Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Most of you don't have to deal with door bell ringing being out in the country n all. Guy just tried to make me feel like I'm missing the best thing by not getting a contract with his company for security, door camera, etc. I reminded him I'm on the do not knock list with the city, then I looked up at my wasp nest that was about five feet from his head, which he noticed and backed up accordingly, while I was holding my 6 foot long big A walking stick in one hand, barefoot, and hearing the dog barking like she's going to kill that emmfffer. He asked me if I knew the people in back of me, so and so, or these people, the whatevers, no, I don't. He said that I would get a discount rate if I purchased now for allowing the company to post their sign in my yard and I wouldn't be allowed to discuss price with anyone, etc. What a bunch of hooey. No. Oh, okay, he says, well then you won't have that protection, I said, "the dog works." He scoffed. :rolleyes: please laugh. I am.
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Keep your eyes open and watch for him and his pals to return in the middle of the night.
There was a similar scam happening around here and a lot of people got robbed.
Don't have a cat.
Some people are not pet people, or not cat people. It all depends, I've had cat or cats as long as I have been alive. We have Teddy, the big fluffy oaf dog, who will die protecting his pack, and 7 cats, with various degrees of Murder Mittens.
Keep your eyes open and watch for him and his pals to return in the middle of the night.
There was a similar scam happening around here and a lot of people got robbed.
I agree. Many of them are simply a shakedown to determine which houses do not have alarm systems. :mad:
...I still think she shoulda hit that wasp nest with her stick.:(
@Supervisor42 and @backlash I disagree and I appreciate your concern. I am not concerned as there is always someone noticeably at home and the dog is always on high alert, waiting for someone to come home. @backlash I didn't think you ever read my posts. I have read that one of the biggest deterents to that type of crime, besides alarm systems, is a dog.
@dademoss I love murder mittens!
I know my local law peeps and will talk to them about it; since this "company" did knock on my door and weren't supposed to, I can report that to the city.
Most of you don't have to deal with door bell ringing being out in the country n all. Guy just tried to make me feel like I'm missing the best thing by not getting a contract with his company for security, door camera, etc. I reminded him I'm on the do not knock list with the city, then I looked up at my wasp nest that was about five feet from his head, which he noticed and backed up accordingly, while I was holding my 6 foot long big A walking stick in one hand, barefoot, and hearing the dog barking like she's going to kill that emmfffer. He asked me if I knew the people in back of me, so and so, or these people, the whatevers, no, I don't. He said that I would get a discount rate if I purchased now for allowing the company to post their sign in my yard and I wouldn't be allowed to discuss price with anyone, etc. What a bunch of hooey. No. Oh, okay, he says, well then you won't have that protection, I said, "the dog works." He scoffed. :rolleyes: please laugh. I am.
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I have a sign posted, and my township DOES not issue a permit for solicitors. Mostly they listen, the one that didn't got a peek at a 1911 :p. About 5 feet, and and he would been coldcuts, but his co-workers got to him first.

His claimed "Seal Team" training was not successful, I want my money back.
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@Supervisor42 and @backlash I disagree and I appreciate your concern. I am not concerned as there is always someone noticeably at home and the dog is always on high alert, waiting for someone to come home. @backlash I didn't think you ever read my posts. I have read that one of the biggest deterents to that type of crime, besides alarm systems, is a dog.
@dademoss I love murder mittens!
I know my local law peeps and will talk to them about it; since this "company" did knock on my door and weren't supposed to, I can report that to the city.
Scopers! Watch it!!
Hey, Patchouli, do ya remember when fake dog noises were a marketable thing? No lie, some genius came up with the idea to create a "noise box" activated by pushing the doorbell... the box made barking, snarling & growling Doberman sounds, lol. I think it was a Big City thing, lol. But you are correct, a dog (or even the sound of a fake dog) can be a big deterrent to burglars, prowlers, etc. I don't recall how much that company charged for its fake Doberman noise boxes, I just recall that they actually hit the market, lol. No idea how long the fad lasted, or what the overall success rate was... most thieves will move on to easier targets if they hear a dog barking or growling. :rolleyes:
Hey, Patchouli, do ya remember when fake dog noises were a marketable thing? No lie, some genius came up with the idea to create a "noise box" activated by pushing the doorbell... the box made barking, snarling & growling Doberman sounds, lol. I think it was a Big City thing, lol. But you are correct, a dog (or even the sound of a fake dog) can be a big deterrent to burglars, prowlers, etc. I don't recall how much that company charged for its fake Doberman noise boxes, I just recall that they actually hit the market, lol. No idea how long the fad lasted, or what the overall success rate was... most thieves will move on to easier targets if they hear a dog barking or growling. :rolleyes:
And if they SEE your dog is not going to eat them alive , they think it's ok!
My turn to rant. As most know, I help modding and admin'ing some forums as a favor to a long time friend. I've never charged a penny and I do it for the love of the community and for my own personal knowledge. Someone on another DIY forum which I am an admin on had asked for comments on his ill designed plumbing modification.

Me, being brutally honest, said that I didn't like his design and explained why. His response was...."For a staff member/admin, you sure do a good job at making new members feel welcome and free of judgement towards their first post. Keep up the great work."

Should I recommend that he files a complaint hoping to get me terminated, or should I send him a "butt hurt" report?

My turn to rant. As most know, I help modding and admin'ing some forums as a favor to a long time friend. I've never charged a penny and I do it for the love of the community and for my own personal knowledge. Someone on another DIY forum which I am an admin on had asked for comments on his ill designed plumbing modification.

Me, being brutally honest, said that I didn't like his design and explained why. His response was...."For a staff member/admin, you sure do a good job at making new members feel welcome and free of judgement towards their first post. Keep up the great work."

Should I recommend that he files a complaint hoping to get me terminated, or should I send him a "butt hurt" report?

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Oh the butthurt report for sure. I keep a copy of it in my office to handout when the whining starts. Shuts it right down and gets everyone else laughing and ridiculing the whiner. Works everytime
Havasu, some people can't handle constructive criticism.

I went to use my computer today and monitor wouldn't turn on. I hit power button on it and it went blank screen and said "no signal". I messed with the HDMI cable (which is relatively new) and no signal. I think my video card died. I need a new case (more protective from cats) and a new video card. Ugh. Cases aren't so bad, but its hard to find the right kind. The video cards are insanely high right now.

Went to use my laptop and battery shut off. I adjusted the plug on the power brick and it broke.

Fortunately, that was the old one but I was having trouble finding the new one. I'm having to update the apps on this laptop. It runs hot so I can't keep it running too long though.

I tried cleaning my computer chassis and its not working. Stuff is sticking to the duct tape.

Not my day today.
Boxes. I think that’s the way to go. Neighbor made rectangular boxes with hinged dome top lids. Closed when it rains too much (think flood) or gets too cool. Fewer pests, cats, everything. His garden looks picture perfect. Mine? Well, I had fun. Next year I hope to do the same or similar.
Ben, that sucks!

So, the good news is, my graphics card worked again after sitting and cooling off for awhile. But the whole case reeks of cat pee and is absolutely disgusting. When I rebooted I got a fan speed error message and it gave me trouble booting. I believe the parts are all over 5yrs old (except for maybe the SSDs). The blu-ray player, SSD cards, & power supply should all be good still. Everything else needs to be replaced. Not all at once though. Will have to buy stuff over time. Although Mom said my birthday was coming up in a few months. I told her the phone I got was my birthday present (although I paid for a little over half of it). She then said Christmas was coming up. LOL. Building a PC myself will be cheaper than buying a pre-built one and my friend will assemble it for me. He was giving me advice on parts when some guy he didn't know came pounding on his door to tell him his mom's in jail. She got busted for not wearing a seatbelt and possession of level 2 controlled substance (I'm guessing meth). We've all been telling him she's on meth but he thought she was clean. He said he already lost one parent to drugs and now he's afraid he'll lose another. I can guarantee she's going to ask him to pay for her bail. He can't afford it, but he will probably take out a loan again. He took out a loan to pay her court fees& fines last time she got in trouble.

My mother is completely unsympathetic to it. She can't stand his mother. She doesn't get that he loves his mother and doesn't want her sitting in jail and he'll feel bad if he doesn't help her. He's easily manipulated.

At least my sister took over giving me advice. She's good with computer tech stuff.
My turn to rant. As most know, I help modding and admin'ing some forums as a favor to a long time friend. I've never charged a penny and I do it for the love of the community and for my own personal knowledge. Someone on another DIY forum which I am an admin on had asked for comments on his ill designed plumbing modification.

Me, being brutally honest, said that I didn't like his design and explained why. His response was...."For a staff member/admin, you sure do a good job at making new members feel welcome and free of judgement towards their first post. Keep up the great work."

Should I recommend that he files a complaint hoping to get me terminated, or should I send him a "butt hurt" report?

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I posted one almost identical years ago on a gaming forum, good for some LOLs at the embryonic snowflakes back then. they're still whiny, self-centered wastes of DNA.
My turn to rant. As most know, I help modding and admin'ing some forums as a favor to a long time friend. I've never charged a penny and I do it for the love of the community and for my own personal knowledge. Someone on another DIY forum which I am an admin on had asked for comments on his ill designed plumbing modification.

Me, being brutally honest, said that I didn't like his design and explained why. His response was...."For a staff member/admin, you sure do a good job at making new members feel welcome and free of judgement towards their first post. Keep up the great work."

Should I recommend that he files a complaint hoping to get me terminated, or should I send him a "butt hurt" report?

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I wouldn’t respond to him. Not worth my time to argue with an idiot.
As a parent, watching your grown kids run off the tracks?

It's so frustrating. You know they are in for a train wreck. And you can't help but think, "I didn't teach them that way. In fact the opposite?"

But I suppose my parents didn't always approve of my directions? I know it. But as a responsible parent, we wanna see our kids progressing.

Gotta keep reminding yourself that when NASA fires a rocket, it's off course 99% of the time. It takes constant adjustment to get it where it's supposed to go. Consistent, predictable, tactful nudging?
Carp! My laptop died. I needed it tomorrow night so I pulled it out this morning to let it charge while I ran updates.

It wouldn’t accept my password, nothing I tried worked. Had an eye appointment this afternoon. Just got home and started over again. Same story.

I finally made headway by bringing up the 'on screen keyboard'. Then I could see what was happening. The keyboard inputs are hosed…

All the number keys across the top are in a caps only state. Shift key or cap lock have no effect on them. Then the number pad… numbers only work if number lock is turned off but none of the symbol keys work at all. The number keys stop working if num-lock is on. 🤪

The rest of the letter keys… randomly shift between caps and lower case which I can see happen on the – on screen keyboard. So, by sitting and waiting for keys to be in the correct state I managed to enter my password and boot...

Didn’t help the situation… I can’t even describe what a keyboard with a ‘mind of it’s own’ does to a booted operating system. It’s randomly entering key commands!!!!. 🤬

I have a bootable copy of linux mint on a thumb drive. I can’t get the keyboard to cooperate long enough to access it. Not that reloading the operating system will help but I’m willing to try anything at this point… Carp!!!! 😤
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Not a rant. Just a random tidbit.

Got a call from a possible scammer. Sounded like an AI bot doing a survey. I had fun not answering but replying to each question with a question of my own.

I kept it going for 6:20 when after I asked...

If you won't answer my questions why should I answer yours?

There was a long delay before it said "Thank you" and hung up.

For the time being a human can still stump an AI bot.

Human - 1
Bot - 0

As a parent, watching your grown kids run off the tracks?

It's so frustrating. You know they are in for a train wreck. And you can't help but think, "I didn't teach them that way. In fact the opposite?"

But I suppose my parents didn't always approve of my directions? I know it. But as a responsible parent, we wanna see our kids progressing.

Gotta keep reminding yourself that when NASA fires a rocket, it's off course 99% of the time. It takes constant adjustment to get it where it's supposed to go. Consistent, predictable, tactful nudging?
So sorry. Been there. I think most of us have, though some will never admit it. Trying to communicate with them sometimes is beyond frustrating. All you can do is pray for them, and be there when they’re ready for you.
I picked up a bag of cat food this morning and the paper at the top was folded into a sharp corner and managed to cut my chin. Add that to the list of bizarre ways I injured myself.

My friend's Mom got bailed out by someone and it turns out the cops planted the drugs on her. Normally I'd be skeptical of such a claim, but the cops in my town are notorious for doing that. Just like its common knowledge that a cop is the biggest drug dealer in town, its common knowledge that the cops here lie & plant drugs on people. The two biggest things my town is known for are drugs and corrupt cops. I told my friend his Mom should request the bodycam footage. And, they searched her & her vehicle because they were arresting her for not wearing a seatbelt. I've never heard of an arrest for that before. Ticket, yes, but not arrest. So, they were looking to jam her up. My friend said they were trying to squeeze her for info to get her to rat out other people. Unfortunately, if she gets a judge trial she's screwed bc the judge always convicts everyone bc he gets paid extra for convictions. And the judge also refuses to give people court appointed attorneys when they can't afford attorneys. Small town corruption sucks.

Also, the trash bags are building up and I'm having a hard time trying to haul them out. Mom asked my brother to take the trash out and he refused. Mom commented that its his one chore and that I've been having to do it. He claimed that bc he works (even though he doesn't contribute 1cent toward bills) that he shouldn't have to do ANY chores-- including cleaning up after himself. He then complained that I haven't washed all of the dishes. When he was supposed to wash dishes and I was supposed to take out trash he never once washed the dishes. My mother argued with him about how I shouldn't have to clean up his messes and that there is so much trash on the floor that its hard for me to get to the sink (which is true-- I still need to pick that up, but last time I started I got dizzy). He apparently stomped out of the room. He told me a completely different version of events and didn't mention that he griped about me not doing stuff-- I do the grocery shopping, cook for Mom, do her laundry, do my own laundry, take out the trash, feed the cats, water the cats, clean the litterboxes, clean the toilets, and do some yardwork cutting weeds. He sometimes helps with groceries and that is it. And when I say "help" I mean he picks out food for himself and sometimes helps bring the groceries in. But he often just dumps them and goes to his room and leaves me to put them away. I really wish he would grow up. I know I've gotten behind on stuff, but I'm having to clean up after him constantly and do his share of the chores.

I keep hoping he'll have an epiphany and stop being so entitled and realize that the house would be much more comfortable if he actually helped with the upkeep and cleaning.
Went to the bathroom and came back to smell some sort of electrical burning. Determined it was coming from the power strip my computer was plugged into. One of the outlets on it had already burned out. So, I turned off my computer and unplugged the power strip. Went to the store and got a brand new power strip and a brand new power cord for the computer. Old one looked corroded on one end and was difficult to remove. Just in case the cord was the problem, I decided to start fresh. Got it where the cats can't get to it. When I get my new case and build a new computer, having fresh clean cables and power strip should help. I'm going to have to move some things around a bit I think and do a lot of cleanup. Thinking of getting a cable management box but not sure how it would work.

Friend informed me that they already set his mother's trial date for Monday. Didn't even give her time to get an attorney or request bodycam footage. I've never heard of someone having a trial so fast. I know this area is corrupt, but that is really pushing it. She did not request a trial that fast and wanted more time. She'll have to request an extension-- but knowing the judge he'll refuse. He wouldn't let my brother have a court-appointed attorney despite the fact my brother couldn't afford an attorney. The judge, the DA, the cops... all corrupt jerks.

I forgot to mention that I'm having a problem with wasps. They keep collecting on my front door. I went to spray the buggers and it ricocheted into my eye. Thought they were all gone but went out today and they were collecting again. Is there any way to repel them from the door? They were also gathering on the porch light. I want them to go away! They fly at my face whenever I approach the door from the outside or open the door from the inside.

On the positive side, TSC had these back in stock: https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/crescent-6-in-1-stubby-rat-multibit-driver-cmbs61r

Love these things. They can get in to tight spaces, they ratchet, and they have different types of bits stored inside.
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