anybody monitoring russias movements?

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John Kerry and Victoria Nuland are warriors, not peacemakers - neocons masquerading as diplomats.
They deplore peace. They live by the sword. They foster violence and instability worldwide.
Last week, Nuland was in Kiev meeting with its illegitimate officials - discussing revved up war on Donbas when Obama OKs it.
Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin said "(w)e have the Russian president's orders to establish bilateral contacts…to discuss certain issues of the Ukrainian crisis resolution."
That's exactly what we are doing" with no illusions about Washington turning a new lead. Karasin said Moscow's goal is to prevent escalated conflict in Donbass and establish "real dialogue between Kiev and the Donetsk and Lugansk republics."
"So far, this goal has not been achieved. Kiev is ignoring all the initiatives coming from Donetsk and Lugansk."
So is Washington. Nuland lied claiming Kiev officials have no intention for resumed war. "Preparations for this kind of operations are in progress there," Karasin stressed. More on this belowBoth sides agreed to maintain contacts as events dictate. Separately, Sergey Lavrov said Washington has its own interpretation of Minsk - "although (it's) unambiguous about the right things agreed" on by Normandy four participants (Russia, Germany, France and Ukraine).
"(T)here is nothing to debate about," Lavrov stressed. Visits to Russia by John Kerry and Victoria Nuland produced no breakthroughs. Nor were any expected.
At best, dialogue between both countries was maintained (Kerry and Lavrov meet often) despite each side's polar opposite worldviews.
As long as fundamental US policy calls for forcing Russia into client state status through regime change, normalized relations are impossible. At the same time, diplomatic ones can be maintained.
Nothing US officials say have credibility. Serial lying is longstanding practice. So is lawlessly interfering in the internal affairs of other countries - often belligerently.
Following her meetings in Moscow, Nuland said "(t)he United States' role here is to support the full implementation of Minsk."
Fact: Hundreds of US combat troops are training Ukraine's Nazi-infested National Guard and likeminded battalions for escalated war on Donbass.
Fact: The Pentagon conducts numerous provocative military exercises close to Russia's border.
Fact: Washington continues supplying Ukraine with heavy weapons covertly.
Fact: Poroshenko makes belligerent statements about fighting to regain control of Crimea and Donbass "to the last drop of blood."
Fact: Ukraine agreed to three peace initiatives - Minsk II the most recent in February.
Fact: It violated them straightaway. Aggression never stopped. It continues low-level ahead of revving it up full-scale at Obama's discretion
Nuland lied claiming "(t)here is no indication from our own information or from my consultations in Kiev that anybody on the Ukrainian side…has any intention of launching new hostilities."
False! Multiple ceasefire violations occur daily. On Monday, reports from Donbass indicated Kiev forces launched massive shelling on Donetsk - including its airport already in ruins and surrounding areas.
The start of shelling came unusually early yesterday," one report said. "(I)n the two preceding days, the bombardments started exactly at midnight."
"Voroshilovsky, Tekstilshik, Leninsky, Buddenovsky districts, and the rest of Donetsk shook with the blast waves of explosions."
"(A)bout 2-3 Ukrainian shells landed every 5 seconds." Tweets from reporter Murad Gazdiev said:
Ukrainian shell hits apartment building in #Donetsk. Elderly man buried under rubble. Survivors in shock."
"Dust covered pensioners. Survivors of Ukrainian shell impact recount moment of horror - curse Ukrainian govt, army."
Washington wants to bully its way into Normandy Four talks. On Sunday, Lugansk People's Republic official Vladislav Deinego said:
"I am skeptical about the idea of the United States’ joining the talks on Donbass. To involve an instigator of turmoil in the settlement process is like placing a bear in command of a bee-garden."
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov expressed similar skepticism in diplomatic terms saying:
"I have spent much time studying speeches, statements, analyzing what is said in the contacts with us and our representatives behind closed doors.
I have been fixing for quite a time the American party’s aspiration for joining these formats, but we do not see reasons for that."
US-installed fascists running Ukraine created nightmarish conditions nationwide. People are voting with their feet and leaving.
"How Our People Have Been Fooled: Ukraine Moves to Russia," headlined Fort Russ.
Growing numbers of Ukrainians seek safety and opportunities cross-border unavailable internally. When asked why, one answer was "(a)nd where should we work and how to survive?"
"We were deceived…If we knew what was going to happen, that blood will spill, and we will be unemployed, then we would buy (US-ousted President) Yanukovych another Golden loaf of bread (referring to his lavish residence, a symbol of corrupt governance).
Ukraine is undergoing slow-motion depopulation. Unemployed workers and others seek new horizons in Russia or elsewhere.
Youths reject war, violence and destruction - especially against their own people.
Washington bears full responsibility for horrific conditions. Expect no change in its imperial ruthlessness.
Expect Ukraine to remain in the eye of the storm. Expect endless wars to continue. War profiteers demand them.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at [email protected]
you seem to have alot of dogs in this hunt.
I have many friends and family in Romania and Moldova, I used to live there and still have 2 houses and property's there
But I deplore what's being done to eastern Ukraine, it is a beautifull country with very friendly people defending themselves against a bunch of western Nato murderers and thiefs??
Poroshenko awaits Obama's OK to launch it. He openly promised continued war until fascist opponents are crushed.
"We will fight to the last drop of blood," he blustered. He continues irresponsible ranting about nonexistent "Russian aggression."
Ukraine is a US-installed fascist police state. Fundamental democratic rights are prohibited - including a free and open media.
On Thursday, thuggish Ukrainian security forces shut down Odessa's Timer independent online news service. Its editor-in-chief, Yuri Tkachov, three journalists and web site administrator were arrested.
They'll likely be charged with "conspiracy to encroach on Ukraine's territorial integrity and inviolability" for reporting hard truths Kiev wants suppressed.
Daily provocations against Donbass continue. Donetsk Peoby Stephen Lendman
ple's Republic military spokesman Eduard Basurin said they're more frequent than any time since Minsk II in February.
In the last 24 hours alone, Kiev forces committed 43 ceasefire violations, he said.
Tanks, artillery, mortars and other weapons targeted Donetsk airport, Volvo center, Oktyabrskaya mine, Oktyabrskiy settlement, Shirokino, Gorlovka, Spartak, Zhabichevo, Saichenko, Kalinovka, Krasnyi Oktyabr, Zheleznaya Balka, Novaya Maryevka and Grirorovka.
According to Basurin, "(t)he Ukrainian side continues to scale up heavy weapons and munitions in the zone of the so-called anti-terrorist operation (against Donbass democrats)."DPR reconnaissance has reported movement of Uragan and Grad multiple rocket launch systems, infantry combat vehicles, self-propelled artillery units towards the engagement line."
"Also, we have information about Ukraine's deployment of additional field depots, which, according to our estimates, are holding more than 2,000 tons of munitions."
On Wednesday, State Department Jeff Rathke lied blaming freedom fighters for multiple daily Kiev Minsk violations, saying:
"(S)eparatists on a daily basis continue to breach the Minsk agreement through their attacks."
Blaming victims is longstanding US policy. So is serial lying.
On May 15, US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland arrived in Kiev - officially "to discuss a range of bilateral and regional issues."
In fact, to review plans for renewed aggression on Donbass. She was Obama's point person in replacing Ukraine's democratically elected government with overt Nazis assuming high regime positions.
The battle for Ukraine's soul awaits its next phase. Donbass freedom fighters are ready to confront what's coming.
A Final Comment
The 1985 song "We Are the World" was written, recorded and sung to raise funds for starving Africans.
On May 13, NATO foreign ministers disgracefully sang it at an Alliance meeting in Turkey - an alarming PR stunt, suggesting imperial aggression is morally right.
People of conscience want no part of their dark world - created and enforced by US-dominated NATO's killing machine.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at [email protected]
Obama Gave Up on Ukraine, Press Simply Ignored It
May 19th, 2015
Eric Zuesse
Sochi Russia, to respond to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s recent statements promising renewed war against Donbass, which were made first on April 30th, "The war will end when Ukraine regains Donbass and Crimea,” and which were repeated on May 11th, by his saying, “I have no doubt, we will free the [Donetsk] Airport, because it is our land.” In other words, Poroshenko had repeatedly made clear that he plans a third invasion of Donbass, and, ultimately, also to invade and retake Crimea. (The Western press, however, had not reported any of these threats that were being made by Poroshenko.)
Kerry responded:
“I have not had a chance – I have not read the speech. I haven’t seen any context. I have simply heard about it in the course of today [which would be shocking if true]. But if indeed President Poroshenko is advocating an engagement in a forceful effort at this time, we would strongly urge him to think twice not to engage in that kind of activity, that that would put Minsk in serious jeopardy. And we would be very, very concerned about what the consequences of that kind of action at this time may be."
I have not had a chance – I have not read the speech. I haven’t seen any context. I have simply heard about it in the course of today [which would be shocking if true]. But if indeed President Poroshenko is advocating an engagement in a forceful effort at this time, we would strongly urge him to think twice not to engage in that kind of activity, that that would put Minsk in serious jeopardy. And we would be very, very concerned about what the consequences of that kind of action at this time may be.
None of this was reported by Western ‘news’ media. Even Russia’s own Sputnik News, which was Russia's main English-language medium reporting on Kerry's comment, ignored this shocking assertion by the U.S. Secretary of State contradicting the nominal leader of the Ukrainian Government that the U.S. itself had installed in February 2014.
to resume the war against Ukraine’s former Donbass region, and also slammed him on whether Ukraine should invade Crimea, which is Russian territory and would therefore mean a war against the Russian armed forces. America’s stooge-regime in Kiev was here being publicly taken to the woodshed about the advisability of yet another Ukrainian invasion of Ukraine’s former southeastern breakaway regions, Donbass and, even Crimea.
Sputnik didn’t quote any of this from Kerry. Instead, they headlined, "Kerry: Poroshenko Should 'Think Twice' Before Using Force in Donbass,” and they opened their news-report by saying: "Following an extensive six hour discussion between US Secretary of State John Kerry, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and President Putin, Kerry stressed that any Ukrainian efforts to seize the Donetsk Airport through force would violate the Minsk Protocol and would face strict opposition from Washington.” That assertion was true, and important, but all that was quoted from Kerry was the nondescript: "What is important is to make sure that both sides are moving forward in implementing the Minsk accord in its full measure.” Even Kerry’s stunning “think twice” statement, which was actually Washington’s first-ever verbal slam-down of the stooge-regime the U.S. itself had installed in Ukraine in February 2014, in an extremely bloody coup, wasn’t being quoted at all by Sputnik. (Only that two-word phrase was in the headline, but it — and its surrounding passage and context — were entirely absent from the report itself.) Nor was the significance of Kerry’s remark there discussed, at all. Their news-report was a total botch.
Western ‘news’ media were far worse than a botch; they were outright dishonest. Typical was BBC, which headlined on May 12th, “Ukraine Crisis: Kerry Has ‘Frank’ Meeting with Putin,” and their article said nothing whatsoever about Kerry’s shocking slam-down of his Ukrainian stooge. To that ‘news’ report was also appended an “Analysis: Bridget Kendall, BBC News, Sochi,” which simply blathered, and concluded, “There was no breakthrough on anything.” That statement was the exact opposite of the truth.
The one good, and, really, brilliant, news-analysis on this important matter, was from the legendary specialist on “the Empire’s [Washington’s] War on Russia,” the anonymous blogger who goes by the name, “The Saker.” His was not really a news-report, because he, too, failed to quote Kerry’s pathbreaking and shocking statement. He didn’t even quote the insignificant squib that Sputnik itself had quoted from Kerry’s remarks. Instead, he merely paraphrased Kerry, which is far less reliable than a quotation, and also far less informative than the packed shocker that Kerry actually delivered. Saker’s paraphrase was far briefer than was Kerry’sstatement which is quoted here; it was merely: “Kerry made a few rather interesting remarks, saying that the Minsk-2 Agreement (M2A) was the only way forward and that he would strongly caution Poroshenko against the idea of renewing military operations.” That’s all there was to it. So, The Saker failed to provide a news-report on Kerry’s shocker. But his news-analysis of its significance was superb, and it’s extremely worth reading (it’s worth clicking onto the link which will now be provided on the article’s title). That analysis was dated May 13th, and it was bannered, “Yet Another Huge Diplomatic Victory for Russia.”
But also there was just a slice of real news in The Saker’s article, when he said, only in passing (as if it were insignificant, which it was not), "Then, there was the rather interesting behavior of [Victoria] Nuland, who was with Kerry’s delegation, she refused to speak to the press and left looking rather unhappy.” Nothing more than that, but that’s plenty. In other words: Nuland, the agent whom President Obama had placed in charge of arranging the February 2014 coup in Ukraine, and of selecting the leader of the junta that would be imposed upon Ukraine (“Yats” Yatsenyuk), and who told the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine what to do and how to do it, was now exceedingly disturbed to find herself overridden at this late date in her Ukrainian escapade, publicly overridden by her own immediate boss, Secretary of State Kerry.
In other words: she is now sidelined. That’s important news, but The Saker there merely hinted at it, and only in passing. So, as a news-report, The Saker’s article was poor but perhaps the best around; but as a news-analysis, it was excellent, and by far the best.
Nuland now knows that she has lost, and that Obama has thrown in the towel on the original plan for Ukraine, which had been for an all-out military conquest of the region, Donbass, where the people had voted over 90% for the man whom Nuland’s team had overthrown on 22 February 2014, Viktor Yanukovych, and so Obama had wanted those people to be either killed or else expelled from Ukraine (so that they’d never again be able to vote in a Ukrainian national election and thus possibly restore a neutralist leadership of Ukraine, such as had existed under the man Obama deposed, Yanukovych).
Hollande and Angela Merkel had put into place, the Minsk II Agreement, which brought about the present ceasefire, which now has become clearly the utter (even accepted by Kerry) capitulation of Obama’s Plan A on Ukraine, which plan Nuland had been carrying out. Kerry’s public statement there was a public slap in the face to his own #2 official on Ukraine; and it could not have been asserted by him if he were not under Obama’s instruction that the previous plan, to exterminate or drive out all the residents of Donbass, was no longer worth trying, and that the Hollande-Merkel plan would be America’s fall-back position.
Obama’s message in this, through Kerry, to Ukraine’s President Poroshenko, and indirectly also to Ukraine’s Prime Minister Yatsenyuk (the leader whom Nuland herself had selected), is: we’ll back you only as long as you accept that you have failed our military expectations and that we will be stricter with you in the future regarding how you spend our military money. We’re getting in line now behind the Hollande-Merkel peace plan for Ukraine
Dmitriy Yarosh, and the other outright nazis who had been threatening to overthrow Poroshenko if he doesn’t renew the war against Donbass and seize Crimea; Dmitriy Yarosh, who was the man who had led the Ukrainian coup for the U.S., and whose thugs had dressed as Yanukovych’s security forces when gunning down both police and demonstrators in the February 2014 coup, in order for Yanukovych to become blamed for the bloodshed on that occasion; is now, in effect, being told: if you will try another coup, this time to overthrow our own stooges in Ukraine, then you’re finished, Mr. Yarosh. Don’t do it.

More to follow ;
Merkel and Hollande thus won. Putin had decidedly won. Obama and the nazis he had empowered in Ukraine have now, clearly, been defeated. But the mess that Obama’s people have created in Ukraine by their coup and subsequent ethnic-cleansing to eliminate the residents of Donbass, will take decades, if ever, to repair.
Western ‘news’ media can cover it all up, but they can’t change this reality, which, increasingly as time goes by, will expose the press’s failure to have even reported on this historically important U.S. coup in Ukraine and its ultimate failure. As a story about the press, it is about yet another system-wide press-deceit upon the public, comparable to their ‘news coverage’ of ‘Saddam’s WMD,’ and other lies, in 2002 and 2003.
More and more people are coming to know what utter rot the Western press are. The news-report that you are now reading here, has been submitted to all of them, but they’ll probably all reject it like they’ve all refused to report the truth that it and its predecessors report and reported about Obama’s nazi (i.e., racist-fascist) takeover of Ukraine. How the Western press will get out of their cover-ups and outright lies, yet again, is hard to imagine. But maybe they’ll just not report it at all — yet again. Obama has thrown in the towel on Ukraine, and still the press hasn’t yet reported it. But now I have, and you’re reading it here, perhaps for the first time, even though Kerry’s sensational remark was made a week ago.
Thus, major historical events (like Kerry’s statement here) occur, in broad daylight, which never were even reported by the Western press — they were instead covered-up, not covered at all, by ‘our’ ‘free’ press.
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They're Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity !!

Well I will stop here as most of you do not believe in the sequence of the events of the past 2 yrs anyway, but it is my wish that a real confrontation starts soon and US and also Nato countries can have some real retaliation on their own turf, america has its bloody nose already and has given up on Ukraine and its people !!
take some aluminum foil and make a hat of it...western nazis,jewish conspiracy...peaceful russia...bla..bla..bla and all intel comes from that other than a putinista believe what kremlin says and dictates ( get paid to believe)..the same maniac who censor NGO's in russia,so no other that the "official truth" can come out of the sphincster of russia
been thinking along the same line as you psalm 7, his "thoughts" have some resemblance to the Finnish film iron sky,with moon nazis,as he gets the nazis along so often,it's nazis here and nazis there..and the only head of state (if you call him that) in Europe that support neo-nazis and ultra right-wing groups is....mad-vlad him self
I don't know ....but anyone with this much information on a subject is
A. Consumed by it
B. Selling something
C. Legitimate
I haven't made up my mind. But sometimes, no always, less is more when it comes to information. I decide most quandaries on a mans disposition and nuances'
I don't know ....but anyone with this much information on a subject is
A. Consumed by it
B. Selling something
C. Legitimate
I haven't made up my mind. But sometimes, no always, less is more when it comes to information. I decide most quandaries on a mans disposition and nuances'

Well I may be a little "consumed" with this but that is mainly hearing and seeing nearly 70% of americans and 50% of stupid ignorant european persons that cannot see what's happening? The same ignorant americans that believe all western propaganda and still believe 9/11 government explanation, while the rest of the awake people are surprised that Bush was never punished for killing 3000 of his own people in the twin towers, or believe that building 7 collapsed all by itself?
You have to be compelely ignorant a....holes not to see the truth or believe the science of the 1300+ engeneers and scientist that have all testified that it has been done with controlled explosions and radiograpic flying of the 2 planes?
Same as the "pentagon plane that NO pieces were found of and has been done with a missile?? Just Blind Idiots ????
03.06.15 14:20
Fighters are intensely shelling Marinka and Krasnohorivka. Fierce fighting underway. Some servicemen wounded

From the very morning of Wednesday, June 3, the fighters began to shell Marinka and Krasnohorivka. The 28th separate mechanized brigade is reporting about fights around Marinka and shelling along the front line from Nevelske (Pisky) to Berezove (Dokuchaievsk).
This is what people's deputy (People's Front) and coordinator of Kyiv-1 battalion Yevhen Deidei wrote on his Facebook page, Censor.NET reports.

"At 4:50 a.m. a fierce shelling started. Some people are wounded. Krasnohorivka and Marinka are on fire. All along the line fierce fighting is underway. The fighters go on break," he wrote.

Read more: Militants shelled Lebedynske village near Mariupol. A local woman wounded

"In these moments, the enemy is conducting a large-scale attack of positions of the 28th brigade in the direction of Marinka under the cover of artillery. Our soldiers are keeping the defense. During the whole night attacks from cannons, 120-mm mortars and MLRS were going on along the whole defense line of the brigade starting from Nevelske (Pisky) and ending with Berezove (Dokuchaievsk)," official page of the 28th separate mechanized brigade in Facebook reported.Source:
more or less what could be the weather gets better,fighting resumes same time as mad-vlad puts his trolls in over-drive creating bogus propaganda..those a-holes have even destroyed a war-memorial about winter-war..was located in Mainila in Carelia (part they stole from us)..
Latest news I hear is that MH17 was shot down by Ukrainien owned Buk missile system that has not been in use by Russia since 1991, So its Ukraine/US/Nato criminals killing 300 innocent people on that plane just to create a false flag event that did not work? But americans have shot down passenger planes before without any consideration?
50 Russian mercenaries killed in attempted assault on Marinka - ATO headquarters

About 500 militants, reinforced by artillery were involved in an attempted assault on the Ukrainian positions near Marinka.
This was stated by Chief Inspector of the Defense Ministry Valentyn Fedichev, Censor.NET reports citingHromadske.TV.

"Now we are learning initial numbers of people and military equipment engaged by the enemy. In the morning there was information about 300, then 1,000, after clarification it's 500. That is a battalion task force, reinforced by artillery, multiple rocket launchers, and tanks. The numbers for losses among the militants are: more than 50 dead, destroyed equipment - two tanks. We'll find out about artillery systems late," he said.

Read also: 28th Brigade successfully repelled Russian mercenaries' attack on Marinka June 3. Combat situation analysis by Butusov

At the same time you cannot say that the Minsk agreement was violated. Fedichev noted that this is what the Russian side had hoped for: "[They hoped] that in the preparation of deflecting these assault actions we will conduct a preemptive strike in violation of the Minsk agreements. That we would start hostilities, and in that case they would have shown losses among the civilian population in Donetsk ... And [would say] that the Minsk agreement was disrupted by the Ukrainian side. "

He noted that after receiving information about preparations for a provocation the Ukrainian military addressed the international community to receive authorization to use heavy weapons.

"The artillery was moved out to the required distance and was used in deflecting the provocation," Fedichev said.Source:
28th Brigade successfully repelled Russian mercenaries’ attack on Marinka June 3. Combat situation analysis by Butusov
Censor.NET Chief Editor Yurii Butusov analyzes operational environment near the village of Marinka, which has been subject to the terrorist’s attack today.

The enemy started attacking Marinka village situated in the vicinity of Donetsk from 4 a.m. June 3 as well as the strongholds near Marinka and Krasnohorivka. These positions were held by the detachments of the 28th Mechanized Brigade of Odesa.

According to the information of Censor.NET, the Ukrainian forces' positions, which have long been known to the enemy, came under its sustained shelling. The enemy used rocket artillery as well as 122-mm, 152-mm, and 220-mm howitzers - the types of weapons that Russia has pledged to withdraw from the demilitarized zone.

Read more: Battle near Marinka is underway, Ukrainian army holds initial positions, - ATO press-center

The detachments of the Somalia (Somalia) Battalion, which mostly consists of the Russian mercenaries and "Russian career servicemen on vacations", have been participating in the engagements on the part of the enemy.

Several enemy assault teams, including tanks, attacked the 2nd Battalion of the 28th Brigade deployed in Marinka and Krasnohorivka with a strong fire support. All the advanced strongholds were simultaneously subjected to attacks. The enemy has been widely using heavy weapons banned by the Minsk agreements.

However, the enemy received an unexpectedly fitting rebuff. The soldiers of the 2nd Battalion were maintaining their position being supported by the reconnaissance company detachments, and the mortar battery of the 1st Battalion. The communication and command has been maintained.

One of the Brigade's platoons was forced to leave one of the strongholds on the outskirts of Marinka adjacent to Krasnohorivka through the attack of the Russian tanks and dense fire. The unit withdrawn in an orderly manner to a short distance and did not allow the enemy to capture the strong point. According to the cease-fire deal, there should not be any banned heavy weaponry in the area that is why our detachments have no means to resist fire superiority of the enemy. The decision on withdrawal was tactically justified.

Read more: There are no new assaults on Marinka. Shootout is underway, - Head of ATO press center

All the nearest houses, all high-rise buildings, including the Marinka hospital came under heavy shelling from tanks. The reconnaissance groups of the Russian mercenaries managed to enter into the empty hospital and a few other buildings but the intense fire of the Ukrainian units stopped the further advance of the enemy.

The enemy attempted to break through the Ukrainian troops' positions between Marinka and Krasnohorivka.

The commander of the 28th Brigade Colonel Leshchynskyi was forced to make a decision on the deployment of the battery of Gvozdika and Akatsyia self-propelled howitzers, the battery of Grad multiple rocket launchers as well as tank unit of the brigade's battalion to the demilitarized zone to support the 2nd Battalion in response to the violation of cease-fire by the Russian command and in order to save the lives of the Ukrainian servicemen and civilians of Marinka.

All attacks were repulsed after the Ukrainian artillery opened accurate fire on the enemy. The enemy suffered considerable losses in manpower and equipment. The reserve troops - the tank detachments of the 28th Brigade and the reconnaissance company came to the attacked area to rescue troops.

The Ukrainian soldiers with the support of armored vehicles are sweeping Marinka from enemy groups. The situation has been settled and is currently under control. The Ukrainian forces' positions are being shelled at the moment, the engagement is underway.

Read more: General Staff sanctioned use of artillery near Marinka

The leadership of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has arrived to the headquarters of the sector "B".

The information about the capture of the wounded Russian soldier on one of the most advanced strongholds has been confirmed. However, the Russian artillery hit the medical station after he was provided first aid and the wounded soldier died from new injuries. The medical vehicle of the 2nd Battalion of the 28th Brigade was destroyed.

According to the volunteers on the advanced medical posts, the Ukrainian troops suffered losses during the day of combat but the exact number is still unclear. There were reports about one killed Ukrainian servicemen. Two military helicopters have delivered 19 wounded Ukrainian military from Marinka to Dnipropetrovsk. There are also wounded locals, who were covered by the Russian artillery in their homes. The enemy has suffered considerable losses in manpower and equipment.

The enemy committed artillery strikes on Pisky, Opytne, and Vodiane today as well.

Read more: Four Russian GRU operatives killed during attack on Marinka - SBU


From a military point of view it is not a large-scale offensive. It is a local combat. The enemy is trying to improve its position, achieve more tactically favorable conditions. Marinka and Pisky are suburbs of Donetsk. The enemy tries to push the front as far as possible to the west after the capture of the Donetsk airport. The Russian command is worried by the proximity of the Ukrainian troops' positions to Donetsk as they are the advantageous bridgeheads for a sudden onslaught and fire effect upon the headquarters and supply bases located in Donetsk. Therefore, the mercenaries have made and will make efforts to eliminate the bridgehead and force our troops away from Donetsk.

From a political point of view Russia has once again blatantly violated the Minsk agreements before the next round of negotiations. And the Ukrainian soldiers are once again paying with their blood for Putin's lies. The intensified hostilities show Ukraine and international mediators that Russia remains ready to continue the war and pose threat to the Ukrainian positions. The Kremlin demonstrates that Ukraine cannot stop the armed conflict alone without concessions to Russia and that the international community does not have the tools to influence the situation with the help of the OSCE.


The enemy will keep conducting hostilities at the tactical level while the front of these attacks will be expanded. The aim of the attacks will be the Ukrainian bridgeheads around Donetsk. The enemy will determine one or two points for assaults in each sector of defense of the Armed Forces to pin our troops and prevent the forces from committing maneuvers. It's a war of attrition.

Putin is interested to use the constantly smoldering military conflict for the continuation of political pressure on Ukraine. Such war does not raise sharp protests of the world's diplomacy. It does not lead to strengthening of sanctions as well.

We should expect new local attacks aimed at certain strongpoints in the near future, the attacks of the subversive groups in the near-front zone. The intensity of the attacks on Ukrainian cities and positions will remain high.

The probability of a deep large-scale advance of the Russian troops is still low.Source:
05.06.15 10:45
The night in ATO area was restless. The enemy shelled Ukrainian army positions and towns with Grads and tanks – HQ

Last night the situation in the area of the anti-terrorist operation was uneasy.
This is reported by Censor.NET citing the press center of the ATO.

According to the HQ, from 6 p.m. of June 4 until midnight there were more than forty attacks, mostly with the use of mortars and tube artillery of calibers prohibited by the Minsk agreements.

"The situation is most difficult at the Donetsk direction: "the militants used artillery and mortars against Pisky, Berezove, Pervomaisk, Opytne, Bohdanivka, Butivka mine, Novobakhmutivka. Berezove and Vodiane were also fired at by tanks. Starohnativka was hit by MLRS".

See also: Terrorists shelled Avdiivka, hitting residential buildings and wounding a man. PHOTOS

It is also noted that the situation near Marinka remains troubling: "Here the enemy shelled our positions with grenade launchers and small arms. In the area of Mariupol 122-mm artillery of the Russian-terrorist forces was used against Hranytne."

"At the Luhansk direction the criminals used 120-mm mortars to fire at Novotoshkivska. After midnight the number of attacks has relatively decreased. The enemy conducted strikes against our positions in the area of Hranytne using 120-mm artillery and MLRS Grad. The peaceful city itself was also hit by pro-Russian militants," the report reads.

It is reported that the enemy continues active aerial reconnaissance: "During the night over three dozen flights of the enemy drones were recorded."Source:
strange things happen in this world,DPF got a member from Ukraine and some of those pro-mad-vlad types did disappear... was the funding cut of from the troll-factory in Sankt Petersburg??
strange things happen in this world,DPF got a member from Ukraine and some of those pro-mad-vlad types did disappear... was the funding cut of from the troll-factory in Sankt Petersburg??
Trolls actively pro-Putin Russian-speaking foul forums domain that is not located on the territory of Russia. Their propoganda aimed at the post-Soviet space, because it is impossible to discuss imposing its position in language which is not a carrier.
As an example:выживание-на-украине-часть-15/
there must be some interesting reading,but don't speak or read the lingo..
you could say,almost say that mad-vlad is funny,funny in some maniac schizophrenic way,in today's news paper here he says;you have nothing to fear from us...and have a manouver close to my border where they practice attack war...yup...absolutely nothing...wonder in which alternative universe this man lives??

and the daughter of the murdered opposition politician B.Nemtsow said thanks and good-bye and left russia,said she no longer felt secure there and feared for her life..
you could say,almost say that mad-vlad is funny,funny in some maniac schizophrenic way,in today's news paper here he says;you have nothing to fear from us...and have a manouver close to my border where they practice attack war...yup...absolutely nothing...wonder in which alternative universe this man lives??

and the daughter of the murdered opposition politician B.Nemtsow said thanks and good-bye and left russia,said she no longer felt secure there and feared for her life..
I do not quite understand what Troll question.
You can directly link above to these statements?
my fellow prepper from Ukraine,we've had a few trolls here speaking the mad-vlad truth...blaming everything on the west..and the nazis and western-nazis together with the world-wide jewish conspiracy,you just name it,according to them mad-vlad is innocent,he just by accident happened to rob Crimea and all those russian soldiers in the eastern parts of Ukraine are there for a holiday,they just took their tanks,cannons,mortars and rockets with them..'cause that's what the russians do when they go for a trip abroad..

I think it's refreshing to hear the Ukrainian side of things.
Ukraine withdrew from the influence of Russia and decided to put an end to the post-Soviet past. Russia is back in the Soviet times on this course I is not happy, and attacked the Ukraine through its mercenaries and regular army under the guise of mercenaries. All this has been repeatedly voiced at meetings of the United Nations. The basic rate to its Russian aggression made a large number of pro-Russian mood of the population in all regions of Ukraine is its support from within, but now it can be stated that the FSB intelligence on this issue globally mistaken. All of which makes the Rosia today aims to depletion of Ukraine's economy and stimulation of popular discontent authority. But in fact it turns out that the growing hatred of Russia and s what overshadows the existing discontent with his rule.
mad-vlad has been very busy,oh come the day we hear the good news about his death ;)
that's why mad-vlad banned most of the NGO's and classified the deaths so no one could ask questions,without risk of imprisonment.
The Ukrainians Kharkov congratulated the Russian consul with the day Rosiii ...

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