Big day for growing goodies… Went to the big town early. I got a half flat of cabbages and a half flat of collards. Also got a bag of red onion sets and a bag of yellow onion sets from a big nursery.
I got Lion’s Mane mushrooms to!!!! Score! It’s a medicine I use. Last week when I went to play bluegrass I met a bee guy. He told me about a mushroom guy who sold at the fancy farmers market. I drove down this morning to find him. Funny part, he’d heard of me last year but didn’t know how to get in touch. He want’s to expand into making herbal tinctures. We talked for an hour… he has a remarkable commercial set up for growing a dozen species of mushrooms. It’s in the basement of building in downtown.
Anyway, we might have the beginnings of a partnership, still have details to work out. I hunt plants over 400 sq miles, maybe 200,000 acres total. And I know where over 1200 species grow and how to find them. We had a nice chat today. I bought a lb of lions mane from him but he gave me and extra 12 ounces.
Also, he has to pay for a special dumpster to get ride of agricultural waste in the city. He buys lumps of oak pellets to grow mushrooms but only uses them once then has to throw them away. These lumps are full of spores. They’ll still grow mushrooms but not at a commercially viable rate. All I need to do is lay these pellets on oak logs. So, by this time next year I’ll have all the medicinal and edible mushrooms I might need. Just have to watch the logs and harvest when the mushrooms are ready.
I have plenty of oak logs, there’s a big pile of them across the road. That timber was cut Jan. of ‘24 and the property belongs to a cousin. They are cut offs from the timber operation and are decomposing nicely. All I have to do is skid them back here to the farm and pile them up in shady locations.
Back to my cabbages and onions. I hope to get them set out Monday. I re-plowed a 50ft section of the garden yesterday afternoon, took the angle off the gang disk to smooth the ground out. I need to plow it one more time with a drag attached to get it ready to lay out the rows….
Lions Mane
There's a half dozen piles of oak 'cutoffs' on my cousin's land. He'll be happy to get them off his property. They are literally across the road, can see them from my porch. I have about 35 acres of timber here on the farm. Lot's of shade for growing mushrooms.