Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Had a ‘battle of wills’ with the pup that began yesterday. He’s a sloppy eater and lazy, he lays down to eat. But both his parents did the same. He still drops kibble on the floor in spite of his head being in the bowl. He also begs to be fed, 9am/9pm, 30oz of kibble total. He also gets table scraps from my folks and any that I have. He also gets any catfood he can steal from dad. He’s a high energy working dog, stays trim and fit.

But he’s picked up a couple of bad habits with food. 1) He refuses to eat kibble he’s dropped on my kitchen floor! 2) Any kibble he leaves in the bowl several hours, he’ll ignore unless I pour table scraps over them. Or if I pour fresh kibble over it he’ll pick out the fresh and still leave the old kibble in the bowl. (@#$)

I got the kitchen clean yesterday, especially the floor. There was kibble, maybe 4oz in his bowl at noon yesterday. I refused to feed him until he cleaned the bowl. His stomach got the best of him about 7pm this evening! 😁 He finally ate the left over kibble. Then I fed him!!

Several times today he begged to be fed. I’d just point at the bowl and say ‘eat’. I trained him to wait to eat until I give him permission when I put food in front of him. He’d go over, sniff, not eat, then come back and beg for food. I’d ignore him. Never scolded him or changed my voice, used normal tones, normal gestures and commands. Just say ‘eat’ when he begged.

The next step is kibble on the floor. It’s clean now and will stay that way. He’ll not get fed until he eats all the kibble I give him, whether he drops it on the floor or not. :waiting:

He weighs about 72lbs. Just over 70 is a good weight for him. Eats a lot but burns the calories off. He's always running, should have named him Forest! Been catching squirrels lately, brought one home friday, killed a mole today.

Don't laugh at my kitchen cabinets, dad and i installed them in '74. They just hit the big five O. I live in my grandparents old house, needs to be gutted. Time to start over i think.

Sam k big eat  (4).JPG
Your cabinets are fine, @Peanut
You have a weird dog. Our dog does stupid stuff with her food dish too. There will be food in it and she begs for more. I don't care, she'll still eat it all. Same about food on the floor sometimes. Just will not eat it if i drop it getting it to the dish. Last evening I put a little chicken heart/gizzards on her kibble, stirred it around, put it down in front of her. She sniffed it, looked at it, looked at me. I walked away, I don't know what the problem was but she ate it.
Heidi won't eat kibble off the floor if I drop it while filling her bowl but if I put in the bowl it's eaten. On Sundays, she knows we're going next door to Dad's for breakfast so she only eats half of her morning food. She also knows she will be getting some of Dad's breakfast--eggs, potatoes, toast and bacon. Surprised he doesn't try to give her coffee to boot. She never asks for treats at home; only at Dad's. Hmmm I think I see a pattern. LOL But spoiling is a grandparents' job.
Had a ‘battle of wills’ with the pup that began yesterday. He’s a sloppy eater and lazy, he lays down to eat. But both his parents did the same. He still drops kibble on the floor in spite of his head being in the bowl. He also begs to be fed, 9am/9pm, 30oz of kibble total. He also gets table scraps from my folks and any that I have. He also gets any catfood he can steal from dad. He’s a high energy working dog, stays trim and fit.

But he’s picked up a couple of bad habits with food. 1) He refuses to eat kibble he’s dropped on my kitchen floor! 2) Any kibble he leaves in the bowl several hours, he’ll ignore unless I pour table scraps over them. Or if I pour fresh kibble over it he’ll pick out the fresh and still leave the old kibble in the bowl. (@#$)

I got the kitchen clean yesterday, especially the floor. There was kibble, maybe 4oz in his bowl at noon yesterday. I refused to feed him until he cleaned the bowl. His stomach got the best of him about 7pm this evening! 😁 He finally ate the left over kibble. Then I fed him!!

Several times today he begged to be fed. I’d just point at the bowl and say ‘eat’. I trained him to wait to eat until I give him permission when I put food in front of him. He’d go over, sniff, not eat, then come back and beg for food. I’d ignore him. Never scolded him or changed my voice, used normal tones, normal gestures and commands. Just say ‘eat’ when he begged.

The next step is kibble on the floor. It’s clean now and will stay that way. He’ll not get fed until he eats all the kibble I give him, whether he drops it on the floor or not. :waiting:

He weighs about 72lbs. Just over 70 is a good weight for him. Eats a lot but burns the calories off. He's always running, should have named him Forest! Been catching squirrels lately, brought one home friday, killed a mole today.

Don't laugh at my kitchen cabinets, dad and i installed them in '74. They just hit the big five O. I live in my grandparents old house, needs to be gutted. Time to start over i think.

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I have always had big dogs and always feed them from a raised bowl! Dogs will lay down to eat to help them swallow properly. Try a raised bowl!
I've a cat that has a mouth issue so drops his biscuits and wont eat them off the floor. I'm beginning to wonder if he can.

Our dog Dio eats like the Alsatian above, but only since he went blind. I think it's a way of protecting his grub from the other dogs the best way he can. Though they don't go near him. This was him before he went blind; we had to either chain him or muzzle him if he was loose. He kept stealing stuff from the neighbours, stealing our chickens and hiding them to eat later, and once he took a kitten from the back doorstep and hid it in the woodpile. He's been hard work. When he went blind it was actually a blessing for us- there were days I was ready to shoot him.


; I
Sure can, Pearl.

We bought two fancy carved rockers when we lived in Jakarta. Eventually, many years later, we un boxed them for the front deck.

The dang things are designed for people with short arms and legs.

They have a built in foot rest on the front rockers that put your knees into your stomach and make it impossibleto rock. The arm rests are too short and your hands and wrists hang over the ends.

Turns out, hubby never actually sat in one before he bought them. They just looked good.

They are totally unusable, but hey, the vulture carvings on the high backs are neat if you aren't too tall for the beaks to jab you in the back of the head.
This is my challenge with many things. I imagine that the people there were probably pretty short.

I am not overly tall, 5' 8", but it seems that many things are designed for short people. I wonder what my g grandfather, who was 6'+, did when he lived in Europe, Germany, Rhine Valley, where it seemed that many people were considerably shorter? I have other relatives, men, in my ancestry, who were 5' 5" tall. My mom's cousin told me that when 6' tall g grandpa was in the service, you had to be 6' to be an officer. Because he was taller, even at 6', he was an officer. His MIL, on the other hand was pretty short.

WM used to have some very comfortable knit pants for less than $10. They were nice enough to wear to work. When I went shopping for them, I would go into a store and they only had short sizes, and lots and lots of them. I spoke to a woman who was working in women's clothing. I asked why they had so many short sizes, and no regular and tall? She said she thought it was because the person who ordered them was short. I told her that short people can cut off excess, but tall people will just be looking like they are waiting for a flood. Imagine the difference in length if you are 5' versus 5' 8". That is a lot of missing pant leg. I actually believe that she was the person who did the ordering, because she was very short. My daughter, 5' 11", really struggles with finding pants long enough, but it has gotten better over time. We both have long arms and struggle to find sleeves that are long enough. We both struggle with leg length on planes, in some vehicles, etc.
Had a ‘battle of wills’ with the pup that began yesterday. He’s a sloppy eater and lazy, he lays down to eat. But both his parents did the same. He still drops kibble on the floor in spite of his head being in the bowl. He also begs to be fed, 9am/9pm, 30oz of kibble total. He also gets table scraps from my folks and any that I have. He also gets any catfood he can steal from dad. He’s a high energy working dog, stays trim and fit.

But he’s picked up a couple of bad habits with food. 1) He refuses to eat kibble he’s dropped on my kitchen floor! 2) Any kibble he leaves in the bowl several hours, he’ll ignore unless I pour table scraps over them. Or if I pour fresh kibble over it he’ll pick out the fresh and still leave the old kibble in the bowl. (@#$)

I got the kitchen clean yesterday, especially the floor. There was kibble, maybe 4oz in his bowl at noon yesterday. I refused to feed him until he cleaned the bowl. His stomach got the best of him about 7pm this evening! 😁 He finally ate the left over kibble. Then I fed him!!

Several times today he begged to be fed. I’d just point at the bowl and say ‘eat’. I trained him to wait to eat until I give him permission when I put food in front of him. He’d go over, sniff, not eat, then come back and beg for food. I’d ignore him. Never scolded him or changed my voice, used normal tones, normal gestures and commands. Just say ‘eat’ when he begged.

The next step is kibble on the floor. It’s clean now and will stay that way. He’ll not get fed until he eats all the kibble I give him, whether he drops it on the floor or not. :waiting:

He weighs about 72lbs. Just over 70 is a good weight for him. Eats a lot but burns the calories off. He's always running, should have named him Forest! Been catching squirrels lately, brought one home friday, killed a mole today.

Don't laugh at my kitchen cabinets, dad and i installed them in '74. They just hit the big five O. I live in my grandparents old house, needs to be gutted. Time to start over i think.

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I board a dog that has her own raised food bowl holder. Actually, I know a few dogs that have them. When she stays at my house, they bring her bed and her food bowl's holder along with other things. The raised food bowls has become kind of popular with people who have larger dogs. I will take photos of some of the ones that my client's dogs have.
here is my rant for the day: I truly hate all the invasive technology!!!!
So I have had a yahoo mail for almost 20 YEARS with no problem. NOW I had to add a phone number to "verify identity" to sign in ( to make it work, noticed forums were not working)
I had no real identity attached to this email before, now it does. How annoying! They want to know all your personal info
Then I had to delete a gazzillion photos people sent me ( not asked for , not known to me, mostly dog and cat photos, not sure why) one at a time since there is no " select all" for deleting photos

I know I sound like a hypocrite since I AM on a computer forum, but man sometimes I truly hate technology!! It was fine even maybe 10 years ago but now it is impossible.
Our dog will take the food out of his bowl, drop it on the floor and eat the stuff he likes best then eat the rest.
My cousin's dog will not drink from her water bowl if another dog drinks from it.
The bowl must be washed and refilled.
2 of our dogs will try to hide their food if they are full ( yes, they are preppers LOL) , the barn one will shove bedding on top of it, the house one will try to dump his bowl and shove it under the couch....

Not my Otto however, he just eats whatever I put in his bowl, and if nobody is watching he will eat the other dogs food too!
Had a ‘battle of wills’ with the pup that began yesterday. He’s a sloppy eater and lazy, he lays down to eat. But both his parents did the same. He still drops kibble on the floor in spite of his head being in the bowl. He also begs to be fed, 9am/9pm, 30oz of kibble total. He also gets table scraps from my folks and any that I have. He also gets any catfood he can steal from dad. He’s a high energy working dog, stays trim and fit.

But he’s picked up a couple of bad habits with food. 1) He refuses to eat kibble he’s dropped on my kitchen floor! 2) Any kibble he leaves in the bowl several hours, he’ll ignore unless I pour table scraps over them. Or if I pour fresh kibble over it he’ll pick out the fresh and still leave the old kibble in the bowl. (@#$)
the laying down to eat must be a Shepherd thing, mine does it too, so did Heidi the previous one. But Otto would eat EVERYTHING that dropped on the floor and within his reach, food, firestarters, clothepins, plastic bags, , goat and sheep poop , I have seen him eat a rock, and pieces of wood
today he took a empty can of dog food out of the garbage ( he got in trouble) and took it to his crate to chew on it. He gets fed enough . I almost have to sweep the floor daily but then he finds things outside
This is my challenge with many things. I imagine that the people there were probably pretty short.

I am not overly tall, 5' 8", but it seems that many things are designed for short people. I wonder what my g grandfather, who was 6'+, did when he lived in Europe, Germany, Rhine Valley, where it seemed that many people were considerably shorter? I have other relatives, men, in my ancestry, who were 5' 5" tall. My mom's cousin told me that when 6' tall g grandpa was in the service, you had to be 6' to be an officer. Because he was taller, even at 6', he was an officer. His MIL, on the other hand was pretty short.

WM used to have some very comfortable knit pants for less than $10. They were nice enough to wear to work. When I went shopping for them, I would go into a store and they only had short sizes, and lots and lots of them. I spoke to a woman who was working in women's clothing. I asked why they had so many short sizes, and no regular and tall? She said she thought it was because the person who ordered them was short. I told her that short people can cut off excess, but tall people will just be looking like they are waiting for a flood. Imagine the difference in length if you are 5' versus 5' 8". That is a lot of missing pant leg. I actually believe that she was the person who did the ordering, because she was very short. My daughter, 5' 11", really struggles with finding pants long enough, but it has gotten better over time. We both have long arms and struggle to find sleeves that are long enough. We both struggle with leg length on planes, in some vehicles, etc.
I am 5' 8 '' too and usually buy guy pants where you can pick the length , works better , walmart clothes don't work for me at all, they seem to be only made for either super skinny teenagers or short fat women
daughter is 5' 9.5'' , that's why she got picked for ceremonial guard in the Navy (did it for a year and now has to do it again because they are short people, she is not very happy about it, even if it is a easy job compared to what she does regularly)
that's why she got picked for ceremonial guard in the Navy (did it for a year and now has to do it again because they are short people, she is not very happy about it, even if it is a easy job compared to what she does regularly)

Curious, the ceremonial guard in washington dc? The one that does funerals in Arlington and state diners et al?

The reason i ask... just reading your post brought back a memory. I was part of my ship's guard force. We controlled access to missiles, weapons and internal ship security.

Anyway, there was kid who had been part of the DC ceremonial guard for a year, representing the Navy. When his year was up he was assigned to my ship (the real navy).

He couldn't handle the real navy without tailored uniforms, dry cleaning, fancy DC dinners... etc. He melted down, threatened suicide, had a knife. That day an idiot ordered me to draw my weapon on the kid. Which I ignored because it was stupid. Introducing another weapon was the worst possible choice at that moment.

Anyway, the kid survived without injury and got sent to the hospital, never came back to the ship. don't know what happened to him afterwards.

Just curious...
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the laying down to eat must be a Shepherd thing, mine does it too, so did Heidi the previous one. But Otto would eat EVERYTHING that dropped on the floor and within his reach, food, firestarters, clothepins, plastic bags, , goat and sheep poop , I have seen him eat a rock, and pieces of wood
today he took a empty can of dog food out of the garbage ( he got in trouble) and took it to his crate to chew on it. He gets fed enough . I almost have to sweep the floor daily but then he finds things outside
RAISED BOWLS!! Large dogs need raised bowls!
Curious, the ceremonial guard in washington dc? The one that does funerals in Arlington and state diners et al?

The reason i ask... just reading your post brought back a memory. I was part of my ship's guard force. We controlled access to missiles, weapons and internal ship security.

Anyway, there was kid who had been part of the DC ceremonial guard for a year, representing the Navy. When his year was up he was assigned to my ship (the real navy).

He couldn't handle the real navy without tailored uniforms, dry cleaning, fancy DC dinners... etc. He melted down, threatened suicide, had a knife. That day an idiot ordered me to draw my weapon on the kid. Which I ignored because it was stupid. Introducing another weapon was the worst possible choice at that moment.

Anyway, the kid survived without injury and got sent to the hospital, never came back to the ship. don't know what happened to him afterwards.

Just curious...
Yes, those ceremonial guards, she met her husband there btw. they were both guards and did a ton of funerals at Arlington, and stood there when a lot of foreign presidents came to visit but appearantly they do some in Norfolk also so she has to fill in for half a year. She doesn't like it. Her regular Navy job is working on the electronics and radar of planes.
As a guard they have to stand there in one spot for hours and it's not fun going to funerals all the time either. She got picked because she is pretty and tall. They have to be a certain height. SIL is very tall
I am surprised the guy you knew liked being a guard, it doesn't sound like that good of a job , I would hate it
I am surprised the guy you knew liked being a guard, it doesn't sound like that good of a job , I would hate it

Exactly, i'd have hated it also! I don't know the kid's whole story. He'd only been onboard a few weeks, knew him if i saw him but didn't know his name. His complaints that day seemed ship related, who knows what was really behind it. :dunno:
Yes, those ceremonial guards, she met her husband there btw. they were both guards and did a ton of funerals at Arlington, and stood there when a lot of foreign presidents came to visit but appearantly they do some in Norfolk also so she has to fill in for half a year. She doesn't like it. Her regular Navy job is working on the electronics and radar of planes.
As a guard they have to stand there in one spot for hours and it's not fun going to funerals all the time either. She got picked because she is pretty and tall. They have to be a certain height. SIL is very tall
I am surprised the guy you knew liked being a guard, it doesn't sound like that good of a job , I would hate it
My great uncle served in the Old Guard after WWII in DC. He considered that the most worthy thing he did while in the Military. He always thought of it as a high honor to be picked to serve in that outfit. He was Army
Exactly, i'd have hated it also! I don't know the kid's whole story. He'd only been onboard a few weeks, knew him if i saw him but didn't know his name. His complaints that day seemed ship related, who knows what was really behind it. :dunno:
my sil hates being on a ship too. He gets sick all the time ( they actually had ecoli in the water one time and everyone got sick) , the food is crappy and they don't get any sleep
I would not ever sign up for the military ( unless there was another country attacking mine) , hate the idea all the way around , daughter did it for the sign up bonus
I would really hate that food too from what they told me , I would hate having to sleep in a room with a bunch of other people, I would hate not being able to just quit if I wanted, I would hate having some potential idiot telling me what to do etc etc etc
If I was in the military I would want to sit in a bunker and get to push the button to blow everything up ( sort of like Carter on Hogan's Heros :cool:
walmart clothes don't work for me at all,
Walmart is one of the first places where I could find pants long enough. They do have short, regular and tall in some women's pants.

No one has shirts with long enough sleeves. When I look at old family photos, I see that this has been a struggle for my family for generations.
Our son and myself are like that. Long arms. Have a daughter that's all legs. Hard to find pants for her.
As a short and stumpy person :p. I learned to hem at an early age :). Lori looks at me funny when I talk to the salespeople and tell em what I want in a sewing machine :p
@havasu he wants to dye his hair red. Partially to hide the gray but also bc our friends dyed their hair red & he wants to do it too. He's dyed it purple in the past and also red. He's going to dye it over at my friends' house with the bride's help. He wants a haircut first. Speaking of haircuts, I'm going to get a short haircut. I'm tired of my hair getting caught on things and tangling and generally getting in my way. I'm ready to just chop it all off. I don't care how it will look, I just want it to not be a nuisance anymore.

Because the freezer isn't sealing properly it is building up ice which then melts and is damaging the floor under the freezer. The plywood is rotting and I'm not quite sure what to do about it. The old fridge is also leaking water and damaging the floor. None of them are hooked up to water supply, but it seems melting ice is a problem. We literally had to tape the freezer door shut on the old fridge bc it wouldn't stay closed. I guess I need to throw out everything in that side and turn the temp to non-freezing so it doesn't ice over. Also, I've never cleaned out whatever needs to be cleaned on the backs of those things so I need to figure out how to get them pulled out and cleaned for maintenance. HVAC filters are so much easier to change. LOL.

Also need to patch the hole in the ceiling in the pantry that mice chewed through and plaster over spots where they might try to chew through. Then I need to clear the whole thing out again and clean. Still can't seem to get rid of the damn roaches either.

I have weird feet so I have a hard time finding shoes that fit and I have a short torso and big belly. Finding clothes that fit comfortably can be a pain. Pants are often too long for me.
@havasu he wants to dye his hair red. Partially to hide the gray but also bc our friends dyed their hair red & he wants to do it too. He's dyed it purple in the past and also red. He's going to dye it over at my friends' house with the bride's help. He wants a haircut first. Speaking of haircuts, I'm going to get a short haircut. I'm tired of my hair getting caught on things and tangling and generally getting in my way. I'm ready to just chop it all off. I don't care how it will look, I just want it to not be a nuisance anymore.

Because the freezer isn't sealing properly it is building up ice which then melts and is damaging the floor under the freezer. The plywood is rotting and I'm not quite sure what to do about it. The old fridge is also leaking water and damaging the floor. None of them are hooked up to water supply, but it seems melting ice is a problem. We literally had to tape the freezer door shut on the old fridge bc it wouldn't stay closed. I guess I need to throw out everything in that side and turn the temp to non-freezing so it doesn't ice over. Also, I've never cleaned out whatever needs to be cleaned on the backs of those things so I need to figure out how to get them pulled out and cleaned for maintenance. HVAC filters are so much easier to change. LOL.

Also need to patch the hole in the ceiling in the pantry that mice chewed through and plaster over spots where they might try to chew through. Then I need to clear the whole thing out again and clean. Still can't seem to get rid of the damn roaches either.

I have weird feet so I have a hard time finding shoes that fit and I have a short torso and big belly. Finding clothes that fit comfortably can be a pain. Pants are often too long for me.
You are such a good sport!
To clarify, my brother would have no problems (at least not emotionally/psychologically) dying his hair pink. Bleaching his hair enough for the pink to work would be the only problem. He'd have his hair looking like pink cotton candy and not care what people thought. He used to wear his hair in pigtails when he worked at Walmart. People would just stare and not know what to say to him. He currently wears it in a top knot because he likes the Japanese style.

I wish he would have no problem with washing his own dishes though. He burned stuff in to the frying pan and didn't even rinse it. I went to cook something for Mom and the frying pan was caked with black stuff and I had to get her something else to eat while that pan soaked. Wish he would at least rinse stuff and wipe up spills.

I'm hoping the weather will stay nice like it is here for awhile so I can get more yardwork done. I get winded so easily, but I got some stuff done outside today at least. i'm also procrastinating on a craft project for my friends' wedding and I need to clean up trash in the living room. Need to get myself motivated.
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