Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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The old men in the YMCA gym I go to....
Now I like older folks, they have seen a lot and usually have pretty good stories and are a joy to talk to.
One of my best friends over here is an 82yr old Brit that used to be on subs in the royal navy. I buy hot sauce from him...

This lot on the other hand...

I go to this gym because its cheaper, has a proper squat cage and isnt full of "sissy boys" preening in front of the mirrors taking pictures of their belly for facial book. And then trying join you in the showers later...
Thats not the worst...not my thing...but not the worst..

Its not 70-89yr old men walking around in ONLY a ratty sweater and his old man bits hangin out, outside the shower room eating a half rotten banana and talking at the highest possible volume.
Thats just...yea...pretty bad

Is it the man that horks and hacks and
Coughs up big nasty chunks while sitting naked drinking his tea outside the same shower room? Depositing his nasty tissues on the floor? Nasty yes...but not the worst...

Its the old man that sits on the changing room benches in his birthday suit no towel down just bare backside on the bench....and farts...not just any fart a juicy fart....

Thats not the worst part....

Its when he stands up to leave...
And there is a poo stain right on the bench!

7 months....
...downsize by around 350 people (out of 5000 or so folks) ... no information on how we are going to ReOrg to cover everything, not time for anyone to train on the new work they may get... work is piling up and gonna have stuff fall thru the cracks. ...

This is by design. Parent Company Senior "Management" received bonu$e$ for the idea they sold to the Stockholders, down sizing to save money and increase stock dividends! When the Division or company fails because of this "cost savings" plan, Senior Management will ride in to save the day by selling the trouble company which results in more bonu$e$ for Senior Management. When there is no more money to be sucked out, Senior Management will more on to another Company and on their resume will list all the money they saved previous employers... to repeat the process.

It is a much difficult sale to the Stockholders (or Owner) to sale of a profitable division or Company. But of you run it into the ground first, create a hostile work environment, pocket the financial reserves then it's a piece of cake selling (and pocketing more bonuses) a "failing" company.
People who bring in fish or reheat fish at work. Gross. There are two kinds of fish that are acceptable to cook and/or eat at work; goldfish crackers and Swedish fish candy. Otherwise fish should stay in the water. View attachment 2385

I agree! My hubby absolutely will not touch tuna. He says "if God hada meant tuna to be in a can, He woulda put it there!". I enjoy it on occ but never at work!
This morning on the way to work...just a small beef.

A south bound vehicle coming towards me stops at the intersection with their right turn signal on (they are going to turn west). I'm north bound and stop at the same intersection a few seconds later. I have my left turn signal on (I'm going to turn west too). We are the only traffic and they just sit there. Maybe I missed some oncoming traffic so I look both ways again, no we are the only two vehicles. They continue to sit there. It's clear they have they right-of-way because not only did they arrive at the intersection first, they don't have to cross a lane of traffic (like I would have to). I'm tempted to go ahead and go but if I do then I would be at fault if they hit me. I wait...and wait...and wait...the other Driver finally decides to turn.

Bigger beef. Fast food drive-up. Driver in front of me, did they use the 5 minute wait to decide what they wanted to order? NO! They waited until it was their turn to order. Did they use the next 5 minute wait to get their money out and ready? NO! And what did they do at the pickup window? CHANGED THEIR ORDER!
I am sick of inaccurate and deceptive shelf pricing techniques used at Meijer grocery store in Springfield Ohio though I'm sure they do it at others. What does buy two get one free mean to you? It seldom in never means buy two and get a third free, but deceptive advertising is strong and Meijers. Buy a pair of shoes and get a pair for $5, unless it's listed below in a #4 font which says, unless discounted, addidas, Dr Shole or Fila. Leaving one brand to pick from. I had to call the checkout people over 3 times to check prices and then remove them from my cart because the prices were NOT as advertised. I refuse to reward dishonest and deceptive marketing and the amount they spend putting things back on the shelf is punishment for being liars and thieves. Someday I think I'll start a picture/video thread of the deceptive prices and advertising they use, because if they overcharge me it's a mistake but if I walk out with an item I didn't scan it's a theft and punishable with jail. I hate dishonesty and liars.
I hate it , when the temps outside drop down near zero , for days,
right after a big snowfall...Now its too cold to go out and move it, and its too cold to melt. Jim

Problem solved, sort of. Here is how we do it. Yesterday day was -31C/-24F with about 14" of snow on the ground. At 6 am this morning, it was +7C/44.5F and raining. It had rained all night and again all day today thus melting the snow. Here is where the 'sort of ' comes in. At 4 pm the temperature dropped to 0C/32F with the rain turning to pellets. By midnight we will be down to -14C/7F with a flash freeze. Tomorrow we are to get 30cm/12 inches of snow with a high of -24C/-11F. I spent today hooking up the big snowblower in the rain so I wouldn't have to do it in the cold tomorrow. Totally stupid day.
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Three stage snowblowers. Great idea but a pain if your driveways are not paved. Little rocks and sticks bypass the shear pins and get jammed up seizing the impeller and requiring a complete break down into two of the machine including the impeller assembly. Time to repair ... got it down to about two hours now with practice.
I'm not sure why our Wal-Mart is out of milk so often. But, according to an employee who stocks the milk, as customers stood around, once again, wondering why there's no milk on the shelves last week, there's been several homeless shelter staff coming from Nashville, to our small town, to buy all of our milk. Could it be, there's a shortage of milk in the Nashville area, because they're buying milk, 500 gallons at a time, leaving our WM completely without...

This is weird to me. I guess I could go to customer service, to get a clearer explanation of why our milk is being spontaneously sold out of state, and thus the shelves for local customers are empty, but I don't want the WM employees to think that I don't care about the homeless, because I really do.

We have an IGA that doesn't have the same issue, so it's no big deal finding milk, but it's just odd that our small KY town WM, is supplying the city's shelter in Nashville, TN with milk. (which is an one hour trip each way for them)

I'm not sure why our Wal-Mart is out of milk so often. But, according to an employee who stocks the milk, as customers stood around, once again, wondering why there's no milk on the shelves last week, there's been several homeless shelter staff coming from Nashville, to our small town, to buy all of our milk. Could it be, there's a shortage of milk in the Nashville area, because they're buying milk, 500 gallons at a time, leaving our WM completely without...

This is weird to me. I guess I could go to customer service, to get a clearer explanation of why our milk is being spontaneously sold out of state, and thus the shelves for local customers are empty, but I don't want the WM employees to think that I don't care about the homeless, because I really do.

We have an IGA that doesn't have the same issue, so it's no big deal finding milk, but it's just odd that our small KY town WM, is supplying the city's shelter in Nashville, TN with milk. (which is an one hour trip each way for them)

I’ll have to ask my sister, who lives in Nashville, if she’s ever heard of this.
Sister in Nashville hasn’t heard anything about milk shortages or re-supply missions.:dunno:
Thank you for asking. :)

Well, people in our area tend to clear the shelves of milk, bread, and meat if snow is coming...


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This right here is what irritates the crap right out of me! One of the many reasons I cant wait to get my family out of this god forsaken place!

How can you sell a 1200sq foot flat for $3.4 million USD?!
And have families living in cages because they cant afford the rent for a normal flat.

Now im not a " fair share " commie socialist. But come on! They let these big land and property developers buy and build these things then sell them to the Mainlanders or they buy them uo themselves and rent at ridiculous prices!
Its like a Clintons wet dream!


Im beginning to hate this place
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This right here is what irritates the crap right out of me! One of the many reasons I cant wait to get my family out of this god forsaken place!

How can you sell a 1200sq foot flat for $3.4 million USD?!
And have families living in cages because they cant afford the rent for a normal flat.

Now im not a " fair share " commie socialist. But come on! They let these big land and property developers buy and build these things then sell them to the Mainlanders or they buy them uo themselves and rent at ridiculous prices!
Its like a Clintons wet dream!


Im beginning to hate this place
You've got a bad case of "Short Timers Attitude"! Lol. Not much longer to wait to be stateside.
I hate it , when the temps outside drop down near zero , for days,
right after a big snowfall...

Now its too cold to go out and move it, and its too cold to melt.

A week or so ago with the wind chill it was -43c here. Lol

@Flight that’s not where they normally come from?

You would think so lol
Doctor calls in a script to CVS,
2 days ago....

Go to pick it up today...

They don't know anything about it....nada....nothing in computer...:dunno::eyeballs:

OH , wait a minute ....here's the paperwork....sorry...it never got in computer.:rolleyes::mad:

Ok...we will be a few minutes...

40 minutes later , I'm walking out with it,:horsie:

incompetence I tell ya ...total incompetence.:barf:

Rant on : I do not care how long you have driven, how big or small the vehicle was or your age, IQ or education. Here in the USA the rule is if you are not passing someone or avoiding a driver or obstacle in the right lane then you should move right. If you are being passed on the right you are either preparing to exit left or you are doing it wrong. Cars come with a horn and it can be used to alert you to danger, wake you up or just tell you we all hate you and thing your driving sucks so stay home next time you need to text your friends. You are the reason for road rage in America and will hopefully suffer in hell on a highway where your car breaks down every time you disobey a rule of the road, including not using your turn signals. :devil: Rant off:
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