anybody monitoring russias movements?

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And this:
Russia has just announced they will step up bomber patrols off both the Atlantic and Pacific coastlines of the USA.
They will also be upgrading bomber patrols in the Arctic and Baltic regions.
Russian Defense Ministry said they will drastically increase mission flights.
Russia's Shoigu has followed up with an announcement that they will also fly in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico

America has been doing the same **** since WW2. If america is allowed to parade everything they got through international waters and skirt borders or even violate borders then who can blame the Russians for doing the same thing after tensions rise and tolerating this same posturing from america?

latest from my news feed here; all out war to be expected in Ukraine very soon,enough of Russian troops deployed to start an attack
CNN has been claiming russia is invading Ukraine since the damn civil war there began. YES LADIES IT IS A CIVIL WAR, complete with mass-graves and all. Don't kid yourselves. If Russia wants to go all out over Ukraine, it would be over before you even read an article about it.

I wouldn't read too much into it. Classic Cold War gamesmanship is all.
Exactly. From all sides.

We will though, at least for the next two years. Obama is no match for Putin politically. It's like an untrained civilian fighter vs. a trained assassin (quite literally, as fate may have it). Lets hope for better in 2016.
Obama has been pretty clever tbh. he accomplished all his goals and screwed the american people a second one with more signatures that should not have been placed. He also successfully diverted the public attention from more grave matters by giving everyone a new boogie man.

unfortunately that ceasefire in Ukraine is about to go to hell,heavy fighting around Donetsk airport,russian backed rebelles have been shelling government troops with the "presents" mad-Vlad gave them
Ukraine has not stopped shelling since they started before the ceasefires, how can you be surprised that Ukrainian separatists are now fighting around Donetsk airport when this has been the case all along ?

Also the very fact you mention the term: Russian Backed Rebels signifies you are watching propaganda. Never in history has a force been defined by it's backers. The term Russian backed rebels or Pro-Russian Separatists was designed specifically to redirect hatred to Russia. No one ever called the Syrians fighting the Syrian government Pro-Saudi Rebels did they ? The term you use for the Ukrainian Separatists is messed up. Here is a good article about the term:

Reason russia is buying gold is that he is moving russia away from the USD completely, he has already warned its citizens to convert all USD holdings in russian's bank within a year or they risk forfeiting the currency to the russian state, he is effectively outlawing the USD being held in russian banks. china will trade in gold! russia and china agreed upon forex derivatives giving russia the chinese yuan to be use in the exchange in other words china is russia's surrogate to the world monetary exchange bypassing the sanctions, russia is loading up on the gold to buy the yuan ;)
Russia sounds like the average prepper... After all who here does not stock up in gold, silver and trade-able goods in case of a financial collapse of the petro-dollar? It appears to me that Russia is prepping for it's entire nation's survival of the collapse of the petro-dollar.

Mav you wont see much about it but there are various factions including the EU, Chinese, Africans, Arabs as well as the Ruskies who want another currency instead of the Dollar.
Just about everyone want's to get away from the dollar really. Funny thing is, Ukraine's ousted president had spend tremendous efforts stocking gold for the Ukraine.. it was send off to the states....

so we are back in the cold war,only part2 this time. remember that holding USD in the old USSR era,would easily give you a decade or so in the forced labour camps...

and some loony wanted to give that mad-Vlad the nobel peace price....

Well, Obama certainly deserved the Nobel prize for Peace.... We all know what a peaceful wonderful president he is with only the best for the american people in his mind, hes the best president america has ever had, you should promote him to sainthood really...... Seriously now everyone... I know none of you believe me and none of you enjoy my sarcasm. So why not see what former MI5 (the UK Security Service) Intelligence officers think ?

it isn't so long ago,when we had here someone saying how peaceful Russia and mad-Vlad is,how they always respect their neighbours and always act peacefully...hope the world really sees what this mad-Vlad is..oh,bye the way,there is additional troops sent into Ukraine from Russia
Well since we all know that someone does not know ****...

We better make our move in getting ready to become the world's premier oil exporter soon, as it is going to take time to get the plants, etc. up and working.
In addition, if BRICS succeeds in ousting the dollar privately, we need to reassess our trade with China.

Our cards:
Largest oil reserves
Largest food reserves
Largest and most advanced global military
Most advanced nuclear arsenal

No reasons for us to lose this battle of wills folks.
Em Gazrok, I think you're a bit mistaken about the cards you mentioned....
Specifically the last two points.
Russia has recently surpassed the US in Nuclear missiles it has ready to launch. It also has bigger stores and more range. And is expected to finish it's complete nuclear arsenal overhaul by 2020.

Those aircraft's mentioned earlier flying above international waters/in international airspace can hit from international waters/airspace with cruise missiles. The version they have patrolling is the lets not let america **** bricks version. Since they have a slight variation to it that can launch 16 cruise-missiles with a range of up to 2500 km (1553.428 miles) And has nuclear tipped options. (the missile).

I honestly suggest you mark international waters and see what cannot be hit by these aircraft's ;P The modification needed to convert the current aircraft's to this variation, can be done within several days. Not to mention that Russia has been investing in subs, nuclear subs for a while now and has the latest naval tech on the market.

You might want to consider that whilst the US spend its bills sending troops to cap mid-eastern oil from countries that wanted to rid themselves of their dependency on the US dollar, Russia invested similar sums in the modernization of it's army and materiel. Game developers have had to "NERF" Russian Equipment especially aircrafts and tanks for several years now to maintain balanced gameplay. Simply said, The american arsenal is outgunned, outmaneuvered and out armored. If you have not followed the Russia Arms Expo these past few years, then you've really got a shock coming to you... Russians have land and air superiority. Naval is and had been undergoing significant upgrades for a while now too. Complete overhauls actually, since they've been building new equipment not upgrading the old.

The thing to remember though is this: Russian Special Forces and Infantry are no pushover's either, and any lessons learned on ground by US personnel is undoubtedly reviewed by Russian Military officials too.
Also, Russians are not Iraqi's, Afghan's, Libyans, Somali or any of the other conflicts you've entangled yourselves with since ww2. Russia is a superpower, and Brics is more than an unhappy camper club.

Another thing to point out is that EUROPE would become the battleground. Europe is North-America's only ally whilst Russia actually has more thanks to the american foreign policies since ww2. An invasion of Russia would be similar to invading America. It would be met with endless civilian resistance, since Americans are not the only people with guns for self defense.. America is outmatched and the EU is having doubts. Truly the only reason we aren't all burning yet is because Russia does not want us to.
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someone really loves russia...:rolleyes:
More like someone is tired of reading bias bs, lies, propaganda and incorrect statements.
Read the sources. unless this ofc was the best counter you could come up with.
been reading enough of mad-Vlad propaganda,have my own sources of getting news from over there what ever you say will never convince me of "the divine goodness of russia".

and there are russian troops in doubt about it
and what makes you think I would change my thoughts about my eastern neighbour?? all **** in history that happened to my country, has always come from east,something I will never forget
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More like someone is tired of reading bias bs, lies, propaganda and incorrect statements.
Read the sources. unless this ofc was the best counter you could come up with.

ftmdaily, zerohedge, annie machon, rt etc...

Most of the links you have posted is either conspiracy sites, doomsday sites, annie machon is a self promoter with something to sell and rt is a russian news site that pretty much keeps with positive reporting about russia, I generally take things from these sites with a grain of salt same be said about alex jones and the like and like I said several times, putin is playing chess while obama plays checkers, No, we ain't outgunned, we are out-leadership and several of us have said, obama is no match for putin.
America has been doing the same **** since WW2. If america is allowed to parade everything they got through international waters and skirt borders or even violate borders then who can blame the Russians for doing the same thing after tensions rise and tolerating this same posturing from america?

from 1958 to current there has been 12 airspace violations of soviet/russia airspace from the US. russia during the height of the cold war has paraded its ship in international water and violated US borders numerous occasions so that argument is kind of mute, it's a tit for tat thing, this year alone russia has violated US airspace more then ten times not counting Canada airspace. There has been many times a soviet sub was in the puget sound area here in washington home to our trident submarine base and a soviet sub trying to go up the Columbia river, it got so bad at one time we had to run sub nets across the river. You almost make it sound as if this whole thing is new for the russians and the US was the only one's doing it? The russian navy is just a shadow of it's soviet glory with only one carrier group and not much of a carrier group at that, the russians instead are investing in nuclear attack subs with 13 ballistic missile subs that are operational, the older ballistic missile subs are being converted for the newer scbm's missiles with only one modern nuclear missile sub (2 more in the planning stage) with 12 being older and noisy. The SU34 and 35 are top notch fighters I will give russia that but the number are small that is in service but still doesn't compete with the F-22 Rapter unfortunately we stopped production of the F-22 in favor of the F-35, giving us 186 F-22 currently in service, the F-35 may have a hard time with the SU-34/35
been reading enough of mad-Vlad propaganda,have my own sources of getting news from over there what ever you say will never convince me of "the divine goodness of russia".

and there are russian troops in doubt about it
and what makes you think I would change my thoughts about my eastern neighbour?? all **** in history that happened to my country, has always come from east,something I will never forget

This will appear in the paper tomorrow;
WASH POST MONDAY: Fears Finland could become next target of Russian aggression (drudge)

Also, different page

""Russia’s military practicing against Swedish targets is not just a political exercise. It’s a deadly game"

Hmm, I thought Norway was the only Scandinavian country part of Nato? wonder why russia would be practicing bombing runs on a none Nato Country.
A pretty good interview with Finland by the Washington Post

...sat down for separate interviews with Finnish President Sauli Niinisto and Finnish Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja in Helsinki. The following are excerpts from those interviews

"We are increasing our defense budget. We are cooperating with Sweden very deeply and that is developing very fast. We are advanced partners of NATO. And in the end I like to mention the E.U. dimension. We all know according to the Lisbon Treaty we have given a guarantee that we will help member states if they face severe problems"
If Russia wants to go all out over Ukraine, it would be over before you even read an article about it.

That's certainly true.

While I certainly won't dismiss or poo-poo Russia's tech capabilities, it's also important to note that we really have no exact idea about either nation's (US or Russia) true capabilities, as there are a lot of reported numbers (for both sides) that are completely off.

Yes, Russia is modernizing it's nukes, and yes the estimates are that they have more. However, our publicized numbers and capabilities are also false (and have been), and we've been working for longer and spending more in our modernization efforts over the years.

I think we can both agree that any war between the US and Russia would not go well, for EITHER side.
That's certainly true.

While I certainly won't dismiss or poo-poo Russia's tech capabilities, it's also important to note that we really have no exact idea about either nation's (US or Russia) true capabilities, as there are a lot of reported numbers (for both sides) that are completely off.

Yes, Russia is modernizing it's nukes, and yes the estimates are that they have more. However, our publicized numbers and capabilities are also false (and have been), and we've been working for longer and spending more in our modernization efforts over the years.

I think we can both agree that any war between the US and Russia would not go well, for EITHER side.
No it wouldn't go well for either side.
we have a so called "news site" here in Fin..called, so independent it's finaced from Moscow ;)
that site is pure propaganda at its best;Russia is good,innocent to everything..US is the root to all evil with the rest of the west..can't even count the articles where Finland would prospere together with Russia,and even better if my country would be a part of Greater Russia.
if my bloodpreassure is low and I need to get it higher,just open the site and it pops to the sky ;)
we have a so called "news site" here in Fin..called, so independent it's finaced from Moscow ;)
that site is pure propaganda at its best;Russia is good,innocent to everything..US is the root to all evil with the rest of the west..can't even count the articles where Finland would prospere together with Russia,and even better if my country would be a part of Greater Russia.
if my bloodpreassure is low and I need to get it higher,just open the site and it pops to the sky ;)

I was reading some of the news articles with the link you posted, propaganda at it's best for sure!! Almost comical if it wasn't so damn deadly, truthfulness certainly not one of it's priorities.
no,it's really scary what they publish,it took a while for some digging reporters here to find out who's financing that page...and I read here more and more what people think is going to can only imagine;a rat is cornered and what happens then...
don't know what's going on,but some of my local paperrs have started to publish some very interesting articles about mad-Vlads Russia...unfortunately only in Finish...if you have time you can read them at
even here they are actually referring that country as the "evil-empire"....
we have a so called "news site" here in Fin..called, so independent it's finaced from Moscow ;)
that site is pure propaganda at its best;Russia is good,innocent to everything..US is the root to all evil with the rest of the west..can't even count the articles where Finland would prospere together with Russia,and even better if my country would be a part of Greater Russia.
if my bloodpreassure is low and I need to get it higher,just open the site and it pops to the sky ;)

The best truth can sometimes be found in propaganda. LOL. :p Most likely more truth to that news then what will ever come out of Obama's mouth.
I was reading some of the news articles with the link you posted, propaganda at it's best for sure!! Almost comical if it wasn't so damn deadly, truthfulness certainly not one of it's priorities.

You want to top that one check out GLP, just make sure that you wear plenty of extra skin, that place is bad for attacking people. And about as racist as can be, however I get my news there before it even hits the main stream media. The good thing is we get to post what we think of the news. However 90% of the folks their are nut cases.:rolleyes:
hope it does ;)
haven't seen those words in use here for...really I don't know,before WW2
and the latest;mad-Vlad / ruskie banks are supporting far right movements in Europe....

here they have been showing a lot of documentary films from ww2 lately,have that uneasy feeling like they are slowly prepping us for something,do know it's 75 yrs from the Mainila shots,ruskies used those for an excuse to attack us,but 5 yrs back no newspaper wrote nothing about it and now if you want to read from where the threat comes,they at least make it quite clear
some dim-wit adviser for mad-Vlad,quite high ranking any way,said in an news mag today;any more sanctions means WAR...aah,the peace loving russkie elite ;)
Yeah and someone said the other day they found something passed here in the US that says they can declare war on Russia if so then this is not going to end well. I will try and get the link later today, if I get back over there. I have to get so much stuff done today I am even taking kids Christmas shopping.
Vlad may well start some skirmishes or make a push west to give their economy a boost and bring the Russian people togeather but that would be dangerous and could get out of hand . Combine that with the Middle East and there could be the making of WW3 .
that's what I'm afraid he will do..he will cling to power with any means he finds necessary.
though his big problem right now seems to be the migration of the educated from that heaven on earth...and it keeps on and on...
since 6.12 the russkies have done a ****-load fly-byes near Finland and other Baltic states,the increase is very of muscles..trying to convince their own or their might
mad-Vlad has moved some heavy bombers to my borders,that's the latest from here....aah,the trust worthy mad-Vlad and Co.
From this past weekend until now, there has been 2 times that the UN has intercepted Russian fighters, at one point there was over 20 planes and the last time I believe it was 18 planes over the Baltic sea. With Nuclear capabilities they said.

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