How beautiful!! My cats love their cat trees!Mike enjoying his new condo…View attachment 171111

How beautiful!! My cats love their cat trees!Mike enjoying his new condo…View attachment 171111
Good luck. Been there, done that, got the scars. I recommend a leather apron also.Will get my face shield and welding leathers ready..
Yeah, I put kitty treats in her carrier every day during her morning nap. She looks there first thing and pulls the door open to get in. We're going to start taking her for rides in the truck and car. Her only ride was going to the vet when we thought she ate a rubber band, so she equates the truck with "scarry" strangers.Good luck. Been there, done that, got the scars. I recommend a leather apron also.
We are always careful when Thumper is outside, there's also owls, hawks and snakes
When Hubby and I were young, we rented a place that came with a mamma cat! She would have kittens and would take them away! She would take them off into the woods and be gone a few days and come back alone!! The landlord finally trapped her and got her fixed!As the generations of cats around our barn have come and gone, it's been somewhat interesting. In the early days, they seemed to reproduce much more, kittens everywhere. But now, not so much. Also, there was a lot of turn-over. The kittens that would survive to be adolescent or more tended to wander off and disappear, very rarely hit on the road near home, but rarely found, either. They'd just be here one day and gone the next. Occasionally, one would seem ill and it was almost as though they came to say goodbye before they left never to return. Some have been very tame, almost like pets, others are very stand-off-ish but still come to the dish while I'm still there. (If they won't even come to the dish while I'm standing there, I tend to chase 'em off. I guess that's my mean streak.)
But of late, there have been no new batches of kittens. A few of the females seem to get wider and thinner but if they have had kittens, they've not brought them home, at least that we've seen. And interestingly, with all of the coyotes, hawks, owls, and other critters that wouldn't mind a cat dinner, our numbers have been very consistent for probably 3 or 4 months now, 15 and exactly 15, and we recognize every one of them. (They don't all have names but they're all familiar.) One of the 14 roams a very wide circle, saw her probably a half mile from home just yesterday. She seems to show up every few weeks, maybe hangs around for a few days, and then she's gone for a while, rinse, repeat. A few of them never go very far and I get a little irritated that some will just hang around and stare at the back door expecting to be fed, even though I just fed them.
Don't know if it's "survival of the fittest" in action or what. It does surprise me that more haven't disappeared. BTW, that oldest that roams so far that I mentioned, she was born on the front porch a little over 5 years ago. That's old for a barn cat.
When Hubby and I were young, we rented a place that came with a mamma cat! She would have kittens and would take them away! She would take them off into the woods and be gone a few days and come back alone!! The landlord finally trapped her and got her fixed!
I saw a PBS special about that years ago! It was amazing where one's darling little pets go!!I'm sure there's a like a "secret life of cats". I have sometimes wondered what would happen if I could put a collar on one or two of these barn cats that would record video, maybe GPS locations, just to see where they go and what they do. I'm sure we see very little of it.
Looks like you're going to have a lot of help according to the second picture!!View attachment 171405View attachment 171404
I got up at 5am this morning an began rounding up some things for BBQ tonight. I went out to the freezer in the garage to look around and when I came back in, I found that Mikie had already started cooking without me!
This one probably a cat lover ....thanks GodFirefighters from Mexico stealing our jobsand saving our cats in Cali wildfires.
View attachment 171543
Thank God for these wonderful, compassionate firefighters!!
Now you are a servantI think Thumper is addicted to "kitty krack," aka Temptations catnip infused treats. She has to give a kitty kiss to earn a treat. Now everytime I sit down she's there with a kiss. And at night when I get up she's guards the bathroom and gets a treat when she comes back to bed. If I am not forthcoming, I get the dreaded "tap-tap." "Hey fatso, wake up, it's 2 am, did you forget my treat?" Then she jumps on mommy, burrows under a blanket and curls up next to one of us, happy as can be.
I remember when I was the head of the household...