anybody monitoring russias movements?

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Part 2;

The rest of this section calls for tons of money from the EU to pay the military contractors and arms-merchants. He underlines the following: "This requires a political decision by Chancellor Merkel and President Hollande, as signatories of the Minsk Agreement, and the expenditure of considerable political capital to overcome legal hurdles and reach unanimity.” He expects Merkel and Hollande to finance the weapons for a third invasion of Donbass by Ukraine, which would actually violate the Minsk agreement that Merkel and Hollande had worked feverishly (and without America’s participation) to achieve. He expects Merkel and Hollande to get in line behind the U.S.

The next section “The State of Play,” opens: "1. General Wesley Clark, Polish General Skrzypczak and a few specialists under the auspices of the Atlantic Council will advise President Poroshenko how to restore the fighting capacity of Ukraine without violating the Minsk agreement.” It then discusses the “National Reform Council (NRC)” which was recently formed in Kiev; and he says:

"The International Renaissance Foundation which is the Ukrainian branch of the Soros Foundations was the sole financial supporter of the NRC until now and it will be one of the main supporters of the PMO, which is in charge of financing the NRC and implementing various reform projects, from now on.”

So, Soros is telling the Ukrainian Government that his tax-exempt foundation will continue to fund them. Furthermore, he tells the Ukrainian Government whom the top three officials at the “PMO” (“Project Maintenance Office”) will be. And, then, yet again, he underlines a passage: "There is a stark contrast between the deteriorating external reality and the continuing progress in internal reforms.”

He closes a sub-section on “Institutional reforms” by noting that: "The process has been slowed down by the insistence of the newly elected Rada [parliament] on proper procedures and total transparency.” He wants less “transparency” in the process toward “internal reforms” and “institutional reforms.” It must be “reforms” that are in the direction of less “transparency,” instead of more. That’s how he used the term “reforms”: they must be away from “transparency.”

He then discusses the role of “The European Union,” and opens with:

"1. Since member states don’t have adequate financial resources, a way has to be found to use the AAA credit of the European Union itself. The search has zeroed in on a well-established financial instrument, the Macro-Financial Assistance (MFA) facility. The MFA has an unusual feature: only 9% of the allotted funds are charged to the budget of the European Union; the EU borrows the rest from the market, using its AAA credit. This makes it very popular.

in other words, just as Wall Street had done with Mortgage Backed Securities when George W. Bush was America’s President, investors who trust AAA credit-ratings will be socked with the losses on Ukrainian bonds too late to do anything about their losses. The money will already have been spent, mainly on weapons.

His program closes with “A Winning Scenario,” which will be based on a “whatever it takes” commitment from the EU to fund Ukraine’s Government until ultimate victory ("short of getting involved in direct military confrontation with Russia or violating the Minsk agreement”). In other words: the EU and its taxpayers, and the world’s investors who trust the AAA credit-ratings, will fund the way to Ukraine’s victory.

His “Winning Scenario” opens by saying, “1. Putin is likely to be impressed by a ‘whatever it takes’ declaration.” And it closes by saying:

"4. At the same time, the allies will offer face-saving measures [to Russia] short of accepting the illegal annexation of Crimea and parts of eastern Ukraine.
"5. Since military re-escalation is liable to run into military resistance from Ukraine and strong domestic opposition in Russia, Putin may well accept the face-saving measures. The tables will be turned and Ukraine would become an attractive investment destination.” (Presumably, this will happen by virtue of Ukraine’s achieving AAA credit-rating.)

That’s the end of Soros’s document. It does not describe any — not a single one — of what it has referred to as "Medium-term: The next three to five years.” Nor does it even so much as mention the 2.5-year period between that and what he calls "Short-term: The next three to five months.” It’s only a three-to-five-month plan. If this is to be the business-plan for his Ukrainian Government, it covers only the “Short-term: The next three to five months.” This means it’s already actually almost over. Whatever investors are left from the faked Ukrainian bonds, and the “Institutional reforms” that have less “transparency” than Ukraine’s parliament recommends, those investors are expected to eat the resulting losses. They are to be the Daddy Warbucks of the situation.

Because Soros, like his client Barack Obama, insists that Crimea’s being Russian will never be recognized, even though Crimea was part of Russia from 1783 to 1954 and Crimeans were always opposed to the Soviet Government’s transferring it to Ukraine in 1954, Soros’s point numbered 4 just above, where it says “short of accepting the illegal annexation of Crimea,” is asserting, in effect, that the United States will insist upon continuation of Obama’s sanctions against Russia, as being an essentially permanent condition. Soros is saying that one of the reasons Ukraine is being armed by the U.S. is in order to assist Ukraine in ultimately invading Crimea to retake it. But it’s not going to happen. However, the threat of it happening is important to Soros.
Part 3;

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko thus felt free to say, on April 30th, “The war will end when Ukraine regains Donbass and Crimea,” and he repeated this promise on May 11th (though without “Crimea”), by his saying, “I have no doubt, we will free the [Donetsk] Airport, because it is our land.” He was strictly adhering to Soros’s instructions there. However, on May 12th, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry publicly warned Poroshenko against following through with that threat. But then Kerry’s subordinate, Victoria Nuland, three days later, publicly contradicted her boss on the matter, and Kerry simply was silent about that; so, apparently, President Obama is siding with Nuland (and Soros) on this matter. It seems that the game-plan calls for permanent economic sanctions against Russia, until Putin falls or otherwise is replaced by someone whom Washington (or Soros) accepts (which will be never, unless and until Russia becomes almost a U.S. satellite like it was during the Gorbachev-Yeltsin era).

The Minsk II accords made no mention whatsoever of Crimea, but only of Donetsk and Luhansk, the two halves of Donbass; so, for Poroshenko to fulfill on his threat against Crimea would cause him to lose the support of Hollande, Merkel, and probably of the entire EU; it would leave Ukraine with only one remaining national patron, the U.S., which would then have to decide whether to go to war directly against Russia. NATO could not be a part to that war, because the NATO charter requires unanimity of all member-nations. So: obviously, Ukraine will never do any such thing. Ukraine won’t invade Crimea. America’s real focus is on continuation and intensification of the anti-Russia sanctions. If Ukraine invades Crimea, the EU will abandon those sanctions. So, Obama-Soros don’t actually want Poroshenko to follow through with that threat. Nuland had contradicted Kerry on that probably because Obama became angry at Kerry’s making policy; he was likely reasserting to Kerry that the President and only the President makes policy. Using Nuland to do that was then punishment of Kerry by Obama, for having overstepped into the President’s prerogative on the matter.

George Soros, as of 2 June 2015, has a net worth of $24.2 billion, according to . He is sometimes referred to as being, to America’s Democratic Party, what Charles and David Koch are to the Republican Party, but there are differences in the ways that the respective billionaires funnel their money into poltical campaigns. Also, whereas the Kochs spend most of their political cash so as to cause people to disbelieve what 97%+ of climate scientists say about global warming, Soros spends most of his political money promoting pro-corporate Democrats of any type. Whereas the Kochs want to shove off onto the public the costs of pollution, etc., Soros wants to shove off onto the public the costs of governmental corruption per se. But in both instances, the benefits go to the billionaires; the costs go to the public. So: the two types of billionaires are actually quite similar, brothers-under-the-skin, as it were.

Very few billionaires are in a different camp than those two: almost all want the broader society to eat the losses from their business activities. Among the few exceptions, who game neither the environment nor finance, are Tom Steyer, who has around a billion dollars, and Jeremy Grantham, who isn’t even included in any list of billionaires but who has perhaps had a bigger impact than anyone else to fund scientists who research global warming. None of the major billionaires opposes in any concerted way exploitation both of the environment and of the government — it’s one or the other, but most of them favor any type of exploitation. Perhaps that’s essential in order for them to be (or stay) among the world’s hundred or thousand wealthiest people. In other words: to be both anti-corruption and anti-pollution is to be not among the world’s wealthiest people, not a “serious player” on the world-stage.

Anyway, this Soros document (and its background) helps to explain how international power actually functions, and how people (such as in Ukraine) become cannon-fodder at either the delivery-end or the reception-end of the “cannon.” It’s just a way that business is transacted among major billionaires, so as to leave the losses with the masses. It’s the way “the free market” naturally functions. It functions by weapons, and by wealth. That’s the way to maximize the freedom of the extremely rich, against the lives, safety, and welfare, of everybody else. And the very rich know it, and practice it. This confidential document from Soros is a good example of it, in actual practice.

Poroshenko has his assignment: it’s to take from the public their blood and money, and to transfer the profits to oligarchs such as Soros, Poroshenko, and other members of the anti-Russia coalition. It’s a competition between the Western aristocracies versus Russia’s aristocracy. Russia’s response has been to join forces with the Chinese and other BRICS aristocracies.

As Obama told graduating West Point cadets on 28 May 2014: “Russia’s aggression toward former Soviet states unnerves capitals in Europe, while China’s economic rise and military reach worries its neighbors. From Brazil to India, rising middle classes compete with us, and governments seek a greater say in global forums.” He was telling America’s future military leaders that America is “the one indispensable nation” (which means that all other nations are “dispensable”) and that America’s military are in service to block foreign aristocracies from “a greater say in global forums.” Only “the one indispensable nation” has the indispensable aristocracy. And West Pointers serve those people. Though they’re paid by America’s public, they actually work for America’s aristocrats. They’re guns-for-hire who are to serve America’s aristocrats though they’re paid by America’s public. This is ‘democracy’ in ‘the one indispensable nation.’

Soros, and Poroshenko, know all about it.!!
Dysfunctional Ukrainian Military
June 4th, 2015
by Stephen Lendman


It operates like a slapdash Keystone cops bunch - its ranks filled with unhappy conscripts wanting no part of fighting their own people.

Corruption is rampant. Hundreds of millions of dollars disappear into the pockets of high-ranking military officials. Government corruption is worse - greater than what aroused anger against ousted President Viktor Yanukovych.

Ordinary Ukrainians suffer enormously from impoverishment, unemployment, skyrocketing inflation, unaffordable goods and services, and hugely repressive regime practices. Documents obtained by Donbass military intelligence show "poor morale leads to alcohol abuse and violation of military discipline among (Ukrainian) soldiers, according to statistical data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs (along with) the growth of crime committed against the civilian population."

Mass desertions continue - fed up Ukrainian soldiers going AWOL. They're underpaid, poorly fed and clothed, deplorably treated overall, and opposed to fighting their own people.

Cell phone use is banned. Soldiers can't stay in touch with families and loved ones. They're prohibited from going into cities. They can't leave Ukrainian controlled southeastern areas.

Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) intelligence believes mass desertions will follow Kiev's resumption of full-scale war.

Ukrainian soldiers aren't trained to evacuate their wounded and dead. "The command considers this training unpractical as evacuation attempts result in mounting death(s) among the personnel," a Kiev report said.

"(O)nly three percent of units passed a battle training check. Only five percent of servicemen know their spheres of action," it explained.

In late May, DPR's Defense Ministry said "(i)n certain units, military tasks will not be executed without the use of additional compulsory measures. There is a threat of entire units leaving their positions."

"(M)ost (Ukrainian) military personnel will be inactive, will not put up resistance because (they're) not properly organized…prepared" or motivated to fight.

"(I)f a command is given to begin military actions, (they'll) seek to leave the dangerous areas to save their own lives" - including officers and rank-and-file soldiers.

Desperate for recruits avoiding conscription, Kiev is practically drafting the lame, halt and blind.

Reports indicate epileptics and tuberculosis sufferers are being conscripted. So are alcoholics, drug addicts and "morons," according to Poroshenko advisor Yuri Biryukov.

Official policy is "take all we can get. The quality is not important," he said. Volunteer battalions demonstrate a "quantitatively different level of motivation, discipline and support," he added.

They include Nazi-infested elements committing horrendous war crimes. Most Ukrainian youths want no part of fighting. Many vote with their feet and leave. Others go into hiding to avoid imprisonment for draft-dodging.

On May 29, Sputnik News cited volunteer Azov battalion member Serhiy Korotky saying only 10 of 400 Ukrainian generals want to wage war. Others prefer leaving.

"The whole generalship of the Ukrainian army…must be 'dragged' through a lie detector. Only 10 of them will stay, as the others want to (go to) Russia," he said.

Military budget theft is rampant, he added - from gasoline to most everything else.

In contrast, Donbass freedom fighters are highly motivated. They reject fascist rule. They want real democracy.

They routed Ukrainian forces earlier. They're prepared to do it again if necessary.
Ukraine Threatens Total Blockade on Donbass
June 1st, 2015
by Stephen Lendman


Kiev junta officials violated virtually all Minsk II ceasefire terms straightaway. An immediate ceasefire was agreed on.

Junta forces attack Donbass areas daily. Civilian neighborhoods are deliberately targeted.

Washington pretends to know nothing about what's happening in official statements or outrageously blames Donbass freedom fighters for Kiev high crimes.

All heavy weapons were to be repositioned well behind the contact line to create a minimum 50 km security zone. Kiev refused to comply.

Numerous other provisions continue being systematically ignored - including providing safe access, delivery, storage and distribution of humanitarian aid to needy Donbass residents.

On May 28, Ukraine's interior minister Arsen Avakov called for a full Donbass blockade - isolating it from other regions.

"We'll have to fully close the line of contact (separating both sides) to close it for everything," he said.

"Let's shut the contact line. Let them cross it on foot or in small cars but without any goods…(L)et them get everything from Russia."

"You wanted independence and friendship with Russia? You're welcome. Russia is right across the border."

"Or do you want to live by the Ukrainian laws because you are Ukrainian? OK, we have the Minsk accords, here you are."

"Our border guards will take control over the border, and then we'll clear out everything ourselves."

Blockading Donbass is an act of war - on top of continuing daily Kiev aggression.

At the same time, Kiev's illegitimate oligarch president Poroshenko threatened martial law. He's more lunatic than leader.

His forces continue low-level aggression. He blames Donbass freedom fighters for his crimes.

"My key position (is) if the ceasefire is broken now, if the line of confrontation is crossed, if an advance against the Ukrainian armed forces is organized, at that very moment I will sign the decree on introducing martial law and pass it to parliament" for rubber-stamping, he said.

"I have no doubt that within hours, martial law will be enacted." It will "demonstrate (Ukraine's) readiness for war, for victory, for defense and for peace," he blustered.

Foreign country nationals residing in Ukraine will be extrajudicially detained, imprisoned or forcibly relocated if he claims their nation of origin "threatens or undertakes aggression toward Ukraine" - true or false.

Their property will be confiscated. Total media control will be strictly enforced. Opposition parties will be banned. So will rallies, mass gatherings and protests.

Ukraine is Obama's war. Junta authorities are convenient proxies - waging naked aggression on their own people, intending escalated conflict, persecuting, imprisoning or murdering anyone opposing their agenda.

According the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians sought refuge in neighboring countries - mainly Russia.

Thousands more leave daily. UNHCR official William Spindler said things are getting worse. The number of internally and externally displaced Ukrainians exceeds two million.

Many endure trying conditions. Russia helps most of all - setting up refugee centers, providing shelter, food, water, medical services and education

Obama bears full responsibility for proxy naked aggression, letting junta forces, Nazi-infested brigades and imported paramilitaries do his dirty work - another major crime on his rap sheet, so many it's hard keeping track.

Official numbers killed or wounded way undercount actual casualties - tens of thousands at minimum.

"The situation is very serious, very worrying. This is one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world today," said Spindler.

Humanitarian aid falls way short of what's needed. Russia alone continues extraordinary efforts to help - delivering many thousands of tons of vitally needed food, water, medical supplies and other essentials to Donbass residents.

America supplies nothing. Obama wants maximum pain and suffering inflicted - the same strategy in all US direct and proxy wars of aggression, dirty ones without mercy. !!!
by Stephen Lendman


Washington and its echo chamber media attack Putin for asserting Russian sovereign independence and opposing America's imperial agenda.

Big Lies substitute for hard truths. On Thursday, State Department spokesman Jeff Rathke repeated the canard about "Russian forces…on the territory of a sovereign neighbor, Ukraine, where they are working with, allied with, aiding and fighting alongside separatists whom Russia also backs on sovereign Ukrainian territory."

At the same time, he ignored Kiev aggression, pretended its dirty war without mercy on Donbass is an "anti-terrorist operation," and stressed America's support for "what's been happening in eastern Ukraine remains unchanged."

He lied claiming "Russia continues to fuel the conflict in southeastern Ukraine, initiating attacks together with the separatists."

"And we do know that the combined Russian and separatist forces continue to flout the terms of the February 12th Minsk implementation plan."

Truth is polar opposite. Washington continues supporting Kiev's naked aggression on Donbass.

Russia has done more than all other nations combined to resolve the conflict diplomatically.

It's forces aren't committing "naked aggression." They're not fighting alongside Donbass militias or supplying them with weapons and munitions.

Russia isn't fueling conflict. It's going all-out to stop it diplomatically. It fully complies with Minsk ceasefire terms. Kiev is a serial violator.

US scoundrel media bashing is relentless. On May 28, Wall Street Journal editors headlined "The Russians Are Coming, Again."

They irresponsibly blamed Moscow for repeated Kiev ceasefire breaches. The following reads like bad fiction:

"Russian proxies on Saturday shelled Avdiyivka, a town in eastern Ukraine held by the Kiev government, killing a Ukrainian service member and a civilian in an attack that also shut down a coke-manufacturing plant."

"On Sunday pro-Kremlin forces fired on Ukrainian positions near the port of Mariupol, killing a Ukrainian soldier and wounding two."

"These are the latest in a growing series of Russian violations of the so-called Minsk II deal…"

Truth is polar opposite Journal editor Big Lies. Kiev is a serial aggressor, Russia a preeminent peacemaker.

Journal editors quoted an unnamed Western diplomat (likely a US neocon or UK counterpart) saying:

"The familiar pattern is recurring. Russia makes high-level assurances that it wants peace, and meanwhile stokes the violence on the ground with fighters and arms."

Ukrainian defense ministry advisor Alexey Makukhin lied claiming so-called documents showing 50 - 80 daily Russian ceasefire violations.

There are none in contrast to multiple daily blatant Kiev breaches - including willfully targeting civilian neighborhoods, murdering noncombatant men, women and children.

Journal editors ludicrously said "Russian special forces…are infiltrating Ukrainian territory." They cite two captured Russian nationals - civilians, not active duty soldiers.

They quoted from an Atlantic Council right-wing think tank propaganda report claiming nonexistent satellite imagery showing "Russian training camps stationed along the Ukrainian border are the staging ground for Russian military equipment transported into Ukraine, soon to join the separatist arsenal, and for Russian soldiers mobilized across Russian to cross into Ukraine."

Not a shred of evidence supports these baseless accusations. Plenty debunks it.

On May 29, New York Times editors gave notorious Putin basher/serial liar Masha Gessen feature op-ed space for at least the second time this year.

She a former Washington-controlled Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Russian Service director propagandist.

Her job is proliferating Big Lies - systematically avoiding hard truths, putting out rubbish no legitimate editors would touch.

New York Times editors featured her op-ed titled "The Kremlin vs. The NGOs.

She bashed Russia's July 2014 law requiring politically active NGOs getting funding from abroad to register as "foreign agents."

Religious organizations, state companies and NGOs they founded aren't affected by the new law.

Gessen ignored America's Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA, 1938). It requires agents or organizations representing the interests of foreign powers in a "political or quasi-political capacity" to disclose their relationship and provide information about their activities and financing.

The law remains in force, amended in 1966, focusing on agents or groups working with foreign power seeking economic or political advantage by influencing US decision-making.

Other countries have similar laws. Putin explained Russia's position saying:

"As far as the law is concerned, or rather the part of it that causes great discussions - whether the organizations that are engaged in internal political activities should register - we will not change this position."

"This is because when people are doing some political work inside the country and receive money from abroad, the society has the right to know what kind of organization this is, and where they get the funds to sponsor their existence."

Gessen also criticized Russia's "undesirable organizations" law - irresponsibly claiming it's "used to hit very hard what remained of civil society."

The measure justifiably only targets foreign organizations posing a "threat to the constitutional order and defense capability or the security of the Russian state" - in other words, subversive groups up to mischief.

Russian officials call the law preventative - without naming any specific foreign organizations.

Given Washington's longstanding hostility, Russia needs its national security protected - including legislatively.

Not according to Gessen, ignoring Russia's free society and open media shaming their Western counterparts.

Moscow "will not quit until it has vacuumed up every last bit of free thought and independent activity," she blustered.

On May 28, Washington Post editors discussed what they called opposition activist Vladimir Kara-Murza's "mysterious illness."

He collapsed in his office and was hospitalized. According to WaPo editors - suffering from "double pneumonia, pancreatitis and kidney failure."

They quoted his wife suggesting he was poisoned, claiming his condition remained grave.

The hospital's deputy head doctor later said his heart, lungs and stomach are OK. His illness was kidney related. "It could have been (caused by eating) spoiled yogurt or something else."

No evidence suggested poisoning. WaPo editors indicated otherwise claiming "crude attacks on peaceful opponents in a country that wishes to be, and often is, treated as a global power."

They used Kara-Murza's treatable illness unrelated to Russian politics as an example of "the truth about (its) murderous regime.

They ignored Washington's ongoing multiple direct and proxy wars on humanity responsible for millions of deaths and unspeakable human misery in the new millennium alone - besides homeland police repression and turning US streets into battlegrounds.

US policy toward Russia remains hardline - same old business as usual masquerading as new leaf softening when John Kerry and Victoria Nuland meet with Putin. Media propaganda alone explains Washington's dirty agenda. So do daily State Department press briefings.
Ukraine: Gangster State
May 30th, 2015
by Stephen Lendman


Washington allies with the world's most despotic regimes. Ukraine is one of the worst.

Fascists in charge are guilty of most every high crime imaginable - committed with full US support and encouragement.

They continue waging dirty war without mercy on Donbass. They attack civilian neighborhoods - murdering noncombatant men, women and children, torturing prisoners, committing atrocities too grave to ignore.

They used chemical weapons - last May and perhaps other times. A toxic choking agent was used.

Symptoms included first-degree chemical-inflicted eye burns, alcoholic-like intoxication, bodily lacerations and fainting, as well as one or more victims diagnosed with unidentified gas poisoning. White phosphorous and other chemical weapons were used. So were illegal cluster bombs - supplied by Washington.

On May 29, Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) Defense Ministry spokesman Eduard Basurin warned about Kiev possibly readying to use chemical weapons again.

"(W)orks are underway on the territory of a chlorine storage base, to the northeast of Kochetok settlement in the Kharkov region," he said.

"A week ago, our intelligence saw 20 truck tanks with a capacity of five tons with an unknown chemical agent arrived at the facility’s territory."

On May 26, US military chemical experts arrived in Mariupol, he explained. Perhaps they along with "Kiev authorities (intend) sabotage on Ukraine's territory with the aim of accusing DPR leadership of the crime against humanity" - a possible false flag.

Since Kiev forces launched naked aggression on Donbass last April, they committed horrendous crimes of war and against humanity. So far unaccountably.

Russian parliamentarians proposed establishing a war crimes tribunal since US-led Western nations prevent ICC prosecutions.

Lower house State Duma Education Committee Chairman Vyacheslav Nikonov urged not letting war criminals go unpunished.

"I believe we already need to create our own tribunal for war crimes," he said. "In the name of those children, the elderly and women, both Ukrainians and Russians, we will never forget and forgive."

"Can there be any hope for those countries that are simultaneously the sponsors and masters of puppets of both the Hague tribunal and the regime of war criminals (in Kiev)?"

"Every day hundreds of people disappear without leaving a trace across Ukraine because they are suspected of being disloyal, and this continues even now and they are being killed with no trial and no record, and they are being tortured."

Separately, Minsk II terms mandated immediate and comprehensive ceasefire, withdrawal of all heavy weapons beyond a 50 km wide security zone, dialogue between both sides, full resumption of socio-economic ties and Ukrainian constitutional reform, among other provisions.

Kiev violated everything it agreed to - most provisions straightaway. On Thursday, Poroshenko said he'll dialogue only with a Ukrainian Donbass, not its current one - a clear Minsk II breach.

Illegitimate prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said he'd only talk to current Donbass leaders "when they are behind bars."

Ukraine is a criminal coup d'etat gangster state masquerading as legitimate governance. It's a Nazi-infested fascist police state.

It's a lawless belligerent one. It's a major human and civil rights violator. It's a kleptocracy run by mega-thieves complicit with corporate ones - hugely corrupt, profiting at the public's expense.

Economist Michael Hudson calls its regime "an umbrella for grabitization." Ukrainians lucky to have jobs aren't getting paid - or get sub-poverty wages impossible to live on.

"(K)leptocrats and business owners are jumping ship," says Hudson - grabbing all they can before it sinks.

The 1973 Pinochet coup in Chile followed by invasion of the Chicago boys "was a dress rehearsal for all this," Hudson explains.

Chicago-style free market predation is impossible with force-fed tyranny. Ukraine is the new poster child.

Obama's friends are gangsters, murderers, torturers, rapists and mega-thieves. Poroshenko is an illegitimate oligarch mega-crook - heading a regime with no legitimacy whatever.

Apparently he thinks he's entitled to the Nobel Peace Prize - instead of a prison cell where he belongs.

Mussolini (1935), Hitler (1939 at the start of WW II) and Stalin (1945 and 1948) got Nobel nominations. Peace champions are consistently shunned.

A May 19 letter from Ukraine's parliament chairman Volodymyr Groysman to US Norway embassy charge d'affairs Julie Furuta-Toy calls it "of utmost importance for Mr. Poroshenko to have firm guarantees that he will be awarded the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize, since it could highlight the unanimous support of Ukrainian integrity by the democratic community of the world."

If Nobel Committee members go along this October, they'll make more of a sham out the award than already. Don't be surprised if it happens anyway!!
Never smoked that **** and stopped smoking all together for 17 yrs, Ha,Ha,?
I wish you strength in your native country my friend, you are sure in a ****** position?
so,one thing is very clear,we do disagree who's to blame,that seems to be the only thing we can agree upon,that we disagree.
in the meantime I prep,store,learn and train..before the storm hits..

at least Cavemanjoe can argue about his point,the other one Cerberus couldn't,not that I agree with him.. let's stay polite?
Depends how you look at it Jontte, but I worry about your country also as it is one of the first to be run over if MadVlad comes, but I also doubt that he's very interested in having a war with Europe? I do think he may want to take all or just part of Ukraine back but not other countries, that's just my premonition ?? I think Eastern Ukraine is all he may want but then all the way to Odessa?
somehow **** when it hits the fan will fly far and wide and mayhem will spread, I'm reading a very interesting book "in the eye if the storm,secret documents from the files of marshal Mannerheim 1939-1949", very interesting maps incl. of places and countries Stalin wanted,same areas mad-vlad wants now to his sphere of influence. old plans still there,only need an update to modern arms and tactics..

we here bitch about our government on regular basis,part of who we are I guess,but we are hell bent ready to defend our country,this is the only place we have and if mad-vlad want to try,he's in for some serious business,if the attack comes from the east,that's one sure thing to unite us here.
I hope he doesn't just use his Nuclear misiles instead of coming across the borders? He is capable of destroying most of the world from his comfortable chair, as is Obama? I think your worry should be the Baltic seaports where his submarines go out to attack USA?? The rest of Europe he can do from his armchair??
But if the first uses a Nuclear weapon the rest will follow and were all toast??
if nukes comes out..well we'll be wading in some knee deep doo-doo..unfortunately mad-vlad is beyond reasoning,it's all or nothing for him.

and sofar he's the only one,who's threatened to use them..oh plus that little piece of **** in NK,who should deffinately get a better barber,might cheer him up.
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The desire to capture all or a significant part of Ukraine now vchem for Russia is not feasible. This is understood in Moscow. As can be seen from the plan of capturing one of Ukraine in planning the main settlement was on the support of the Russian troops from the impurity of the population, but the events of May-June 2014 showed no such support. Without such support, Russia could not establish control over Ukraine, to understand it enough to delve into the history. Counterinsurgency UPA 4 western regions of Ukraine with Russia behind economic potantsial all actively fought the Soviet Union from 1945 to 1956, with absolute control set and could not rospada to the USSR. At present, Russia would have to confront all 24 regions 80% of the population who experience deep hatred for Russia as a whole and its citizens as a Russian. Can the Russian to win a guerrilla war against the country 40milionnoy ??? I doubt very much.
mad-vlad is cornering himself more and more,thus the banning of NGO's in russkie land.
the leadership seems to unable to grasp the reality that their former,and I emphasize on the word FORMER, territories,who have had the taste of freedom no longer wish to be part of russkie empire,they wish to be free.
From Yahoo news;


The secretary of Russia's security council said Monday it is impossible to stop Russians from going to fight in Ukraine because they are guided by "emotions."
Nikolai Patrushev, the hawkish former chief of the federal security service (FSB) who currently sits at the helm of President Vladimir Putin's group of security advisors, said the conflict is fuelled by US attempts to wipe out Russia.
"We don't call on people to go and we don't reward them. But really, it is impossible to prevent it," he said, once people hear about the "atrocities" happening across the border.
"Emotions go into play, people head over there and fight," Patrushev said in a wide-ranging interview to Kommersant newspaper published Monday.
The 15-month-long conflict in Ukraine has claimed the lives of nearly 6,500 people and driven more than a million from their homes.
Ukraine and the West say Russia sends regular troops into eastern Ukraine to boost separatist forces in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, but Moscow flatly denies such accusations.
On Monday the European Union formally agreed to prolong damaging economic sanctions against Moscow over its support for the rebels until January 2016.
Deployments of volunteers from Russia are no secret and various organisations have openly held collection drives for military gear in Moscow and elsewhere.
Putin portrays the crisis in Ukraine as the product of regime change instigated and funded by the United States, but Patrushev said in the interview that America's real goal is to destroy Russia.
"They don't care what will happen in Ukraine, they just need to exert pressure on Russia, so that is what the United States is doing," he said.
"They would want very much that Russia would not exist. As a country," he said.
"We have great resource wealth. And Americans believe we have them illegally or undeservedly," he said, adding that the US completely overpowers the European Union regarding Russia policy.
EU sanctions were only imposed due to "US influence," he said, adding even that Europe secretly recognises the annexation by Moscow of the Crimean peninsula in March 2014, which unleashed the first round of sanctions.
"They understand that everything that happened in Crimea was legal."
"Europeans are rather weak-willed and Americans are strong. The United States wants to dominate in the world," he said.

Gaming a Russian Offensive

MARCH 9, 2015 | 09:23 GMT

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A Russian flag flies near pro-Russia militants sitting atop a 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer as a convoy takes a break in the Donetsk region. (VASILY MAXIMOV/AFP/Getty Images)
Editor's Note: As part of our analytical methodology, Stratfor periodically conducts internal military simulations. This series, examining the scenarios under which Russian and Western forces might come into direct conflict in Ukraine, reflects such an exercise. It thus differs from our regular analyses in several ways and is not intended as a forecast. This series reflects the results of meticulous examination of the military capabilities of both Russia and NATO and the constraints on those forces. It is intended as a means to measure the intersection of political intent and political will as constrained by actual military capability. This study is not a definitive exercise; instead it is a review of potential decision-making by military planners. We hope readers will gain from this series a better understanding of military options in the Ukraine crisis and how the realities surrounding use of force could evolve if efforts to implement a cease-fire fail and the crisis escalates.

Russia's current military position in Ukraine is very exposed and has come at a great cost relative to its limited political gains. The strategic bastion of Crimea is defensible as an island but is subject to potential isolation. The position of Ukrainian separatists and their Russian backers in eastern Ukraine is essentially a large bulge that will require heavy military investment to secure, and it has not necessarily helped Moscow achieve its larger imperative of creating defensible borders. This raises the question of whether Russia will take further military action to secure its interests in Ukraine.

To answer this question, Stratfor examined six basic military options that Russia might consider in addressing its security concerns in Ukraine, ranging from small harassment operations to an all-out invasion of eastern Ukraine up to the Dnieper River. We then assessed the likely time and forces required to conduct these operations in order to determine the overall effort and costs required, and the Russian military's ability to execute each operation. In order to get a baseline assessment for operations under current conditions, we initially assumed in looking at these scenarios that the only opponent would be Ukrainian forces already involved in the conflict.
A third scenario would involve Russia taking all of eastern Ukraine up to the Dnieper and using the river as a defensive front line. When it comes to defending the captured territory, this scenario makes the most sense. The Dnieper is very wide in most places, with few crossings and few sites suitable for tactical bridging operations, meaning defending forces can focus on certain chokepoints. This is the most sensible option for Russia if it wants to take military action and prepare a defensive position anchored on solid terrain.

However, this operation would be a massive military undertaking. The force required to seize this area — approximately 222,740 square kilometers — and defeat the opposition there would need to number 91,000-135,000 troops and advance as much as 402 kilometers. Since the river could bolster defensive capabilities, the defensive force could remain roughly the same size as the attacking force. However, with a population of 13 million in the area, the additional troops that might be required for the counterinsurgency force could range from 28,000-260,000. Russia has approximately 280,000 ground troops, meaning that the initial drive would tie down a substantial part of the Russian military and that an intense insurgency could threaten Russia's ability to occupy the area even if it deployed all of its ground forces within Ukraine.

One positive aspect would be that this operation would take only 11-14 days to execute, even though it involves seizing a large area, because Russia could advance along multiple routes. On the other hand, the operation would require such a vast mobilization effort and retasking of Russian security forces that Moscow's intent would be detectable and would alarm Europe and the United States early on.

Two remaining options that we examined were variations on previous themes in an effort to see if Russia could launch more limited operations, using fewer resources, to address similar security imperatives. For example, we considered Russia taking only the southern half of eastern Ukraine in an effort to use decidedly less combat power, but this left the Russians with an exposed flank and removed the security of the Dnieper. Similarly, a small expansion of current separatist lines to the north to incorporate the remainder of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions to make the territory more self-sustaining was considered. Both operations are quite executable but gain little in the grand scheme.

The final scenario we considered was the most limited. It involved Russia conducting small temporary incursions along the entirety of its border with Ukraine in an effort to threaten various key objectives in the region and thus spread Ukraine's combat power as thin as possible. This would be efficient and effective for the Russian military in terms of the effort required. It could accomplish some small political and security objectives, such as drawing Ukrainian forces away from the current line of contact, generally distracting Kiev, or increasing the sense of emergency there, making the Ukrainians believe Russia would launch a full invasion if Kiev did not comply.

For all of the scenarios considered, the findings were consistent: All are technically possible for the Russian military, but all have serious drawbacks. Not one of these options can meet security or political objectives through limited or reasonable means. This conclusion does not preclude these scenarios for Russian decision makers, but it does illuminate the broader cost-benefit analysis leaders undertake when weighing future actions. No theoretical modeling can accurately predict the outcome of a war, but it can give leaders an idea of what action to take or whether to take action at all.
Where are you located in Ukraine friend? Is it safe to divulge your location?
I think if Putin does invade he would want to go to Odessa with a land connection to Moldova, Kirgistan and have another open seaport for marine use?
I am in Ukraine, the northern part is about 80km from the border with Russia. Not the slightest danger of divulging this information is not, as I'm on my land and in my area is dominated by anti-Russian sentiments. In Odessa, Kherson, Nikolaev, Zaporozhye fairly strong anti-Russian and Russian troops will not receive the support of the population impurity. Apparently because of this, and Russian troops were not in 2014 to try to implement the plan.
For me, this conflict forward more than 15 years. Therefore, all the steps to prepare for it were made in a timely manner. Any unforeseen actions Russia has not yet been made, everything is done on the pattern. Currently, it would be desirable that all started as quickly as possible, because the expectation is stronger strains of the war itself.
Yes I agree with you, it should start soon!! I myself have seen these development coming for the past 20 yrs and have been planning my Bug-out for the last 12 yrs when I made the decision to move to my Island country.
I still have my married daughter in California with her 2 kids but they think like most americans that nothing will happen and USA is invincable, but they will have a nasty surprise soon when first their financial world will implode around them and after the Nuclear fall out has them all sick from the Fukushima disaster? I feel sorry for them?
I doubt that the near future Russia will dare to attack the United States. Although psychosis in finding external enemies originating in Russia can push them to such a step but it is quite unlikely. At the moment, attempts to restore the Soviet Union to continue to implement the plan of Stalin's conquest of Europe. One of the religious leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church, four days ago, said: "Secularism - a dead ideology - said Chaplin during the debate on the balance of secular and religious in Russia. - If a society living in relative peace - peace of mind, satiety - for some number of decades, a couple, C grade, it can live in a secular. No one is going to die for the market or democracy, and the need for society to die, his future sooner or later there. The world is not long. The world is now a long, thank God, there is no . Why do I say "thank God" - a society in which too many well-fed and relaxed, hassle-free, comfortable life - society, abandoned by God, this society does not live long.
why has mad-vlad the support of the military?? the answer goes back to 1991 when USSR said good-bye and the military felt they were betrayed by their politicians...saw an intervju by a former sub-captain and a fleet commander,they felt that the west never won,not even the cold the way,does this ring a bell folks?? which army felt they were betrayed too in 1918??
So true and well spoken!! But the major part of World population (=95%) is living a delusional life and thinking that this Non Existent God figure will safe them in the end? And every major war has been fought in the name of and in support of this God delusion? All wars are started with this Devine support as an excuse and it really is about power over other nations and in the last 100 years about oil, gas and gold!!! If there really would have been a God than none of these event would have ever happened?? GOD IS LOVE !!!!!! Right ?? So it is now nessesary to have this 3rd WW and clean up most of those 95% and give the rest a chance to build up again on the ruins being left by these 95% ??
And as far as attacks will go, Russia will NOT attack until it is attacked themselves and then will retaliate NUCLEAR and all stupidity will be wiped out soon. And US needs to experience this in the first place after starting all this **** in the past 200 yrs, starting with killing all US natives and having lied 200 yrs now?? They have not won any war after WW2 and just have randomly killed large populations around the world, so they deserve a war on their territory for once !!!
Sorry about the ranting but am sick of the hypocracy !!!
I do not lose any sleep wondering what the rest of the World thinks of my Country . But I do wish that the millions that come here would stay home and fix there own Country . They want what we built . Almost everyone I know is a native Born and Raised in the U.S.A that makes them U.S Natives . Others I know came here legaly induring alot of expence and agrivation and red tape taking years to do so and when they get here they contribute to the community . They are natives too as far as Im concerned . But the takers that come here and take and destroy bringing thier 3rd World culture and wanting to live off othes need to go home have thier own Revalutonary War set up thier own Government and make a Country worth staying in for thier Kids .
You seem to forget friend that your ancestors all came from European countries and they build USA?
Also the 9000 Nazi's that were invited after WW2 and brought in elegally created all these weapons of Mass destruction that US is using all over the world now? And there has been NO Peace since and USA has started wars all over the world and has not even won 1 war ?
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he laws of God there is absolutely nothing to do with business. Statement by the Russian Orthodox Church is a fiction. Kinda another attempt to lick ass Putin (Huylu) to obtain further rollback of consolidation of Orthodoxy as the state religion restoration of the USSR. Aggressive policy of Russia in relation to Europe and the threats to the US are explained bonalno envy of the standard of living of their populations and the inability to provide a decent standard of living for himself. I know because it's fairly similar rhetoric was sounded in the society in the Soviet Union before its collapse. The general poverty of the population then was positioned as a benefit, and any attempt to get out of this misery unworthy behavior and intrigues of external enemies. The only difference is that while the aim was to build a socialist paradise and now orthodox paradise.