Any ideas on how to survive martial law?

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Good point Clyde.

This is why I don't even worry about how to hide from Uncle Sam. If he is interested in me, he will always know where to find me. I don't trust them, but I also can't imagine how to avoid them other than maintaining a low profile. (May there ever be a more attractive target.) After the first few months of SHTF, I'm not even so much worried about former operators turned rogue. From what I have learned about them, operators are a pretty patriotic bunch.

The people I would hope to evade range from free-ranging mobs of the free stuff army suffering withdrawals from the public teet and members of organized south of the border gangs like the Zetas. Magazine articles over the last few years have suggested that the drug cartels are not averse to using technology to their advantage. When their drug revenues begin to dry up, they will look elsewhere for income and it looks like they may have the best communications network around post SHTF.
Unless you've got a good way to hide from satellites and drones with multi-optics, won't matter what kind of OPSEC you had prior to SHTF. And since most of us don't have such means, yes, they would know where we are.
OK, granted they might know where I am, but I guarantee that:

A) They don't know what supplies I have
B) They don't know where the supplies are
C) They don't even care at this point.

It's not like I unloaded a truck one day with all the supplies that could have been spotted by satellite. Nothing that could have spotted by satellite would have looked like anything other than a normal person going about their normal life, just like millions of other normal people going about their normal lives. No red flags. Nothing to see here...
True, but once on the scene, they certainly have the resources to find most of anything you'd want to hide. (unless you've done some buried caches). I mean, they could use GPR to find it, but only if they suspect to look in the first place.

But, rest assured, they'd search every closet, every room, etc. for what they could find and take. (and they'd probably be none too gentle in doing so).

This is why it is important to have:
1. Dummy weapons (weapons you don't mind giving up. Buy some non-working guns, etc.)
2. Easy to find sacrificial stores (food, water that you have for either helping others, or surrendering should it come to that, without affecting more hidden stockpiles).

I wish I could hide things under the floor, but alas, every structure we have has a concrete floor. So, we have to be a bit trickier.
To conceal your firearms cache, just get friendly with that nice, elderly widow down the street. The one with the Obama bumper sticker. Do some gardening for her and perhaps even put in a compost heap. Buried deep beneath that compost heap might be all sorts of unexpected things and freshly turned compost shouldn't raise any alarms.
Oh, I have some decent ideas:

1) PVC pipe under a fence post for firearms - even GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) won't work too well, because it will look like just a long post. (and they likely won't think about using it there anyhow)

2) Inside walls (make secret cabinets behind mirrors or pictures). Pretty easy to do really. Best option for food, as it is climate controlled. Of course, we have a concrete block house, so only interior walls work for this.

3) Our attic is small and brutal, so this is a good spot to hide items that aren't spoiled by heat. (especially behind duct work).

4) Compost pile (few are going to want to dig around in this area)

5) Hidden in hay and feed (pretty easy hiding spot, but one that may be overlooked)

6) Up in trees around the property (pretty easy to hide here, and easy enough to retrieve with a ladder).

Of course, the real fear is that they simply force us off the property and into a camp. If that happens, isn't much we can do there unfortunately, but I'd do everything I could to avoid it.
Unless you've got a good way to hide from satellites and drones with multi-optics, won't matter what kind of OPSEC you had prior to SHTF. And since most of us don't have such means, yes, they would know where we are. The bigger question is whether or not they could afford to spend the resources to deal with you. Hopefully, they'd be more willing to maybe make a deal, where you become a supplier, etc.

Basically, no matter what you do, you aren't going to be able to compete with tanks, drones, and cruise missiles, so once they DO take notice of you, hopefully you can strike a deal (or run like hell and go into further hiding, but without all those comforts). I imagine this is where resistance fighters would come from. Let's just hope this particular scenario never pans out.
I think keeping a low profile is the only option available. As you stated, you can't compete with tanks and rockets, nor large numbers,of soldiers. The only option is to blend in and not show what resources you have. Trying to make a deal to trade dosent seem wise to me, as it would just be a neon sign pointing to more resources they would just want to take.
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First, I thinkthis is one question should not be taken lightly! I've thought about it myself. Who says we aren't under martial law now? Oh they change the name, but maybe just maybe it's already in play. TSA is already conditioning us. The greatest invention from our government- The War on Terror, with that excuse, they can do anything!

Of course the talk comes to guns. After all, it was the poor farmer and shopkeeper that took up arms on behalf of the rich who didn't want to pay taxes that made this country what it is. (taxation without representation, well we got representation now, how's it looking?) If you signed the yellow form, you are known to have a firearm (remember the movie Red Dawn- the original, when the Cuban officer tells the commissar to look for them?) If they come asking for it and you hid it, what do you think is going to happen? So, maybe you can figure out from above how to keep weapons. Even if you never own one, learn how to use an AR- in conflict, it will be those weapons that will arm resistance fighters.

Someone in this thread claims to be former SOF, and said no one will get his, and can take them out at 900m, good shooting! But, I ask, when do you take down someone's house, when its daylight and aware? Or using stealth and dynamic entry in the early early hours? Or, when you are not home at all, I'm no great snake eater, but I understand basics.

Has anyone read Atlas Shrugged? If not, do so. Find out about how the US was in the 20's and 30's, how close we were to socialism.

Never trust the government, ever. That doesn't mean they aren't useless. Stay informed, be involved, speak your mind- that's not being a hippy. Any trust in my government ended when I got an email reply from one of my Senators- I was deployed at the time and was tired of hear news blabbers say Soldiers were being sent to their death. I wrote my Senator saying I didn't like that and gave my deployed address and even stated I was a registered voter. The reply I received stated that the Senator only responds to registered voters of his State. Now I know it was one of his staffers, but remember bureaucracies are really run by the ones who work for the big bosses- secretaries, errand runners, etc. I worked for an officer who spent most of his career in the Pentagon (which made my job as his NCOIC infinitely harder as he had no concept of military reality) he said if you couldn't get past the ladies in walking shoes there, you weren't going anywhere.

Always remember your history- investigate when martial law actually used. Normally it is at local level, with only a few times at the federal level (last time was December 7th 1941)Laws can be changed, or an "accident" or "terrorist event" could cause the Supreme Court to cease to exist.

True about tracking us using NSA and technology. it's already too late for that, but somehow, the most wanted terrorist hid for years. Supposedly.

I am going to take care of my dad. I may want to run for the hills but it may not be an option. I do agree that if they are coming for me to take away my freedom of movement- imprisonment, I will fight back. I probably won't make it. I will fight to the end. For what this country represents, not the people who run it. Understand why martial law is being declared then decide what to do.
Trying to make a deal to trade dosent seem wise to me, as it would just be a neon sign pointing to more resources they would just want to take.

Resources are a one time deal, whereas making a deal with skilled folks who can keep producing is another matter. In essence, you'd be trading some of the fruits of your labor, leasing your skills, for them to leave you alone. If, of course, it's a viable option. It may not be.

True about tracking us using NSA and technology. it's already too late for that, but somehow, the most wanted terrorist hid for years. Supposedly.

He didn't. My bet is that he's lounging on a beach in South America, and has been since just after 9/11. Being paid and kept to stay out of the public eye. Those BS body pics just used to be brought out when it was politically needed. Why else would they feed us that BS story about disposing of the body at sea? If we actually killed him, we'd show a body (Saddam anyone?) Seriously? How did the press buy this? If nothing else, it should show just how much the media is controlled. My bet is that Seal Team Six isn't even in on it. They were likely told it was Obama they got, when really, was one of his doubles.

Oh, and if you doubt they use doubles, you're in for a surprise. There are plenty of historical examples, and with today's plastic surgery techniques, this is even easier.

In 2003, German television network ZDF broadcast claimed that Iraq's former president Saddam Hussein was frequently replaced with doubles for TV appearances. This analysis was based on sophisticated measuring techniques, which detected discrepancies in the position of Hussein's facial features and blemishes from appearance to appearance. It was supported by the opinion of Jerrald Post, the man who created the CIA's Psychological Profile Unit.[22] It was also alleged that Austrian politician Jörg Haider had actually met a double when he thought he was meeting Hussein.[23]

Always remember your history- investigate when martial law actually used. Normally it is at local level, with only a few times at the federal level (last time was December 7th 1941)

Practically speaking, it was used in Boston when they were looking for the Boston Bombers. They may not have officially called it, but it was certainly no different in practice, than martial law.
Yes. I have filled out the little yellow form at the gun store from time to time. That was before I took up fishing, which lead to taking up drinking. One night I was out on the lake (I wish I could recall which one). The wind picked up and the canoe started pitching this way and that. It was all I could do to get back to shore alive. My entire collection of firearms went down in that disaster. The only thing I had left is my carry piece (a rather unreliable .25 auto made somewhere in South America). I would love to talk more about it but I promised that widow lady down the street that I would turn her compost pile.
One night I was out on the lake (I wish I could recall which one). The wind picked up and the canoe started pitching this way and that. It was all I could do to get back to shore alive. My entire collection of firearms went down in that disaster.
Isn't that a coincidence! The very same thing happened to me!

All I have left is an old Spanish Mauser, and a 22 I bought at a pawn shop for $75.
No yellow forms for me. I inherited our guns (and before that, they were person to person trades), so really, there's not a stitch of paper on 'em. ;)
Sorry Doc, but I do believe the ones that can sustain themselves will be targeted to a point. The government can and will come and get what you have to 'help' others who have not become prepared. I do hope I am wrong, but the laws have already been passed for them to do so.
That's true they already have the legal go ahead. Keep a low profile, be poor and pitiful.
For the last twenty years, tollways have been using license plate scanners to replace manual toll paying. In the last fifteen years more police departments have admitted to having down-sized units in limited numbers of patrol cars so they can more easily look for hot cars.

Using such a patrol car, you could make a few sweeps through the parking lot at the local gun show to build quite a list of likely gun owners.
All my kids are armed. All yellow forms point to me. Old guy on fixed income, sold all them guns a long time ago. Anything current was lost in the boating accident.
For the last twenty years, tollways have been using license plate scanners to replace manual toll paying. In the last fifteen years more police departments have admitted to having down-sized units in limited numbers of patrol cars so they can more easily look for hot cars.

Using such a patrol car, you could make a few sweeps through the parking lot at the local gun show to build quite a list of likely gun owners.
They could but most police departments don't have the resources for this today. In a small town the cops will be inside buying most likely.
They are talking about a RFid chips on the plates here in Washington that can be scanned while moving, the chip will alert the police cruiser if a car is reported stolen or expired tags, it can scan 25 cars simultaneously. I'm sure the cost of licensing going to go up, it already cost us a $100 a year for tags, projected cost per year $400 per year per vehicle.
They are talking about a RFid chips on the plates here in Washington that can be scanned while moving, the chip will alert the police cruiser if a car is reported stolen or expired tags, it can scan 25 cars simultaneously. I'm sure the cost of licensing going to go up, it already cost us a $100 a year for tags, projected cost per year $400 per year per vehicle.
You know that old saying “what goes up must come down”, well that doesn’t apply to govt fees.....
That is one reason I have the cheapest dependable vehicles that I can afford.
Here in ga they changed the tax on vehicles a while back. Now you pay 7% when you buy the vehicle, but you only pay a small tag fee every year after that. So if you keep your vehicle forever then you make out ok, but if you get rid of it within two or three years then the state wins. Overall the average person pays more in tax now.
Here in ga they changed the tax on vehicles a while back. Now you pay 7% when you buy the vehicle, but you only pay a small tag fee every year after that. So if you keep your vehicle forever then you make out ok, but if you get rid of it within two or three years then the state wins. Overall the average person pays more in tax now.

Here, in town, it’s 4.25%, but the tag fee is based on some value of the vehicle. They don’t know if the vehicle has 100 miles or 400k miles.

At least over time, the yearly taxes go down a lot, but they’re gonna get your money one way or another.
A little off topic here, but wanted to vent. They have been doing a lot of road construction on the north end of atlanta for a long time. I’m thinking great, they are finally going to relieve some traffic on 85! I recently found out that all this work is just to add another toll lane. Why do we let them spend our tax dollars on something that isn’t going to help traffic and makes them more money?......
Here in ga they changed the tax on vehicles a while back. Now you pay 7% when you buy the vehicle, but you only pay a small tag fee every year after that. So if you keep your vehicle forever then you make out ok, but if you get rid of it within two or three years then the state wins. Overall the average person pays more in tax now.
My largest bill is for home and auto insurance. Brother says that is the only reason to work to pay insurance and taxes. Somedays that seems about right.