Are Preppers getting some respect now?

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Sep 7, 2013
There has been more positive reports in many outdoor magazines lately and Preppers have been giving some respect in several movies for a few years now . One being Revelation end of days . Several have shown how a Survivalist / Prepper or atleast thier stock pile have helped the good guys get out of a bad situation .
Most of the people I work with think I'm a paranoid nutcase and all say nothing is going to ever happen. I don't prep to impress or win admiration from anyone, I just like knowing that I'm prepared to handle most any emergency.
Folks at work know Im a prepper , I do not catch much flack over it and I from time to time someone will come up to me and tale me what gun they bought or long term food they put in thier closet or oil lamp . It catches on . They become closet Preppers .
I've always just done what I thought was right, not caring what the masses do. I am always happy to share thoughts on ideas and techniques, but don't push my views on other much. I am amazed at how most live day to day though.
Yeah, I think so. I hear all the time that we're "Crazy" or "Silly", even from my sister & other family members. Still, my brother-in-law.... IS A PREPPER! Oh the hilarity of that. He just looks at my sister like he wants to laugh. She's lucky to have him, because he's the one that will hold that family together if something goes awry. I also went to the range with a friend from church and when he found out I had 2 pistols( ONLY TWO!), he said, "Are you prepping for the zombie apocalypse?" Then he admitted he too had a BOB and supplies at the house. It seemed like he was feeling me out or something.

Really, I think it's "What you're prepping for" that gets some people going. People in Florida have prepped for hurricanes forever and aren't looked at like they're nuts. But a guy in DC who is prepping for economic collapse is thought of as a loony. I guess the more things happen, the more acceptable it becomes.
Yeah, I think so. I hear all the time that we're "Crazy" or "Silly", even from my sister & other family members. Still, my brother-in-law.... IS A PREPPER! Oh the hilarity of that. He just looks at my sister like he wants to laugh. She's lucky to have him, because he's the one that will hold that family together if something goes awry. I also went to the range with a friend from church and when he found out I had 2 pistols( ONLY TWO!), he said, "Are you prepping for the zombie apocalypse?" Then he admitted he too had a BOB and supplies at the house. It seemed like he was feeling me out or something.

Really, I think it's "What you're prepping for" that gets some people going. People in Florida have prepped for hurricanes forever and aren't looked at like they're nuts. But a guy in DC who is prepping for economic collapse is thought of as a loony. I guess the more things happen, the more acceptable it becomes.
I grew up in fla. and was prepping way before I ever knew the term prepper. Most everyone with any intelligence had a bug out bag (called an emergency bag) and had food supplies along with other preps as they could afford. As far as anyone not believing the U.S. Is about to be in a financial crisis, refer back to the "anyone with any intelligence".

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