Are you ready? I think this is gonna be a rough couple years.

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It is amusing for those of us that prepared , to watch things collapsing around the mentally deranged sexual perverts , those

living off charity from the workers , government scammers and deniers that didn't believe anything bad going to happen to their aldolic life style other than perhaps a few weeks of inconvenience . Prepared or not - it ain't the fault of preppers that have been advising folks to prepare for what was coming . We tried
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Well in theory, but in reality it was a money laundering operation for the fat cats.
Now that its getting an overdue cleaning we might actually do it again, I mean who
needs help more, some rich billionaire or a starving kid?
I'm waiting for the proof of money laundering and corruption.
None of that ever mattered and I’m not interested in it at. 🙋‍♂️ bye bye
(1) See Web spam and spam phone call.
(2) Email that is not requested. Also called "junk email," "gray mail," "unsolicited commercial email" (UCE) and "unsolicited bulk email" (UBE), the term is both a noun (the email message) and a verb (to send it). Spam is used to advertise products or to broadcast political or social commentary. See also spam text.
The term was coined from a Monty Python comedy sketch (see image below). Spam is also known to mean "sales promotional advertising mail" or "simultaneously posted advertising message."
I always heard back in the old days, that SPAM was short for: Silly People's Advertising Material. :rolleyes:
None of that ever mattered and I’m not interested in it at. 🙋‍♂️ bye bye
View attachment 173449
Awww, the second rule of troll hunting is never, ever run! The first rule is the first one to run out of "ammo" starts name calling because they know they lost, swoop in for the kill! Its no different than sandlot wrestling or king of the hill, we naturally love a good fight to see who's big daddy of the pack, and its fun! Now not including Slade in the theorem, But I personally love to peel a grape until it screams like a raped ape. Slade's a whole different kind of fruit, like say a durian.
Awww, the second rule of troll hunting is never, ever run! The first rule is the first one to run out of "ammo" starts name calling because they know they lost, swoop in for the kill! It’s no different than sandlot wrestling or king of the hill, we naturally love a good fight to see who's big daddy of the pack, and it’s fun! Now not including Slade in the theorem, But I personally love to peel a grape until it screams like a raped ape. Slade's a whole different kind of fruit, like say a durian first rule is never feed the troll
The first rule is never feed the troll. Like a virus, trolls need a host to feed and propagate but an immune system that has already dealt with one knows exactly how to shut it down before it can spread.
This topic is on the "A" train to h-e double hockey sticks, fear not, back to OP:
I'm thinking the enema of state will cause a few glitches, but in the end, we the people will come
out ahead, there are as many crooks on the right as the left, the stolen elections prove that! the more scum gets washed out of the system, the better we off are!
Trump stated his idea, in public, of sending US citizens along with illegals to be held in prison in Venezuela.

Totally absurd. Totally illegal.
But this is a good example of how this man thinks.
He can be dangerous if not closely monitored.
Let's do it. **** it. I'm sick of the ****.

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