Actual inflation

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Inflation is about to heat up if it ever cooled down.

The FED in all their infinite wisdom just decreased the FED interest rate by half a point. :rolleyes: Nope, not a quarter....a half! Apparently inflation is no longer a concern. It makes me wonder if anyone in the FED shops at all. Even though I think this is a pure political tactic, it's going to affect us all. Americans are already borrowing too much, but now it'll make it easier for them to borrow (bury themselves) even more. More dollars going after the same amount of goods and services is only going to increase prices even more.


They are trying to sink us on purpose.
Happiness:D =
View attachment 161482
(Notice, no lights on.)
I guess I should give an update on this.
The death march continues...
DW spent an hour on 'chat' Monday trying to explain to AT&T that we simply wanted to discontinue our internet service.
She was too kind hearted to tell them we had switched to Verizon 5G, so they continued to offer her deals and specials.
No workee. If I had a dime for every time she typed "no thank you", I would be rich :(.
Then "do you have security cameras, alarm system wired to it?" No, the hub has been unplugged for weeks and we're just fine.
They had to transfer her 'chat' up the chain 3 different times.
...Still the roadblocks continued to be tossed out.
She asked about returning their 10 year-old hub (that they can't possibly reuse), and the power supply with backup batteries that went bad years ago.
They wanted her to print out a form, sign it, mail it in, so they would send a box for her to return their junk.
"But I am telling you now to send the box"!
This was more difficult and painful than having 4 wisdom-teeth pulled.... And I was just watchin!!!gaah
4 beers later and I was back to normal.:rolleyes:
That's an interesting post Sup. When MIL died her grandson called AT&T to cancel the landline. He said he was on hold for over 40 minutes and couldn't talk to someone who could cancel. So, he went through the online chat session. Still after many messages to cancel the service since the owner of the line was dead, he still wasn't able to get it disconnected. So, he quit trying. This was 2 weeks after she died. Now, they are sending us her bills since we did an address change. I paid them for the time she was alive plus the 2 weeks that the grandson tried to cancel. Nope, they want almost 3 months after the fact as well. Well, that ain't happenin. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do, but I'm not paying that $180 for a phone that was supposed to be cancelled. I might just send the bills back.....return to sender......addressee is deceased. I highly doubt they will go after the 'estate' for that amount of money. But, I guess they can pay their lawyers to come after us if they want to.....which would be really stupid since there really isn't an estate. I'm not for lawsuits, but it seems like this would be the perfect class action lawsuit situation. AT&T sucks! I'm still deciding whether we are going to send them a nasty letter or just ignore their bills. I'm not sure I want to invest anymore of my time into their nonsense.

Sorry bout that rant.............back to the idiot FED trying to kill the American middle class.
That's an interesting post Sup. When MIL died her grandson called AT&T to cancel the landline. He said he was on hold for over 40 minutes and couldn't talk to someone who could cancel. So, he went through the online chat session. Still after many messages to cancel the service since the owner of the line was dead, he still wasn't able to get it disconnected. ... I'm not for lawsuits, but it seems like this would be the perfect class action lawsuit situation. AT&T sucks! I'm still deciding whether we are going to send them a nasty letter or just ignore their bills. I'm not sure I want to invest anymore of my time into their nonsense.
They are relentless!
The term "just cut the cord" sounds so simple, but 'disconnecting' them from your wallet is almost impossible! :mad:
When I rescued mom from evil sis in California many years ago, I had to make sense of her money and bills. She had an AT&T bill for four cell phones that she auto paid for, and she didn't have a cell phone. It was absolute hell to get all that cancelled. Finally just told them I would just cancel the credit card and I did. Those cell phones belonged to evil sis, her boyfriend, her son, and dil
If I'm not mistaken the bills were automatically paid by her CC. He cancelled that on the same day he tried to cancel her phone. Now, they are sending paper bills. I'll have to check with the grandson on that though. 🤔
If I'm not mistaken the bills were automatically paid by her CC. He cancelled that on the same day he tried to cancel her phone. Now, they are sending paper bills. I'll have to check with the grandson on that though. 🤔
You may need to bring a tool to get it cancelled:
Even 15 years ago I was on the phone for a long time and when a third person jibberjabbered something at me I yelled into the phone, no, you will not put me on hold and here's why....blah blah blah. Cancelled. Done. Moving out of state. Far away.
It is finally cancelled. I sent in the letter with the last payment stating that they were notified of the cancellation of service within 2 weeks of her death. So "this check is sent with the understanding that this is the final payment on account." I tried calling her old number and it is busy signal, no ringing sound.....nothing. The grandson who lived with her unplugged the phone from the wall after he cancelled (or tried to cancel) all her accounts. At this point, they'll have to sue a dead woman in order to get money that they do not deserve for service that was cancelled and went unused. I'm still debating on whether to write them or just send all their mail back. 🤔

Sorry for the derailed thread.
I was going thru my text messages deleting ones that are no longer useful...
I have my Verizon phone bill set up on auto pay and they send me a text when it pays.
Wanted to make sure they didn't sneak a message in that my bill was going up :(...
Nope, no message.:) No increase*.:thumbs:
Then I discovered something new to me: "Sneakflation"
August: $41.33
September: $41.43
October: $41.53
"He never gets a bill, he'll never notice.;)"
I was going thru my text messages deleting ones that are no longer useful...
I have my Verizon phone bill set up on auto pay and they send me a text when it pays.
Wanted to make sure they didn't sneak a message in that my bill was going up :(...
Nope, no message.:) No increase*.:thumbs:
Then I discovered something new to me: "Sneakflation"
August: $41.33
September: $41.43
October: $41.53
"He never gets a bill, he'll never notice.;)"
Verizon has made me really angry lately ( see cell phone thread) but sadly I have not found a good way to replace them. I would need to buy a new phone and give up on calling my relatives in Europe
my predictions for next year: kamela will be pres, gas will cost $6 a gallon, chicken will cost $8 a lb, beef $20 for ground, taxes will go up on top of it ( Trump tax cuts will expire) , ww3 will probably start for real and there will be a new pandemic of sorts
one thing about your predictions....anything less and we all be happy and doing cartwheels in the call you a pessimist but i call you an closet optimist !!!
Went to pick up some boneless skinless chicken thighs for dinner tonight, only to find out that the thighs and the breasts were the same price, $4.99/lb. I do not recall thighs ever costing the same as breasts. I searched through an old grocery pickup order for a year or so back and the same brand thighs were $3.69/lb. I ended up buying the breasts because they looked like they were better trimmed.
Went to pick up some boneless skinless chicken thighs for dinner tonight, only to find out that the thighs and the breasts were the same price, $4.99/lb. I do not recall thighs ever costing the same as breasts. I searched through an old grocery pickup order for a year or so back and the same brand thighs were $3.69/lb. I ended up buying the breasts because they looked like they were better trimmed.
they shouldnt be but 49-79 cents...i mean whole chickens are unreal now..use to be cheapest by the # but no more...
Went to pick up some boneless skinless chicken thighs for dinner tonight, only to find out that the thighs and the breasts were the same price, $4.99/lb. I do not recall thighs ever costing the same as breasts. I searched through an old grocery pickup order for a year or so back and the same brand thighs were $3.69/lb. I ended up buying the breasts because they looked like they were better trimmed.
That is a crazy price. I wouldn't pay it.

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