anybody monitoring russias movements?

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Editor’s Note: If the U.S. is so unprepared, then why is it so adamant about provoking conflict and looking for excuses to get into a war? It seems the powers that be are stuck fighting for territory and influence at the expense of us all, as usual.

by Joshua Krause

At this point, it seems like a war between NATO and Russia is practically a foregone conclusion. There’s certainly a lot of bluster and threats going back and forth between both sides, and they’re both run by tyrannical, power-hungry regimes that want the world to themselves. Those kinds of governments always come to blows at some point.

However, the US government may want to consider holding its tongue for the foreseeable future. Unlike Russia, which has been building up its military prowess since the end of the Cold War, our military has spent the past 15 years bogged down in quagmires involving insurgencies. And by their nature, insurgencies have completely different tactics, equipment, organizational structures, and goals, that are often diametrically opposed to those of a nation-state.

That means our military has spent more than a decade training and equipping its personnel for fighting decentralized, low-budget enemies. One must wonder if they’re still prepared to go toe to toe with an effective conventional military. To answer that question, you only have to take a look at the state of our air power to see that our politicians are in way over their heads when it comes to fighting the Russians.

U.S. military power often is measured by the number of combat aircraft and ships in the inventory. While the United States has by far the largest air force and navy, that size advantage could eventually be negated by enemy air defenses and electronic warfare technologies that are now available in the open market.

The solution is not to buy more fighter jets, stealth bombers or aircraft carriers, but to arm existing Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps combat aircraft with high-tech bombs and missiles that can be dropped in large quantities from hundreds of miles away, suggest military analysts in a new study

The military for decades has invested in an arsenal of short-range “direct attack” weapons on the assumption that they will be able to get close to targets. It also has acquired a large inventory of highly sophisticated autonomous cruise missiles that can travel more than a thousand miles to a target. Today’s standoff weapons keep aircraft out of harm’s way but, at a million dollars apiece, are too expensive to be able to fire in large numbers in a protracted conflict.

There is clearly a gap between today’s short-range and long-range weapons that needs to be filled, says Mark Gunzinger, of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. “Our combat air forces are short-range and not capable of penetrating contested areas. If we use standoff munitions, those weapons are too large and expensive. The size restricts the number you can carry. We don’t have enough aircraft.”

In other words, our air power is only equipped to deal with third world countries like Iraq, as well as insurgents, both of which don’t have advanced air defenses. We have a massive supply of short-range missiles, but those are obviously useless if you can’t get close to enemy targets. That means that any war with Russia would leave us without air superiority.

And that’s a pretty serious problem, because air superiority is supposedly our greatest asset. It’s been that way since at least the Gulf War, where we demonstrated the frightening capabilities of our air power against the Iraqi’s and their antiquated, Soviet built war machines.

But Russia is a totally different beast. Since we probably won’t have any air superiority against their military, then any future conflict with Russia would force us into a protracted ground war with them. And as Hitler and Napoleon can attest, the Russians absolutely dominate when it comes to ground warfare. We could re-equip our military for a conventional war with Russia, but it may take many years, and many dollars that we don’t have. Perhaps the blowhards in Washington should think about that before they commit our blood and treasure to World War Three.
One who came up with this need to stop smoking cannabis. The Russian army is equipped with at 80-ies of the 20th century. The latest technology that Russian like to show on the charts there is only a single specimen or markups at prototypes. After vklyuscheniya Ukraine embargo in the Russian defense production in the spring of 2014, Russia has been unable to produce helicopters and ships, not to mention the fact that the launch vehicles for nuclear warheads is also produced here. What kind of Russian military superiority over the United States can use it ???
Well first of all I didn't write it and secondly I think you are all mistaken about Russia's capabilities??
But I think it will start soon on EU soil before it goes to USA?
Well first of all I didn't write it and secondly I think you are all mistaken about Russia's capabilities??
But I think it will start soon on EU soil before it goes to USA?
I realized that it is with the census of the resource. I do not err on the possibilities of Russia as I can see these possibilities with your own eyes when the hunt near the border. Directly at the border of my region there are a large number of Russian equipment. Yes, it is really a lot, but it's old production 70-80 years of the last century. Some samples modernized, but this upgrade is to install night vision no more.
I believe they have a lot more sofisticated arms, specially in air force and submarines?
They have no nothing new in the Air Force is not the Navy. Start of program development was planned in 2015 and 2025. Upgrading from 2015 to 2020. With the current price of oil is not feasible. All that there is junk left over from the Soviet Union.
Iraq's Military propper with their million man army using the latest equipment Russia could supply them . Stood up less than a month aginst a fraction of what the U.S could have thrown aginst them .
Thats not opinion thats just what happened .
NATO has the same /similar equipment as the U.S .
Much is due to tactics as well as equipment .
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They have no nothing new in the Air Force is not the Navy. Start of program development was planned in 2015 and 2025. Upgrading from 2015 to 2020. With the current price of oil is not feasible. All that there is junk left over from the Soviet Union.

Well I don't believe that, specially the new air force jets are better than the US F35 witch is a disaster!!
Their subs are the same or better than the US ones and they have not been able to detect a Russian sub, even after the Swedish hunt from a few months ago? And looking at the situation in Greece, when it accepts financial help from Russia and leaves Nato, than a very good Navy from Greece will also join Russia's Navy in the Mediteranian?
And Russia seems not to be afraid to take it to a Nuclear option if it get shoved in a corner??
Nato is playing a very stupid game and it will loose in the long run, Russia will not be dominated by the stupid morons in EU/US/UK but will rather choose to destroy that part of the world? The hell with the population !!!
Well I don't believe that, specially the new air force jets are better than the US F35 witch is a disaster!!
Their subs are the same or better than the US ones and they have not been able to detect a Russian sub, even after the Swedish hunt from a few months ago? And looking at the situation in Greece, when it accepts financial help from Russia and leaves Nato, than a very good Navy from Greece will also join Russia's Navy in the Mediteranian?
And Russia seems not to be afraid to take it to a Nuclear option if it get shoved in a corner??
Nato is playing a very stupid game and it will loose in the long run, Russia will not be dominated by the stupid morons in EU/US/UK but will rather choose to destroy that part of the world? The hell with the population !!!
Any new aircraft from Russia is not available. What they are trying to position it as a new modernizing the Su-27 and MiG-29.
Living standards in Russia is several times lower than in Greece, in which case they moguh Greece offer ???
With nuclear weapons in Russia is still more sad, because not for the fact that the rocket will fly, and even more is not the fact that most of them do not explode immediately after the start of territories over their
We will see what the future brings. The US has already left Ukraine to the Europeans who are not very willing to fight and they are now more in my neck of the woods, namely the China sea Islands dispute and will probably start there as 60% of US naval ships are currently in the south Pacific? So that will be a new treat when it starts??
We will see what the future brings. The US has already left Ukraine to the Europeans who are not very willing to fight and they are now more in my neck of the woods, namely the China sea Islands dispute and will probably start there as 60% of US naval ships are currently in the south Pacific? So that will be a new treat when it starts??
Probably I open a big secret if I say that Ukraine is no one left. All we have to sell at a fair price in the necessary volume. The bulk of this top dressing to weapons systems such as missile guidance head, in the supply of ready-made weapons systems just is not necessary because we have the necessary production facilities and on-site to produce them cheaper, and they are constantly being upgraded according to the application in combat. Also, foreign instructors to train our soldiers. What else can help you to want to get ???
Regarding the danger from China it nadumata rather than real. The industrious Chinese, unlike the lazy Russian prefer to trade rather than fight.
At the borders of Ukraine the Kremlin has concentrated substantial forces from the Polesie and Bessarabia Slobozhanshchina total of more than 12 thousand people, according to MP Dmitry Tymchuk in facebook. According to him, Russia has sent troops to the border regions of Ukraine. In particular, Polesskoe direction closer to Kiev is about 3350 military tanks 40 and about 200 armored vehicles. Whereas Slobozhanskiy direction - near Kharkov - there are more than 5 thousand. Russian soldiers and more than 300 armored vehicles. Another 3,000 troops ready to attack by the Southern Bug, in the Odessa area.
Ukraine: Rogue State Deadbeat
July 4th, 2015
by Stephen Lendman


Ukraine is Exhibit A for everything a nation shouldn't be. It's run by illegitimate, Nazi-infested putschists - lunatics risking war with Russia. It's a brutal dictatorship by any standard.

Its US-anointed president is an oligarch mega-crook war criminal. Its top officials look like an FBI most wanted list.

Corruption is the national pastime. So is police state ruthlessness and naked aggression on its own people.

Poroshenko finds new ways to disgrace himself. Earlier he claimed 10,000 Russian soldiers on Ukrainian territory. Now he says, "on Putin's order, there are 200,000 men and an arsenal of armored vehicles, sophisticated missile systems and anti-air arms amassed in our territory."

Where are they? OSCE monitors near the Ukraine/Russian border and elsewhere in the southeast haven't seen any cross over or show up anywhere. Nobody can find them - not a single active duty Russian soldier.

The whole world knows none are there despite Poroshenko, other Ukrainian officials, its state controlled media, Washington and other rogue Western partners repeating similar Big Lies - irresponsible absurdities with no evidence whatever supporting them. None exists

Worse still, Ukraine is a deadbeat state, refusing to pay its debts while spending millions of dollars daily waging war on Donbass.

Five large international creditors hold about $10 billion in Ukrainian sovereign debt - besides $17 billion more in Eurobonds, $31 billion in domestic debt plus $3 billion owed Russia and billions more in arrears to Gazprom.

In late June, illegitimate prime minister Arseniy Yaysenyuk said "Ukraine is unable to service debts generated over past three years…" At the same time, it's borrowing more from the IMF, World Bank, EU and other sources it knows won't be repaid.

In June, Kiev's rubber-stamp parliament passed legislation letting the Finance Ministry technically default by halting debt service - either suspending it or largely refusing to pay altogether in the case of Russia. It falsely calls legitimate debt owed Moscow odious.

Kiev's failure to pay Gazprom for gas supplied finally got its CEO Aleksey Miller to act. His patience ran out.

He suspended further deliveries as of July 1 without prepayment, regardless of price. On Tuesday, Russia/EU/Ukraine talks in Vienna failed to resolve things.

They met to discuss price for deliveries through September. Russia offered Ukraine a $40 per thousand cubic meter discount - or $247.1, the same price Kiev paid in Q II 2015.

Ukraine wants over a 40% discount. Russia's Energy Minister Aleksandr Novak said its demand is "groundless." He called Kiev's unwillingness to pay a fair price politicized.

Putin said lower oil prices affected natural gas. Ukraine should pay the same price as neighboring countries.

On April 1, Gazprom and Ukraine's Naftogaz agreed on a so-called "summer package" similar to a winter deal last fall affording Kiev a $100 discount

It not only wants cheap gas, it often doesn't pay for what it gets. Enough is enough. Now it's pre-pay or get nothing.

No wonder Moscow/Kiev relations are at a historic low - along with issues involving war, peace and regional stability.

Aggression in Donbass and repressive governance got over 900,000 Ukrainians to flee to neighboring countries, mostly to Russia, according to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

A new report by the Washington-based IntelCenter ranks Ukraine among the world's 10 most dangerous countries. Others include Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Nigeria, Pakistan and Egypt.


Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at [email protected].
Malaysian Pressure Forces MH17 Investigation to UN
June 29th, 2015
Eric Zuesse


Malaysia, frustrated by the refusal of the official international investigation-team to produce any clear evidence yet of whom to blame for the downing of the MH17 Malaysian airliner over the Ukrainian civil-war zone on 17 July 2014, has finally forced the team to request the UN to investigate. They’ve forced the original four nations on the team to accept UN adjudication of any final report. This will enable a court-proceeding to make the ultimate determination of guilt (upon which judgment penalties and compensation will be assessed), and this court-determination would inevitably allow whatever party is being blamed by the five-member official investigating team, to present its own evidence in the case, so that the court will make the ultimate determination — the official investigating team will not be performing that crucial judgmental function.

“Malaysia to join MH17 criminal probe team,” and reported that, "The prime minister said the country had been invited to play a bigger role in the recovery and investigation of the ill-fated aircraft, believed to have been downed by a missile over eastern Ukraine on July 17.” The Malaysian report went on then, pointedly, to note: "In July, the Dutch and Ukrainian authorities agreed that the bulk of the operations would be carried out by the Netherlands, with assistance from countries whose citizens were on board the flight. Malaysia had repeatedly asked to be part of the joint investigation team, currently comprising investigators from the Netherlands, Belgium, Australia and Ukraine.” Implicitly, that phrase “Malaysia had repeatedly asked to be part of the investigating team" said that Malaysia had consistently been refused membership until 5 November 2014. In fact, even by late November of 2014, Malaysia continued to be refused membership, and I headlined on November 30th, “Malaysia Becomes Angry About Exclusion from MH17 Investigation.” That refusal was especially outrageous because, like three of the four nations that already were on the team, Malaysia had lost (44) citizens from the downing. But in addition, Malaysia had lost the plane, from it. There was no excuse for the four pro-Western nations to exclude Malaysia, and for their limiting the investigating-team to only Ukraine (a key suspect in the downing) and three of its allies. And, between November and now, Malaysia has finally become so fed-up with the team’s continuing refusal to act, and to declare the culprit, so that the rest of the team finally consented to Malaysia’s demand to transfer the investigation over to the UN.

On 24 June 2015, Agence France Press, a mouthpiece for yet another Western nation (France), bannered, “Netherlands, Malaysia push for UN tribunal for MH17 culprits,” and Thailand’s Bangkock Post headlined this same story more honestly and directly, as “Malaysia demands UN court for MH17 shootdown,” but carried unchanged the anti-Russian-slanted AFP text. The anti-Russian-slanted AFP ‘news’ report said “It remains unclear, however, whether Russia would back the creation of the special tribunal” (something which they could also have said of the U.S., for example) and included a sub-head: “- Getting Russia on board -,” which section had only this brief and anonymously sourced reference to Russia: “The diplomat [unidentified] said the countries were mindful of the need to ‘avoid a Russian veto’ [as if a Russian veto would have been likelier than an American one, etc.].” That’s propaganda for a regime, not news-reporting for a democracy — it delivers the bias (to whip up support for war), along with its sugar-coated pro-regime facts.
NOTE !!!!
The present writer has already set forth the conclusive evidence that Ukraine downed this airliner, and that the reason Ukraine did it — intentionally, not at all by mistake — was in order to enable the U.S. to blame Russia for it and thus get the EU to hike economic sanctions against Russia.Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany isn’t the only nation in history that has used what the intelligence trade calls “false-flag attacks” in order to blame the nations that it itself aims to attack. The U.S. has perfected that technique.

Russia was framed for the downing of MH17, which was a U.S. job carried out by the Ukrainian Air Force. (The EU knows that the U.S. has a mega-criminal government, but they go along with it, thinking that their aristocrats will get some of the loot that’s being yanked off by America’s aristocrats. They do this though 206 of the murdered passengers were EU citizens. And Netherlands, which provided the U.S. key assistance in the buildup to overthrowing Ukraine’s democracy, lost the most people in it, which just goes to show on which side Dutch aristocrats stand — it’s not the Dutch public’s side.)
with clear evidence/proof !!!!

Finally, Malaysia is having some success in pulling this criminal investigation away from the clearly proven criminal (Ukraine — which now is itself a U.S. client-state) and its friends.

Anyone who believes Western ‘news’ media about international affairs is simply laying his mind out to be raped by agents of the local nation’s aristocracy. Almost everything has become propaganda now. Honest journalism is squelched, if not strangled.

That’s why, if you’ll google the headline of this news-report, none of the major mainstream and ‘alternative’ ‘news’ sites will likely come up — though it has been sent to all of them.

y Stephen Lendman


US-dominated NATO heads increasingly closer to direct confrontation with Russia - reckless imperial madness risking possible nuclear war.

Defense Secretary Ashton Carter announced deployment of US troops and heavy weapons (including nuclear ones) in Eastern European countries closer to Russia's borders than ever before - an unprecedented belligerent act.

A US-dominated NATO 40,000-strong rapid reaction force is being established to counter a nonexistent Russian threat - including falsely claiming it may use intermediate-range nuclear weapons, an outrageous charge officials making it know is blatantly false.

Russia is a leading force for world peace and security. America, its rogue NATO partners and Israel threaten them like never before.

Russia's Foreign Ministry criticized NATO's latest moves as an agenda to achieve "dominance in Europe."

At a time Alliance members face no threats except ones they invent, a statement by its defense ministers said "NATO has increased its readiness and responsiveness to all potential threats…and to any contingency that might arise."

Continued US-led provocative eastward expansion is based on "the false pretext of alleged 'aggressive behavior' by our country," Russia's Foreign Ministry said.

It's accompanied by "unfriendly and malicious" rhetoric. "(S)uch an obvious return by the United States and its allies to the schemes of Cold War is fraught with an escalation of tensions and encourages an arms race."

These actions "poison the atmosphere for a long time on the European continent." They risk the unthinkable.

Former Polish Vice Admiral Marek Toczek expressed concern saying "(e)ither this is saber rattling, or a harbinger of something that can affect the people of Eastern and Central Europe, and not only them - a harbinger of extreme catastrophe of a kind humanity has never known."

"In Poland there are many people - their numbers difficult to estimate in percentage terms, but very likely a majority, who are against these sorts of political decisions."

Putin said forthrightly "(i)f someone threatens our territories, it means that we will have to aim our armed forces accordingly at the territories from where the threat is coming."

"How else could it be? It is NATO that approaching our borders. It’s not like we are moving anywhere."

He notably expressed concern about Washington's so-called missile defense entirely for offense targeting Russia's heartland. Moscow intends boosting its defenses along its Western borders in response to all provocative NATO actions.

June 26 marked the UN Charter's 70th anniversary pledging "to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war…"

Fundamental principles were ignored requiring Member States to "settle their international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice, are not endangered."

"All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations."

No nation may attack another except in self-defense and only with Security Council authorization. Washington, other NATO belligerents and Israel make their own rules jeopardizing world peace and security. Lunatics in power threaten life on earth.

Eric Zuesse


Recently, President Barack Obama’s friend whom he appointed to represent this Vcountry at the United Nations visited Ukraine and used the Ukrainian-language translation and variant of the German Nazi Party’s “Deutschland über alles,” or “Germany above all,” to honor Ukraine’s own racist fascists, that nation’s ideological nazis, whom the U.S. had used in February 2014 for overthrowing Ukraine’s neutralist democratically elected President. This was not our U.N. Ambassador’s first foray into international nazi political pandering.

On 21 November 2014, Samantha Power, America’s U.N. Ambassador, had, in fact, been one of only three out of the 173 nations at the U.N., who voted against a resolution that condemned nazism and all forms of state-sponsored bigotry, and that specifically condemned Holocaust-denial; and she gave as the reason, that the resolution offended the government of Ukraine; but Ukraine wasn’t even mentioned in it. Canada voted against it because the United States did; and the United States voted against it because Ukraine did. Both Canada and U.S. were thus supposedly copying Ukraine.

the “Maidan" demonstrations against him had been organized by one of the two co-founders of Svoboda, Andrei Parubiy, who was even called the “Commandant of Maidan.” Obama relied upon Parubiy to succeed. Parubiy did; and his chief assistant, Dmitriy Yarosh was the head of Ukraine’s other nazi party, and had trained the storm-troopers. Parubiy and Yarosh were a perfect team. It was a skillful Obama job.

The current Ukrainian government came to power with Victoria Nuland of the U.S. State Department making the key appointments both during those ‘democracy’ demonstrations and then finally in determining who would lead the new government. (The founder of the ‘private CIA’ firm, Stratfor, called it “the most blatant coup in history.”) And, then, this new Ukrainian government commenced an ethnic cleansing campaign against the residents of its Donbass region, which had voted more than 90% for the Ukrainian President whom Obama overthrew. If Donbass's voters survive within Ukraine, then Obama’s government won’t stand a chance of staying in power in future elections. So, these people have to be gotten rid of. Obama needed nazis in order to stand even a chance of getting rid of the people in Donbass. He needed the nazis first in order to win power in Ukraine, and then in order to be able to hold it (via that ethnic cleansing). Andrei Parubiy became the head of Ukraine’s ‘Anti Terrorist Operation’ (ATO) to exterminate (and/or drive out) the residents in Donbass; and Dmitriy Yarosh became the provisioner of the storm troops who supplied the terror within the now-rump Ukraine, such as by means of the burning-alive of regime-opponents inside the Odessa Trade Unions Building on 2 May 2014.

Our U.N. Ambassador, Ms. Power, recently visited the scene of this overthrow, in Kiev, and she presented there “Remarks at the October Palace," on 11 June 2015. Her first big applause-line to the assembled hyper-nationalists was: "As one of the great rallying cries of the Maidan put it: Ukraina po-nad u-se! Ukraine above all else! [Applause.]” That phrase resonates deeply among Hitler-admirers in Ukraine’s population. (There aren’t many of them, but they’re America’s most devoted supporters in Ukraine, who associate America with hatred of Russia.)

Here is a video of that phrase (“Ukraine above all!”) being used frequently by Ukraine’s nazis — their “Ukraine über alles!” As they make clear by their accompanying phrase, “Russians on knives!” their craving to kill Russians, just as much as Hitler’s nazis — the original ones — craved to kill Jews. But instead of Hitler’s promise to hang all Jews from lamp-posts, Ukraine’s nazis crave especially to stab Russians to death. Right Sector rallies often combine that “Russians on knives!” with the Ukrainian version of “Heil! Heil! Heil!,” and “Death to enemies!” Various nazi insignia, sometimes even the swastika, festoon their clothing and the flags they proudly carry. Here is a good history of Right Sector. It even documents their collaboration with Hitler’s forces in mass-murdering Jews and Poles. But this was prior to recent decades, when the CIA demanded they tone that rhetoric down — express their hatred against only Russians. However, in private, both Svoboda and Right Sector make clear that they intend to get rid of Jews and Poles after Russia is conquered. So: for the time being, they toe America’s line. It’s the only way they can have a chance to achieve their hoped-for victory against Russia, because each of the two nazi parties wins only about 3 to 4 percent of the votes — even residents in the most conservative northwestern parts of Ukraine aren’t nearly as far to the right as what Obama’s Administration wishes they were.

Samantha Power said in Ukraine:

Let me begin with what we know brought people out to the Maidan in the first place.
We’ve all heard a good number of myths about this. One told by the Yanukovych government and its Russian backers at the time was that the Maidan protesters were pawns of the West, and did not speak for the “real” Ukraine. A more nefarious myth peddled by Moscow after Yanukovych’s fall was that Euromaidan had been engineered by Western capitals in order to topple a democratically-elected government.
The facts tell a different story. As you remember well, then-President Yanukovych abandoned Kyiv of his own accord, only hours after signing an agreement with opposition leaders that would have led to early elections and democratic reforms. And it was only after Yanukovych fled the capital that 328 of the 447 members of the democratically-elected Rada voted to strip him of his powers – including 36 of the 38 members of his own party in parliament at the time. Yanukovych then vanished for several days, only to eventually reappear – little surprise – in Russia.
As is often the case, these myths reveal more about the myth makers than they do about the truth. Moscow’s fable was designed to airbrush the Ukrainian people – and their genuine aspirations and demands – out of the Maidan, by claiming the movement was fueled by outsiders.

She was feeding the anti-Russian hatred that helped (besides U.S. payments) to fuel the shock-troops for the coup and that continue to fuel the ethnic-cleansing campaign against the residents in Donbass.

Her words mean nothing, but the evidence means everything, and it’s all here. She can’t be ignorant of those things. She simply ignores them. After all: how could she even conceivably counter such solid evidence? It’s much easier for her simply to lie.

Barack Obama is the first U.S. President ever to install, in any country, an outright racist-fascist, or nazi, regime. His friend Ms. Powers is merely part of that operation. She is a scholar of genocide whose cumbersomely written 2002 book about that subject, A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide, won the 2003 Non-Fiction Pulitzer Prize. And, of course, Barack Obama won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.

The reason is clear how the United States came to have one of only three nazi or pro-nazi governments in the world: the United States Government wants to destroy Russia; and the strong nazi contingent in next-door Ukraine are eager to help; so, they’re used.

by Stephen Lendman


Washington dominates NATO. It makes policy decisions. Other members march in lockstep, often harming their own self-interest. Imposing sanctions on Russia hurting their own economies is as good an example as any.

So is acting belligerently against an important neighbor threatening no one, wanting mutual cooperation - risking another European war.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is a convenient US stooge - taking orders from Washington. He supports its likely intention to deploy nuclear weapons targeting Russia on the phony pretext of its nonexistent Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) violations - a policy only lunatics would endorse.

On Monday, he said NATO defense ministers will meet on June 24 and 25 - discussing how Alliance members will adapt "to a new and more challenging security environment" at a time no threats exist except ones Washington and rogue partners invent.

Stoltenberg lied claiming things today are "more demanding" than they have been "for a long time."

NATO is responding "with solidarity and resolve," he blustered. He witnessed a Polish Spearhead Force exercise - saying it signals NATO's presence and readiness to act. More on it below.

He blustered about the Alliance's "strengthened presence in the air, at sea and on the ground." He indicated new steps in prospect to respond "faster and more effectively" to (nonexistent) challenges.

NATO's Response Force will increase to up to 40,000 troops - tenfold from its year ago 4,000. The decision will be formally announced later this week in Brussels.

Most forces will be deployed in Eastern Europe close to Russia's borders. Imagine if Moscow stationed contingents of its troops along America's northern and/or southern borders. WW III might follow.

Six European commands in Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Romania will manage NATO troops in their countries. They'll include special forces, rapid response teams, as well as marine and air contingents - ready to be deployed in 48 hours.

A so-called Spearhead Force held Noble Jump exercises in Poland - "the biggest reinforcement" of military strength since Cold War years to meet the nonexistent challenge of "a more assertive" Russia, said Stoltenberg.

NATO commander General Philip Breedlove calls it "(e)nhancing our response forces…a key part of NATO’s overall effort to adapt to emerging security challenges."

"Exercise Nobel Jump has been designed to test NATO's high readiness troops under battlefield conditions and to ensure that our concepts and procedures will work in the event of a real crisis. I hope that day never comes, but our job is to always be prepared to defend the people, territory, and values of this Alliance."

Ignoring Washington's plan to spend $1 trillion over the next 30 years upgrading its nuclear arsenal along with increasing US-led NATO provocative actions near Russia's borders, Stoltenberg ludicrously criticized Moscow's "nuclear saber-rattling" - its plan to increase its ICBM arsenal by 40 new missiles this year.

It's entirely for defense in light of belligerent NATO actions. Not according to Stoltenberg calling it "destabilizing and…dangerous. This is something we are addressing, and it's also one of the reasons we are now increasing the readiness and preparedness of our forces."

Hard truths are polar opposite Stoltenberg's Big Lies. The more US-dominated NATO increases its belligerence toward Russia, the greater the chance for eventual direct confrontation. All bets are off if it happens.

Eric Zuesse


Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko requests the supreme court of Ukraine to declare that his predecessor, Viktor Yanukovych, was overthrown by an illegal operation; in other words, that the post-Yanukovych government, including Poroshenko’s own Presidency, came into power from a coup, not from something democratic, not from any authentic constitutional process at all.

In a remarkable document, which is not posted at the English version of the website of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, but which is widely reported outside the United States, including Russia, Poroshenko, in Ukrainian (not in English), has petitioned the Constitutional Court of Ukraine (as it is being widely quoted in English):

previously reported, and here will excerpt, Poroshenko’s having himself admitted prior to 26 February 2014, to the EU’s investigator, and right after the February 22nd overthrow of Yanukovych, that the overthrow was a coup, and that it was even a false-flag operation, in which the snipers, who were dressed as if they were Ukrainian Security Bureau troops, were actually not, and that, as the EU’s investigator put his finding to the EU’s chief of foreign affairs Catherine Ashton [and with my explanatory annotations here]:

"the same oligarch [Poroshenko — and so when he became President he already knew this] told that well, all the evidence shows that the people who were killed by snipers, from both sides, among policemen and people from the streets, [this will shock Ashton, who had just said that Yanukovych had masterminded the killings] that they were the same snipers, killing people from both sides [so, Poroshenko himself knows that his regime is based on a false-flag U.S.-controlled coup d’etat against his predecessor]. ... Behind the snipers, it was not Yanukovych, but it was somebody from the new coalition.”

This was when Ashton first learned that the myth that Yanukovych had been overthrown as a result of public outrage at his having rejected the EU’s offer of membership to Ukraine was just a hoax. (Actually, the planning for this coup was already under way in the U.S. Embassy by at least early 2013, well prior to Yanukovych’s EU decision. Furthermore, , but then the U.S.-engineered “Maidan” riots caused that approval to plunge.)

If the Court grants Poroshenko’s petition, then the appointment of Arseniy Yatsenyuk by the U.S. State Department’s Victoria Nuland on 4 February 2014, which was confirmed by the Ukrainian parliament (or Rada) at the end of the coup on February 26th, and the other appointments which were made, including that of Oleksandr Turchynov to fill in for Yanukovych as caretaker President until one of the junta’s chosen candidates would be ‘elected’ on May 25th of 2014, which ‘election’ Poroshenko won — all of this was illegal.

However, this illegality had already been known. It was already explained in detail on 28 February 2014, that, “Yanukovych’s removal was unconstitutional.” That’s for lawyers; but, now, finally, Ukraine’s Constitutional Court is faced with the shocking predicament of Ukraine’s own President, who won his post as a result of this coup, requesting them to “acknowledge” that it was a coup, much as the founder of the "private CIA" firm Stratfor had even called it, “the most blatant coup in history.” (It was that because of its having been a Washington job was so massive.)

Also now is that Dmitriy Yarosh's Right Sector — the same group that Washington had hired for the coup and for the ethnic cleansing campaign in Ukraine’s former Donbass region — haveannounced that they will assemble in Kiev on July 3rd to overthrow Petroshenko unless he restarts right now the war against Donbass. The people whom Washington paid to oust Yanukovych are planning to do the same to Poroshenko. There is a struggle inside the Obama Administration about how far they can successfully go with their Ukrainian nazis not formally leading the country. Washington is having a hard time keeping in line the Ukrainian nazis upon whom Washington’s plan for Ukraine has been based. Ukraine’s nazis are thirsting for Russian blood, and want to slake their thirst faster than the Obama Administration is willing to go along with. Washington’s previous “F—k the EU!” hasn’t worked as well as they had hoped. There is thus increasingly bad blood between the Obama Administration and theUkrainian enforcers upon whom Obama has been relying. Basically, Poroshenko now is torn between the EU, on one side, and Ukraine’s well-armed nazis, on the other; and, thus far, the ultimate decider, U.S. President Obama, who has needed cooperation both from Ukraine’s nazis and from the EU, in order for his Ukrainian gambit against Russia to work, is on the fence between those two sides. John Kerry sides with the EU; Victoria Nuland sides with the nazis. But Obama himself hasn’t yet played his hand.

Well they know so much more than I do and I'm learning from it also, I bet you did not know half of what I posted and are probably afraid to read it all, but it has all to do with your country and Russia and US/Nato lies ??
I could not express myself so good and with all the technical data ?? Besides you also post from articles as do other ones that are on this subject?? All I want to do is share and have people consider it from both sides??
It is already well known that a Ukrainien jet shot down the plane and killed the 298 people on board and the Russians even have a Ukraine mechanic who told the story about the jet coming back without weapons and even the pilots name and hiss comments to his fellow comrades?? Its high time the proof comes out about the US Nazi's planning all this??
You Ukranians should consider being part of this does not give you anything to be proud of??
And by the way, those are my own words !!!!

What did the Russian soldiers in Kiev Ukrainian police in the form of winter 2014 ???
Well they know so much more than I do and I'm learning from it also, I bet you did not know half of what I posted and are probably afraid to read it all, but it has all to do with your country and Russia and US/Nato lies ??
I could not express myself so good and with all the technical data ?? Besides you also post from articles as do other ones that are on this subject?? All I want to do is share and have people consider it from both sides??
It is already well known that a Ukrainien jet shot down the plane and killed the 298 people on board and the Russians even have a Ukraine mechanic who told the story about the jet coming back without weapons and even the pilots name and hiss comments to his fellow comrades?? Its high time the proof comes out about the US Nazi's planning all this??
You Ukranians should consider being part of this does not give you anything to be proud of??
And by the way, those are my own words !!!!
The fact that you sent a clock to tell all Russian channels in Russian. Their main problem is that very often they give the news earlier than it sorted out in a matter of fact, how is it with the downed Boeing when Russian channels showed teroristov who live hvastaliz downed Ukrainian military aircraft which proved Passenger Boeing. The difference is that in the English Rosiya give news after some filtering, in contrast to the fact that the show and write Russian channels for its population.
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I believe what I read and see when proof is provided and I know for a fact that is is the US ordering the shoot down because they wanted to shoot down Putin's plane and kill him, that plane was in the same airspace with a slight time difference and lucky enough they did not get him that time, but I'm sure your Nazi Idiots will try again?
I hope some Nato fool will use a small tactical Nuke against the Russians so Putin can finally react and blow the eastern US back to the middle ages, including large parts of Europe??
Where is your satelite records and aircraft communications, as well as the americans ??? Because your country cannot produce it because it will show their criminal actions, that's already proof enough for the rest of normal people to understand!!! If Ukraine is Innocent, SHOW THE PROOF !!!!!!!
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Well you believe what you want, I guess living with criminals will rub off at some point, but they were not Russian soldiers in Kiev during the coup but american mercenaries from the Blackwater killers that were paid to shoot innocent demonstrators!! I suggest you read all article I posted and start to believe some of the info?
I can understand you want to defend your countrymen but they are criminals in the extinction of easter Ukraine people and that is nothing to be proud of? The Dutch investigation committee that did the reasearch on MH17 were clear but very carefull in presenting their case afraid of stepping on US toes but your own country men mechanic was brave enough to come forward with the evidence, as did Russia before already with the satelite information?
Protecting those killers almost makes you an acomplice in my view and I hope you can look your God (if you have one??) in the eyes when you finally get up there ?? I hope you and your family (if you have any) will be safe when the SHTF because your in the front line for first destruction if the Russkies finnally come across the border for real??
Where is your satelite records and aircraft communications, as well as the americans ??? Because your country cannot produce it because it will show their criminal actions, that's already proof enough for the rest of normal people to understand!!! If Ukraine is Innocent, SHOW THE PROOF !!!!!!!
I believe what I read and see when proof is provided and I know for a fact that is is the US ordering the shoot down because they wanted to shoot down Putin's plane and kill him, that plane was in the same airspace with a slight time difference and lucky enough they did not get him that time, but I'm sure your Nazi Idiots will try again?
I hope some Nato fool will use a small tactical Nuke against the Russians so Putin can finally react and blow the eastern US back to the middle ages, including large parts of Europe??
Where is your satelite records and aircraft communications, as well as the americans ??? Because your country cannot produce it because it will show their criminal actions, that's already proof enough for the rest of normal people to understand!!! If Ukraine is Innocent, SHOW THE PROOF !!!!!!!

Then the news all Russian sites hastily tried to delete it, since it is actually recognized.
What else may be needed proof ???
I hope there have vay recognizer text and translator from Russian ...
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Well you believe what you want, I guess living with criminals will rub off at some point, but they were not Russian soldiers in Kiev during the coup but american mercenaries from the Blackwater killers that were paid to shoot innocent demonstrators!! I suggest you read all article I posted and start to believe some of the info?

Why are they in the form of the Russian ???
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