Anyone here lives "NEAR" Springfield, Ohio.......??? Is this remotely TRUE...???

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Foreigners have been saying we should eat dogs for years now, why not cats too.
This is not new, IIhan Omar tried to get a Bill passed, but no one supported her.
People need to all stand up and be counted now and complain. I don't know what good it will do at this point though. Pray folks.
I looked it up. Springfield Ohio has a population of 56.000. If they have an influx of 20,000 Haitians that is a 35% increase in the size of the town. That is going to have a devastating impact.

The bigger question is how did they get there? You can't walk from Haiti to Ohio. This was a planned and funded relocation program. It had to be Federal. They are immigrants. How and why did it happen in the first place, and how much did that cost? Bet the ranch we are sill paying for it. Insane!! gaah