anybody monitoring russias movements?

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Do I?? don't think so,I happen to know the history of this region quite well,a hell of a lot better than you and my head isn't up in putins a** like someone else have..mad-vlad will never just by-pass my country,it's in his plans to take it,it's been there on the russkie plans for age after age,plans done by leaders before him,as I know you can't control the Gulf of Finland without Finland and thus securing st Petersburg and his fleet in the gulf of Finland...and I do have my facts right,not influenced by some putinist collaborator.
and let's take it back little more in history...russkie way of liberating people; mass murder of Polish officers in Katyn which they tried to blame the Germans for...nothing has changed in history,that country is still on a killing spree...
Do I?? don't think so,I happen to know the history of this region quite well,a hell of a lot better than you and my head isn't up in putins a** like someone else have..mad-vlad will never just by-pass my country,it's in his plans to take it,it's been there on the russkie plans for age after age,plans done by leaders before him,as I know you can't control the Gulf of Finland without Finland and thus securing st Petersburg and his fleet in the gulf of Finland...and I do have my facts right,not influenced by some putinist collaborator.
As Finland is known for its highest quality education programs I'm surprised by the crude remarks I'm getting,? Not that they have any impact personally but I thought Finland had a higher moral quality than the rest of the western world whose morals have gone down the drain in the past 30 yrs.?
Anyway if Russia wants to move a fleet across the Gulf of Finland than there is nothing Finland can do about that?
You should be glad that you're not in Nato, who is the agressive enemy of Russia at this time, But if Finland gets in the way of Russia they will roll right over you with no problem !!
and let's take it back little more in history...russkie way of liberating people; mass murder of Polish officers in Katyn which they tried to blame the Germans for...nothing has changed in history,that country is still on a killing spree...
I believe it was the germans who did it ?
Anyway, Stephen Landman expresses my view much better than I can and he has its facts straight, starting this Ukraine **** in jan 2014 with that stupid bitch Victoria Nuland who decided to change the legally elected government and replace it with a US elected government, and than at Maidan square when the Blackwater mercenairies shooting at innocent bystanders that started this revolution? You should look a little deeper into that instead of blaming Russia for it all, they took Cremea back after referendum and the people choose what they wanted as they had been Russian for about 400 yrs before?? Ukraine is a criminal state that performs genocide on its people with US assistance? But US is used to murdering innocents, look at Lybia, Irak and Afghanistan???
They even murdered 3000 of their own in 9/11 !!!

I rest my case, prove me wrong ???
nah,there you are dead wrong,it was the russkies!
and there's a saying or two I can use here in Finnish ; jos jakaa paskaa,saa paskaa takaisin and sitä saa mitä tilaa!
just translate it, and russia rolling over us just like that?? don't think so,if there is one thing I know for sure,we would and will fight those animals,no matter what it takes and it will cost them MUCH. and pleas take those conspiracy theories to the right thread..russians are far more accustomed to murder innocents,history has proven that.
and besides,you have been after a verbal confrontation from day one you posted on this thread,which still is ;anybody monitoring russian movements, you wanna post those conspiracy theories you have place them in the right thread.
the further spring progresses the closer it comes for the cease-fire to break again,had a news crew from here over there and those russian backed so-called rebels were shooting and shelling government positions all the time. it's the russian M.O to build up the strength during winter time and they are most likely ready soon to attack again together.
Today from "The peoples Voice":

In Ukraine, after the February 2014 U.S. coup there overthrowing the democratically elected but corrupt President Viktor Yanukovych, wikipedia, being a site that is constantly edited by the U.S. CIA which participated in that coup, has no article on the refugee crisis there, but the Irving-Kristol-founded far-right magazine National Interest said, with noteworthy honesty in its 4 February 2015 issue, under the headline The Great Exodus: Ukraine’s Refugees Flee to Russia,”“ that,

"According to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, as of December 2014, upwards of 430,000 Ukrainians had applied for refugee status or other forms of legal residency in Russia. The refugees who come unofficially, i.e. not registering with the FMS, make it difficult to count the total number of Ukrainian refugees in the country, however.”

And, in addition, around another half-million refugees are estimated to have fled to elsewhere inside Ukraine itself. Furthermore, according to German intelligence, as reported in the Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung, on 2 August 2014, about half-way through the Ukrainian conflict thus far, the official figure of deaths from the civil war, 5,000, was then estimated to be ten times too low: it was more like 50,000 deaths, almost all of them civilians who had lived in the area that the U.S.-backed regime has been bombing. They’re officially called ’terrorists’ for having lived in the area of Ukraine that had voted 90+% for Yanukovych, the man whom Obama overthrew.

Americans are taught that the U.S. is a force for good in the world, but all dictatorial regimes say pretty much the same thing; so, what Americans are taught doesn’t mean anything. (Not even if it might have been true in the past; perhaps before 1953, when the first major U.S. imperialist coup was imposed, in Iran.) Outside the United States, America now has a profoundly different reputation than it used to have. The current U.S. President, who has done so much to warrant that reputation of an invading lying dictatorial regime, doesn’t share that different opinion, which the rest of the world holds about the U.S. To the contrary, he insists upon an outdated Statue-of-Liberty omage of today’s United States: he told graduating West Point cadets, on 28 May 2014, shortly after the massacre that his allies did to pro-Russian pamphleteers in Odessa Ukraine on 2 May of that year, which burnt them alive:

Eric Zuesse


A group of residents in the region of Odessa, one of Ukraine’s largest cities, is trying to break away from the Ukrainian government that was formed after the coup in Kiev in February 2014.

As the first anniversary approaches of the 2 May 2014 massacre by U.S.-backed Ukrainian Government thugs against pamphleteers in Odessa’s Trade Unions Building, who had opposed the 22 February 2014 U.S. coup in Ukraine, there has been forming in Odessa a movement for complete independence from the U.S.-coup-imposed Ukrainian regime. Ukraine's U.S.-imposed regime’s response is to crush this incipient movement before word of its existence can even get out to the rest of the world.

sparked Ukraine’s civil war, by terrifying all Ukrainians who respected Russian culture and who considered themselves to be part of it (and such Ukrainians dominated the southeastern half of Ukraine). It showed them that the rabidly anti-Russian, pro-nazi regime which had recently been installed by the U.S., was seeking nothing less than their own destruction. (The scenes from it, and testimony from its witnesses, were absolutely horrific.) Throughout the entire southeastern half of Ukraine’s territory, the Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovych, whom Obama’s coup overthrew, had received large majority electoral support, as a consequence of which, Ukraine’s southeastern half became — after Obama's anti-Russian coup — a tinderbox for civil war, and for potential separation from the northwestern, nazi-tolerant (often even overtly pro-Hitler), half of Ukraine.
Thus, on April 7th, an announcement by P.S. Kovalenko was made of some courageous individuals who on April 6th were attempting to establish the Odessa People’s Republic. The headline was: "Odessa People's Republic declared its independence and secession from Ukraine.” This was a naive thing for them to do, publicly and without any military, opposing a heavily armed nazi regime, as they are doing.

Then, on April 8th was headlined by them, "The head of the Odessa National Republic declared the intention to unite with the Donbass.”

Donbass is the region, encompassing two major cities to the east of Odessa, Luhansk and Donetsk, and their surrounds, the entire area of which had voted 90%+ for Viktor Yanukovych, the President whom Obama overthrew in the February 2014 coup, the coup in which America's CIA paid the Right Sector army of the Hitler-admiring Dmitriy Yarosh to dress like state security troops and then to gun down anti-Yanukovych demonstrators, so that Yanukovych would be blamed. Yarosh had the key assistance of the head of the other major nazi party in Ukraine, Andriy Parubiy, who had led the Maidan protests that served as PR cover for the coup. But the actual troops were Yarosh’s; they were Right Sector — the same far-right group who organized and largely executed the May 2nd massacre in Odessa.

On April 11th was bannered, "About the situation in the capital of the Odessa national Republic.”This reported that:
The security forces (SBU) arrested several dozen residents of Odessa, supporters of New Russia. Those arrested were subjected to severe torture.
Here is the text of the official statement sent by the head of the EPD [People’s Republic of Odessa]:
"Odessa again, is choking on the blood of their sons. At this time, the Nazis did not wait for May to act. Punishers of 'Security Service of Ukraine' arrested several dozen supporters of the New Russia. According to information received, they are now trying the most sophisticated, almost medieval torture-methods. I was told about this by reliable and trusted sources.
“On the outskirts of the city there were created some form of 'national guard'.
Taking this opportunity, I would like to refer to the movement "Antimaydan" some leaders who for some unknown reason, I have ranked me to the 'agent of the SBU.' I would like to know: on the basis of what you have done such a strange thing (that has nothing to do with reality). [He is saying that he supports the anti-corruption sentiments of the vast majority of Maidan demonstrators but not the nazis who used them as cover for Obama’s coup.] The time will come when you will be ashamed of that accusation.
“Long live the united and indivisible Novorossia!
“Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the People's Republic of Odessa
“Kovalenko, PS
“Balta city, 04/10/2015”
During the months following the May 2nd massacre, the Obama-installed regime had repeatedly insulted Odessans, and reasserted its hostility and contempt toward them. In fact, President Poroshenko, who was ‘elected' in an election among only far-right candidates that was held only outside Donbass and mainly in the northwest, actually went to Odessa on 13 November 2014 and he insulted the people there by saying, in a nationally televised “us” versus “them” tirade that clearly left the vast majority of Odessans as being in the “they” category:

“We will have our jobs. They will not. We will have our pensions. They will not. We will have care for children, for people, and retirees. They will not. Our children will go to schools and kindergartens. Theirs will hole up in basements [from our bombs].”

And that’s what he actually did; he specifically targeted schools. A retired Ukrainian general whose sympathies had been with Hitler’s troops displayed the nerve to respond to a Ukrainian soldier’s statement that his function was ethnic cleansing, by saying on a U.S.-funded television station in Ukraine, “I want to offer the Ukrainian artillerists medals, to those who shell the city [Donetsk], the houses and the civilian population, … for they [artillerists] have deserved it [medals]. … The shelling there is done as intimidation, … not just object destruction, but intimidation [to get the population to flee to nearby Russia].
In other words: by bombing and shelling the schools, hospitals, etc., in Donetsk, Lugansk and the surrounding regions, that land will become uninhabitable or intolerable, so that even the survivors will need to flee to nearby Russia. This way, the Western aristocrats who want to buy dirt-cheap access to that region’s natural resources (and such privatization of state assets is demanded ‘reform’ of Ukraine by the U.S.-controlled IMF) will not be bothered by the locals who object to the ripping-up of the land on which they live. Those locals will be dead or otherwise gone.

So, whereas the residents in Odessa are probably overwhelmingly in support of the local separatists’ goal, they will be too terrified of the U.S.-imposed regime to back publicly any such breakaway movement.

This is how the U.S., under the Obama regime, no less than under that of his Republican predecessor, is spreading ‘democracy.’

Here is Poroshenko receiving multiple standing ovations during his speech to a joint session of the U.S. Congress on 18 September 2014, asking for U.S. taxpayers to send him U.S.-made weapons.

And then, virtually 100% of the U.S. Congress voted to donate to his regime these weapons. They did this on 11 December 2014, almost a month after he had told the people who reject the U.S.-imposed government that, “Our children will go to schools and kindergartens. Theirs will hole up in basements [from our bombs].”

This land-clearing operation is being done via tanks and bombers, not via bulldozers. Bullets, bombs (and often landmines), are the technique that’s used. The residents of Odessa aren’t likely to want to join that type of fate.

Oh very sorry, this is not about Russia's movement !!!! But we're all waiting for Russia to move on this ?
The Scourge of Nazism in Ukraine

by Stephen Lendman


What millions died for to defeat during WW II is now resurgent in Europe's heartland.

Fascist lunatics in Washington installed overt Nazis to run their newest client state. They're taking full advantage.

They're waging naked aggression on Donbass - at present low-level ahead of renewing it full-blown.

Hundreds of US combat troops (trained killers) are working directly with Kiev's Nazi-infested National Guard and other extremist groups - teaching them the fine art of murder.

Perhaps planning to join them in battle when hostilities resume full-blown - maybe with supportive US terror-bombing.

Kiev Nazis want all opposition elements eliminated - either killed, imprisoned, disappeared or deported.

The Saker reports they created a database of "separatists (and) militants, etc.

They want unchallenged control. The Saker reports they created a database of "separatists (and) militants, etc."

It's called "(i)information for law enforcement authorities and special services about pro-Russian terrorists, separatists, mercenaries, war criminals, and murderers."

Anyone opposing fascist rule risks being eliminated one way or another.

Nazis under Hitler were notorious for radicalized torchlight parades - complete with chilling slogans and symbols.

In January, thousands of Ukrainian ultranationalists paraded in Kiev. They celebrated Nazi collabortor/mass murderer Stepan Bandera's 106th birthday.

At the time, Czech President Milos Zeman was horrified. "There is something wrong with Ukraine," he said.

"Yesterday evening I was browsing the Internet and discovered a video showing the demonstration on Kiev's Maidan on January 1."

"These demonstrators carried portraits of Stepan Bandera, which reminded me of Reinhard Heydrich" - Gestapo head and key holocaust architect.

"The parade itself was organized similar to Nazi torchlight parades, where participants shouted the slogan: ‘Death to the Poles, Jews and communists without mercy,' " Zeman explained.

Ukrainian fascists consider Bandera a national hero. He was a vicious mass murderer.

Russia's Foreign Ministry Commissioner for Human Rights Konstantin Dolgov calls reemergent Nazism in Ukraine a European threat.

"Torchlit marches in Ukraine demonstrate that it is continuing to move along the path of the Nazis," he stressed - with full US support and encouragement.

They were at it again in Odessa. They marched to commemorate Maxim Chaika's death - ultranationalist Blood and Honor group leader. He died during a 2009 street fight.

Around 200 overt Nazis were involved - marching while shouting racist/anti-communist/anti-Russian/ultranationalist slogans.

"The White man is for the Great Ukraine," they chanted. "One race, one nation, one homeland."

"Glory to Ukraine - the glory of heroes!" "Hang the commies." Odessan police accompanied marchers to protect them.

Participants evoked memories of May 2, 2014 when Right Sector Nazi thugs murdered hundreds of Odessans in cold blood.

They remain unaccountable for appalling high crimes. So-called investigation into what happened whitewashed them.

State-sponsored mass murder in Ukraine is considered OK. Anyone wanting democratic freedoms is vulnerable.

Truth-telling journalists risk imprisonment or death. Nazi-infested fascist regimes tolerate no opposition.

Last week, Normandy Four foreign ministers called for ending fighting in Donbass.

Washington bears full responsibility. Its Ukrainian proxies share it. Germany and France have done nothing to halt it.

Russia alone continues going all-out to end it - impossible given Obama's rage for war.

Last Thursday, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said "(t)he United States and its allies have crossed all possible lines in their drive to bring Kiev into their orbit."

"That could not have failed to trigger our reaction. Aiming at complete dominance, Washington stopped taking into account the interests of other countries and respect for international law."

On April 16, addressing Moscow's fourth International Security Conference, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said it's "impossible to resolve the conflict in Ukraine by military force."

"(T)here is no reasonable alternative to peacefully settling the domestic Ukrainian crisis (than) on the basis of full and unconditional compliance with" February 12 agreed on ceasefire terms.

He hopes Western officials will "force authorities in Kiev to scrap destructive policies aimed at glorifying the Nazis and persecuting those who saved Europe from" its scourge.

Sorry again, Russia is not moving here at all ?? Have to post elsewhere ?

Thanks, very interesting reading and to me it shows he still has massive support and he is technically still inside his own borders? He may be supplying weapons to the seperatists but so have the US done for more than a year, so both sides are doing the same, except that US has boots on the ground now? We'll see what the next step is?
well the truth is and is confirmed by mad-vlad himself;green men inside Ukraine borders were and is russian,he sent russian soldiers there first,west is only now providing some training to the legitimate government troops.and he is inside an independent sovereign country and supporting far-right neo-nazis across the western world,that's what mad-vlad does,he's a homophobic trouble instigator,power-mad megalomaniac....

so we can actually draw a conclusion; as mad-vlad is supporting far-right neo-nazis and other elements like that,he's a neo-nazi as are all those who support him.
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Well I don't agree ofcourse but you have the right to see it your way? I'm sure he's not a nice boy but right now its still the US Nazi's stirring all this up, after all the US imported all the important German Nazi's after WW2 so they could learn from them?
Kiev is ruled by Nazi's killing their own people in the east!! Not Rusklies?
I hear Finland did a Heroic fact by chasing of a U-boat with Noise maker depth charges?? Very well done !!
Looks like Finland is giving a definite sign of being ready to defend itself against the Russian bear !!
we are,we have a very long history defending our country against them and are still willing to do was a "coincidence" that at the same time russkies were doing manouvers with their subs,we had this incursion..not that I believe in such things as coincidence when this type of things happens.:rolleyes:
Russia has not invaded Ukraine, but US/Nato have militairy personel and weapons in Ukraine
Of course the US and Nato are squeaky clean... its not like there's plenty of evidence to find by simply googling it right?

I just posted my first results, but feel free to click on to related videos which probably hold more
Thanks Cerberus, this proves my conclusions were correct about the past posts I put here, I hope Jonntte and Maverick take note of this also? But it takes not away the threat that Russia is ready to answer any agression from Nato with possible nuclear weapons!! Russia cannot win a conventional war with Europe/Nato and I would hope that the US agression leading to all this will bring it home to fight on USA soil also, its about time they learn that they cannot attack and fight wars on foreign soil and US citizens should have a taste of war on their own territory?
and why would vlad putinito wanna erect a statue to his "green-men" that invaded Crimea if those awful russkies weren't there??

and all Obama is saying that the US brokerd a deal,not that US was the mastermind behind something else..
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little something from the Ukraine side,not from the files of vlad putito...
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this shows the respect of human life those russian backed,trained,supported with russian troops separatists show to pow's
Well in any war situation there will be dead victems, but these are mostly alive and treated as POW's, while I have seen vidio proof and reports that Ukraine soldiers douse their captives in gasoline and burn them alive? So the Russians seem to be more human than their Ukraine animals that enjoy killing their own population still, specially innocent women and children.!! And the American mercenairies are not any better, they are just killing machines activated by drugs? There have been reconnesance flights all along the border and no vidio evidence of large amounts of Russian troops so that's all lies also? The russian militaiy that are captured are only volunteers helping their East Ukrainie neighbors? But I think its time Putin sends a special unit to Kiev and execute that fake government and then take control himself over the eastern Ukraine and leave the EU the western part?
more proof of Ukraine murderers;

More Evidence of Ukraine's Reign of Terror
May 2nd, 2015
by Stephen Lendman


Oles Buzina
A previous article discussed how Obama-installed fascist thugs eliminate anyone opposing their ruthlessness.

They're harassed, brutalized, imprisoned, disappeared or murdered in cold blood - including assassinating political opponents reported as "suicides."

Independent journalists, human rights workers and democracy advocates are vulnerable - anyone criticizing regime policy.

CyberBerkut is a Ukrainian hacker collective. It hacked into Kharkov regional state administration deputy head Vyacheslav Abbakumov's emails.
It reported the following, saying:

"We, the CyberBerkut, hereby present for public access materials confirming that the physical liquidation of public and political figures opposed to the Kiev Junta was authorized by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), and was supervised by the Kharkov political elite; the 'cleaners of Free Ukraine' turned out to be Kharkov-based nationalist groups."

They discovered "correspondence between (Abbakumov) and an unknown leader of an extreme-nationalist group in the Kharkov region."

A critical Abbakumov email to one of the alleged state-sponsored assassins said:

"You *******s, what are you doing? You consider this to be an intimidation measure?"

"Do you know how much barking there will be on Moskal TV (a Ukrainian ethnic Russian slur) after this?"

"I understand that this bald head murdered journalist (Oles Buzina) had been asking for a brick to the head for a long time, but it was supposed to be a brick, (not a gun) understand?"

"You were given license to shut this trash up, but not permanently. You had told me about knocked out teeth, broken fingers."

"As for the fate of your team of thugs: Dublon (a nickname for Ukrainian Security Service Major General A. Dublik), called me personally three times."

"Now get back to Kharkov and return to base. The remaining orders are canceled for now."

The alleged assassin responded as follows:

"Do not ever dare to humiliate me or my boys again! We took up arms in order to clean our native land of garbage and traitors to the national idea, and not in in order to make you sad about the fact that another traitor to Ukraine went to a place from where he will never bark again!"
We will not come back (from Kiev) - and why did your poem-reciting Dublon give us the authority then?"

"We have money, weapons, and allies in every corner of the country. We will return (to Kharkov) once we finish the job."

"And as you know, we have a lot of work yet to be done! Glory to Ukraine!"

Dublik heads Ukraine's Security Service (SBU) department of protection of national statehood.

He recommended Kiev's SBU branch "take control of the activities of the aforementioned group, and if possible use it for prophylactic actions in relation to social and political figures who hold to the position of a peaceful settlement of the situation in the Donbass."

According to CyberBerkut, "this correspondence confirms, albeit indirectly, the fact that the elimination of opposition figures in Ukraine was supervised by representatives of the government."

Days earlier, Ukrainian Security Services chief investigator Vasily Vovk warned regime opponents to "shut their mouths" if they want to stay alive.

"I think that in our time, when there is practically a war going on, Ukrainophobes, if they don't shut their mouths, should at least stop their rhetoric," he blustered.

"I think that in the present situation, there shouldn't be anyone stepping out directly against Ukraine and Ukrainianness."

He warned "Ukrainophobes" ignoring him that "nothing good will come of it." Anti-regime opponents are considered terrorists.

Eliminating them is official state policy. One Kiev critic after another is being killed.

Fascist regimes operate this way. Washington provides full support and encouragement

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at [email protected].

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks World War III
and some more;

Ukraine threatens to explode in escalated war - at Obama's discretion. Hundreds of US, UK and Canadian combat troops are readying its Nazi-infested National Guard and likeminded paramilitary battalions to wage greater terror-war without mercy than already on Donbass residents wanting to live free from the scourge of US-imposed fascist dictatorship.

The horror of all-out war could begin any time. Donbass continues being shelled multiple times daily - in blatant violation of agreed on Minsk ceasefire terms.

Ukrainian forces positioned heavy weapons south of Donetsk in preparation for full-scale war.

Poroshenko lied claiming Donbass self-defense forces attacked Ukrainian troops. They respond solely to Kiev shelling.

"We are still under a threat of war," Poroshenko blustered - code language for planned upcoming Kiev aggression at Obama's discretion

by Stephen Lendman


Low-level US/ordered/Kiev initiated conflict before resumed full-scale may not last much longer.

Over 1,500 US, UK, and Canadian combat troops are readying Ukraine's Nazi-infested National Guard and likeminded paramilitary battalions for resumed genocidal war on Donbass.

Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) parliament speaker Andrey Purgin said foreign elements are training Ukrainian extremists already with "their hands up to the elbows in blood."

Foreign mercenaries continue supporting Kiev. DPR Defense Ministry spokesman Eduard Basurin said US State Department enlisted Blackwater elements are involved.

Washington continues sending Kiev heavy weapons. Daily shellings continue. Minsk ceasefire terms were dead on arrival. Kiev violated them straightaway.

According to the Saker, "(t)here is very little doubt left in anybody's mind that the junta will resume a full-scale attack on" Donbass.

"(A)ny hopes for a weakening of the US and/or European support for the Nazi junta are now dead.

Washington intends resuming full-scale war - perhaps goading Russia to intervene.

Washington Post headlined "Ukraine's military mobilization undermined by draft dodgers."

Saying many conscripted Ukrainians aren't "heeding the call to arms."

One recruit said he "decided a long time ago that (he) wouldn't respond to the order" he got to report for military service.

"I am not at all interested in participating in such a conflict. They should have been acting much more effectively to have fewer victims. I don’t want to end up on the victim list myself," he said.

Ukrainian youths interviewed spoke on condition of anonymity to avoid draft dodging penalties.

One refusnik complained about military commanders taking bribes and Poroshenko maintaining business ties to Moscow while asking Ukrainian youths to risk death in combat.

Kiev military spokesman Vladishlav Seleznev admitted recruiting problems.

He lied claiming generous benefits provided recruits defending the country. At the same time, he said "there are very harsh criminal penalties for draft dodgers."

They include stiff fines and years in prison. Ukrainian journalist Ruslan Kotsaba speaking publicly against mobilization was charged with treason and obstructing the military

He faces 15 years in prison for exercising his free expression rights. Fascist regimes tolerate no opposition.

Ukrainian youths refusing to go to war against fellow citizens opt out quietly.

A government decree regulates foreign travel for military-aged youths. Anyone showing up at border checkpoints risks arrest and up to five years in prison.

Efforts to enlist youths for combat are floundering in parts of Ukraine. Rava-Ruska Mayor Iryna Vereshchuk called "mobilization (here) a total failure."

"People don’t understand what they are fighting against. If it’s a war, why has no war been declared? Why are ordinary people being called up" to fight, she asked?

"We still have diplomatic and financial links with Russia and yet people are saying we have to go and fight their troops and die."

"If our region was coming under attack, people would take up arms, but they are not ready to go to the east and end up killing other Ukrainian citizens."

Ukrainian youth Andrey said he'd "rather sit in prison for three years - and be fed and secure - than serve."

"After a whole year of this government, we still have to work for two days to buy a loaf of bread. I don’t want to go fight for that kind of government," he explained.

Ukraine's military said it completed about three-fourths of its mobilization - five waves with a sixth proposed.

Kharkov is Ukraine's second largest city. Only around 17% of conscripted youths responded to orders to report for military service.

Kiev's military officials are concerned, said WaPo. "Rotating soldiers off the battlefield, they expect only 15-20 percent to return voluntarily."

"New soldiers get only 26 days of general training, plus a week or two to practice their specialization."

"So without a steady stream of recruits, they worry that the quality of soldiers could drop."

"Only 1 in 8 troops is a volunteer, not nearly enough to make up the recruitment gap."

According to Kiev-based military expert Aleksey Arestovich:

We don't understand what we are fighting for, and the government does not inform people about the goals of this war" - officially called an "anti-terrorist operation (ATO)."

Families of slain soldiers must fight for promised benefits, Arestovich added. Fascist regimes are all take and no give.

Low-level conflict continues daily ahead of US plans to rev it up full-scale. It bears repeating. Chances for peace in Ukraine are zero.

Washington demands endless war. It's recklessly heading toward challenging Russia militarily. All bets are off if launched.


Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at [email protected].

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks World War III
nato war;

At the same time, US-dominated NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg confirmed plans to more than double the Alliance's Response Force from 13,000 to 30,000 - plus create a new 5,000-strong quick reaction Spearhead Force "to build more stability," he said.

He lied claiming "a dramatically changed security environment in Europe." NATO's only threats are ones it invents.

Humanity's only real threat is America's rage for endless wars - together with rogue partners willing to serve its interests over their own - willing to forego peace and stability for permanent conflicts.

US-dominated NATO and Israel threaten world peace, stability and security.

Restoring what's lost requires slaying this monster once and for all. Humanity's survival depends on it.!!!
America needs to be destroyed before it destroy's the rest of the World !!!
and more facts;

by Stephen Lendman


It ebbs, flows but never entirely ceases. Russia remains US public enemy number one - to serve its imperial interests threatening world peace.

Bogus accusations persist - reckless and irresponsible. The New York Times is America's lead corporate instrument of state propaganda.

On April 22, it headlined "Putin Bolsters His Forces Near Ukraine, US Says."

Throughout Obama's proxy war on Donbass, Putin was repeatedly accused of nonexistent Russian aggression.

Big Lies never stop. According to The Times citing US sources, "Russia has continued to deploy air defense systems in eastern Ukraine and has built up its forces near the border…"

"Western officials are not sure if the military moves are preparations for a new Russian-backed offensive that would be intended to help the separatists seize additional territory."

"(T)he new military activity is a major concern because it has significantly reduced the amount of warning that Ukraine and its Western supporters would have if Russian forces and separatists mounted a joint offensive."

"And some of Russia’s actions, American officials say, are flagrant violations of the cease-fire agreement that European nations negotiated with Russia and Ukraine in February.

Fact: False on all counts. The Times knows it. Irresponsible reporting persists anyway.

Fact: At the same time, Russia has every right to station its military forces anywhere inside its borders.

Fact: Doing so threatens no one.

Fact: America belligerently deploys its military might worldwide - provocatively close to Russia's borders.

Fact: Hundreds of US combat troops are working jointly with Ukraine's Nazi-infested National Guard - readying it for renewed aggression against Donbass, perhaps intending to participate this time along with US terror-bombing.

Fact: Throughout over a year of conflict in Ukraine, Russia worked harder to end it diplomatically than any other country.

Fact: Washington and rogue allies perpetuate conflict - going all-out to prevent peace and stability.

Fact: The whole world knows no anti-Ukrainian Russian aggression occurred earlier or is planned now.

Fact: Claims otherwise are Big Lies. Not a shred of credible evidence supports them. None exists.

Fact: Kiev agreed to three peace initiatives to end its war on Donbass - Minsk II the latest in mid-February.

Fact: Each time, flagrant violations occurred straightaway. They continue multiple times daily.

Fact: Donbass forces respond only in self-defense - with no Russian involvement at any time.

Fact: Moscow seized no Ukrainian territory - or has designs on any.

Fact: Crimeans near unanimously voted by open, free and fair referendum to rejoin Russia - to correct a historic mistake. Putin accommodated them responsibly.

According to The Times, "the Russian military has been providing extensive training for separatists in eastern Ukraine."

Fact: Russia's only involvement in Ukrainian crisis conditions is its all-out efforts to resolve them peacefully

Fact: Russia's only involvement in Ukrainian crisis conditions is its all-out efforts to resolve them peacefully.

Fact: Its military or other personnel have no involvement in the conflict. Claims otherwise are

Big Lies.

Fact: America is totally involved in continuing war - its planning, implementation and arming Ukraine with heavy weapons, along with training its combat forces for renewed aggression.

State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf is paid to lie for her government.

"Combined Russian-separatist forces maintain a sizable number of artillery pieces and multiple rocket launchers within areas prohibited under the Minsk accords," she blustered.

"Russia has continued to ship heavy weapons into eastern Ukraine."

Fact: False on all counts. Harf's comments contradict reality.

At the same time, she turns a blind eye to flagrant Kiev Minsk violations. Washington considers naked aggression self-defense - its own and when committed by allies.


Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at [email protected].

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks World War III
more war from Kiev/US/Nato;

by Stephen Lendman


Hundreds of US combat troops are preparing Kiev's Nazi-infested National Guard, Azov battalion and likeminded extremist paramilitary groups for escalated aggressive war on Donbass.

Media scoundrels ignore what's ongoing. Fascist ruthlessness is called democratic governance, "free" Ukraine.

Nothing is reported on continuing low-level war on Donbass ahead of resuming it full-blown.

Novorossia Today explained "US-backed Nazi elements are integral to the continued illegal war against the East, and prominently in the future trajectory of the Ukrainian state."

Ukraine is Obama's war - using Kiev fascists to do his dirty work, by all available means without mercy.

"…US policy and media propaganda work hand-in-glove to inflame the situation in a country already on fire," Novorossia explains.

Russia's Defense Ministry accused Washington of destabilizing conditions in Ukraine more than already by provocatively training Kiev forces for combat - including near Southeastern cities of Mariupol, Severodonetsk, Artyomovsk and Volnovakha.

Russia'a Foreign Ministry issued a similar statement - saying increased bloodshed may follow US combat troops involved in Ukraine, including training and joint drills with Kiev forces.

On Thursday, State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf lied saying:

"It is really hard to get precise information about Russian troop numbers specifically, but we know there is a substantial Russian presence" in Ukraine. BUT NO PROOF !!!!

On Wednesday, the State Department turned truth on its head accusing Russia of violating Minsk ceasefire terms by sending troops and weapons to Donbass.

Fact: No evidence suggests Russian Minsk violations - or any Russian military involvement since conflict began last April. AGAIN NO PROOF !!!

Fact: Repeated claims of "Russian aggression" are Big Lies. None whatever exists - not now, earlier or planned.

Fact: Plenty of evidence shows Washington arming Kiev's military with heavy weapons and training its forces for escalated war on Donbass - in blatant violation of Minsk.

Poroshenko pronounced Kiev's military ready for combat. "The lion's share of military personnel is from the fourth wave of mobilization," he said.

"Look what a high level was achieved in just two months," he boasted.

"We are preparing for the defense of our country" - code language for intending resumed full-scale war, at Obama's discretion. ITS OBAMA'S WAR !!!

"On the territory of Ukraine there is now an aggressor, the enemy and we must do everything possible on our end in order to ensure effective defense," Poroshenko blustered.

"Those who participated in these exercises clearly demonstrated a high level ... the Ukrainian army today is one of the most battle-ready," he added.

He's planning escalated war without mercy. It's just a matter of when Obama decides to attack !!!!!

He's planning escalated war without mercy. It's just a matter of when Obama decides to attack.

Naked aggression against one country after another is official US policy. Mass slaughter and destruction follow.

Civilians always suffer most - more misery planned for Donbass residents than already.

How "battle ready" Ukrainian forces are remains to be seen. Donbass freedom fighters routed them last year.

More of the same is likely if full-scale war resumes - unless America gets directly involved, perhaps with air power terror-bombing.

Head of Russia's General Staff Main Operation Directorate Lt. General Andrey Kartapolov accused America of being the main initiator or all modern conflicts.

Washington and rogue allies attacked other countries aggressively without cause over 50 times in one decade, he said.

US policy intends mainly to marginalize, contain, weaken, and isolate Russia, he stressed.

In January, Putin said US political, economic and military support for Kiev aims to "achiev(e) the geopolitical goals of restraining Russia."

Ukraine's army is a US-controlled "NATO legion. We often say: Ukrainian Army, Ukrainian Army. But who is really fighting there?"

"There are, indeed, partially official units of armed forces, but largely there are the (Nazi-infested) so-called ‘volunteer nationalist battalions,' " Putin explained.

They don't serve Ukrainian interests, Putin maintained. They target Russia on orders from Washington.

They comprise "a foreign NATO legion, which, of course, doesn't pursue the national interests of Ukraine," Putin stressed.

"Unfortunately official Kiev authorities refuse to follow the path of a peaceful solution. They don’t want to resolve (crisis conditions) using political tools.

They want war, not peace. Kartapolov accused Washington of sending US combat troops "directly in the combat zone near Mariupol, Severodonetsk, Artyomovsk and Volnovakha.”

"The US appears to be the ultimate instigator of all military conflicts in the world," he said.

"The Western countries have begun to hold themselves out as ‘architects’ of the international relations system, leaving to the US the role of the world’s only superpower."

Nobel Peace Prize laureate Obama terror-bombed seven countries in six years in office. He has more naked aggression in mind.

US strategy for achieving unchallenged global dominance is one premeditated aggressive war after another.

Nations are destroyed to control them. Millions of fatalities are considered a small price to pay.

The "deplorable results (of US wars) are known all to well," Kartapolov stressed. They continue endlessly against nonbelligerent nations.

A UN report calls Syria and Iraq "international finishing schools for extremists." Afghanistan, parts of Pakistan, Libya, Yemen and Somalia follow the same pattern.

Imported terrorists from scores of countries infest these nations. Washington bears full responsibility.

Rogue NATO partners and regional despots share it. Endless conflicts continue. Human suffering is extreme.


Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at [email protected]
According to Illarionov, Crimea's residents are simply human property there. They belong to Ukraine, no matter what they think. Illarionov’s article doesn’t even so much as discuss whether the 16 March 2014 popular vote of Crimeans in which 97% favored to rejoin Russia (which the Soviet dictator had donated from Russia, to Ukraine, in 1954, without even asking anyone in Crimea their opinion of the matter) reflected accurately the public sentiment among Crimeans (it actually did); that question is simply ignored; but Illarionov does say: “The fact that most of the peninsula’s population are ethnic Russians does not matter either.” In other words: the residents of Crimea should be entirely ignored — not only their opinions but the possible reasons for those opinions.

On the other hand, the libertarian Ron Paul ignores the entire question of what the “owner” of the land called Crimea is; and he focuses instead upon the freedom of its people. His concern is about persons, not at all about property. And so he refers to people, not to land. He writes:

"Last week two prominent Ukrainian opposition figures were gunned down in broad daylight. They join as many as ten others who have been killed or committed suicide under suspicious circumstances just this year. These individuals have one important thing in common: they were either part of or friendly with the Yanukovych government, which a US-backed coup overthrew last year. They include members of the Ukrainian parliament and former chief editors of major opposition newspapers.
"While some journalists here in the US have started to notice the strange series of opposition killings in Ukraine, the US government has yet to say a word."

Furthermore, Democratic Party aristocrats have been the major investors in the overthrow of Ukraine’s government and the replacement of it by a rabidly anti-Russian racist-fascist or nazi government. So, at the national level, which is Congress and the President, the Democratic Party now supports the world’s only nazi or exterminationist fascist, regime, the people who were put into power by Barack Obama. For George Sorosexample, is much more actively involved with that venture than the Kochs have been. The American aristocracy is virtually 100% united behind Ukraine’s nazis, and against Russia. (Maybe they want to control Russia’s oil and gas.)

To judge from the reader comments to it at the Democratic Party site The Daily Beast, which is a liberal front for the aristocracy, that line of propaganda works at ‘both’ ends of American politics, perhaps because a ‘Democratic’ President happens to have done the coup and installed the nazis into power in Ukraine. There is virtual unity regarding the way thatAmerican ‘news’ media have been handling the issue of Ukraine. The only differences are in how the policy is being marketed. The Pauls are trying to sell a different policy on the entire Russia matter, but they don’t control the ‘news’ media; and, so, theirs is only a niche market.

That's enough from my side now, the facts are not lying and no proof of russian agression !!
You give Obama way to much credit . You keep adding 2+2 and coming up with 3 . Bottom line its big Russia making a land grab from a much smaller Country but having alot of trouble doing so . Ukraine will give Putting a better fight than Afghanastan did . Its not U.S or NATO the Russians should be worried about its thier neighboing Countries that they are trying to push around that will put Puttin back in his place .

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