I made an off-the-cuff remark about woketards being something other than regular humans, like an offshoot species I was being funny, but the more I think about it, I remember somebody in the late 90's saying we were no longer homo sapiens, but sapient sapiens, whatever the hell that's supposed to be? but anyway. I got to looking at the last two generations and started doing a mental flow chart:
Boomers to X are intelligent, well-read, self-sufficient, and have an ornery side if pressed. Lots of us are self-educated or home-schooled, mostly traditional values, and we're generally not afraid of anything!
Woke gens are codependent on government, social media, and each other to create an echo chamber that George Orwell would have been pleased to put in 1984; they have the morals of goats in heat and generally violently attack anything different, or they don't understand, but if retaliated to act like they're the victims! They believe laws only apply to others, and that's just the mental differences. Most of us have middle age spread to be sure, a lifetime of injuries to bother us, and general old age, and we're STILL in better shape than the majority of basement dwellers! Probably better looking at their age, too! So how did this genetic nightmare happen? I blame the internet for hooking up people that shouldn't be breeding, anyway! I can remember when some of the crap they hold in high esteem was a disgrace (100 sexual encounters by 15!) Living off the government, being... ah, you get the idea. Humankind is doomed, the coal scuttle is comfy, and we have no option but to go quietly into the night.
Did I say "NO" option? Well, we have some, but listing them is illegal.
Boomers to X are intelligent, well-read, self-sufficient, and have an ornery side if pressed. Lots of us are self-educated or home-schooled, mostly traditional values, and we're generally not afraid of anything!
Woke gens are codependent on government, social media, and each other to create an echo chamber that George Orwell would have been pleased to put in 1984; they have the morals of goats in heat and generally violently attack anything different, or they don't understand, but if retaliated to act like they're the victims! They believe laws only apply to others, and that's just the mental differences. Most of us have middle age spread to be sure, a lifetime of injuries to bother us, and general old age, and we're STILL in better shape than the majority of basement dwellers! Probably better looking at their age, too! So how did this genetic nightmare happen? I blame the internet for hooking up people that shouldn't be breeding, anyway! I can remember when some of the crap they hold in high esteem was a disgrace (100 sexual encounters by 15!) Living off the government, being... ah, you get the idea. Humankind is doomed, the coal scuttle is comfy, and we have no option but to go quietly into the night.
Did I say "NO" option? Well, we have some, but listing them is illegal.