Anyone noticing a lot of bank branches closing?

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Bank branch where I pick up my mail, Open 3 days a week. Closed during Covid.

Went into our bank, we wanted to open another account - you have to make an appointment to do that. Guess an account got opened at a different bank.

Bank employee's are traditionally paid less the grocery store employees. I think we will see many branches close because because of lack of employees.
Banks come and go. Remember the Savings and Loan banks? They failed, but we all survived. Banks are always being bought out, sold or merged. I've seen several new banks that have recently been built in some towns south of us. At this point I don't see anything worth worrying about. They're actually paying a decent interest rate on CD's and money market accounts now.
Banks come and go. Remember the Savings and Loan banks? They failed, but we all survived.

My great uncle was president of an S&L. When it went under it broke him financially and emotionally. He had friends that lost their life savings, which I think was the hardest part for him. He was never the same after that.
Fortunately, no bank branches closing the in my area, in fact, we’ve added a few this year. I walked in the other day and withdrew 4K, they didn’t bat an eye, didn’t ask me what I was needing the money for, just counted out the money, asked if I wanted an envelope and wished me a good evening. My daughter works at a CU and told me that their issue at the moment is seeing qualified borrowers at these interest rates. They are flush with cash, but the debt to income ratios on 90% of their loan apps are way underwater.
People keep talking about the "high" interest rates these days. Years ago I took out a mortgage on my house at 18% interest, in order to buy a gold mine. Personally I think people got spoiled with cheap money. I don't mind the higher rates because CD's and money market accounts are finally starting to pay decent interest again.
Fortunately, no bank branches closing the in my area, in fact, we’ve added a few this year. I walked in the other day and withdrew 4K, they didn’t bat an eye, didn’t ask me what I was needing the money for, just counted out the money, asked if I wanted an envelope and wished me a good evening. My daughter works at a CU and told me that their issue at the moment is seeing qualified borrowers at these interest rates. They are flush with cash, but the debt to income ratios on 90% of their loan apps are way underwater.
Whenever I need to make a large withdrawal at our bank, they ask for a couple day notice. They carry enough cash on hand for what they anticipate their needs might be. If I only need a few thousand dollars, no problem.
Whenever I need to make a large withdrawal at our bank, they ask for a couple day notice. They carry enough cash on hand for what they anticipate their needs might be. If I only need a few thousand dollars, no problem.
What I find astonishing is that I heard JB state in a broadcast last week that 68% of Americans do not have 400.00 cash available to handle an immediate need. He said they could possibly go further into debt, but as far as having that amount of available cash, only 32 % could come up with it. That’s irrational.
Want to know what is even more irrational? That biden is actually asking for 40:BILLION of our tax money to build cities for ILLEGALS!!!
Yeah, I agree, but that isn’t real money that you can actually visualize. Those are just federal reserve created digits in a payment system that aren’t backed by anything, don’t actually exist and will never be repaid. Unfortunately, you and I can’t just creat currency whenever we want it, I mean $400.00 in paper currency backed by your labor to actually settle a debt, 68 % of 340,000,000 people can’t leverage that amount of transactional paper? If that doesn’t indicate a financial/economic problem here, what the heck would.
I'm pretty sure it would be cheaper to send their ### back across the border. Actually if we cut out all incentives for them to come here, they'd all self deport. Free to the tax payers.
That’s the answer. But, that ain’t happening, even if you could get the politicians to actually seal the border, the liberal courts would never allow it to stand and I wouldn’t count on a majority of this Supreme Court siding with border closing legislation. When you talk about a swamp, I really don’t think the general population can even understand how corrupt the “Rich Men ( and women) North of Richmond” really are.
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Oh I have no doubt these cities for illegals will be smart cities. Could these cities also be one of the chosen places food will be sent to in the future?
Yes of course. But only if you're not an white american citizen and taxpayer.
But your question was more an rethoric one i guess.