Always looking for useless facts, how many understand how fast one is boating, using knots as your speed?
The guy that didn't have a GPSI confess. I had to look it up. I have heard the conversion, but I never remember it. A use-it-or-lose-it skill. I won't tell unless asked.
It is a fascinating process. Who came up with that?
A knot is a nautical mile or 6076.1’ Vs. a statue mile or 5280’. You can use statute miles but when you are talking to another mariner he is likely to speak to you about knots and other maritime lingo, it’s kind of like talking to some doctors, they have their own language and you get more respect if you can speak the same language.Have no idea. My chart plotter and fish finders have GPS. Not sure why I'd ever use knots.
Good point. I remember now that a nautical mile is 6076'.1. This thread jogged my memory a little. I plan on buying a larger boat in the next year or so to go fishing in the ocean. I better study up on it some more.A knot is a nautical mile or 6076.1’ Vs. a statue mile or 5280’. You can use statute miles but when you are talking to another mariner he is likely to speak to you about knots and other maritime lingo, it’s kind of like talking to some doctors, they have their own language and you get more respect if you can speak the same language.
That would be useful. It's always fun to tell someone asking how fast you were going a speed measured in "fathoms per fortnight". Well, maybe not if the person doing the asking is a cop.Should I start a new thread on fathoms?
Should I start a new thread on fathoms?
Na, my learnin' days are over.