anybody monitoring russias movements?

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Awesome Friend
Apr 12, 2013
Norfolk, England
The European Leadership Network have released a report showing almost 40 specific incidents of close military encounters between Russia and the West. These include incursions into Allied airspace, close encounters at sea, simulated attack runs and overflights all over the Globe. The below interactive map shows where they took place:
YUP CJ look at the thread below involving our in house Finn called Jonnte and his concerns about Russian imperialism.
Yeah I think everyone is worried, did you all hear about the Trojan that is now in the electrical network, the US government said it can wipe out the grid at any point and that it is Russian. Not sure if I believe it is Russian or not, but still if the grid goes it wont be good.
CJ,I'm monitoring everything I can simply get hold off, about mad-Vlad and his crazy fellows from kremlin...their economy sucks and one of the major things mad-Vlad can do is to play the instrument of nationalism/pan-slavism...
right now,they are in the process of sending a "help convoy" to know,the typical russkie aid;tanks,guns,apc's and heavy artillery
I think all of us are concerned about it. I have kids though and am staying as calm as can be about it all. Yet it is the one really big doom scenario that is coming closer and closer daily.
A lot of hackers in Russia (in fact, a lot of software companies sub-contract out to Russian programmers), so it wouldn't surprise me. However, I imagine it wouldn't be difficult to take out Russia's grid either, and since this would be the reprisal, likely a MAD scenario. Still though, no matter what the SHTF event, the grid going is really going to be the kicker that puts us to anarchy.
A lot of hackers in Russia (in fact, a lot of software companies sub-contract out to Russian programmers), so it wouldn't surprise me. However, I imagine it wouldn't be difficult to take out Russia's grid either, and since this would be the reprisal, likely a MAD scenario. Still though, no matter what the SHTF event, the grid going is really going to be the kicker that puts us to anarchy.

It sure would. I can't imagine in the cities how people live and no electric. If you haven't watched it yet watch American blackout it's pretty much how things would go.
heavy artilley fire in Ukraine,there's supposed to be ceasefire,but Russkies have been transporting stuff there more than ever...

one expert told to one of my local news papers;Putin is acting in rage and therefore very I didn't know already mad-Vlad is pure danger..
yup,now he's MAD,behaving like a angry kid,who's not getting his lollipop from the store
I'm more worried about monitoring American government's and NATO's movements....
Been doing so since 2001, the amount of international treaties and laws broken since then by them is staggering. I trust you lot, but our governments are completely messed up.

The Russians have been adhering to international treaties and law better then any of us yet America's financial collapse is starting to get attention and first thing we do is point fingers at Russia for whatever **** we can make up that they supposedly did, even starting a documentary on the cold war on CNN just as tensions rise. If you think Russia is out to get you dude. You're sorely mistaken. Follow the money dude.... you'll see if you look.

Also Russia always has ships nearby in international waters at meetings like the g20. I'd be more worried if there were none. that's when shits going to hell. The tension from Russia everyone is talking about is our media bitching about **** that is either not true, is bias or out of context.

That report is equal to a baby's fart when compared to incursions by "Allied Nations" (US + NATO) Of course Transgressions of any kind are not good or to be condoned. but really, if you're gonna bitch about them and wanna make an example, get the baddest kids in the class first... and that are our own governments.
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I'm more worried about monitoring American government's and NATO's movements....
Been doing so since 2001, the amount of international treaties and laws broken since then by them is staggering. I trust you lot, but our governments are completely messed up.

The Russians have been adhering to international treaties and law better then any of us yet America's financial collapse is starting to get attention and first thing we do is point fingers at Russia for whatever **** we can make up that they supposedly did, even starting a documentary on the cold war on CNN just as tensions rise. If you think Russia is out to get you dude. You're sorely mistaken. Follow the money dude.... you'll see if you look.

Also Russia always has ships nearby in international waters at meetings like the g20. I'd be more worried if there were none. that's when shits going to hell. The tension from Russia everyone is talking about is our media bitching about **** that is either not true, is bias or out of context.

That report is equal to a baby's fart when compared to incursions by "Allied Nations" (US + NATO) Of course Transgressions of any kind are not good or to be condoned. but really, if you're gonna bitch about them and wanna make an example, get the baddest kids in the class first... and that are our own governments.

True that. I keep wondering why there is so much blame on Russia daily, yet for some reason the US and other countries get away with anything they want to do. However if the US keeps blaming Russia for everything Russia will bite back and hard.
I do dare to be of different opinion about Russia and this close to that s@@@hole,with this history we have with the'll never ever get me to trust them
True that. I keep wondering why there is so much blame on Russia daily, yet for some reason the US and other countries get away with anything they want to do. However if the US keeps blaming Russia for everything Russia will bite back and hard.

Russia has made it clear ever since 2001 in ever speech they will only take defensive actions. People only look at bulletins of speeches the news and conspiracy sites pick for them... I take the time to watch the entire conference every time. Russia will defend but not become the aggressor.

I do dare to be of different opinion about Russia and this close to that s@@@hole,with this history we have with the'll never ever get me to trust them

My country has its history with the soviet union too, but Russia is NOT the soviet union. Russia since Putin came on has been a role model country in foreign affairs. we have more reason to trust them then any NATO member countries government.
you belive what you belive,Putin's Russia is nothing more than a copy of old Sovjet Russia,so YOU think they acted nicely and politely in Ukraine? Georgia?
Putin and Co. doesn't put his opponents in jail in mock trials??
and earlier this week that goblin from kremlin said,the molotov-ribbentrop pact was good and all the occupations of the Baltic countries were only liberations,yeah right,and as he said that this pact was good he considers Finland,Estonia,Latvia and Lithuania still as his backyard.
one other thing about his comment of the pact;the fact is Sovjet Russia and Gemany were allies for two years which ended in 1941.
in his first biography he stated him beeing the PERFECT SPECIMEN AND PRODUCT of the USSR, so Russia today is only an extension of the old USSR
I think the people of Ingushetia, Crimea, Chechnia, Moldovia, Georgia may disagree with the comments about about Russias peaceful intentions, as does the US who this wek reports the Russians have suddenly increased the number of BEAR LRMA flying down the US coastline
and just the latest from our news;Russia moving into Ukraine with tanks,heavy artillery,men,missiles,even more than before...
so I don't know in which la-laa land utopia someone lives,not to be able to see that and know the history of the so "peaceful" russia...
just keep on trusting russkies until their boots kick in your door
And this:
Russia has just announced they will step up bomber patrols off both the Atlantic and Pacific coastlines of the USA.

They will also be upgrading bomber patrols in the Arctic and Baltic regions.

Russian Defense Ministry said they will drastically increase mission flights.

Russia's Shoigu has followed up with an announcement that they will also fly in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico
well,what can you expect from someone stateing to be the perfect specimen and product of USSR
latest from my news feed here; all out war to be expected in Ukraine very soon,enough of Russian troops deployed to start an attack
latest from my news feed here; all out war to be expected in Ukraine very soon,enough of Russian troops deployed to start an attack

Lordy this is not going to end well, the good thing is that at least us here on the forum are getting prepared for things, but we have to worry about others. One week from now I get to stock up some more. I need more buckets I think. Thanks for the heads up Jontte.
no problems my friend,glad I can help in some ways atleast.
if it goes really bad,well expected are letters to young men here ordered to sign up for service...just in case...we've had this before here,last time,same time as now but only 75 yrs ago
there are claims on the russian media that Finish authorities are chasing russian born kids and they are taken into custody with no reason at all,they are trying to slander Finland any way they can,these sk. reports are fed to the russian media by a person you can call a traitor by all way to prove to the russkies that the etnich russians need protection here also...
we've had our fare share of traitors in this country,75 yrs ago Stalin appointed a communist as the president of the socialist finish republic and started the winter war,that traitor was Otto Ville Kuusinen,seems like this traitor of today seeks a post in the new russkie friendly Finland if it goes that far
same here,I'm waiting a reply from school,wether I made well in the entrance exams or not,if this develops into something nasty,those plans will go to hell, tomorrow alot more food to be bought,on sat I'm spending some on freezedried stuff also.

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