It was a good trade for me. I did a simulated plane crash 2 years ago as a part of my time in the scouts (first group to do something like it Canada and we are out of Canada
) and it came in handy almost instantly. It currently is resting in my BOB. I only have the one copy so i'll be looking for another copy. Going to be making a few one month kits for my family within my first month back. It is a great book. Funny story, the other day my father had resived some expired medical supplies from work (better to have expired stuff than no stuff and it all looked good when I inspected it) while going through it my father remembered about his medical kit from the military. What had happened was he did some work off hours for a medic. A couple of days later he was given a trauma kit that close to expiring that was going to be used for training so it was no problem that it was given away. My father pulled it out and I inspected it and found a pocket with about 30 pages of winter survival information on how to build shelters and specific winter situational things. It was a unique find as it had hand written info as well on how to do things more efficiently.