anybody monitoring russias movements?

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already we have been reading articles about how difficult mad-vald putito had as a child..sobbing...he is loosing control and tries now to win sympathy points and his lickspittles are trying to convince the world that he's luck...that lendman is a typical putintroll, paid by kremlin,as credible as backman from here,a true traitor also paid by kremlin.
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So why don't the US/Nato/Ukraine come up with photo/video evidence about all their lies?? Because they can't !!
Same as shooting down MH 17, its US/Ukrainien actions and no proof given because they are guilty, Russia provided satelite data and proved they did NOT do it and had no reason to do it either?? US has the data but cannot show it !!
There are satelites constantly above the war zone but No pictures released by US/Nato, WHY ?????
already we have been reading articles about how difficult mad-vald putito had as a child..sobbing...he is loosing control and tries now to win sympathy points and his lickspittles are trying to convince the world that he's luck...that lendman is a typical putintroll, paid by kremlin,as credible as backman from here,a true traitor also paid by kremlin.
You're a fool for believing all that?? I can understand you hate Putin and what he stands for but stupid accusations about reporters that are not afraid exposing the US led atrocities makes you blind to what is happening !!
Putin is not loosing control but is very much in control of his army and they have NOT crossed the border !!
As long as you provide no photo/video about your alegations you're just spewing HOT AIR !!
Photo and video lie all the time its called fiction . Most of us are not blinded by the Russian promise of a great socialist bliss .
Photo and video lie all the time its called fiction . Most of us are not blinded by the Russian promise of a great socialist bliss .

Don't agree with that, a photo or Video with date and time or a newspaper with date and time is no lie?
Sure I don't believe in Russia's promises, but facts are their army is not at the border or has crossed it yet?
The moment Russia will come across with colums of tanks like the US/Nato is doing at this time, then you will hear the screems finally that Russia is invading, but then it will be to late and you fools will not get the bear back in its cage (=behind its border) and you'll have a full scale war on your hands, local in Ukraine and with submarine missile atacks on US/UK/EU cities, but I guess you're all happy to die for that Nazi Idiot Obama ?
Remember that Sweden, Finland and US have not been able to detect a Russian sub? (see missile fired of Cal. coast)?
Most of you people like to accuse me of being Pro Russian, with I'm NOT, nor am I Pro US/Nato Nazi's !!
I am Pro East Ukrainian population being executed by Illigal Kiev/US/Nato that just want the resource of eastern Ukraine and want to exterminate the population who owns the lands. Crimea was not invaded, the russian troops were there by prior arrangements and contracts for their seaport marine base and the Crimean people do not want to be under Ukraine Nazi control but by referendum 95% chose to be part of Russian Federation !! This is facts !!
Russia raises Stalin's ghost amid nostalgia for past glories

"Since President Vladimir Putin took power in 2000, there has been a growing chorus of Russians who take a positive view of the Soviet tyrant's role in history.

Those attitudes have changed so dramatically on the back of a recent burst of patriotic fervour whipped up by state-controlled media that some analysts speak of a creeping rehabilitation of Stalin."
seldom do I see shrink that is so agitated,who doesn't even want to believe what mad-vlad putito has said him self;it was russians in Crimea,yes we have troops in now that you can't call Obama a ni**er you pick another card from the deck of insults and call him a nazi,hilarious actually,and that referendum was a hoax,ballots fixed,some people were not even allowed to vote or were kept away with threats of bodily harm and violence,like it happened to the Tatars there,which russkies are now yet again planning to deport from their homes.

there are some 300 US paratroopers training the men of the Ukraine army,some Brits,but no colums of tanks from Nato.
and that far-right neo-nazi party is no longer allowed to function,kremlin is backing Europes far-right and neo-nazi movement,so kremlin is then full of nazis and their leader is mad-vlad putinto.
it must be so hard to understand that the world doesn't believe that mad-vlad putinto is good,russia is good,when we don't do so,how could we?? a country that is rehabilitating a mass murderer and a dictator named Stalin that killed over 40 million of his own people made his country to a huge prison camp isn't trust worthy.
"The Stalin regime never aimed to exterminate entire ethnic groups," the Russian president said during his televised phone-in last month.
Putin has been ambivalent about the role of Stalin, condemning the "ugliness" of state-sponsored terror but also saying his regime should not be compared to that of Nazi Germany.
"It's a sign of unlearnt history lessons, a reluctance to look at yourself and honestly admit that we took the wrong path and that our country committed a host of crimes against its own people and the people of neighbouring states.

According to Petrov of the Memorial rights group, which is dedicated to honouring the memory of Stalin-era victims, about ten million people died of starvation, more than five million were displaced, and about six to seven million were arrested for political reasons. Hey, same is happening right NOW with the Ukrainians from the East !!!

"I see what is happening in Ukraine, how America is putting pressure on us over Ukraine and I think things back then were not easier and there was no other way for him."

Ask the people of Jemen, Irak, Afghanistan, Lybia and eastern Ukraine how happy they are with the US intervention in their country, how well their economy is working now that US stole most of the resourses and gold from them??
And its all done in name of peace, God is on US side, God is Love except in those countries, its living HELL !!!
And now slowly US karma is coming back at them and will destroy the country from within !!! God has left the US !
I honestly hope Nato/US will attack Russia soon so Russia and China can combine their forces and show how much they love the USA and its citisens , I know it will not look pretty and many will die, but it is nessesary we'll get rid of a few billion people and hopefully all the political warmongering idiots will be included in them and if any of them are still alive I'm sure that individual groups will take care of them and eliminate them permanently?
We need a new type of world where people can live in peace with each other and any political idiot wanting to grab power, just kill him/her instantly, I'm all for instant justice and going back to a barter system suits me fine?
still I wonder why would China accompany russia as they have far more interest in financially trying to rule??
and the body count for stalin is over 40 million dead,don't sugarcoat it. as we know here how much mad-vlad putinto admires stalin as his idol,when he showed his true colors at last he's trying to be a real world dominating dictator but is only a dick-head supporting neo-nazis and some obscure criminal biker-gang.
Puttins Nazis will turn on him when he tries to complete his control over the Russian people . He knows this as they are on the kremlin hit list . He has everyone wrapped up in Russian Nationalism for now but that will not last long with thier failing economy and overreaching Government .
so true with that,so true..yet the putinistas have so difficult to see it..
so it seems,vlad putinto is still sending troops to the border regions and inside of Ukraine,arming those terrorists,ignoring past history and glorifieing stalin, some stupid russkies thinks my country should join them..'cause as they said "we are all russian"...
Yes surely he is sending more arms to the eastern Ukrainians and sure also Kiev is mounting and preparing a large attack to kill of the rest of its people , but Russian army is still within its borders and the flights that are overflying the border report no large build up or troup movements and no photo/vidio proving otherwise, but I'm sure Putin is ready to move his army at the right provocation from Nato/US ? Maybe another week or 10 days for new developements?
My guess is that Putin will go for a Kiev attack soon and kill of the government and then let the Ukrainians have a referendum and most likely split the country in half, the South-Eastern half getting autonomy and being a buffer state between Russia and Nato? That may be the best solution ?
Ha,Ha,Ha, complete idiots !!!

(RINF) – US-installed Kiev fascist putschists find new ways to elevate chutzpah to a higher level.

In April 2014, they launched premeditated US proxy naked aggression against their own people in Donbass for wanting democratic rights everyone deserves.

Mass slaughter and destruction followed. Civilians by far suffered most.

Three agreements to end conflict failed – Minsk II the latest in February.

Low-level fighting continues ahead of US/Kiev plans to escalate it full-blown.

Hundreds of US combat troops and special forces are training Kiev’s Nazi-infested National Guard and likeminded battalions for renewed all-out war – at Obama’s discretion.

He has no intention of ending hostilities until Donbass is entirely destroyed – many more of its people slaughtered or displaced.

His fascist Kiev friends want Russia forced to pay for the carnage they caused – for nonexistent Russian aggression.

RT International quoted Ukraine’s deputy economy development minister Aleksandr Borovik saying “(a)t a certain point, Russia will pay.”

“We need to calculate. We need to be ready to lobby wherever we can. And say, this must be paid.”

“It was $350 billion when Iraq attacked Kuwait,” he said. “Then they decided $320 billion was owed.”

“Taking into account how long that aggression took and how long Russia’s aggression against us has been going on, those are comparable.”

Fact: The whole world knows Ukraine waged naked aggression against its own people.

Fact: Kiev and Washington bear full responsibility for mass slaughter and destruction.

Fact: Throughout months of conflict, Russia went all-out for resolving things diplomatically.

Fact: Claims of “Russian aggression” are Big Lies. The whole world knows none occurred – or is any planned.

Fact: Vladimir Putin is a consummate peacemaker. He deplores war. He wants Ukraine’s conflict resolved diplomatically.

Chances for Kiev collecting compensation from Russia for its own criminality are ZERO.

Russia’s lower house State Duma International Committee chairman, Alexey Pushkov, expressed outrage about Kiev’s demand, twittering:

“Kiev’s regime has been involved in ruining Donbas, shelled the cities and plants, and now it demands $350 billion from Russia. Strange. And hopeless.”

Ukraine has a separate absurd $16 billion damage claim over contracted gas prices Russia charged – agreed to by former Ukrainian prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko.

Its Nazi-infested parliament adopted a decree calling Russia an “aggressor state.” Pending legislation criminalizes publicly denying “Russian aggression” – even though the whole world knows none exists or is planned.

Fascist regimes operate this way. Washington and Kiev are partners in high crimes against peace.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]
Here goes Victoria Nuland again; when will someone eliminate the bitch !!!

Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje


Part of channel(s): Ukraine (current event)
After having initiated her well-planned Maidan Square uprising in Kiev in early 2014, triggering Europe’s worst conflict in Ukraine since the Balkan Wars of the 1990s, Victoria Nuland, the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, recently attempted a Kiev-style putsch in Macedonia aimed at overthrowing that nation’s democratically-elected government of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski. It is a hallmark of neoconservatives like Nuland and her arch-neoconservative husband, the Brookings Institution’s Robert Kagan, to disregard democratic elections if their candidates fail to win election. Although Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and Macedonian Prime Minister Gruevski were elected in free and fair elections, by all international metrics and norms, their governments were not as pro-NATO and pro-U.S. enough for the liking of Nuland and the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) cabalists that surround her husband.

Nuland’s tactics differed somewhat in her Ukrainian and Macedonian campaigns. Her signature challah bread offerings to protesters at Kiev's Maidan Square took the form of unsolicited offerings to the Macedonian press suggesting that Gruevksi was wiretapping as many as 20,000 Macedonians and that a videotape proving it was secretly made by Macedonia’s George Soros-financed leader of the opposition, Zoran Zaev, in a meeting he had with Gruevski.

Nuland has been charged by Macedonian intelligence with conspiring with Zaev of the Macedonian Social Democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM), the former Communist Party that has been thoroughly co-opted by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Soros operative. Also charged in the attempted putsch against Gruevski is Radmila Sekerinska. Zaev and Sekerinska are said by Macedonian insiders to be nothing more than fronts for former Prime Minister and President Branko Crvenkovski who continues to head up the SDSM and accept large amounts of largesse from such CIA NGO laundry operations as the National Democratic Institute (NDI), National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Freedom House, and Soros’s Open Society Institute (OSI) to foment a themed revolution against Gruevksi's right-of-center VMRO-DPMNE government.

Gruevksi, unlike many U.S.-installed and -influenced governments of the region has been reluctant to apply sanctions against Russia over Ukraine. That stance has earned the government in Skopje the enmity of the Obama administration and most notably, Nuland, whose rhetoric echoes leading neo-conservative war hawks such as Republican senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham. In fact, Nuland’s husband has the distinction of working as a foreign policy adviser for both McCain and presumptive 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton

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In response to Zaev's charge that Gruevski wiretapped 20,000 Macedonians, including taping phone calls between Zaev and his young daughter, the Macedonian government charged that it was Zaev and his associates, working with a foreign intelligence agency believed to be the CIA, to overthrow Gruevski's government. An obvious flight risk, Zaev was ordered to turn in his passport to the authorities. Others, in addition to Zaev, accused of working with the CIA to oust Gruevski include Zaev's associates Sonja Verusevska and Branko Palifrov, as well as the former director of the Office of Security and Counter-intelligence (DBK), Zoran Verusevski. Gruevski charged that Zaev threatened to disclose sensitive information about his government provided to the SDSM by the CIA, referred to as "the bomb" in the Macedonian media, unless Gruevski appointed a caretaker government that would lead to early parliamentary elections. Gruevski has called Zaev's gambit nothing more than blackmail pressure in order that a snap election be called. As far as pressuring the Gruevski government to resign and call early elections, Nuland resorted to the same gambit that was used in Kiev to oust Yanukovych.

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reporter Michael Martens, who reported on the Macedonian coup plot, claimed in an interview with Macedonian television that his initial report on the wiretapping issue had been altered by certain parties inside Macedonia. Martens said that with a population of 2 million, to wiretap 20,000 people would have even far exceed the capabilities of the East German Stasi. In any event, Martens said the 20,000 figure was not true and that Macedonian media and politicians had misquoted him and his article. However, the truth has never been on the side of provocateurs like Nuland and her neoconservative cabal of plotters and disinformation specialists.

The unapologetic foul-mouthed Nuland met on the side of the 51st Munich Security Conference in Germany with Macedonian Foreign Minister Nikola Poposki and President Gjorge Ivanov to express her displeasure at Gruevski's insurrection charges against her friend Zaev and his SDSM co-conspirators. Earlier, Nuland had offered to mediate a long-standing dispute between Greece and Macedonia over the latter's use of the name Macedonia, which some Greeks consider to be a solely Greek name. Macedonian observers viewed Nuland's interest in the name dispute to be a trap that would enable a pro-U.S. government, along with the Zionist and global banker baggage that comes with any such «themed» coup d'etat, to seize power in Skopje. Nuland and her co-conspirators were hoping for a replay of Kiev in what can be termed «Kiev Version 2.0.»
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Nuland and her co-conspirators in Skopje are alarmed over the speed at which the Macedonian security services rounded up the coup plotters. Macedonian police, in raids conducted in Skopje and Veles, seized five laptop computers, three desktop computers, 19 mobile phones, 100 CDs and DVDs, 17 hard disks, and 9 savings deposit books used by the coup plotters, including a number linked to Soros-financed NGOs. The bank accounts of the plotters reportedly were flush with healthy cash deposits from the CIA as the date of the planned coup approached.

The use of social media by the Soros/CIA coup plotters should come as no surprise. Social media served at the very core of the themed revolutions sponsored by the CIA and Soros twice in Ukraine (Orange Revolution and Euro-Maidan uprising), Jasmine Revolution (Tunisia), Lotus Revolution (Egypt), Rose Reviolution (Georgia), Tulip Revolution (Kyrgyszstan), and Green Revolution (Iran). In the case of Macedonia, there are clear indications that the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL) Thomas Melia, responsible for DRL’s work in Europe, including Russia, as well as the Middle East and North Africa, conspired directly with Zaev to mount a coup against the Gruevski government. Melia is the former deputy director of Freedom House, a Cold War-era neoconservative bevvy of U.S. war hawks based in New York. Although founded in 1941 by such progressives as Eleanor Roosevelt, Ralph Bunche, journalist Dorothy Thompson, novelist Rex Stout (creator of Nero Wolfe), and Republican presidential candidate Wendell Willkie (who would be considered by today's Republicans in the U.S. as a stark-raving liberal), Freedom House has devolved into a neoconservative chatter source having employed as their board members in recent years such war hawk cretins as Paul Wolfowitz, Ken Adelman, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Donald Rumsfeld, and Otto Reich. Freedom House has been caught red-handed funneling CIA money to opposition groups in Iran, Sudan, Russia, and China. In essence, Freedom House, like Soros's NGOs, serves as a conduit for CIA support for rebellious opposition forces in dozens of countries around the world, countries that now include Macedonia, as well as Hungary, Venezuela, Syria, Egypt, Serbia, Jordan, Mexico, and Cuba.

What occurred in Macedonia was a classic disinformation ploy to mire the democratically-elected government in a bogus political scandal. The ploy is directly from the CIA playbook and it is now being carried out against Presidents Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner of Argentina, Dilma Rousseff of Brazil, and Michelle Bachelet of Chile. All face financial scandals cooked up by the CIA and its owned and operated media in the three nations. In Macedonia, the Soros-influenced media and Radio Free Europe are part of the operation.
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still,feel free to place thosee nuland things on a conspiracy or politics thread,but this is still about those pesky russkies,about there rampage in Ukraine.
and nothing would have happened if that maniac wouldn't have attacked Ukraine,no I don't like russkies,never have,never will and I don't definately TRUST them.
I understand and accept your hatred of the Russians, but they still have not invaded Ukraine? And its Nuland who decided to change the demoratic elected government in jan.2014 after wich the demonstrations in Maidan started, at that point no Russian was in sight and Crimea joined Russia in april 2014? those are the facts !! And in Kiev/Maidan it was the blackwater mercenairies who did the shooting of innocent bystanders in jan/feb 2014?
US cannot just overthrow a democratic elected government, replace it with a group of Nazi-Facist mercenaries just to get Joe Biden'son a directors seat on the Ukrainian Gas company ? And then give the Nazi/facist illigal government permission to exterminate the eastern Ukraine population just to get at rich oil/gas supplies under the land?
there are and has been russkies inside Ukraine from the beginning of this conflict...

very interesting reading about that maniac...he's crazy,power hungry,mediocre former kgb burocrate that supplies money to putin-trolls all over the world,one who support neo-nazis in Europe..and his time is running out,as are for those who support him,we have those here too in my country and what I would give them is a little package in size 7,62x39,that's what I feel about those traitors living here.
and mad-vlad needed this war to stay in power,to portrait him self as a big man with big balls,he's clearly a p***y,who attacks only smaller neighbors,just like the school bully..until someone gives him a punch in the face and his reign of terror is over...

it would be peace here if that maniac hadn't such a yearning for power and tried to portrait himself as a saviour of mother russia,he's only to blame for their downfall.
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