Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I have been retired for 9+ years, and STILL have to take people to school and teach them how to do business things. New CSA at my wealth management firm, just out of the blue sends a "docusign" link. Well that lights off a chain of events, emails, phone calls, etc etc etc. I guess it never ends.
We used to have a really nice glider rocker. It was made of metal but my brother broke it when he weighed 400+lbs.

Any pics of the rockers from Jakarta? We have a few things from Indonesia, although the cats broke some of them. Like the puppets and a garuda. Some stuff got broken by the movers.

I shouldn't loan out tools to my friend because they get stolen or broken. He's been better about not breaking stuff and since his ex isn't around bringing in junkies, stuff isn't going missing as much-- although I suspect his mom may have stolen my air compressor. I won't go in to the list of stuff that was broken or stolen because I want to keep my blood pressure down.

Had a frustrating few days. Sick and tired of being sick and tired and then dealing with BS from Fedex and AT&T. My landline has been out for a month now. It worked briefly for a few hours after I complained (when I determined it was on their end) but then stopped working again. They gave me the run around in social media contact and I have to wait for them to call me on my cellphone to get someone to look at the lines in the area and figure out where something is broken.

Fedex had me aggravated because they were dicking me around and refusing to deliver my samsclub order again. I contacted Fedex and they said something about a different name for the recipient so they couldn't process my request. I listed 3 names it could be and they said it was something and then said it was a different thing and then Samsclub told me what it should have been (I had both chats open at the same time). I told Samsclub I wanted them to give the detailed delivery instructions to Fedex and light a fire under their butts to get them to deliver the package. First day they didn't try to deliver. Then they said they couldn't find the address. They called my mother who gave directions but they decided not to deliver anyway. So Samsclub people get confused and cancel the order and resend it when I said I did NOT want that. So then I was worried that I wouldn't get it. I told Fedex I still wanted the original one if they could send it and I wanted it on my porch. So, I get notification of delivery and I don't see it anywhere. I pull up the "proof of delivery" photo and its sitting out on my lawn in front of my gate. I go out and its soaked all the way through and wet on the inside. Fortunately it was wrapped in plastic on the inside so it wasn't wet. That is the 3rd or 4th time they've left my packages out in rain. So I posted the pic to Fedex and said "The driver doesn't know what a PORCH is". Backtracking a bit, prior to this delivery they filed a complaint with the manager of the driver about their refusal to deliver. So then they do this bs and they filed another complaint about them not even putting it on the sidewalk. It was less than 2ft from the sidewalk. But I didn't even see it out there and would have thought it was trash that blew over and not realized what it was. So, they apologized and said they will try to prevent that from happening again. Next day another package arrived and they put it on the porch. Still have one package pending and we'll see what happens with it.

Meanwhile, my brother's vision is so bad he's legally blind in his left eye and his bp has been very high. He can't renew his license until he gets glasses and we are waiting on them to come in. I have to drive him to and from work since he can't drive. I'm worried that he won't get the glasses before the 10 day period for renewal without penalty fee. Will they waive that if someone was trying to renew but had to wait on a prescription for eyeglasses? He failed the eye exam to renew.

I knew things could be worse, but I'm tired and still have this respiratory crud. It's been a month and a half now. Swelling went away behind the ear and ears seem fine though. But the sinuses are still getting to me.
FedEx sucks and I think they have a vendetta against Sam's Club!!
If it were only with Samsclub I would agree, but it seems like their drivers have a beef with me because even when delivering for other places like HomeDepot, Lowes, Ebay or Amazon, they still jerk me around on the deliveries. I think its more likely they just suck at their jobs.
If it were only with Samsclub I would agree, but it seems like their drivers have a beef with me because even when delivering for other places like HomeDepot, Lowes, Ebay or Amazon, they still jerk me around on the deliveries. I think its more likely they just suck at their jobs.
I wouldn't want their job!
So, more rant on my neighbor who borrowed my pole saw. Upon speaking to a mutual neighbor, he was complaining that this "Pole Saw" borrower had also borrowed this other neighbor's battery charger a month ago, and has yet to have it returned. He is furious, and also will no longer allow this "mooching" neighbor to borrow anything else from his garage. I asked it he was going to call the moocher on the battery charger, but he said he will not, because he doesn't believe he should have to remind him to get his charger back.
FedEx sucks and I think they have a vendetta against Sam's Club!!
My clients pointed out the BMW across the street from them that is missing a bumper. Seems an Amazon delivery guy was drunk and hit the car while on duty. I'd bet this guy has an alcohol problem, and like some of those kind of people, thinks he is okay to dui. That would be a really challenging accident to try to get out from behind. Probably going to lose his license and job and more.
have Prime & have no problem with Amazon, sometimes it is better than going to Walmart & using bleach after getting home. But I have had problems with USPS Mail couriers closing my mailbox door.
It rains on the mal some times.
I have mentioned in the past: "how do I know it's raining? The mailbox door is open :mad:".
The good news is, they seem to have replaced 'The angry man" with a black girl that delivers 3 hours sooner.:thumbs:
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Today we called Social Security for the wife, 1:45 minute hold... Give them all the information..... Hold please.... More information.... Hold please... Then they said that they will mail you an appointment.... Lets see 3 hours to get an appointment... Now that's Service, yes sir, may I have another...
I have mentioned in the past: "how do I know it's raining? The mailbox door is open :mad:".
The good news is, they seem to have replaced 'The angry man" with a black girl that delivers 3 hours sooner.:thumbs:
We have Ms. "I'll deliver IF I feel like driving down your dead end road"! She came after Ms. "I'm quitting this job and dumping everyone's mail in the ditch"! 😮🙄🙄🙄
Havasu, your neighbor sounds like a Guamanian. There's even a song about how people in Guam "borrow to own". Neighbor will "borrow" something and not return it. So then you ask to "borrow" it back and don't return it. I'd be tempted to ask to "borrow" the new polesaw and then "forget" to return it.

I was about to complain that Fedex was supposed to deliver my package today but didn't, but I checked and they said "delivered". Looked at the proof of delivery photo and they took it to my friend's house. It was addressed to be sent to my house, not his. It's sitting on his welcome mat. Ugh. I don't know if samsclub messed up and changed it to his address or if the driver was just being lazy. But if it was the latter, they did not have permission/authorization to deliver to my friend's house instead of to mine. According to the samsclub page, it says my address.

I got really stressed out trying to find two missing pets earlier. Itsy and Fippy were missing but eventually turned up. But I was walking around all over the house, checking every room, checking outside etc... No idea where they were hiding.

Then Mom pulled her lack of communication thing and is now mad at me for not reading her mind. I needed to lie down and asked her if she wanted food first. She asked me what we had. I mentioned some stuff and said "lobster bisque" she made a disapproving face and said "What else do we have?" and then she said something about my brother getting fish sticks. I asked if that's what she wanted and she said "yes". Then I went and heated them up in the air fryer. Walked back in to get a plate and she said "Where's the lobster bisque?" and I looked at her confused. She said "I said I wanted lobster bisque!" and I said "No, you said you wanted fish sticks!" and she said "I said I wanted both!" Me: "No, you didn't. You didn't say you wanted the bisque. You only said the fish sticks" and she kept insisting that she specifically said she wanted lobster bisque but she never said the words and never gave me any indication that she wanted it. Now she's mad that I didn't read her mind and she is convinced that she told me she wanted it when she didn't. This is an ongoing thing with her where she thinks something in her head but does not verbalize it and then gets mad.

Oh, and I stepped in a fire ant mound and didn't realize it at first. Ugh. I'm going to take a nap.

Edit: Got home and was organizing stuff in the truck and I kept stepping in the same cow turd over and over. Last time I tripped over it. Couldn't see it in the dark.
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I let my neighbor borrow my Fiskers pole saw and branch lopper on Saturday. Of course i said "no problem", but reminded him I was going to be trimming and shaping my lemon and orange trees on Tuesday. I text him on Sunday, reminding him how important it was to get my pole saw back. No response. Yesterday morning i text him again, no answer. I hand trimmed two trees, was furious that i allowed him to borrow anything he needs, but never returns anything. After all my trash cans were full last night, i text him one last time saying that it sure would have been nice to have my tool back, so he came over at 9PM, with a broken saw in his hand. He said he broke it, but ordered me a new one...that I could borrow!

Nope, never again will he borrow anything from me again.
Saw this and thought of you and your situation.

leaf blower in pawn shop.JPG
I let my neighbor borrow my Fiskers pole saw and branch lopper on Saturday. Of course i said "no problem", but reminded him I was going to be trimming and shaping my lemon and orange trees on Tuesday. I text him on Sunday, reminding him how important it was to get my pole saw back. No response. Yesterday morning i text him again, no answer. I hand trimmed two trees, was furious that i allowed him to borrow anything he needs, but never returns anything. After all my trash cans were full last night, i text him one last time saying that it sure would have been nice to have my tool back, so he came over at 9PM, with a broken saw in his hand. He said he broke it, but ordered me a new one...that I could borrow!

Nope, never again will he borrow anything from me again.
Some people can break anything. When I bought my old van, I found a trailer hitch at Amazon that would bolt on. Somehow the PO broke my steel trailer hitch. The company had no problem replacing it. The city has a place about three miles from here where I can dump limbs, leaves or grass. Then they make free mulch with it. I needed the hitch so I could use my trailer to haul off my yard waste.
My late neighbor was really bad about breaking stuff or not returning it. He borrowed a ladder and claimed that it got stolen so he couldn't return it, but my dad said he was going to swing by and look for it and they suddenly produced it. They would also "borrow" stuff without asking and not return it. Couldn't put our trash cans out bc they kept "borrowing" them. We had to keep getting them back but eventually gave up and they got to keep 11 trash cans they pilfered. We put our names on them but they spraypainted over and we got tired of it. I still remember when that jerk wanted to "borrow" our tractor. Now, we'd been warned by another neighbor to never let him borrow tractors bc he'd loaned his tractor to the guy and the guy broke it. It wasn't a cheap fix either. So, I told him "No" when he asked to borrow it and man, he got super angry/frustrated about it. He was pretty much demanding it and I told him to leave and not ask again. If it hadn't required keys I think he would have taken it.

I was out for the count today. Zero energy. Barely managed to stumble through and make food for Mom and then drove my brother to work. I pretty much collapsed on my bed when I got home. I had felt relieved bc they fixed my phoneline this morning. Or so I thought. Its out again. I hate AT&T.
My apartments like 500 ft.² the only room I can close off is the bathroom and I do, but I do leave the lights on in there cause they’re still incandescent bulbs, throwing some warmth. In the living room bedroom biggest area I have a oscillating tower electric heater. And it’s usually a good day to bake. I put a pot of water on the stove to simmer stoves electric so that’s just a big radiator.

I could also go down to Dad’s next-door. But truthfully, if I can get my apartment warmer with those tricks, it’ll be better for when the heat does come back on. But I am pretty sure that driver dump that oil so fast that it stirred something up because it was only on Friday that we got the delivery.

I’m just so sick of this. Been dealing with this crap for 30 years. The rest of the building does stay warmer—in fact last time it happened the tenants barely noticed.

I have broach the subject of selling everything, even Dad’s house, with Dad. He is obstinate about not leaving mostly because he doesn’t wanna go through his stuff and pack up. He feels it would kill him. He’s probably right he’ll be 89 in April.
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Mother in law in Northern California lost her heat in her house for 3 days till a guy could get there and fix it. She's got a big house, and it was cold. Refused to stay at sis in laws place, an hr away. No portable space heater, but said she had a six inch by nine inch plug in hand warmer of sorts, and an electric blanket. She's 90. She needs to get a space heater at least. Husband even uses one...I can hear it on right now, in his little office area. He's always cold.
Glad you have alternatives, Tommyice.
Rant.....Walgreens in the bigger town now reduced pharmacy hours, saying it's temporary. Closing at 6 pm. Closing an hr at lunchtime. Closed all day Sunday.
Mother in law in Northern California lost her heat in her house for 3 days till a guy could get there and fix it. She's got a big house, and it was cold. Refused to stay at sis in laws place, an hr away. No portable space heater, but said she had a six inch by nine inch plug in hand warmer of sorts, and an electric blanket. She's 90. She needs to get a space heater at least. Husband even uses one...I can hear it on right now, in his little office area. He's always cold.
Glad you have alternatives, Tommyice.
Rant.....Walgreens in the bigger town now reduced pharmacy hours, saying it's temporary. Closing at 6 pm. Closing an hr at lunchtime. Closed all day Sunday.
The pharmacy I work at (Wag’s competition) is open 10am - 8pm Monday—Friday. 10-6 on Saturday and 10-5 on Sundays. We close everyday 1:30 to 2 for lunch. Our Sunday are busier than Saturday. I’m not sure if it because of kid’s activities or our proximity to a heavily Orthodox Jewish community.
So, more rant on my neighbor who borrowed my pole saw. Upon speaking to a mutual neighbor, he was complaining that this "Pole Saw" borrower had also borrowed this other neighbor's battery charger a month ago, and has yet to have it returned. He is furious, and also will no longer allow this "mooching" neighbor to borrow anything else from his garage. I asked it he was going to call the moocher on the battery charger, but he said he will not, because he doesn't believe he should have to remind him to get his charger back.
So, to add to this neighbor rant, while returning from my walk yesterday, he calls me into his garage and hands me a new saw blade for this Fisker's Pole Saw. Kinda late, but I took it home and found it did not have the same hole pattern, so the blade was useless. I drilled out the correct holes into the tip of the blade, which took over an hour, and I ruined 4 drill bits trying to punch through that hard steel. Yeah, I finally drilled it, and it is now on the end of my pole saw. My neighbor now thinks this pole saw is owned by both of us?
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If he asks for it back, tell him it broke. :p Nah. He'll probably see/hear you using it at some point. Just tell him you're too busy or use whatever lame excuses he used.

AT&T finally admitted to me that there's an outage in my area and that it's not just me that has no service. They said there is no ETA on the repair though and that they are trying to figure out what it wrong. I think I know what is wrong. They put some of the above-ground terminals in areas that flood and the are underwater and they can't keep the water out of them when it floods. So water gets in and shorts the wires.

Also, I the local pharmacy charged $1 sales tax on a $3 insulin prescription. It's supposed to be tax exempt on state/federal level so that means the city is taxing prescription medicine.

My brother gave me attitude when I got home from Mom's doctor appointment. He was all mad that he missed work because he either forgot or didn't listen to me when I told him she had an appointment and he ignored me when I asked him what time he had to work today. He insisted that I didn't tell him. I know for a fact that I told him 3 times and he blew me off. He got mad when I called bs on not telling him. Not my fault he doesn't listen to me and didn't tell me what time he needed to leave. I actually would have been home in time if Mom hadn't dragged butt at Walmart. I told her we needed to get back home so I could drive him to work and she spent another 20min looking.

The eye clinic texted him around 4:30pm to tell him his glasses were ready but they close at 5pm and it takes an hour to get there. DMV was already closed so he'll have to pay a $15 late fee on renewing his license bc it will be day 11 since it expired. I told him to ask if they could waive it since he tried to renew and had to wait on glasses but he's not willing to even try.

Then he got mad bc he can't find some hair dye he bought last year. I told him it probably got thrown out after falling on the floor and getting ruined. He was all pissy again saying "So you threw out my hair dye?" Not like he paid for it. I don't remember if it got thrown out or not. I just know that I told him he is absolutely not, under any circumstances, dying his hair in my bathroom. I worked too hard on it to have him stain things with red hair dye.

Oh, I forgot to mention that apparently the medical company that was supposed to supply mom's cgm and insulin pump have been trying to call us but couldn't get through because the landline was down so they closed the account and have to reopen it, but somehow they don't have all the info they need from the doctor so we have to get that sent to them and it will take a few more weeks to get stuff.
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