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I’m not a pot head, but think it’s nuts to try to regulate it. Since they never even slowed it down after all these years, why not make some money from taxing it? Not to mention that now the cartels aren’t going to be making billions in cash.

Brent,I don't see it that way I see MJ as a stepping stone to harder drugs and if left unchecked,I would not want someone who is high working with me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I value my safety don't you
Easy enough to see the effects of pot , read the arrest reports the types of weird crimes pot heads commit not to mention all the theft to get money to get high on . Look at what alot of kids raised by pot heads go through $ going to a dealer that should be spent on clothes and food , school supplies . And the people druggies expose their Children to .
Overall I agree with GG & P7. But I know there are genuine medical needs. Not the 'snicker snicker I want a prescription', but real pain control.

My 70 year old grandfather had a big pot bush, used it to try to treat his wife's glaucoma. Grew it right in the middle of the farm, nobody cared. But then she wasn't driving or doing crime...

The problem is that 99% of pot smokers aren't medical needs. Maybe 99.99%. Many of them can't support their real needs let alone drug costs. And they turn to crime to support their habits. The pot doesn't fix their problems, so they go to harder drugs and more crime.
the big money powers that be want us all high and stupid......drunk drivers are bad enough now all we need is a bunch of extra high drivers....Colorado has been finding out....high drivers are killing people now on the roads more so than ever before.....I work in the Alcohol interlock business and you have NO idea how lucky you are to drive and not get hurt or killed at any moment.....No idea....the number of people in the U.S. driving with alcohol interlocks is in the Millions, even more driving on revoked license's for DUI offenses......it is so bad in WV that it is now a felony for 3rd Offense driving revoked for DUI and they catch 3rd offense drivers every day.....I see people almost every day get kicked off alcohol interlock program for getting caught driving high, the interlock keeps them from driving drunk so they start using drugs to stay high and keep driving with zero regard for you or your family who drive the same roads.....Do you think ONE Government official either elected or appointed cares if you get killed by a high driver ? They waste every dollar and want to use drugs to generate more money to waste.....legal dope for the masses and the same officials laugh while spending the money.....there will be no good to come from it.....
I'm partially on the fence

Though and a big though, A good number of folks that purchase from the dispensaries don't work and are on public assistance also, the majority here are still purchasing off the streets, Law Enforcement can't prove if pot was purchased from a dispensary or off the streets, the dispensaries keep no records who purchased the pot (by design) also, the cartels are muscling their way into the local growers and dispensaries. We had one state approved grower not just sell to the dispensaries but was busted for having a network of street sellers, ICE busted an illegal alien who was one of the street sellers for the state approved growers. The state laws that approved pot use gave the green light to the growers with state protection to a degree, since the dispensaries are unable to except credit/debit cards (cash only) many are being robbed, also keep in mind that the majority of dispensaries don't use banks so their are really no control mechanism to the true sales thus are circumventing the state's revenue departments kind of a form of money-laundering without the use of a financial institution thus also cheating the IRS. The Treasury Department controls how the money is used, once the check and balances are removed the Treasury Department can deem the money as illegal movement and can drop the full weight of the Federal Government without needing approval from the DOJ Thus I am waiting for the Treasury Department to drop the hammer!

Many laws are being broken without weighing in pot usage
It's a naturally growing weed. To legislate it is ridiculous. Causes zero deaths, and I have to argue the exact OPPOSITE of it being a gateway drug. Easy access to it KEEPS folks from trying harder drugs. And this is based on knowing folks who actually use it.

While there are legit medical uses too (my wife needs it to not be nauseous before she eats, due to her pain meds), I've also seen ZERO harm come from the usage of it by friends. I don't use it, just never saw the need (and hate any kind of smoking myself). But seems to me, the only danger to it is HAVING it...so you can become a slave in a for-profit prison.

The "potheads" I know include police officers, EMTs, teachers, business owners, etc. All are highly productive (and do not partake during working hours). Alcohol and Tobacco are FAR more dangerous drugs, and yet you give them a pass for being "legal"....
It's a naturally growing weed. To legislate it is ridiculous. Causes zero deaths, and I have to argue the exact OPPOSITE of it being a gateway drug. Easy access to it KEEPS folks from trying harder drugs. And this is based on knowing folks who actually use it.

While there are legit medical uses too (my wife needs it to not be nauseous before she eats, due to her pain meds), I've also seen ZERO harm come from the usage of it by friends. I don't use it, just never saw the need (and hate any kind of smoking myself). But seems to me, the only danger to it is HAVING it...so you can become a slave in a for-profit prison.

The "potheads" I know include police officers, EMTs, teachers, business owners, etc. All are highly productive (and do not partake during working hours). Alcohol and Tobacco are FAR more dangerous drugs, and yet you give them a pass for being "legal"....

Causes ZERO deaths.....sounds like you have been using too much.....
Sure, I'll bite. Prove me wrong. Show me once case of someone who OD'd on weed. Just one. Knock yourself out.

If you mean indirectly, like traffic, I'd argue that you'd have to prove they were actually impaired. Since it stays in your system for testing purposes, for a time, it'd be a pretty tall order. Meanwhile, 80,000 people die each year from alcohol, a LEGAL drug. So try to spin away......

And crime? The last thing anyone high on weed wants to do is go do something....lol.

Instead, treat it like those harder two drugs...legalize it, but tax the hell out of it.

If you want to know why it is REALLY illegal....

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haven't treated a single pot smoker at work;booze,tobacco,MDMA,ketamine,GHB users way too much...
If somebody is pro pot fine stand by it but dont justify it as harmless . Health wise smoking anything paralyes the sillica or cillica in your lungs , it causes paranoia, depression , decreased work performance, adds to unemployment , many cases of Child neglect and or abuse stims from marijuana use , a regular user that doesn't have the funds to buy more is more likely to engage in crime to do so . There is a vile underworld connected to the pot life style . Not all users see it but they sure help fund it .
Like I said if someone is pro pot fine stand by it. But do not trivialize its effects on society.
There is a vile underworld connected to the pot life style .

Umm....because it is ILLEGAL.

You are only proving my point for legalization.

And yes, even with those problems you mentioned they PALE in comparison with those caused by the other two LEGAL drugs. So, if we are willing to put up with it from those two, why not this one, which is a much lesser impact? Especially when it will have the side effect of minimizing other drug use.

Fine, I won't trivialize it, I'll let the media do it for me:

A story about the effects after legalizing it in Colorado and Washington.
Sure, I'll bite. Prove me wrong. Show me once case of someone who OD'd on weed. Just one. Knock yourself out.

If you mean indirectly, like traffic, I'd argue that you'd have to prove they were actually impaired. Since it stays in your system for testing purposes, for a time, it'd be a pretty tall order. Meanwhile, 80,000 people die each year from alcohol, a LEGAL drug. So try to spin away......

And crime? The last thing anyone high on weed wants to do is go do something....lol.

Instead, treat it like those harder two drugs...legalize it, but tax the hell out of it.

If you want to know why it is REALLY illegal....

LOL....so now your putting stipulations on your original comment ? lol......pot has caused many deaths......
I will agree with something hinted at above...the fact that growers can only deal in cash.

Legalizing it in a state, then not allowing the dispensaries to take credit cards, is COMPLETELY self defeating. I'd wager states are losing MILLIONS in unreported taxes because of this stupidity. Who the hell is going to take only cash and then report it honestly? Seriously?

I'm surprised some enterprising growers haven't....nope...wait, not going to spout off that million dollar idea, lol....

Bah, who am I kidding.

Circumvent the national law factor...by grouping together, and creating a state level weed credit service. Where folks can keep money on account just for weed purchases, then present a card which debits from the account. All without a national presence. Wonder if that would work? I'm no lawyer though, so not sure of the legalese in it.
LOL....so now your putting stipulations on your original comment ? lol......pot has caused many deaths.....

No, You're just putting words in my mouth.

I'm still saying you can't find an incident where you can prove a death directly due to marijuana. Hence, ZERO deaths.

What YOU are saying is completely different. It's like saying nobody has died because they were tired. Well, if they fell asleep at the wheel, and killed somebody.....or sleepwalked off a cliff....

And I still STAND BY the point that Alcohol and Tobacco are FAR worse drugs, and they HAVE BEEN PROVEN to cause THOUSANDS of deaths, and yet they are perfectly legal. And yet you are demonizing a plant, likely because of some Refer Madness nonsensical programming.
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Seriously though. WATCH the video I linked to above. See if you don't get a better idea of where I'm coming from. I'm perfectly willing to entertain information you present to the contrary.
lol.........I never said anything about alcohol....or tobacco.....but I will guess sucking on a joint does no damage to your lungs or anything else ? guess you should look into that.....and assuming that I am some anti-weed programed something is an idiot assumption....as I said weed has killed many people.....even legalizing it will still cause deaths because there will still be a black market....people are still killing each other everyday because of it...legalizing it will not stop the crime and deaths....Many online articles on California and Colorado on how they are trying to control driving high and if you are silly enough to think a driver high on weed has never killed anyone, then there is no talking to you....keep smoking.....it's harmless.....
Does anyone know if they have a legal limit for pot? I am talking about limits like they do for alcohol. I hear all the time about car accidents and they will say something like, "The drive had twice the legal limit of alcohol in his system." However, there are other times they will say the person was driving under the influence. I am told that driving under the influence is for something other than alcohol and they don't reference any limits because there aren't any legal limits. Has there been any such limits put in place for states that have legal pot?
Both sides are making points. To say there aren't deaths from pot is a lie. To say it's any better/worse than alcohol/smoking is also a lie.

Now if we have problems with alcohol and with tobacco, does that mean we should make every other problem legal? Pot? Cocaine? Prostitution? Heroin?

We have what we have. People are hesitant to do things that could make it worse.

I've said before, what people do inside their homes is their business. Drink, get drunk, smoke pot, whatever. Consider it a libertarian view. But when you bring your problem out and it becomes my problem, then let hell break loose. Driving under the influence (of anything) should result in serious consequences. Drunk driving doesn't result in 'manslaughter', it's murder. Result: death sentence within days.
lol.........I never said anything about alcohol....or tobacco.....but I will guess sucking on a joint does no damage to your lungs or anything else ? guess you should look into that.....and assuming that I am some anti-weed programed something is an idiot assumption....as I said weed has killed many people.....even legalizing it will still cause deaths because there will still be a black market....people are still killing each other everyday because of it...legalizing it will not stop the crime and deaths....Many online articles on California and Colorado on how they are trying to control driving high and if you are silly enough to think a driver high on weed has never killed anyone, then there is no talking to you....keep smoking.....it's harmless.....

have you ever been around someone while they are smoking POT ??????

these a-holes while nearly choking to death their face is beet red and their eyes are bugging out of their heads,they will say this is good **** ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and they say this while gagging on the crap,,I am thinking the whole time,,,,,,,,,,,,IDIOTS
Theres little to no tracing if the reffer in Colorado is leagle or not . Users that do not want the attention of going into a legal pot shop still buy on the street . And the vice world that follows cast its tentacles throughout the new legal status where it exsist .
But notice companys will not hire pot users to operate power equipment, company's that drug test will not hire legal pot users , anyone found under the influence loses their firearm carry permit .
GG, in all fairness, guys I've known in the past are the same ***hole while smoking as they are at other times. Maybe a little worse, but that just seemed to be their personality. Or maybe they were always a little high?

Let me ask everyone a general question: is anyone here against a person having a few plants in their closet at home, smokes at home but doesn't leave until they are 'sober' again, and doesn't buy/sell pot? I mean in a legal manner, not that you are ok with or think it's smart for people smoking pot. Basically it's a policy where you let people do what they want within their walls and it (and it's effects) stay in their home.
Brent,I don't see it that way I see MJ as a stepping stone to harder drugs and if left unchecked,I would not want someone who is high working with me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I value my safety don't you
I think the evidence shows that the gateway drug thing isn’t real. As far as someone using pot while driving or working, the same applies for alcohol. There’s a time and place for all things. When you’re in your own place at home I don’t think anyone has the right to tell you what to do. I personally don’t smoke pot, but did smoke plenty as a teenager. I can say from personal experience, it’s is less dangerous than alcohol by far. The most dangerous thing about it is the chance of you getting fat from eating too many snacks! Seriously, liquor is far more disabling than pot. I just don’t understand the class 1 designation.
Does anyone know if they have a legal limit for pot? I am talking about limits like they do for alcohol. I hear all the time about car accidents and they will say something like, "The drive had twice the legal limit of alcohol in his system." However, there are other times they will say the person was driving under the influence. I am told that driving under the influence is for something other than alcohol and they don't reference any limits because there aren't any legal limits. Has there been any such limits put in place for states that have legal pot?
Due to its class 1 ban, there hasn’t been much research done for it. Due to this there hasn’t been an established way to test for it. Either way, I don’t think any level of alcohol, pot or any drug should be acceptable while driving. Again, there’s a time and place for everything.
GG, in all fairness, guys I've known in the past are the same ***hole while smoking as they are at other times. Maybe a little worse, but that just seemed to be their personality. Or maybe they were always a little high?

Let me ask everyone a general question: is anyone here against a person having a few plants in their closet at home, smokes at home but doesn't leave until they are 'sober' again, and doesn't buy/sell pot? I mean in a legal manner, not that you are ok with or think it's smart for people smoking pot. Basically it's a policy where you let people do what they want within their walls and it (and it's effects) stay in their home.
I dont care what someone does at home as long as they are not hurting others . You know this same guy would most likely peddle a little or run out and take it out on his family or spend their money . Not to mention the bad example he would set while under the influence.
So if this guy was a bachelor with no dependants and was as responsible as stated then its his business.
This stuff doesn't happen in a bubble, I doubt there is anyone on this site that hasn't in some way had some experience with this subject.
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