Are you ready? I think this is gonna be a rough couple years.

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Sounds like your state is a polar opposite to mine in more ways than one.

Gas has been going up all this year so far. Back above $3 a gallon now. It was down in november but has been inching up since.
We enjoy sanity down here. 😍
...You want some fresh caught shrimp? $3.99/lb :):

...From the Gulf of America?
Yeah, we got dat! :thumbs:
Yes, I was alive then too....:rolleyes:

Just saying, not what has happened here so far, unfortunately. Gas dropped the most right before the election, I figured Biden was trying to get re-elected and pulled strings. Now its been going up a few cents a week ever since.

I'm more worried about wood, steel, and concrete...but I've been pretty bunkered down the last couple months so don't know how those are.
You are correct on you estimations on what's occurred.
Only thing is there were plenty of folks who took the low gas prices and great economy under Trump for granted, who were also alive.
I can't tell you how many obtuse, mostly leftists, people who gave him zero credit and said our prices were solely dependent on the Saudis.
They had their heads buried in the sand (no pun intended).
They don't want to hear that Obummer & Joe Bribem are bank-failure magnets.
Trump had no bank failures during his tenure, and no new wars.
But, he'll never get credit for that. Ever.
I'm confused...not a plus? No bank failures. And, No New Wars. ???

Yes, I'm getting the feeling most of what I say is confusing to you...I think we are from different worlds.

Banks are the problem.....they are how everything got this bad. Every failed bank is an enemy destroyed.

War? Well, war is the only thing that ever made America great in the first place. It won't ever get there again, let along survive, without another one.
Yes, I'm getting the feeling most of what I say is confusing to you...I think we are from different worlds.

Banks are the problem.....they are how everything got this bad. Every failed bank is an enemy destroyed.

War? Well, war is the only thing that ever made America great in the first place. It won't ever get there again, let along survive, without another one.

People's grandmothers had money in failed banks.
Banks are not the enemy. Bad managers are.

Yes, America winning the War for Independence was great.
America will "get there again" - - people have hope that America will again
be the city on a hill and "a light unto the world."
It's a glass half-full perspective. It's a hopeful perspective. And particularly now, we have a reason to.

We are not that far apart. Especially now.
Don't let him drag you down to his level.
We need more wars and more bank failures to make everybody as miserable as him.
...Only then, can we be equal. :(
Noooooo....that's NOT the "Art of the Deal" I voted for.
Didn't we get enough slippery slope to Communism and Insolvency the last 4 years.
And children changing gender while at school. NOOOOOOOOO MORE !!!!
It's TIME to see some PROSPERITY BABYYYYYYYY !!! woop woop !!!

It's like when I got a new computer and cell phone. Dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century.
Change is good. (turns out)
You're an IT person and you don't know that it is already out there? Everything about you is available on the net.
No need to add anything more. I am pretty careful, but yes, the breaches are serious. Most do not have as much as this breach has. Some have addresses and phone numbers. Or some are things I never use or shared anything significant with.
If you are Federal working from home - - and you took the Jab - - which disabled you, to whatever degree - - and you still want to continue working from home - - you can make a case for this with Trump. The Buyouts have closed (in part due to Leftist Judges constraining DOGE/Trump's downsizing efforts) - - but I believe you have a strong case for your disability from the VAX.
The Moderna one caused an epidemic of myocarditis in young and middle-aged men. My friends husband died 3 days after taking it.
I took the religious exemption. My body my choice doesn't just apply to the Leftists. I'm sorry that happened to you. Heartbreaking.
I did not "take the jab" but I did take the flu shot, while serving on active duty in the military, as required for all active duty servicemembers. I'd never had a reaction for the 20+ years before; that one was a one-off, and it destroyed me. Each of the anthrax shots in the early 2000s did affect me, and I probably should have pushed for exemption from all further vaccinations. That was in my record and my doctors should have thought about maybe exempting me from further shots.

I'm not one to ask for exemptions/exceptions from the in office mandate or otherwise. I will if I must but I'll put up with a great deal of discomfort before asking to be treated differently than everyone else. Requesting a "reasonable accommodation". I just can't bring myself to do it...that may change.

I took the "disability route from a previous vaccine" for getting out of the COVID shots. Others quit their jobs. My college roommate from years ago died of sudden heart failure after receiving the COVID jabs required for his job at NASA. He was a fully healthy man in his forties, active and an athlete, no history of heart trouble.

Now how to get past the current slaughter of the civil service, celebrated by people who are ignorant. My agency has been using fulltime employees to fill 90-120 day rotations in vacant jobs it hasn't been able to fill due to COVID and now due to hiring freezes. Functions are breaking and being band-aided. Seasonal employees aren't being hired this year and now we've just fired 10% of our workforce...mainly young people who would have matured into bigger roles as older folks, who can, retire. It's sick what's going on and it goes far beyond cutting waste. People complain about dirty campsites, no staff around, etc., but we've not been manned sufficiently for years.
I've started to believe that part of the human mind is the love of being scared. Maybe on even a low level it releases adrenaline or something. Over the years on different boards, I can't count the number of "this is the end" type posts. That would also explain the love of horror movies by a lot of people, they like the rush. Biden was going to end it all, now for some Trump is going to end it all, Y2K was going to end it all & of course we will go to war with Russia or China. I've lived through countless endings & honestly nothing has really happened.

Every time I hear a new "threat" I think of the advice that a doctor gave to a young mother who's child swallowed a dime. It was "This too shall pass".
People's grandmothers had money in failed banks.
Banks are not the enemy. Bad managers are.

Yes, America winning the War for Independence was great.
America will "get there again" - - people have hope that America will again
be the city on a hill and "a light unto the world."
It's a glass half-full perspective. It's a hopeful perspective. And particularly now, we have a reason to.

We are not that far apart. Especially now.
Remember, a lot of banks failed because the government forced them to loan money to a certain demographic that they knew would never pay it back. And they didn't.
i don't think this is an 'end' of anything. I'm just expecting covid or 2008 level economic disruption.
I don't think the federal civil service gets gutted without major economic disruption.

Gladly doing my part, as I've cut hundreds per month in the local economy this week due to uncertainties about who/how deep/what is going to be cut in the civil service. I'll cut what's left when they take my job.

Nobody owes someone a job, but you don't wholesale gut entire agencies that haven't had enough employees to do their mission, for years, UNLESS you simply plan to shutter those agencies. That government is bloated is a lie. Missions can't get done because of lack of employees. My agency doesn't have enough people to do the jobs (many vacancies that can't be filled), and just fired 10% of who's left. Peeling back all spending. Growing and raising what I eat. Doing all the farm equipment work myself instead of hiring it out. My family will be fine, but the downstream effects of high unemployment are going to be hell for the private sector, too.

Just seems to me we're not being told the truth. I think there's a plan for massive shuttering of government agencies and that contractors can swoop in. If you think government employees are expensive, just wait till you see how much contractors cost to do the same work.
Many agencies can absolutely be gutted. Many can be eliminated all together. Contractors can and do better jobs for far less cost to the tax payers. Our government has gotten way over bloated and needs some serious cuts.
If it isn't in the constitution we don't need it.
Just seems to me we're not being told the truth

I dunno....seems we are told exactly what was going to happen, and that is happening. I think a lot of people just don't want to believe it.

Nobody owes someone a job

Indeed. Especially when you think about how artificial a 'job' actually is.

My family will be fine, but the downstream effects of high unemployment are going to be hell for the private sector, too.

I will be fine for now, If Medicare is gutted, my father will be dead in months.
Many agencies can absolutely be gutted. Many can be eliminated all together. Contractors can and do better jobs for far less cost to the tax payers. Our government has gotten way over bloated and needs some serious cuts.
If it isn't in the constitution we don't need it.
But,but,but, what about all those feds that drive around in their trucks making sure nobody drills for oil or NG?
What are they gonna do to make a living now?! gaah
2008? Obummer is another Bank Failure magnet.

Ehh, Although it happened on his watch, it was years in making, and like most things, the president doesn't have much to do with it, good or bad, so I don't even blame bush....I blame the banks, school teachers, and 'the people'.

What I DO blame him for, is bailing out the banks, rather than letting them die, as they should, and being a coward when it came to foreign and domestic policy, but that is all water under the bridge at this point.
My college roommate from years ago died of sudden heart failure after receiving the COVID jabs required for his job at NASA. He was a fully healthy man in his forties, active and an athlete, no history of heart trouble.
My friend's husband age 60 had the same problem with the Moderna Covid vaccine, and died 3 days later. Heartwrenching.
A lot of young and middle-aged men developed myocarditis from it, and I believe it's banned in the UK now.

The vaccines that have been tried and true for 100 years should always stay in place, and are trustworthy. Polio, MMR, etc.
The newer ones, especially Covid, in my view are not tried and true. It's too soon.

The elderly with comorbidities during Covid wanted to risk the vaccine side-effects, because the alternative could have been devastating.

There is herd with turn of the century Spanish Flu and others. We have seen epidemics in US history before.
No credit was given in 2020 to Natural Immunity although people were told to self-quarantine. Even now, nobody talks about it.

On the whole, employees need to return to work, in my view in order to get a paycheck. I think most Americans voted for that.
But, you have successfully been productive working from home. And since the time it was allowed, you're health has changed to
make it impossible for you to travel and work in that office. And it sounds like the government put you in that dilemma in the
first place. It's like a Catch 22. That's why I was saying you should be able to make the case for continued work at home.
Doge said they are working with Dept. heads to keep recommended core employees. USAID is keeping 99 employees...and it's moving under the umbrella of the State Dept. Do you have a recommendation from your supervisor/Dept head?? I'd ask for mine if I was in this situation. You could even type up a draft, and put it on a form with some check boxes and blanks for handwriting in notes.

If you're ultimately disabled, file asap, because it takes 2 years to get approval for SSI.

This world is obviously chaotic. Better in some areas, worse in others. The pendulum swung so far left toward Insolvency and Socialism under the last Administration, that the American people gave Trump a mandate. They couldn't take it anymore. Even the Amish, who NEVER vote came out in droves in Pennsylvania to vote for Trump. It's not a perfect science, but I believe it will be quite some time before the pendulum swings back more toward the middle.

My feeling is that the lack of TERM LIMITS for Congress is the true reason we were all put in this position. The Founders never envisioned Career Politicians who would never go home and give someone else a chance. They understood greed and avarice full well, but they never envisioned people like Pelosi & Schumer's (& McConnell's & McCarthy's) antics to just hold onto POWER. A lot of them sold out their own grandkids...because they created an unsustainable country.
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My friend's husband age 60 had the same problem with the Moderna Covid vaccine, and died 3 days later. Heartwrenching.
A lot of young and middle-aged men developed myocarditis from it, and I believe it's banned in the UK now.

The vaccines that have been tried and true for 100 years should always stay in place, and are trustworthy. Polio, MRNA, etc.
The newer ones, especially Covid, in my view are not tried and true. It's too soon.
I'm pretty sure you meant MMR and not MRNA, right? :oops:
Currently vaccines for COVID-19, the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, are the only authorized or approved mRNA vaccines. These vaccines use mRNA that directs cells to produce copies of a protein on the outside of the coronavirus known as the “spike protein”.
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Many agencies can absolutely be gutted. Many can be eliminated all together. Contractors can and do better jobs for far less cost to the tax payers. Our government has gotten way over bloated and needs some serious cuts.
If it isn't in the constitution we don't need it.
Then why don't they do better jobs for far less cost to taxpayers? I have never seen that--NOT ONCE--in nearly 30 years in the military and in the civil service. Matter of fact, here's an example... I can do 4 projects PLUS collateral duties in one year. To have a contractor do ONE project of the same type I do costs the equivalent of ONE YEAR OF MY SALARY and TAKES A FULL YEAR. You're out to lunch. Is Musk a friend and do you work for one his companies that'll get the federal contracts after the civil service is gutted? Again, if you thought civil servants are expensive, just wait till you see the cost of replacing us with contractors.

The jobs where people are being let go are backed in the USG's Constitutional's going beyond DEI (which should be cut) and into the heart of the actual work that gets done.
Then why don't they do better jobs for far less cost to taxpayers? I have never seen that--NOT ONCE--in nearly 30 years in the military and in the civil service. Matter of fact, here's an example... I can do 4 projects PLUS collateral duties in one year. To have a contractor do ONE project of the same type I do costs the equivalent of ONE YEAR OF MY SALARY and TAKES A FULL YEAR. You're out to lunch. Is Musk a friend and do you work for one his companies that'll get the federal contracts after the civil service is gutted? Again, if you thought civil servants are expensive, just wait till you see the cost of replacing us with contractors.

The jobs where people are being let go are backed in the USG's Constitutional's going beyond DEI (which should be cut) and into the heart of the actual work that gets done.
When I worked as an engineer in Florida, I saw government waste at it's best
They start a "stormwater" tax, because the EPA demanded they do things about stormwater and because some areas flood when there is a hurricane
Fine. They do what the EPA asks ( a lot of it is nonsense) , and the fix the major problems. It gets paid for by this stormwater tax ( paid by property taxes). What do you think happens next? They remove the stormater tax and dissolve that department? Hell no! They raise the stormwater tax, hire more employees and use the money to do things like fix puddles in front of a city commissioners house and such. The EPA is the worst. I did some of the stormwater annual reporting for that. They wanted to know the amount of snowfall in Orlando Florida. Ok then....I replied " NA" , they sent and RFI " what exact amount did you get?" . I had to put zero in there instead of NA. Some EPA lab tested a fish and found mercury in it , in a lake. So an entire system gets started to test all the lakes for mercury. No mercury found anywhere. Below detection limits, not even the muck had mercury in it.
I could go on for pages.

My point: government waste of tax money! And this was just a relatively small issue. Imagine the big ones. This is not even the corruption!

Government is like cancer. It just spreads and gets bigger

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