Actress threatens to leave USA

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Awesome Friend
Dec 7, 2015

Charlize Theron. She says racism is alive and well.

She said there are parts of the country where she feels unsafe. Now for the hysterical hypocricy of this leftie wacko: she's from... South Africa!!!

OK, sure, there is a little racism in the country, like there is in every country. But she blames Trump. And look at what is happening in her own country? I'd love for her to go back there & see what happens... with unarmed guards of course.
I'm all for it if someone wants to leave this country because they don't like something. . . Good rideions! Just don't be blaming Trump for all the evils of this world. Racism has been around long before he ever was a twinkle in his papas eyes. If you look at past administration s I think they were hammering in the wedge full force. It's going to take awhile before that can be patched up, if ever in my lifetime. Yeah let see how moving back to SA will work out for you.
She should go, for sure. I'm sure she can afford a nice mansion in a gated community full of other rich white folks anywhere in the world. She can look out her bay window drinking a $10 cup of coffee, and smile in pleasure as she looks at her manicured lawn and garden, and the poor brown people toiling away to keep her view nice.

Charlize Theron... wonder what the demographic is for the people who watch her movies?

I have to admit she was awesome in the new Mad Max. But now that I know she thinks me, the paying customer, who supports her in her awesome lifestyle, is a racist jerk, I think I will skip her next movie.

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