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I finally picked up veggie fertilizer for my seedlings and sweet potatoes today. They're in pretty rough shape! I'm very, very unhappy with the potting soil I bought this year. This evening I'll be feeding them all and seeing what I think is salvageable over the next week or two. It's time to start another round of seeds also, but I'm still waiting on my tromboncino squash seed to get here.
A Glimmer of Hope :

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Bing Cherries 2 year olds...
Got plot dug for rhubarb and strawberries- will get those in the ground hopefully this morning.
Got peonies and columbine in the ground yesterday.
Today I need to find my seed trays and prepare them for planting tomorrow or Sunday. Seeds are ready.
Did You get those Lilies also...?!?
We're still 3-1/2 months away from planting outside, but we're going to start some seeds inside. Mainly my pepper seeds. First we need to pick up some potting soil, when we're able to drive out of here, probably next week. We decided to go with raised beds for most of our garden, except for things like potatoes and corn. I'll make covers for the raised beds too, since we can get snow and frost up to the end of June. I bought a new engine for the rototiller. I guess there's no hurry changing it out but it's on my list.
Yay! Spring is here! :great:

Beautiful sunny day and the temperature got up to 64 F at my place today, perfect weather for starting to get the garden beds cleaned up. Today I got 2 beds cleaned and prepped for putting seeds into the ground this week. Six more beds remain to get prepped. It was the nicest, warmest weather we've had in three months and it's supposed to be like this for the next few days. The rhubarb is coming up and the Russian garlic I planted in autumn is all growing nicely, the stalks are now about 6 inches high above the surface. Every one of the garlic cloves I planted came up. :thumbs:
Big day for growing goodies… Went to the big town early. I got a half flat of cabbages and a half flat of collards. Also got a bag of red onion sets and a bag of yellow onion sets from a big nursery.

I got Lion’s Mane mushrooms to!!!! Score! It’s a medicine I use. Last week when I went to play bluegrass I met a bee guy. He told me about a mushroom guy who sold at the fancy farmers market. I drove down this morning to find him. Funny part, he’d heard of me last year but didn’t know how to get in touch. He want’s to expand into making herbal tinctures. We talked for an hour… he has a remarkable commercial set up for growing a dozen species of mushrooms. It’s in the basement of building in downtown.

Anyway, we might have the beginnings of a partnership, still have details to work out. I hunt plants over 400 sq miles, maybe 200,000 acres total. And I know where over 1200 species grow and how to find them. We had a nice chat today. I bought a lb of lions mane from him but he gave me and extra 12 ounces.

Also, he has to pay for a special dumpster to get ride of agricultural waste in the city. He buys lumps of oak pellets to grow mushrooms but only uses them once then has to throw them away. These lumps are full of spores. They’ll still grow mushrooms but not at a commercially viable rate. All I need to do is lay these pellets on oak logs. So, by this time next year I’ll have all the medicinal and edible mushrooms I might need. Just have to watch the logs and harvest when the mushrooms are ready.

I have plenty of oak logs, there’s a big pile of them across the road. That timber was cut Jan. of ‘24 and the property belongs to a cousin. They are cut offs from the timber operation and are decomposing nicely. All I have to do is skid them back here to the farm and pile them up in shady locations.

Back to my cabbages and onions. I hope to get them set out Monday. I re-plowed a 50ft section of the garden yesterday afternoon, took the angle off the gang disk to smooth the ground out. I need to plow it one more time with a drag attached to get it ready to lay out the rows….


Lions Mane


There's a half dozen piles of oak 'cutoffs' on my cousin's land. He'll be happy to get them off his property. They are literally across the road, can see them from my porch. I have about 35 acres of timber here on the farm. Lot's of shade for growing mushrooms. :)

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I pulled out all the cuttings/starts and plants that I overwintered in a makeshift "hotbox" made from wood and plastic. It looks like almost everything did ok. I have two pepper plants that lived, my figs, rose of sharon, sugarcane, ponytail palm, passion vine, all seem fine. We'll wait to see if the banana and the moringa decide to come back. I was pleased.

On a sad note, I accidently over fertilized some of my seedlings last week and I think they are toast. But have many others doing ok, and time to direct sow if I have to.

My beds aren't ready and I'm gathering pots. I may be container gardening in the backyard this year!
Veggies Grandma grew......
I love, love rutabaga in a soup, stew.. Surprisingly in the far north growing zone 2 we could get them most anytime and cheap.. I never knew where they were from..

The most dangerous place I ever lived was between 2 small towns, one had the beef jerky factory and the other had the green bean cannery.. The cannery town had a Rutabaga Fest every year.. They made all kinds of recipes that were good.. The ONE thing I could not choke down was the rutabaga milkshake... Disgusting.. :barf:🤬
Got the drag on the gang disc this morning. Been using this drag since I was a kid. It’s two blades from a road grader bolted together, weighs about 300lbs. Anything heavy and flat can be pulled over a field to level the soil, a log, a timber etc. When it’s time to plant I’ll run the gang and drag over the field. It’ll give me a very smooth seed bed.

Once smooth I can plant with planters behind the tractor or lay out rows with the cultivators for hand planting. The rows will be on 36 inch centers. Later when the crops come up I can plow them with cultivators which are also set to 36 inch centers.

This morning I got 18 cabbages and 18 collard plants set out. Also planted 180 onion sets, half red onion, half yellow.

I know I’ll get one more frost before the 1st of April. It might burn/damage some of these plants so I plant extra this early. I’m gambling I won’t get a hard freeze this month. A hard freeze will kill most of these plants. I’ll have to plow them up and replant. March is always a gamble with temperature.

I'm supposed to get a big rain this evening. Tomorrow or the next day I'll hand drop triple 13 fertilizer on these rows.


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Transplanted lettuce sprouts into 6" pots. Put in a few more lettuce seeds to start.

Grape vine cuttings have buds swelling.

Olive cuttings still developing new leaves and resisting gentle tugs implying root development.

So far the garlic seeds have not sprouted. All of the walnut cuttings look dead.

Some success some fails.

Peanut... LIke your picture of the ....clod buster... drag you use behind your disk.. I had 2 ...homemade... drags I used in the pasture and paddocks in the far north.. One was a spreader bar that pulled 2 chain link harrows, 5'x5', side by side for 10' width total.. The other was 4 wide old suv truck tires wide drag all bolted together also about 10' wide to break up manure piles and break down weed stalks in the 2 pastures..

I also used a 3 point single shank sub soil shank to make a tic-tac-toe type pattern around some trees and berry shrubs to help retain water..

Homemade attachments were fun to invent and construct on the cheap..
I got more sweet potato slips in soil today and started 3 colors of sunflowers in 6-pack planters. Also got some mixed color California poppy seed spread around the area of the garden that I usually let those grow. I'm about to pull more slips off the sweet potatoes to root, I'd like to have them lined out and ready for sale by last frost date.

As to the seedlings that got put in bad soil, the pumpkins and squash seem to be pulling out of it, the cucumbers don't look happy though. The peppers look okay and the tomatoes are a mixed bag...some are growing and some are still purple and stunted. The fertilizer I got seems to be starting to work, but I picked up another type today that I think might be more effective.
Got plot dug for rhubarb and strawberries- will get those in the ground hopefully this morning.
Got peonies and columbine in the ground yesterday.
Today I need to find my seed trays and prepare them for planting tomorrow or Sunday. Seeds are ready.
Oh man I miss gardening there. I've got my seed starts in the greenhouse, but nothing in the ground until about May. Hope you guys are doing well!
It won't be long now, we're down to only about 2 feet of snow in the garden. Probably in a week or two I'll start building some raised beds. I guess there's no hurry, can't plant until June anyway.
I have 2 of these in the garden.


And two more still in the box. I am gradually replacing all of my old rotting raised beds. I can sit on stool to weed instead crawling around on the ground. Amazon frequently puts them on sale for less than $100 ea.

i now have scion for this.Thomas Jefferson grew this peach and it was called Indian blood or Indian free....theres another peach looks very similar but they renamed it because they said the original name was racist towards natives.They reproduce true from seed and a small seed company sold out and i asked what was its original name so i could source seed myself from another source since they sold out...they not responded to my email...i have done business with them in past...that may be a thing of past if they cant answer a simple question in private...i dont know if this same peach and or if these names are racist.

indian free.jpg

Spaniards introduced this novel peach to Mexico in the sixteenth century. By the next century, European explorers in southeastern North America were astonished to find this Old-World fruit being grown by native tribes. This was possible because, unlike most fruit varieties that are maintained solely by complex methods of budding or grafting, the 'Indian Blood' can be grown easily from seed. Nomadic tribes and traders must have carried it north from Mexico. Thomas Jefferson ordered this variety in 1807 from Thomas Main, a Washington nurseryman, who described it as "very large and excellent." The fruit, entirely splashed and mottled with scarlet, tiger-like stripes, is sometimes twelve inches round. The skin resembles a beet: scarlet, tough, stringy, meaty, although pleasantly flavored and brisk.
does anyone grow Jerusalem artichokes ? Where did you get them? I would like to plant some but don't know where to buy them. Looked at the places I usually get seeds from and they don't have any. Neither does tractor supply or rural king . Amazon has some but a lot of reviews that they failed to grow.

The other thing I would like to grow is black rooted salsify. Anyone know what that is? My mom used to cook it, but I have never seen it in the US, so I looked up what it is called in English ( Schwarzwurzel in German)
Anyone know where to get that?

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