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Question. Other than fencing,is there anything that deters chickens from co ING on my porch and pooping in front of door. My brother said he read lime, but after one rain, isn't it gone? Plus chickens scratch gardens that I have limed. Any tried and true suggestions?
Just fencing. We used to let the chickens run in the garden, but stopped. They dig everything up and make a mess. They even dug the roots up in the orchard. So I fenced in about a half acre for them to run in. There's a few bare patches under some trees where they like to hang out now. The ducks don't mind the snow, the chickens try to avoid it.

Edit: we do put the roosters in the garden, with one wing cut. They don't dig like the hens do.
My 5 cents of experience is... If you trim 1 wing, you have to trim it WAY short to be useful.. It seems to work better trimming both wings, but with one trimmed they fly funny, crash and tumble....

Also you can't have too tight, close nit fencing... Chicks and young birds are most excellent escape artists.. I've also seen both fox and coyote go over 10' high chain link fence in a hot second... In the far north I had a LOT of predator problems with our small livestock..

I'm also the Webster's definition of thumb... but have observed that chicken house cleanings composted over winter are GREAT for a garden.. But MUST be composted and not used raw..

We gardened with raised beds and let the chickens forage the grass around the beds..

My 5 cents of experience.. Best wishes..
We have two chicken runs, one has a 6 foot fence with netting over top. The new chicken run has 5 foot "no climb" horse fencing. Nothing has even gotten any of our chickens from either run. We have a lot of predators here too.
About the only time we clip any wings is on the roosters when we put them in the garden/orchard. And only one wing. It works for us.
That wasn't a rhetorical question. I don't raise chickens (yet) and if someone who does raise chickens or knows more about how chickens are raised has an explanation I really would like to hear it.
Can’t be 100% certain, but probably for the same reason that people are supposedly contracting bird flu from dairy cows……it’s all B.U.L.L.S.*.*.T! Next they will be telling me I will contract Mad Cow disease from my chicken flock! Ridiculous. Just my take. 😁🙄
Somewhere in this or another post someone mentioned getting an incubator...

At one time.... We had an older model Sportsman incubator that had not been used for a while.. The controls on it were toast.. It was easy enough to get parts for, but a total pain in the neck to calibrate the temperature control and the high limit shut off control... I got it going and we hatched several cycles of chicks, about 80 to 100 per cycle.. We were fortunate at that time to have an abundance of fertile eggs and chicks to sell, trade, give away.. We made enough on that venture to be able to pay off a new electronic Sportsman brand incubator and if we would have continued to hatch chicks I would have got a new one in a hot second.. At that time I was told the table top models and such are not worth the investment..
My 5 cents of experience...
Hope this info is useful.. Good luck..
Somewhere in this or another post someone mentioned getting an incubator...

At one time.... We had an older model Sportsman incubator that had not been used for a while.. The controls on it were toast.. It was easy enough to get parts for, but a total pain in the neck to calibrate the temperature control and the high limit shut off control... I got it going and we hatched several cycles of chicks, about 80 to 100 per cycle.. We were fortunate at that time to have an abundance of fertile eggs and chicks to sell, trade, give away.. We made enough on that venture to be able to pay off a new electronic Sportsman brand incubator and if we would have continued to hatch chicks I would have got a new one in a hot second.. At that time I was told the table top models and such are not worth the investment..
My 5 cents of experience...
Hope this info is useful.. Good luck..
We're looking at buying an incubator. Been looking at a 50 egg capacity one. That Sportsman model you have is nice, but it's more capacity than I need. Also, being on solar power I need to watch our electrical usage. I think the Sportsman model uses 350 watts.
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Perhaps some can either confirm or debunk the report that those now buying baby chicks at stores via hatcheries are required to give their names and addresses to the feds before leaving the store .
That's a good question. I'm going to say No here, although Atwoods were cleaned out of chicks on Friday.
It's also a NO at our monthly fowl sale, but one year old laying hens were going for $30 and that's outrageous around here. Should be $7 to $10 depending on the breed.
Perhaps some can either confirm or debunk the report that those now buying baby chicks at stores via hatcheries are required to give their names and addresses to the feds before leaving the store .
Never heard of this. We only buy chick's from hatcheries and have them mailed to our post office. We recently placed an order for meat and layer chick's and ducks. Nothing different now than the past 30 years, except for the price and limited availability.
Perhaps some can either confirm or debunk the report that those now buying baby chicks at stores via hatcheries are required to give their names and addresses to the feds before leaving the store .
this was passed years ago...i wanna say over a decade maybe 15 years...anyone who bought chicks was suppose to give name and address etc. never seen it done our feed stores.

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