Annoying theme songs that get stuck in your head!!

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I have 2 non-vet friends. They both sing the CHEERS intro song. "Sometimes ya gotta go where everybody knows your name"
I tell them try living on a 500ft boat so long that you know every soul by their gait, and you will never, ever sing that again.

Now, a nice open terrain with a mountain or 2 and no other person for miles is preferred.

Besides, though some have redeeming qualities, in general people suck.

Though not a theme song, lately I have Harry Belafonte's "DAY-O" in my head. Takes me back to mornings in Rota (SP) when
we would sing "Daylight come and I wanna throw up".

Anybody hearing Day-O now??

That's the commercial for Jardiance, a diabetes drug, I agree 1000%. It is the most annoying commercial on television, and I see it a hundred times a day. I'm right with Backpacker. I can't mute the TV fast enough.
They have remade it 3 times now, and it is stiiiiiiLL going today...gaah
...Every 30 minutes.:(
New DEI-approved version...
Not all whyte people in it this time! :p

I am convinced that it will be the last thing that I hear, when they close the lid on my coffin. :(
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They have remade it 3 times now, and it is stiiiiiiLL going today...gaah
...Every 30 minutes.:(
New DEI-approved version...
Not all whyte people in it this time! :p

I am convinced that it will be the last thing that I hear, when they close the lid on my coffin. :(

I am personally going to sing that at your funeral!! I'll make a video later in case I go first! 😉
LA LA LA LA I am not reading or listening to ANY of this thread! I know this is a desperate attempt to drive me over the edge.

Oh damn, It's a Small World After All...
For me it's commercial jingles, always the weird ones too! Like the Spongemonkeys in Quiznos sandwich jingle. I was so glad they finally dropped that ad campaign. Miss the little guys though! 🤣

I've never seen that before. Daughter worked in marketing for Q as her first corporate job. I seriously doubt that she was there when that commercial was out.
its not really a theme song but every time stuck songs come up.....
and it makes very little sense unless i am missing some thing , but none the less it is adictive
What little TV that I watch is only what I've recorded. So when a commercial comes on I just skip over it. Whenever I hear someone talk about a commercial I have no idea what they're talking about.
Take some time and look at their production. Simple is better. The BEST one I heard was a radio clip. I mean...perfect: "Victory, Victory Curtains and Blinds. One three, one three, double nine!" Who, what and where. BANG!
All good down undah and with kinte Croc.

Heh man it would be hard to pick a hundred of the things lately some of them are just so obnoxious now that it makes the head explode.

i think probably the worst was the pepto bismol commercial thing.

As far as sticking probably the theme song for Barney EEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! KILL ME PLEASE!!!!!

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