful but it did allow other folks to be able to breath normal.
I shouldn't post this bitching about my job because I am grateful to have it. But here goes anyway.
Last September we were informed that the company was needing to downsize by around 350 people (out of 5000 or so folks) was going to hold a VSP (voluntary separation period), which means folks can choose to retire with what pension they had accrued, plus one weeks pay for each year of service. Any way 2 guys out of 7 in our group was accepted for this. The 5 of us left have to pick up their work since no replacements are allowed. We all expected this and the retirements happened on Dec 31. In the mean time there has been no information on how we are going to ReOrg to cover everything, not time for anyone to train on the new work they may get. Nearly 2 weeks into the year and still nothing. All the while this work is piling up and gonna have stuff fall thru the cracks. And some of us will be dumped on pretty soon. On top of that today we are told since enough didn't take the VSP, their will now be an ISP (involuntary retirement or layoff). Who knows if we'll get hit again.
ARRRRRRGH....Pardon my French
I shouldn't post this bitching about my job because I am grateful to have it. But here goes anyway.
Last September we were informed that the company was needing to downsize by around 350 people (out of 5000 or so folks) was going to hold a VSP (voluntary separation period), which means folks can choose to retire with what pension they had accrued, plus one weeks pay for each year of service. Any way 2 guys out of 7 in our group was accepted for this. The 5 of us left have to pick up their work since no replacements are allowed. We all expected this and the retirements happened on Dec 31. In the mean time there has been no information on how we are going to ReOrg to cover everything, not time for anyone to train on the new work they may get. Nearly 2 weeks into the year and still nothing. All the while this work is piling up and gonna have stuff fall thru the cracks. And some of us will be dumped on pretty soon. On top of that today we are told since enough didn't take the VSP, their will now be an ISP (involuntary retirement or layoff). Who knows if we'll get hit again.
ARRRRRRGH....Pardon my French

So many hard working Americans are losing jobs now. I hope it works out for you.
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