What's everybody doing today?

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Was a stinker of a day today especially for mid March the outside temp peaked at 40.5 to make matters worse another unaccounted for dry strike reared its head in heavy/thick scrub about 40 clicks south of Lucindale its currently at watch & act due to moderation in conditions outside but has already burnt close to 200 hectares with crews doing continuous containment and patrolling as well as crew swap overs.

Thankfully nothing nasty cropped up near Kalangadoo of which was initially feared given the large amount of strikes which came through Monday arvo/overnight even if something did pop up it wouldn't have taken me long to grab a 16 litre knapsack and chuck it in the Tucson to go have a look.

Todays crazy day was virtually impossible to keep up with on the scanner as there were multiple talk groups being used one minute I was hearing the local group then next Lucindale or Robe groups chatting away like a pack of Galahs
Just checking the weather here, too, for the day, and it's getting cold tonight...low of 27, and I have the old greenhouse with out a door on one side. I think I'll need to get in there and hang some plastic. I have alot of potted tomato plants in that greenhouse right now, and don't want to lose them today. And I don't feel like moving everything, either. Not sure what else today...might stop in at a neighbors down the road and see if they want eggs...too many right now, and it's her daughter's birthday Monday, and I know the girls well, so have a gift to drop off. All the wind that's been blowing in, the house is real dusty, so maybe do that today, but also still looks windy.
Glad y'all are ok! So many aren't, devastating night!! Was really hoping you didn't have to go in your basement!😉

My wife went down there with the dogs. I think she came back up, but I'm not sure. :dunno:

Be on the lookout, Peanut. Looks like everything is headed your way. This storm had ungodly high winds. I can't remember the last time the wind blew that hard.
It’s going to be overcast and in the low 50’s today. Should be a lazy day. Although dog woke me up normal time and all I wanted to do was sleep a little longer.

Yesterday was not a fun day. Early to radiation then a two hour break before I had to take dad to the hospital for his cystoscope at 2 o’clock. Hospital wanted us there at noon. At quarter to two the doctor texted me that he was going to be late. He was coming from his office that’s about 45 minutes from the hospital. There was traffic and accidents. Didn’t get there until 3:45. By that time he lost his time slot in the OR. Now it might not be until after 5pm and only if there’s a cancellation. Got dad dressed and we’re going to reschedule for next week while I’m still home on disability.

Both of us were mad enough to chew nails and spit bullets. On the other hand, maybe God was saying “not today.”
My wife went down there with the dogs. I think she came back up, but I'm not sure. :dunno:

Be on the lookout, Peanut. Looks like everything is headed your way. This storm had ungodly high winds. I can't remember the last time the wind blew that hard.
Just throw a rope down to her if she didn't make it out!! Don't go in after her, lol!!
so we are rushing to get things done before the storm hits. It already looks like it is about to pour outside, but the radar doesn't show anyhthing
Still one sheep left to go
Funny thing: I let all the sheep and lambs out this morning and started cleaning their area. Then I hear this baaaaaa baaaaaa , one little lamb from yesterday was sleeping so soundly he missed everyone leaving! He was in a corner and I didn't see him. Mom didn't seem to notice either since she has 2 other ones. But she fed him when I put him with the others

Plan today : plow up some area I want to plant fruit trees in, right next to where I am going to plant potatoes today. I hope they work out better than last attempt. Need to post this in the garden section
Just finished 3 weeks of dayshift.
I don't like dayshift hours.
Especially with overtime I don't want..but with folks getting or having this crud and the accident we had..it's kinda thrown everything a tad wacky.
Owell...it will be a nice payday.

My co worker who was injured is doing good!

I put a card n a goodie bag together eariler in the week and alot of folks pitched in to fill it, plus another goodie bag.
It's full of busy stuff one can do while in a boring hospital room. Like crossword book, paint by number , a journal, pens, sketchbook, adult colorbook, munchies.. a small nerf gun to shoot foam bullets at folks...stuff like that to keep from going crazy.
As he is getting some surgery's the doctors keep finding more injuries like saw marks on his knee n leg bone..crazy stuff.
I'm sure his x rays are framers but it is truly a miracle he is alive. He bled out, died twice and was in a coma all in the span of about 15 hours n woke up the next day n told his brother the next time someone comes to visit, he wants a box of doughnuts. 😆

Today, I'm pretty wiped out. The weather is crap too.
I will walk the pups..
Do laundry..
I have alot I need to do but..today will be a day that If I get stuff done it's a bonus..
Just sitting and waiting for the bad weather. I made a short trip for a few more jerry cans of generator fuel. I think I can keep the generators going for about 4days. Now I'm worried about hail, weather station just predicted hail up to 2" in size.

My weather alert radio started blaring about an hour ago, nothing close to me though. Think I have time for a nap before the bad storms arrive. Didn't get but about 3hrs sleep early this morning. Up all night with the last round of storms.

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