A Win for Farmers

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Awesome Friend
Dec 29, 2012
A Michigan city is coughing up $825,000 because its officials infringed the religious rights of a local farmer by banning him from a market event.

Officials with East Lansing also have agreed, going forward, to protect the religious rights of the owners of Country Mill Farms.

The payment includes about $783,000 in lawyers’ fees and another $41,000 in damages.

It was a few months back that a federal district court decided Steve Tennes, the farm owner, was free to continue participating in the city’s farmer’s market, after city officials had banned him.

It was back in 2017 that city officials excluded Tennes – specifically because of his religious beliefs.

“Steve and his family-run farm happily serve all customers as a valued vendor at East Lansing’s farmer’s market. The court was right to agree that the First Amendment protects Steve, like every other small business owner, to operate his business according to his faith and convictions,” lawyer Kate Anderson said in a prepared statement.

“We’re pleased to favorably settle this lawsuit on behalf of Steve so he and his family can continue doing what Country Mill does best, as expressed in its mission statement: “glorifying God by facilitating family fun on the farm and feeding families.'”

The fight, like so many these days, erupted over the farmer’s dedication to biblical standards.

He posted on Facebook that he follows the Catholic Church’s teachings about marriage, including when he allows weddings at his family’s farm.

That statement of faith prompted city officials to create a new policy that refused him permission to be at the farmer’s market.

WND had reported when the ruling was handed down that the court found Tennes and his family had been forced by the city to “to choose between following their religious beliefs and a government benefit for which they were otherwise qualified.”

The case has been in the courts for some six years. The court decision had found, “Denying a person an equal share of the rights, benefits, and privileges enjoyed by other citizens because of her faith discourages religious activity.”

Country Mill Farms is a 120-acre, second-generation family farm in Charlotte, Michigan.

They had sold organic products at the East Lansing farmers market since 2010, but in 2017, city officials decided to target them with a “discretionary system of individual assessments” for participants.
MARCH 01, 2024

Lancaster County Courthouse Flooded with Supporters of Farmer Amos Miller​


UPDATE: 3-1-24 Judge Sponaugle’s order terminating all but raw milk portion of the PDA’s injunction. Amos Miller Order 3-1-24 Attorney Robert Barnes (see his post-hearing statement below) Tweeted “Civil rights suit & appeal incoming”.


Hundreds filled the sidewalks and street in front of the Lancaster County Courthouse on Thursday to show their support for organic farmer Amos Miller and the right to choose and consume foods of their choice.

Amos Miller was raided by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture and gun-brandishing State Police in early January to execute a search warrant and to impound the farm’s entire inventory, from meat and milk to honey.

The hearing held on Thursday was an effort by the PDA to convince the judge in the case to make the injunction permanent until a full trial can be held in the future. The case is unique and unprecedented in the history of food regulation, as the PDA is even putting restrictions on Miller’s family’s right to consume their own foods or to feed their animals, as this community has for centuries.

The irony for the PDA is that on the same day they were in court attempting to end Amos Miller’s family farm, this same agency announced that it had discovered 22 “probable” cases of lead poisoning in children who consumed certain brands of applesauce available in Pennsylvania…”


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