I harvested my first ever Kotlas/ Sprint tomato.
What a bitter, bitter disappointment!
It was grainy, mushy and had no flavor!
I've topped the plants to stop them growing and I'm never planting this variety again.
I'm unhappy with the scraggly, runty plants, I'm unhappy with the size of the small fruit and I'm unhappy with
the flavor and texture.
They didn't get a single hint of disease but I'm not sure if that was because of good management practices
or because the wretches are that disease resistant...maybe both?
I'm pretty steamed at the result considering just how much time and effort I poured into them.
The KY1 tomatoes I'm hoping will be better than these but they're no where near ready yet.
I'm trying to figure out if I've got time before the killing heat of summer to try other variety of
full sized tomatoes.