How Long until Christmas?

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135 days to go ;)

Wait, I see @Morgan101 says 134 days - I'm apt to believe him over Prof. Google.
I think I'll buy a bunch of lights and string them up inside the trailer and just leave them up.
Bonus if my neighbors whine about it. LMAO

Dude! As soon as my front porch is rehabbed, I'm stringing lights to stay up year-round! My redneck neighbors already beat me to it, lol. I'm gonna stick with colored LEDs, that way the cats won't be overly-exposed at night... don't want predators to think this is some friggin' roadside diner, lol. :oops:

Now that I'm in the spirit of Christmas, I shall sing a carol! Let me fire up the karaoke machine... 🎤

🎶 🎵 🎼 "RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER..." 🎶 🎵 🎼 :flyingaway:

BLAM!!! BLAM!!! BLAM!!! 😲

[Subsequent 9-1-1 report]


Okay, I'm having too much fun here, time to go make a big ol' breakfast burrito! Holy Toledo! I just looked out the window and there are 50 birds going after the cracked corn on the West Side! 🐦🦜🐦🦜🐦
A Christmas poem based on a true thing in my life:

It was the night before lay off and all through the plant,
All of us blue-collar types were working like ants,
When out of the office there arose such a clatter,
we all stopped work to see what was the matter!
And what to our bloodshot eyes did appear, but
the main man and the company queer! he called:
"From the top of the coaters to the repair alley wall,
work faster you scumbags or I'll fire you all" he passed
out our pink slips wrapped 'round Budweiser beer,
and a big rubber ---- for the company queer! and
we heard him exclaim as he fled from our sight:
"Fk all you peons, it's been a hell of a night!

You see, it used to be legal to lay everyone off for a month during Christmas so the
government would pay for our vacation and it was understood our jobs were to be
waiting on us January 5th. Most times yes, sometimes no. depends on how valuable/suck-up you were.
Yes he is
You should have known him in person, great guy!
He and I were great friends for years.:huggs:
I asked him if he had an M1-carbine and he said no.
So I sent him one😁.
One year I helped him get the lead out in, and brought him a couple hundred pounds of sheet-lead to cast bullets with, just because I had easy access to it.
He was still melting that stuff years later:D.
My payment, was seeing the priceless look on the young guy's face that we made unload it from my truck.
Also gave him this 48v UPS unit to power his kitchen with his golf cart when the power went out.
Sorry, I got off topic.:(
On topic: Come tomorrow, it will be exactly 3 months until Christmas.:D
Sorry, I got off topic.:(
Some of us don't care if conversations go off topic. I know it is important to stay on topic sometimes, but eh!

There must have been some groups or forums that several of you belonged to. I know Jim had at least one meet up at his place that involved lots of target practice and shooting.
Some of us don't care if conversations go off topic. I know it is important to stay on topic sometimes, but eh!

There must have been some groups or forums that several of you belonged to. I know Jim had at least one meet up at his place that involved lots of target practice and shooting.
At least one? Try more than 5. :)
Sorry, on topic: :flyingaway:
I lived in a place where there was a small neighborhood tucked in a kind of corner between the major highway, river, and a busy street through town.. The area went by the nic name of ...Candy Cane lane... It was an older neighborhood with lots of mature trees along the streets and in yards.. Virtually the whole neighborhood decorated to the max... With many strings of lights in trees, across the streets, you name it...

On quite tall 2 plus story house had a Santa on the edge of the roof... With a string of yellow lights arching from about Santas belt buckle area down to the ground.. Very fun to tour the area every winter...
You should have known him in person, great guy!
He and I were great friends for years.:huggs:
I asked him if he had an M1-carbine and he said no.
So I sent him one😁.
One year I helped him get the lead out in, and brought him a couple hundred pounds of sheet-lead to cast bullets with, just because I had easy access to it.
He was still melting that stuff years later:D.
My payment, was seeing the priceless look on the young guy's face that we made unload it from my truck.
Also gave him this 48v UPS unit to power his kitchen with his golf cart when the power went out.
Sorry, I got off topic.:(
On topic: Come tomorrow, it will be exactly 3 months until Christmas.:D
You are just sharing what sort of Christmas gifts you've shared over the years 😉
LadyLocust is dropping the Christmas ball !! She is supposed to keep us informed!!😉
I haven't even been able to keep up with what day today is let alone when Christmas is.
If it makes you feel better though, I've already started shopping. I do a basket for each of the guys at Christmas.
Those who have kids, there is something for each of the kids. Last year one of our guys who has two young boys: one received a book on paper airplanes, and the other got a reem of paper 😇 He said they loved it 😂
So I have this year's wares started :devil:

I haven't even been able to keep up with what day today is let alone when Christmas is.
If it makes you feel better though, I've already started shopping. I do a basket for each of the guys at Christmas.
Those who have kids, there is something for each of the kids. Last year one of our guys who has two young boys: one received a book on paper airplanes, and the other got a reem of paper 😇 He said they loved it 😂
So I have this year's wares started :devil:
I'll email you my list, it's kinda long so you should have time to get everything!! My birthday is two weeks from Thursday so I will include my birthday list in the email!! 😂😂😂
Whew! Good you gave me the heads up. It takes a while to crochet a pepto pink toilet seat cover you know! 😂
I got your email reply, you know, the one with the hand with a finger raised! So just to be more specific on sizes and colors, the Cadillac SUV should be dark metallic red!! All wheel drive because I have to go clean Sonya's house and her driveway can get dicey!