Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Just being the SOB I am thought to be at times.. I don't have little sympathy for them as after the first plane load of humanitarian MRE meals that were dropped they were posting video of people saying ...we don't want aid of any kind from the US... That is OK by me.. I'm good with saving that money..
My 5 cents of opinion and I don't give a damn..
This is why I find it difficult to believe any reports coming out of Gaza:


View attachment 125802

I would think it physically impossible to die of starvation in one day. If this is how they're gathering data to support their claims - I think their claims are bogus.
It was Hamas who attacked Israel, not the Palestinian children and citizens. Israeli soldiers shot hostages (Israeli ones) who escaped and were walking over waving white flags. They have been posting videos of themselves torturing Palestinians. Hamas have been doing horrible things to the hostages and to the Palestinians who remain trapped there.

I sympathize with the hostages, their families, the families of the dead Israelis, the Palestinians who are trapped, and the Palestinians who have lost family, etc. Both groups are suffering because Hamas are extremists who go against the laws of Islam by harming elderly, women, children, and animals. This isn't a black and white thing where only one side is right or wrong. But the one thing we can probably all agree on is that Hamas sucks. I have not heard of any Palestinians rejecting food, but I have heard of Hamas stealing the food.

On to other things: The cord on my keyboard is somewhat broken and I couldn't get it to stay functioning and the new cord hasn't come in yet. Upside is the replacement part was cheap. Downside is it has to come from China. Another downside is the order for Mom's new mini computer updated on Amazon to show that it is now in Humble TX. It should have been in Louisiana by now and Humble is the place that keeps losing my packages or waiting over 2 to 3 weeks to actually deliver and I've had to reorder several items that disappeared there. So I'm worried this computer will disappear as well.

Also, I'm not 100% certain, but I think Walmart put my returned PC that wasn't working back on the shelf. I saw a beat up box that had been re-taped on the shelf and seriously wonder if its the same one. If it is, I feel sorry for whoever buys it. It hasn't been marked as a return, but this Walmart has a habit of reboxing returned items and selling them as unopened new items. Seems awfully convenient that I returned the PC that was out of stock and now a "new" one appears on the shelf.

Meanwhile, my brother's meds that he needs to make his insulin work better is out of stock so he has to wait for the pharmacy to get it in.
It was Hamas who attacked Israel, not the Palestinian children and citizens.

But you have to remember: Who voted Hamas in as their government? Who supplies all the members that join Hamas? Who cheers when Hamas kills Israelis? Who lies about Hamas hiding in their hospitals, schools, neighborhoods and mosques? Who allows Hamas to divert incoming building materials intended to improve Gaza into tunnel construction and weapons creation?

That would be the Palestinians.

So while I occasionally feel a twinge of sympathy for the Palestinians, I think of the above and that puts things back into clearer focus. Why is it that the Palestinians always report that "75% of those killed or injured were women and children"? Might that be because all the men are hiding in the tunnels, caring nothing for their families and planning attacks to kill more Israelis? Why do they shoot their own people who are trying to escape conflict areas? Why do such a large number of their people live in "refugee camps" ... since 1967! Do they not care anything for their own? Too busy building tunnels I guess. It's hard to feel much sympathy for disgusting people like that. All Palestinians may not be Hamas, but all Hamas are Palestinians. Hamas does not import their terrorists from outside Gaza. I highly doubt Israel would allow that to happen.
It was Hamas who attacked Israel, not the Palestinian children and citizens. Israeli soldiers shot hostages (Israeli ones) who escaped and were walking over waving white flags. They have been posting videos of themselves torturing Palestinians. Hamas have been doing horrible things to the hostages and to the Palestinians who remain trapped there.

I sympathize with the hostages, their families, the families of the dead Israelis, the Palestinians who are trapped, and the Palestinians who have lost family, etc. Both groups are suffering because Hamas are extremists who go against the laws of Islam by harming elderly, women, children, and animals. This isn't a black and white thing where only one side is right or wrong. But the one thing we can probably all agree on is that Hamas sucks. I have not heard of any Palestinians rejecting food, but I have heard of Hamas stealing the food.

On to other things: The cord on my keyboard is somewhat broken and I couldn't get it to stay functioning and the new cord hasn't come in yet. Upside is the replacement part was cheap. Downside is it has to come from China. Another downside is the order for Mom's new mini computer updated on Amazon to show that it is now in Humble TX. It should have been in Louisiana by now and Humble is the place that keeps losing my packages or waiting over 2 to 3 weeks to actually deliver and I've had to reorder several items that disappeared there. So I'm worried this computer will disappear as well.

Also, I'm not 100% certain, but I think Walmart put my returned PC that wasn't working back on the shelf. I saw a beat up box that had been re-taped on the shelf and seriously wonder if its the same one. If it is, I feel sorry for whoever buys it. It hasn't been marked as a return, but this Walmart has a habit of reboxing returned items and selling them as unopened new items. Seems awfully convenient that I returned the PC that was out of stock and now a "new" one appears on the shelf.

Meanwhile, my brother's meds that he needs to make his insulin work better is out of stock so he has to wait for the pharmacy to get it in.
An older lady I work for bought a coffee pot from Walmart (couple of years ago). I was helping her set it up. We took it out of the box and the water tank was cracked, it was an off brand Keurig type. So we boxed it back up and returned it. I put a small 'x' on the top of the box with a sharpie marker. Sure enough that sucker was on the clearance isle when I was in there a few days later. I told the manager, who knows if he did anything about it!!
So, many are aware that I have been needing to buy new clothing due to my weight loss, and as a result, I need to buy and return clothing a lot in the last month. I have noticed what appears to be trending at the Costco return lines.

Three times in the last 2 weeks, and once again yesterday, I've noticed Hispanic people trying to return very expensive plug in, table top appliances. Seems it is either a food processor, a blender, pressure cooker, etc.

They claim they purchased the item "a while" back, and demand their money back.

What they are doing is looking at yard sales, and if Costco ever sold it, they will buy it for a few bucks, then return it to Costco for the $200-$250 return as either defective, or they just don't want it.

Yesterday, I swear it was a Catholic Priest, or claimed to be, as a way to be more convincing, a Ninja 14-1 pressure cooker, which cost $149.99. I was directly behind this Priest. He said he purchased it last week, paying cash, and wanted his money back. It appears the store employees are aware of the scam, and mentioned that this style of pressure cooker last sold at Costco over 2 years ago. The Priest insisted he bought it last week. The clerk opened up his entire 9 years worth of purchases from Costco, and nowhere did this guy purchase any pressure cooker. This Priest just walked away confused, with no return money.

This guy was a scammer. A cheat. A liar. A Priest?
Pearl, I'm not surprised about that. Although, the computer I saw for sale was marked as new and not clearance or returned. It's possible it was actually a new one. I wish I'd marked the box to know. But it definitely looked like it had been opened and re-taped.

I've seen that being a priest or minister doesn't guarantee someone is a good person. Predators and horrible people seek out positions that give them access to victims and make them more likely to be trusted & anyone thei scam or victimize is less likely to be believed. They will pretend to be pious and good while hiding their scumbaggery. Around here, people become ministers and open up fake churches for tax sheltering and double dipping since they can claim all sorts of deductions. There are over 100 tax shelters in my town. Only one or two of them actually do anything for the community. Most are all about getting $$$ and the tax breaks. The guy who got kids in my generation addicted to drugs was a minister and boy scout leader who was very active in the church community. He knew which kids had bad home lives or had mental issues and targeted them. He knew that no one would believe them when they pointed to him as the one who got them hooked on drugs. The kids initially trusted him until he got them addicted and used them as mules. The adults trusted him and shunned anyone who spoke negatively about him. That said, I think it's likely the conman Havasu saw was probably lying. The white people around here tend to pull that kind of crap a lot. It's why the local Walmart stopped price-matching. People would lie and claim they found something for cheaper and some would go as far as to print out fake advertisements.
My phone seldom rings, although favorite cousin called today and so did Florida sis. That was an unusual day. I keep it in my apron pocket because husband texts me if he needs something and I'm out of yelling range. BUT he must get a dozen scam calls on his phone a day. It's ridiculous.
two monitors and two keyboards and mice are making me more nuts :p

This too shall pass
2 monitors
2 keyboards
2 mice
Are you getting 2 checks?
That sounds like 2 work stations
Kick the waste basket over and slam your bosses door. They like that kinda stuff

All bs aside, Man , you guys that work inside are truly amazing or nuts
Either way, you are a better man than me
I work outside and would go nuts in an office
So, many are aware that I have been needing to buy new clothing due to my weight loss, and as a result, I need to buy and return clothing a lot in the last month. I have noticed what appears to be trending at the Costco return lines.

Three times in the last 2 weeks, and once again yesterday, I've noticed Hispanic people trying to return very expensive plug in, table top appliances. Seems it is either a food processor, a blender, pressure cooker, etc.

They claim they purchased the item "a while" back, and demand their money back.

What they are doing is looking at yard sales, and if Costco ever sold it, they will buy it for a few bucks, then return it to Costco for the $200-$250 return as either defective, or they just don't want it.

Yesterday, I swear it was a Catholic Priest, or claimed to be, as a way to be more convincing, a Ninja 14-1 pressure cooker, which cost $149.99. I was directly behind this Priest. He said he purchased it last week, paying cash, and wanted his money back. It appears the store employees are aware of the scam, and mentioned that this style of pressure cooker last sold at Costco over 2 years ago. The Priest insisted he bought it last week. The clerk opened up his entire 9 years worth of purchases from Costco, and nowhere did this guy purchase any pressure cooker. This Priest just walked away confused, with no return money.

This guy was a scammer. A cheat. A liar. A Priest?
No box? No receipt?
I have to stand up and admit that I scammed a big store

I bought a space heater, it went kaput about 9 mths in
So I bought another heater
Put the kaput in the new box and exchanged it for a newer model

The way I see it, If your product will not last more than a year. Then you get what you get
Costco has a great return policy and people do try to scam them.
We returned a broken Food Saver after we had it for over a year and didn't have the receipt.
No problem they just looked it up using our Costco card number and refunded the total price.
My BIL worked at Costco and he said every Fall the back area would be full of returned BBQ grills.
People would buy them, use them all Summer than return them in the Fall.
That seems so wrong. That's my rant. Price matching, meh. But returning something you've used. I mean I guess if it breaks or malfunctions within 90 days sure. But to return it just because you want money.
Rant>>>Cats who follow too closely. You turn around quickly to go back, or even step back, and everybody goes flying. Cat, dog, people, stuff. Bruised toes and shins, upset cat.
Costco has a great return policy and people do try to scam them.
We returned a broken Food Saver after we had it for over a year and didn't have the receipt.
No problem they just looked it up using our Costco card number and refunded the total price.
My BIL worked at Costco and he said every Fall the back area would be full of returned BBQ grills.
People would buy them, use them all Summer than return them in the Fall.
They do something similar here.
Whenever a hurricane is closing in, all the generators would be gone from the stores. The following week, behind every Lowes would be generators piled high in unopened boxes. :mad: Unopened box equaled full refund.
"how to always have a generator if you need it, and never buy one:thumbs:;)"
They finally caught on and they now have a sign that says: "Cannot be returned unless defective":).
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I am getting fed up with this NOT bus driving job. I received an email today asking if I can drive to the main yard 1.5 hours away on Tuesday 9:30 for training. I'll go, but it doesn't make any sense. I have a license, passed all the do over tests and am in full compliance to drive.

If they don't stop screwing around, I am going home for spring break at the end of the week and not coming back.
I am getting fed up with this NOT bus driving job. I received an email today asking if I can drive to the main yard 1.5 hours away on Tuesday 9:30 for training. I'll go, but it doesn't make any sense. I have a license, passed all the do over tests and am in full compliance to drive.

If they don't stop screwing around, I am going home for spring break at the end of the week and not coming back.
I would be guessing that idiocy, alcohol, or lawyers are behind it... or any combination.

Are you all caught up with visiting your son?

I didn't actually get to see him that much this week. They are always working odd shifts at the hospital or sleeping.

I did get to baby sit the dogs of another Dr. and a nurse who who do remote shifts else where. After spring break next week they will be off for a few weeks but I just don't want to park in his basement with nothing to do. This hurry up and wait crap just bugs me.
I feel you on setting up new computers and clearing space. Mom's desk and the area around it was/is an absolute disaster. She likes to pile stuff up and her desk was so cluttered with trash, candy wrappers, and all sorts of napkins, tissues, catalogs, etc. It was all mouse-chewed, covered in roaches and roach excrement, mouse excrement etc. I gave her a 55 gallon trash bag and she filled maybe 1/4 of it herself and then she just froze. She started going through each individual letter before she felt sick and went back to bed. I started going through and I found a letter from a late friend, the obituary cards for my father. had to stop and cry for a few minutes because the grief hit me again. I guess I know what got her feeling bad. Plus she still has pneumonia. All that excrement wasn't helping. I picked up her chair, accidentally knocked a bunch of stuff down moving it (it's a heavy chair), set it aside, cleaned up all the trash on the floor, found a bunch of butter knives, some coins, pencils, and other stuff. Couldn't find the regular vacuum so used my shopvac to clear up. I went through and identified all of the electrical cords that were tangled and removed about 5 of them that weren't in use. Got the ones in use tucked away to the side so they are out of the way. Cleaned them off with disinfectant wipes. Rubbed peppermint oil on them. Once the floor was cleared I worked on her desk. Got her monitor off her desk, her monitor stand off, all the crap around it cleared. Vacuumed, wiped it down with disinfectant wipes, sprayed Zevo roach killer all over, cleaned her monitor, cleaned the stand, more roach spray. I put some stuff in a bin, some stuff in cubbies etc. I cleared off the right wing (her desk used to be able to fold up and it has swinging parts-- the right side is where her desktop sat), vacuumed it, wiped it, & sprayed roach spray. I forgot to mention that I cleared the floor all around her desk and wiped down everything and used Zevo on everything that stayed. Put her chair back in, knocked a bunch of stuff down, tipped the whole chair over. Found plastic bags and junk stuck to the legs of the chair, pulled those off, had to get the chair back upright and pick up everything I knocked down. I filled an entire 55 gallon bag with all the trash. Then I worked on putting together a desk organizer and setting up her new PC.

Magic Mesh sucks. It looks like it will be mesh that can breathe, but its not and when I peeled the plastic off, it took all the adhesiveness out of the mesh tape part so it wouldn't stick to anything. No wonder the ratings were so bad. At least I was able to re-use pieces of the dust cover stuff I used on the other PC. Got the mini PC sealed up, used silicone plugs for every port that isn't used. Will not us the magic mesh again, sticking to electrical tape instead-- no pun intended.

Have to replace the UPS for Mom's computer. Roaches got to it. Ordered a new one and some more dust covers and plugs to cover ports to keep the buggers out. It already went out and was letting out one long nonstop beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep and shut off the mini computer. MinPC then was requiring all sorts of stuff to reboot and I left it trying to update while I came to check messages.

Had bad foot cramps and was absolutely exhausted most of the day before working on the cleanup project. My back absolutely hates me now.

I know it could be worse, but I'm now very tired and I have to drive my mom to an appointment today.

TL: DR ? I had to clean up a ton of roach and mouse crap and my back hates me. UPS crapped out on me and minipc is having to reload a bunch of stuff.
So, I make the 3 hr round trip to the main bus yard this morning as requested. They out did themselves with incompetence.

I get there, they promptly inform me that I am a week late starting. No....I started last Monday, you'all apparently missed the bus.(didn't actually say that part out loud). I am ready to start my route but the person showing me the ropes went off sick without informing them of anything. Turns out she had a sudden kidney issue and was flown elsewhere for surgery so that at least is understandable.

Any how, I demonstrate my driving skills and get rubber stamped. They ask if I can start tomorrow. Sure. I say I just need a bus assignment, a gas card and a key to the shop to get get keys for which ever bus I will be driving. Drive Sally's bus they say. Sally is in the hospital somewhere and her bus is parked at her home I say. We'll have to get back to you on that, they say.

Long story longer I get home to an email that states I will be driving Sally's route tomorrow and not the one I was previously assigned and had a route map for and they still don't have a bus lined up. They also didn't send any information for the new route and have gone home for the day. Guess who isn't going to be driving Sally's route in the morning. At the very least it requires a bus.

I will get up in the morning just in case a miracle occurs overnight.
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Took my Ryobi electric pruners to Home Depot to get them replaced because they broke. Guy said i need to bring in the entire set (2 chargers, 2 batteries, 2 cutters, and 3 extension poles, all back to get a replacement. I said, "Why the headache? Just replace like for like! I said i could just buy a new one ($150) toss the broken one in the box and return it, which isn't honest, but he declined. While talking, a black guy walks in, steals a tool box, and runs out the entrance, and the clerk just watched and kept talking to me. I swear, i should have just walked in, stole a new set, and walked out! Instead, spent an hour on the phone with Ryobi, got a shipping label, boxed up the cutter, drove to Fedex, and shipped it. Should get a new set in 3 weeks.
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