Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Doctor calls in a script to CVS,
2 days ago....

Go to pick it up today...

They don't know anything about it....nada....nothing in computer...:dunno::eyeballs:

OH , wait a minute ....here's the paperwork....sorry...it never got in computer.:rolleyes::mad:

Ok...we will be a few minutes...

40 minutes later , I'm walking out with it,:horsie:

incompetence I tell ya ...total incompetence.:barf:


It's the laaaaww of the west! Lol.(East, North, and South too)
Standing in line at the grocery store. Lady in front of me has a full buggy. She meticulously takes the items from the buggy and puts them on the belt... one...by....one. Sometimes that just happens. Not a big deal. The cashier was still checking out the person in front of her.

She's chatting with the cashier. Then she starts putting the bags in the buggy....one....by.....one.... only because there's no more room on the carousel. Finally everything is in bags. All bags are in the buggy. The cashier gives her an amount and the lady just stands there for about a minute . Then she starts slowly digging in the bottomless purse. In the meantime I'm suppressing the urge to tell her this is not the free food line... you HAVE to pay!

Then she starts writing the check. Well, she's actually having a conversation with the cashier and has to stop writing when she wants to say something. She gives the check to the cashier and.....wait for it..... starts digging in the bottomless purse for her ID.

This seems to be happening more frequently. Or am I just the lucky one?
I see red when people leave grocery carts out on the lot in the parking area......put them in the correct collection spot or take them inside...many times, I have to get out of my truck and MOVE THEM in order to park ...Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I see red when people leave grocery carts out on the lot in the parking area......put them in the correct collection spot or take them inside...many times, I have to get out of my truck and MOVE THEM in order to park ...Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
In the same vein, I always take a cart from the parking lot and use it. If everyone did that, it would keep the parking area safer and someone wouldn't behave to collect dozens of them from the parking lot. It drives me crazy to see people walk past 5 or 6 carts in the parking lot only to grab one inside.
Then she starts writing the check. Well, she's actually having a conversation with the cashier and has to stop writing when she wants to say something. She gives the check to the cashier and.....wait for it..... starts digging in the bottomless purse for her ID.

This seems to be happening more frequently. Or am I just the lucky one?

I havent seen a cheque in a store in years. Up here everyone pays by debit or credit card, or on very rare occasion with actual cash money. (Well fiat paper money but you know what I mean)
I see red when people leave grocery carts out on the lot in the parking area......put them in the correct collection spot or take them inside...many times, I have to get out of my truck and MOVE THEM in order to park ...Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

In the same vein, I always take a cart from the parking lot and use it. If everyone did that, it would keep the parking area safer and someone wouldn't behave to collect dozens of them from the parking lot. It drives me crazy to see people walk past 5 or 6 carts in the parking lot only to grab one inside.
Yes! In my local grocery stores, mentally handicapped people are hired to gather carts in the parking lots. It is a conundrum for me. I almost always grab a cart on my way into the grocery store.

One time, I grabbed a cart from the parking lot, and pushed it into the store to do my shopping. I also noticed that there were NO carts in the holding area. Evidently, they were all out in the lot. I did my shopping and went to check out. I put my groceries on the belt, waiting for my turn, and the cashier took my cart and put the groceries from the couple in front of me in it, because there weren't any carts in the cart corral. Evidently they didn't even think of going out to grab one from the parking lot, but got to use mine instead. o_O
I dog sit for people who have work and other commitments. I really like dogs and working with them and the money is good. The world has some really loyal, lovable and sweet dogs. One of the things that I do is to take some of my dogs (clients) to dog parks, because there they get to play, socialize and exercise. It is very good for them and keeps them happy. Dog parks are like many places, you never know what you will find there, people or dogs.

Today, I saw a dog fight. It could have been worse, but it wasn't pretty. Both dogs were bleeding when it was over, but they both walked away. Thank GOD it wasn't the dog I was with!

The problem is that people come with dogs that they know frequently get into fights. I have seen dogs come in through the gate and within 5 seconds are attacking and fighting with another dog. I am there on weekends sometimes, and there is always a different group of dogs there. I call these dogs weekend dogs because they are locked up all week and are not well socialized or happy. More than once, it takes me about 5 seconds to realize I need to take my dog and get out of there.

The woman who brought the dog that started today's fight, took her dog to the small dog side, where her two dogs were very agitated, running up and down the fence line between the two sides. The fencing is just wire strung back and forth several times. Once in a while, a small dog goes through the wire, and one of hers did. She didn't think it would go through, but I told her it could. It immediately went after a doberman. The doberman's owner was right there and immediately did everything she could to break it up, rolling on the wet and muddy ground to break it up. She was a mess when it was over. The other owner? She watched. She did nothing to help stop the dog fight. The doberman's owner was doing her best to pick up her dog to get it away from the other dog. When the dogs stopped fighting, other woman just stands there. I told her, "Get your dog!" Maybe she was afraid of her own dog? It was not the first time I have watched a dog owner whose dog was interested in fighting, just stand and do nothing, during the fight and afterwards, when their dog was riled up, and out looking for another fight. When I see that, I have no problem yelling at the owner. My adrenaline is up. I am concerned for all parties. And I am not happy with the dog owner who just stands there like it is a sporting event.

The doberman's owner is a woman I see frequently at the dog park. She was going to go file charges against the other woman's dog. I am not sure how that works. The owner of the dog who attacked, checked out her dog and then attempted to leave. I told the doberman's owner to go take a photo of the license and car of the woman whose dog attacked. Then they were in the parking lot arguing about who is responsible for vet bills. The doberman had a good gash on her hind leg and was limping. They were headed to the vet.

My adrenaline was up, and my dog was so cooperative about leaving.

Is breaking up a dog fight dangerous? Oh yes! Very! The doberman's owner was just telling me she would never have a dog of that breed, because of how dangerous they are. The words were barely out of her mouth when the attack started.

My dog and I went home and chilled, because this is the kind of thing that upsets me.
I had to go to the big town tonight. Leaving I was on a 4 lane with a turn lane in the center. A vehicle caught up to me then slowed just off my left rear quarter panel. Why would anyone purposely increase the danger level when there is no reason? The safe choice would be to drop back or continue past me. This knuckle head drove there for over a mile, blinding me (lights in my side mirror). I don’t see that well at night anyway. An animal could jump in the road, anything could happen. Yet this knuckle head chose to endanger me and themselves for no reason. Do they have a death wish?

The worst example of this I remember… I was driving across New Mexico on the interstate in a U-haul towing a full-sized pickup with a camper shell. High wind warnings were blaring on the only radio station, almost no traffic. A guy in a Cadillac decided the safe place to drive was beside me in the left lane. Insanity! I crowded him several times before he realized my blind spot was not going to be pleasurable driving experience.

This kind of driving is unfathomable to me. Are some people completely unaware of danger they are creating? :dunno:
Standing in line at the grocery store. Lady in front of me has a full buggy. She meticulously takes the items from the buggy and puts them on the belt... one...by....one. Sometimes that just happens. Not a big deal. The cashier was still checking out the person in front of her.

She's chatting with the cashier. Then she starts putting the bags in the buggy....one....by.....one.... only because there's no more room on the carousel. Finally everything is in bags. All bags are in the buggy. The cashier gives her an amount and the lady just stands there for about a minute . Then she starts slowly digging in the bottomless purse. In the meantime I'm suppressing the urge to tell her this is not the free food line... you HAVE to pay!

Then she starts writing the check. Well, she's actually having a conversation with the cashier and has to stop writing when she wants to say something. She gives the check to the cashier and.....wait for it..... starts digging in the bottomless purse for her ID.

This seems to be happening more frequently. Or am I just the lucky one?
Your just lucky. No one writes checks here, you give the cashier the blank check and they stick it in the computer and it prints the check and runs it as a debit card. Waste of paper.
I had to go to the big town tonight. Leaving I was on a 4 lane with a turn lane in the center. A vehicle caught up to me then slowed just off my left rear quarter panel. Why would anyone purposely increase the danger level when there is no reason? The safe choice would be to drop back or continue past me. This knuckle head drove there for over a mile, blinding me (lights in my side mirror). I don’t see that well at night anyway. An animal could jump in the road, anything could happen. Yet this knuckle head chose to endanger me and themselves for no reason. Do they have a death wish?

The worst example of this I remember… I was driving across New Mexico on the interstate in a U-haul towing a full-sized pickup with a camper shell. High wind warnings were blaring on the only radio station, almost no traffic. A guy in a Cadillac decided the safe place to drive was beside me in the left lane. Insanity! I crowded him several times before he realized my blind spot was not going to be pleasurable driving experience.

This kind of driving is unfathomable to me. Are some people completely unaware of danger they are creating? :dunno:
Driving in someone else's blind spot is one of the things we had drilled into us in Driver's Education. If someone is a driver, with not good driving skills or awareness, and then teaches or tries to teach someone else, then their bad driving habits are probably passed on.

There is another common driving behavior that some people have while out on the Interstates, getting in the passing lane and staying there, not getting back over after they have passed. In many places, it is the law. But again, there are many people who don't care and are in their own little world.
I was on a 4 lane with a turn lane in the center. A vehicle caught up to me then slowed just off my left rear quarter panel. Why would anyone purposely increase the danger level when there is no reason? The safe choice would be to drop back or continue past me. This knuckle head drove there for over a mile, blinding me (lights in my side mirror). I don’t see that well at night anyway. An animal could jump in the road, anything could happen. Yet this knuckle head chose to endanger me and themselves for no reason. Do they have a death wish?

The worst example of this I remember… I was driving across New Mexico on the interstate in a U-haul towing a full-sized pickup with a camper shell. High wind warnings were blaring on the only radio station, almost no traffic. A guy in a Cadillac decided the safe place to drive was beside me in the left lane. Insanity! I crowded him several times before he realized my blind spot was not going to be pleasurable driving experience.

My youngest is 15. For the past year every time we're on the road I'm constantly explaining to him what I'm doing and why (with regard to driving). Blind spots are something we have discussed ad nauseam - to always be aware of our own blind spots, and to always stay out of others' blind spots. And to recognize that very few drivers have this awareness, so you have to be aware for them.

Sadly, when we're on the road we get far more examples of what not to do...
My youngest is 15. For the past year every time we're on the road I'm constantly explaining to him what I'm doing and why (with regard to driving). Blind spots are something we have discussed ad nauseam - to always be aware of our own blind spots, and to always stay out of others' blind spots. And to recognize that very few drivers have this awareness, so you have to be aware for them.

Sadly, when we're on the road we get far more examples of what not to do...
I did this when my daughter was getting ready to drive, pointing out blind spots, and how hard it is to see others in your blind spot, and how some people are completely unaware what a blind spot is. It would probably be a really good idea if people who had 3 accidents or more had to review basic driving safety tips.

Ever see the driver who has no idea how to be in the middle of the lane, but wants to hug the center line?

Or the people who have no idea about leaving a reasonable space between them and the car in front of them? I one time was driving with the flow of traffic on a busy highway, 55 mph, and had a car tailing me so close, I could not see its head lights. At a certain point, something happened and I could finally see its headlights, and the smashed up front end of the car. Evidently they didn't learn a thing about not tailgating the car in front of them.
Saturday. Wife decides she's flying out of state on Thursday to visit one set of grand-kids. With only 5 days notice the best price ticket I can find are at a premium. If she would have said something a month ago...

Sunday. I don't know why I asked but I asked the wife if her Driver's License was current. Nope, it expired 9 months ago. She doesn't have a U.S. Passport so she has no valid ID to show TSA.

Monday. Wife goes to the License Bureau to renew her Driver's license. Since her DL was expired she had to take a written test. She failed.

Tuesday. Wife is back at the LB for the retest and passes. DL will be mailed within two weeks. LB gives wife a official looking printout with wife's black & white photo that "Should be acceptable to the TSA".

Wednesday. Fill the gas tank on my vehicle after the work day is over. Been putting a lot of extra hours at work, I'm bone tired. Plus we need to get up tomorrow at 3 AM to head to the airport. I'm in bed at 9 AM, wife is a night owl and is turning the bedroom and bathroom lights on and off seemingly at random. I roll over on my side to block the lights. Then she starts on opening and slamming the drawers and bedroom doors as she starts to pack. Midnight I finally doze off.

Thursday. We are up at 3 AM. By 3:15 AM I've emptied my bladder, bushed the teeth, shaved, washed my face, dressed, made our bed and ready to take her to the airport. She wants to leave for the airport at 4 AM. She eats breakfast while listening to the TV as she checks her phone messages. Then she feeds the outdoor cats and then the in door cats. Tells me for the umpteenth time on what to feed the cats and how often while she's gone. Then she heads up stairs to finish packing. We leave for the airport just before 4:30 AM. We get to the Airport at 5:30 AM, I unload her luggage and we hug and kiss at the curb. I park at the cell parking lot and wait. 20 minutes later she texts that she made it though TSA security! She's on her way. I put my vehicle on cruise control for the hour trip to work so I can get some sleep (I'm joking). After 11 hours at work I'll be off to the local gun range to renew my annual membership. Hope to home by 8 PM. Fix my supper, shovel clumps out of the liter box and feed the handle-less dust mops.

She always puts things off to the last minute and then her stress level shoots thru the roof...every cotton picking time!
She always puts things off to the last minute and then her stress level shoots thru the roof...every cotton picking time!

My daughter does, too, and then I rescue her. She has a valid excuse. o_O It is because of her type of ADD. I understand why I would ask her to do something, over and over, and get no response, until I yelled. Then when she was diagnosed with ADD and I read about it, oh yes. It drives some of us crazy.
Specially Sardines...

Specially Sardines...

love sardines but my darling bride hates the smell. I eat them when she is not home, wash the sink out well and dispose of the tin in a ziplock. Growing up We always carried a couple of tins when we were hunting or fishing. We didnt have fancy freeze dried foods or MREs. Hunting rations were typically some sardines, a thermos of coffee, a hunk of cheese, some home made bread and an apple. If we were feeling rich sometimes there would be a can of bacon and a chunk of dried salami.
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love sardines but my darling bride hates the smell. I eat them when she is not home, wash the sink out well and dispose of the tin in a ziplock. Growing up We always carried a couple of tins when we were hunting or fishing.

I love sardines too. Funny story, when my sister got married we had to “decorate” the car they would take on their honeymoon. My soon to be brother-in-law thought he was going to pull a fast one, take her car to the church for the wedding but take his truck on the honeymoon.

I figured this out as well as where he “hid” his truck. We sneaked onto the property an hour before the wedding and poured 2 tins of sardines onto the intake manifold of his truck engine around the carburetor.

Even years later, when that truck engine was hot… we could still smell the sardines…. I don’t think he ever forgave me for that…
I have a big rant...young lady wrote on FB she was desperate, hubby going in service, she had a baby, no one would help...would anyone take them in and let them pay the rent when his checks came in....we talked it over and told her we would help...let them move in our rental....he went in the service...months go by...no rent...almost four months pass and I told her she would have to move in with family, but her mother who lives here would not take her in...she did a big go fund me page and all that crap...one of the relatives called and and paid the rent plus a small deposit. The next few months were horrible...trying to get rent from her..she can drive a nice car, has a fancy phone, but felt entitled. She decided to move in with a relative in a near by town and they could share expenses. She was supposed to be out the last of the month....NOPE...she kept demanding the deposit. I had called the woman who paid the rent and told her we would be returning the deposit to her which this girl was not aware of...we have gone through two days of hades. We have lost another month of rent...I called the relative and told her this girl was giving me fits....she called her and told her she had to be out of my house by a certain time today, that every thing was fine between the two of us...finally got rid of her tonight.....the house is dirty, so will require cleaning....my hubby told me I will never be able to try to help someone again, these people just feel like the world owes them a living. Want to pull my hair out....Thank God and Greyhound, she's gone....LOL
I have a big rant...young lady wrote on FB she was desperate, hubby going in service, she had a baby, no one would help...would anyone take them in and let them pay the rent when his checks came in....we talked it over and told her we would help...let them move in our rental....he went in the service...months go by...no rent...almost four months pass and I told her she would have to move in with family, but her mother who lives here would not take her in...she did a big go fund me page and all that crap...one of the relatives called and and paid the rent plus a small deposit. The next few months were horrible...trying to get rent from her..she can drive a nice car, has a fancy phone, but felt entitled. She decided to move in with a relative in a near by town and they could share expenses. She was supposed to be out the last of the month....NOPE...she kept demanding the deposit. I had called the woman who paid the rent and told her we would be returning the deposit to her which this girl was not aware of...we have gone through two days of hades. We have lost another month of rent...I called the relative and told her this girl was giving me fits....she called her and told her she had to be out of my house by a certain time today, that every thing was fine between the two of us...finally got rid of her tonight.....the house is dirty, so will require cleaning....my hubby told me I will never be able to try to help someone again, these people just feel like the world owes them a living. Want to pull my hair out....Thank God and Greyhound, she's gone....LOL
that’s rough but don’t let the scammers and low life’s harden your heart.

Illegitimate non carborundum... pseudo Latin for don’t let the ba***rds wear you down.
I have a big rant...young lady wrote on FB she was desperate, hubby going in service, she had a baby, no one would help...would anyone take them in and let them pay the rent when his checks came in....we talked it over and told her we would help...let them move in our rental....he went in the service...months go by...no rent...almost four months pass and I told her she would have to move in with family, but her mother who lives here would not take her in...she did a big go fund me page and all that crap...one of the relatives called and and paid the rent plus a small deposit. The next few months were horrible...trying to get rent from her..she can drive a nice car, has a fancy phone, but felt entitled. She decided to move in with a relative in a near by town and they could share expenses. She was supposed to be out the last of the month....NOPE...she kept demanding the deposit. I had called the woman who paid the rent and told her we would be returning the deposit to her which this girl was not aware of...we have gone through two days of hades. We have lost another month of rent...I called the relative and told her this girl was giving me fits....she called her and told her she had to be out of my house by a certain time today, that every thing was fine between the two of us...finally got rid of her tonight.....the house is dirty, so will require cleaning....my hubby told me I will never be able to try to help someone again, these people just feel like the world owes them a living. Want to pull my hair out....Thank God and Greyhound, she's gone....LOL

Granny G, sorry your kindness was taken advantage. just another example of "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished" You did a kindness and I am glad your peace of mind will now return to normal. There is another saying I am partial to : "What goes around, Comes around" She will get hers in time.
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