What is going to happen before Jan 20th

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Awesome Friend
HCL Supporter
Feb 5, 2022
Helena Montana
I am getting a bad feeling about the next nine days.....
All those millions of people that have streamed into the usa in the past few years surely have a few people that wish harm to the usa...
A couple of sources that i realize are folks that post a lot of doom and gloom..
At about the 16:20 on this podcast.

And then this one by a guy in japan that has been right a few times before.

Anyone else think there might be serious problems for whatever reason before the inauguration...

Pardon me while I check my gates and cameras......and get out another roll of hat lining tinfoil from my vast underground storage area....I think I have the cases of tinfoil right next to the pallet of twinkies.
I'm thinking something will happen between now and the end of February. They might want to wait until Trump takes office so they can blame him for whatever they're going to do. I expect power outages and internet outages. Heck, at this point I'm expecting alien ships to appear. I think I'm about as ready as I can be, but it's hard to know for sure when I don't even know what's going to happen. My head is on a swivel when I'm not home and even then, I'm paying attention.

Maybe I'll relax a bit this summer. I guess that'll all depend upon what does or doesn't happen in the meantime. I truly hope nothing happens b/c I want to go on a real vacation next year! However, I'll truly be shocked if nothing bad happens.
I expect that we'll go on like we always have. No doubt the dems will pull some BS, no doubt some Repubics will show a lack of spine and stab Trump in the back, and no doubt someone will do something stupid like shoot up a bunch of people somewhere. Life will go on for us, we'll still go fishing, kayaking, swimming, taking short trips around the area and spend time with the kids and grandkids.
I am probably wrong. But I don't see anything serious happening. The democrats have unconditionally surrendered, are in disarray, and have no leadership. I saw an online group is planning some "restistance festivals" where they will learn how to grafitti and fix overdoses, "masks required". Yeah there's the 21st century leftists who are going to overthrow the country. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 (had to take a breath) 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣.

I predict that when creators of clickbait videos, see other creators of clickbait videos getting lots of clicks/views, they will create their own clickbait videos on that same topic to try to get in on that clickbait action.

I predict that when those that view clickbait videos, click on clickbait videos, that tracking cookies will put more, similar clickbait videos in their daily feed to keep them there longer (and exposed to ads) so the platform owners/tracking cookie operators, can sell more advertising.

I predict that the whole thing is more than 90% about the money.

It is almost always, all about the money.

These prediction videos are the fast food version of intel gathering. It is simple and does everything for you except the chewing. But overall, you would be better doing your own analysis.....which is the equivalent of cooking at home.

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