People in Walmart stare at him? Seems they should have mirrors on the sales floor to show those who stare to take a look at themselves?To clarify, my brother would have no problems (at least not emotionally/psychologically) dying his hair pink. Bleaching his hair enough for the pink to work would be the only problem. He'd have his hair looking like pink cotton candy and not care what people thought. He used to wear his hair in pigtails when he worked at Walmart. People would just stare and not know what to say to him. He currently wears it in a top knot because he likes the Japanese style.
I understand hair dying is popular for the young folk. I am just too old and set in my ways to understand that "look at me" type of highlights (pun intended).
I'm just an old fart. I need to learn to be more understanding, but we all know it won't happen!