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Umm....I...either we are talking about two different things.....or we have had VASTLY different online experiences. I've seen and participated in so much of that talk its frankly boring at this point.
When it comes to it, if you lose all your freedom, your not prepping. You're just doing what you are told. There is no prepping for that, you just accept it.
If FACED with losing all your freedom, you fight. I think almost all of us have prepped to some degree to NOT lose all our freedom, at least not before we lose our lives.
But when it comes to it, I think most of us are prepared to be insurgents. I think its where most preppers start out at and eventually move on from to bigger things. Maybe that is why we don't talk about it. I know 100 times more people who are ready to be terrorists than who are ready to be farmers.
Or maybe because we get uncomfortable talking about how to run a terror campaign in our own country. Most forums kinda frown on that talk except in a generalized way.
99.999% of the postings about the topic of invasions I have seen have been about prepping for home invasions on a more "normal" level (which includes criminals or even the fabled zombie hordes) than being overtaken by military force, which is a totally different animal than most of us can fathom.
No one can withstand that kind of invasion without fighting and suiciding their way out of it. That is why it is the biggest elephant in the room. So no one talks about it. But it bears mentally preparing for it. I may be able to only hide for so long, even in a remote area. It is my nature to think ahead for Plan F...as in FUBAR. To prepare myself for the unthinkable, as well as for the more likely things.
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