Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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To clarify, my brother would have no problems (at least not emotionally/psychologically) dying his hair pink. Bleaching his hair enough for the pink to work would be the only problem. He'd have his hair looking like pink cotton candy and not care what people thought. He used to wear his hair in pigtails when he worked at Walmart. People would just stare and not know what to say to him. He currently wears it in a top knot because he likes the Japanese style.
People in Walmart stare at him? Seems they should have mirrors on the sales floor to show those who stare to take a look at themselves?

I understand hair dying is popular for the young folk. I am just too old and set in my ways to understand that "look at me" type of highlights (pun intended).

I'm just an old fart. I need to learn to be more understanding, but we all know it won't happen! :cool:
With the exception of colored hairspray for Halloween when I was a kid, I never had the desire to color my hair. And back then it was my Mom who decided to spray our hair. I think we went as punk rockers or something. My brother uses all sorts of hair creams and stuff to make his hair thicker and softer. I use simple 2-in-one shampoo+conditioner and that's it. He literally has 10 bottles of stuff in my bathroom-- including homemade beard softening spray.

So, Mom's computer finally died. She couldn't understand why but I looked in it and there were roaches dancing on her graphics card, crawling all over the back and front, and all inside it. Thousands of roaches. Tons of dead ones inside too. Ugh. PSU won't turn on. No lights inside. It's toast. She started using her laptop and couldn't get it off her lap fast enough to get up to go to the bathroom and wet her pants and the bed. Really soaked them. Got a waterproof mattress pad underneath. I had to do a load of laundry to wash sheets and clothes. Got it in the dryer right now. Got her a new computer at Walmart- the last gaming one in stock. She was complaining that I haven't set it up yet, but we are going to transfer her old SSD to the new one, get everything set up so she can use it, and try to roach-proof it. Got mesh screens to put over any openings. But those buggers are pervasive.

I took her pc apart and vacuumed with a shop-vac and an attachment I made from foam board, hot glue, and a straw. It was satisfying sucking up the roaches as they tried to run away. But ugh, that was disgusting.

She's been sick-- probably from all the roach crap- so I scheduled an appointment for the doctor this afternoon. Vacuumed where the pc had been sitting and sprayed some RAID in there. Hopefully we can find a way to keep the buggers out.
Mom has walking pneumonia and the pharmacy said they won't fill her RX until Wednesday after 4pm. They closed for lunch so I'm going to call them when they reopen to say we need it much sooner, like today. She's feeling miserable.

The m.2 SSD that ran her old computer was toast as well as the psu. Couldn't retrieve any data from it but had some on the 2.5" SSD and was able to back up some stuff. Friend did his best to seal up the PC last night and get things working over at his house. He either forgot to cover one spot or the cover fell off, but I had to put the dust screen over a large area and then secure the other dust screen better with electrical tape. Anything that did not need to be vented I covered in electrical tape-- including various ports. I ordered the silicone inserts to cover those ports later, but that won't arrive until Thursday. Had to replace her HDMI cable (after cleaning the old one and all the USB cords from mouse keyboard and whatever else that 3rd USB port was for. I need to trace all of the cords back and figure out what cable goes where and clean out the unused ones. Her stupid crappy desk actually broke apart where the tower goes when I was trying to put the new computer in. I'd love to take that whole thing out to the burn pile. I'd have to build her a new one first though. Something that is not made of particle board. Even plywood would be better. I could trim it out with some actual wood and then either paint it blue or stain it mahogany. But that old pos has to go. It's one large roach nest right now. I could order more dust screen and build a vented compartment for the modem.
If it's antibiotic you're waiting on, Zannej, I'd yell my head off. If they don't have it, have them send it to a pharmacy that does. The pharmacist should be able to check and do that for you.
@Amish Heart beat me to it. If other stores in their chain don’t have it, call another chain or independent and if they have it, their pharmacist can call the store it’s at and request the transfer.
I called and they told me that her insurance expired and it would be over $90 for the RX, but that they could do a rush fill of it. I could barely hear the guy on the phone. So I waited in line until I got called over and then the girl didn't know how to do the insurance card thing so I had to wait for someone else to be available. Jajuan, a really sweet young man, came over and put all the info in and filled the RX. They just sent Mom a new card so I guess something changed on it. I can't actually read a damn thing on the card without glasses. They made the print smaller on this one than on the previous one, and I couldn't read the previous one without glasses. The insurance worked yesterday but apparently didn't today.

So, I got Mom's computer set up as best as possible but I can't remember her passwords for some stuff and it didn't have them saved in her archive of chrome from her old computer. Couldn't even remember her gmail email account. So she's mad that she can't play her games. And she's mad that she can't listen to music bc the bluetooth isn't detecting her headphones. She had a tizzy about how the computer was worthless and should be taken back, etc. So I asked my friend for troubleshooting and he said devices need to be in pairing mode. I told her this and then looked up how to put devices in pairing mode. Does she do it? Noooo. She argued with me that she shouldn't have to do it bc she didn't have to do that with her previous computer, the devices just paired-- which his wrong bc I remember her having a tizzy that she couldn't get them to pair until she put things in pairing mode and she had a lot of trouble with it and had to keep resyncing stuff, but apparently she forgot that. Every time I told her what to do to get it to pair she just argued and I told her that this device DOES need her to do the pairing and why couldn't she just do it? Ugh. Also, she can't follow basic instructions like "Move the cursor to the blue bar at the bottom of the screen". She moved it to the top and all over and everywhere but that bar. And when I say to move it to the left, she moves it to the right. And when I was trying to help her with her laptop the other day I was using the touchpad to move the cursor and every damn time I got the cursor where I wanted, she moved her damn mouse. Every. single. time. When I tried to use the mouse she pulled it away. I had to unplug it. It's so aggravating I'm about to tear my hair out.
Tuesdays are horrible because there are only two of us available to work. The other tech is a really nice person but can be difficult to work with. I think after all the training she has peaked. There is a process retention issue—retains little of what is taught. Very little creative thinking for problem solving without guidance. She’s been with us 3 years.

We started a new workflow system today and truthfully it’s good from a process standpoint if you are a store that is fully staffed and trained. If you’re not, it’s going to be horrible. We are not. Our pharmacy is open 65 hours weekly. This week I had 97 hours to schedule technicians. Next week, 94 hours.
As an update, Mom continued to be stubborn and refuse to cooperate. She also kept confusing google with microsoft. I kept saying "google" and she kept thinking microsoft and it went back and forth. Then I finally got one of her headsets paired with her computer but holy crap, it was like pulling taffy. She refused to hold down the power button as instructed so I did it. The device popped up but she just stared at the screen. I told her to click it. She moved her mouse all around, and I pointed at where she needed to click. she moved her cursor there and hovered and wouldn't click. I had to reach over and click it. Then she argued with me about wanting a different headset to work but ugh. I'll have to set it up when she's not in the room bc she gets in the way and won't listen to me. I told her 5 times to click and she wouldn't do it. But I got her logged in to Youtube, her headset working, and now she can listen to her Dimash music and chill out. Will have to get some things set up on her laptop now too but that will be after I eat some chocolate.
Mini-rant: Fighting with Amazon's robots. :(
I rarely order from them but had got AAA lithium batteries from them before so I clicked 'previous purchases' and they were there... for $21, so I clicked add to cart. I know I paid less than $20 last time so I did a search for them and found them for $19 and clicked add to cart. Went to my cart and both the $19 ones and the $21 ones were there so I clicked the 'delete' button under the $21 ones.
Magically, the price of the $19 ones changes to $21!
Gonna think about this for a few days, and whenever I do, I will win.:waiting:
Edit: Update, went back in to check my cart, and it was EMPTY with a small banner that said those were no longer available from that vendor.
Reverse rant:
My 'trick' about putting things in my Amazon cart to let them 'age' works :thumbs::

It's not the $1 that is important, it is the principle that is important:waiting:.
I constantly get the "An item in your cart has increased" instead of decreased.

My back doesn't like me today. Cats tried to get me up before the sun came up but I was not having it. They eventually gave up though. I had fed them just before going to bed last night and I just checked- they still have food.
My body hates me for exerting myself too much the last 2 days. Had to push Mom around in a wheelchair for a couple of hours at the mall. Then had to try to keep up with her in samsclub and load heavy cases of water and stuff (that was Wednesday). Thursday I was lifting lumber and tool and stuff. Dropped my portable tablesaw on my left foot TWICE while trying to get it into the back of my truck. Forgot it had wheels so I lugged it all the way outside and then saw the wheels when I got it in the truck. Ankles got swollen from being on my feet too long. I got quite a bit of painting done at my friend's house, but my arms and back don't like me.
At least my foot only hurts when I press on it. I find bruises fascinating for some reason. The color changes are neat. Mine are purple right now. The purple on the top of my 2nd toe is permanent from a time I stubbed it years ago.
For the past month or so, I have been working on getting a worker's permit for the local dispensary. It's within walking distance in our town. I printed my card, yesterday and texted the manager. Tomorrow, Saturday, will be the day that they close. Sigh Not enough business. MS is issuing medical physicals, but slowly. So, I will have the capability, but not the opportunity. I will talk to the manager today and see if they may have future plans. There is another dispensary 10 miles away, but I am not ready to drive that far at this point.
Micro-rant: Hearing that the govt is changing to using the word "newcomer" instead of 'migrant', which was a downshift from 'immigrant', which was a downshift from 'illegal-immigrant'.
Was cruising channels yesterday and heard the MSM repeatedly using the phrase: "allowing new workers in". :mad:
You could tell their sweatshops are in dire straights because African-Americans don't want to pull their plow nomore.
I'm thinking of an old sci fi series I used to watch, can't remember the name of it though. Aliens came to earth and had to live amongst everyone, their planet destroyed or something. They called them "newcomers" to make it look more favorable.
I'll still use the word "illegals" when it comes to our borders. Was humored when Trump made a statement a few days ago that our borders will be shut and deportation will start on Day One if he is elected. He had four years and didn't do it then. Why should I believe him now?
Newcomers, my butt. How retarded.
I'm thinking of an old sci fi series I used to watch, can't remember the name of it though. Aliens came to earth and had to live amongst everyone, their planet destroyed or something. They called them "newcomers" to make it look more favorable.
I'll still use the word "illegals" when it comes to our borders. Was humored when Trump made a statement a few days ago that our borders will be shut and deportation will start on Day One if he is elected. He had four years and didn't do it then. Why should I believe him now?
Newcomers, my butt. How retarded.
The "politically correct" terminology that keep changing is so frustrating and ridiculous. Yes, they are illegals!
Instead of homeless, the politically correct term is "unhoused." Those unhoused people are still homeless!
Thinking it is Alien Nation you are talking about. Mandy Patinkin was in the show, movie of the same name or both.

The idea of renaming labeling or changing a definition to change a perception is a vile and disgusting way to try to continue an action to circumvent action to stop it.
I get an email from my past school bus company's head office a few days ago. There is the usual severe driver shortage going on everywhere. They want to know if I live anywhere near where one of their divisions are.

I say no. The closest one is nine hours away. I thought that would be the end of it. Nope. They offered living expenses and a 3000.00 sign on bonus. I said put it in writing along with them paying the living expenses directly; they were famous for slow repayment when I knew them.

Again I thought that would be the end of it. Nope. They agreed and put it in writing. I replied there was no suitable place to stay in Podunk and they would have to pay rent on my son's basement, I wasn't going to free load. They put it in writing that they would agree to that as well, until the end of the current school year.

I am thinking they must be raising axe murderers over there, shoot me now.

Long story short, I start driving a school bus again on Monday morning and I get paid to go visit my son and he gets paid to put up with me. If the company doesn't honor their agreement, I will just go home after a nice visit.

Sunday, I am on the road to hell, paved with good intentions.
Thinking it is Alien Nation you are talking about. Mandy Patinkin was in the show, movie of the same name or both.

Yep! That was it!

Never heard of that show. looked it up on the net. I was still in the navy in the 80's. Didn't watch a lot of tv then or afterwards for many years. Missed seeing that show.
Thanks. I have a feeling I'm going to regret this.

I have a neighbor who drives the school bus. He likes the job (retired engineer). He only picks up in this rural route, so its country kids on the bus, not city. He has no problems, likes most of the kids.

Hope it works out well for you!
I have a neighbor who drives the school bus. He likes the job (retired engineer). He only picks up in this rural route, so its country kids on the bus, not city. He has no problems, likes most of the kids.

Hope it works out well for you!
I see school bus driving jobs advertised. I drive by a middle school and the sign has been advertising for school bus drivers all school year. Middle school was never my thing. They would all be late going to and from school if I were driving and they weren't behaving. Let them act up and the bus would be at a stand still.
I liked driving most days as well and it's very rural. I am hoping they allow chains there, as it can be quite tricky to keep a bus on an icy hill without going down sideways.

I have done school bus charters through down town Toronto. We called those the poopy pants express.

They are struggling to find drivers with clean driving records who can pass a drug test. I had to take a breathalyzer as well. That was a first.
I remember when they were called illegal aliens. Then illegal immigrants. Then undocumented immigrants. Fun fact: immigration uses a guidebook called Deportable Alien Control System (DACS). Another fun fact is that my father wrote it. Sadly, he was denied a promotion because they said he had not been trained in the DACS. He pointed out that if they read his resume, he literally wrote the book for it. He was told that didn't matter, he had to have the training. He told them "Ok, sign me up for it" and they said "No, you're too old".

I liked Alien Nation. That was an interesting one.

My gripe is that my back hates me and my mother keeps waffling on stuff. She wanted to take a shower in my bathroom so I moved stuff around and got her shower seat out, cleaned it up, got it all set up and now she doesn't want to take a shower.
Oh wow, Clem...you have your work cut out for you. Hope it goes well. I don't think I could be a bus driver, that'd be too much bus to handle. I have been asked a gazillion times to be an amish driver, and husband had been asked to be an amish school driver and me a teacher when we first moved here. Full time job taking care of husband right now. Hope it goes well, you make good money, then get back home.
There is no way I would ever drive a school bus.
I would not last more than 15 minutes before I tossed some smart mouth kid off like my bus driver did to us.
My bus driver would give us one warning. If we continued acting up he would stop the bus, grab us by the collar and toss us from the top step regardless of how far from our stop it was.
I liked that old guy. He was a WW2 combat vet.
Good luck @ClemKadiddlehopper
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