My college roommate from years ago died of sudden heart failure after receiving the COVID jabs required for his job at NASA. He was a fully healthy man in his forties, active and an athlete, no history of heart trouble.
My friend's husband age 60 had the same problem with the Moderna Covid vaccine, and died 3 days later. Heartwrenching.
A lot of young and middle-aged men developed myocarditis from it, and I believe it's banned in the UK now.
The vaccines that have been tried and true for 100 years should always stay in place, and are trustworthy. Polio, MMR, etc.
The newer ones, especially Covid, in my view are
not tried and true. It's too soon.
The elderly with comorbidities during Covid wanted to risk the vaccine side-effects, because the alternative could have been devastating.
There is herd with turn of the century Spanish Flu and others. We have seen epidemics in US history before.
No credit was given in 2020 to Natural Immunity although people were told to self-quarantine. Even now, nobody talks about it.
On the whole, employees need to return to work, in my view in order to get a paycheck. I think most Americans voted for that.
But, you have successfully been productive working from home. And since the time it was allowed, you're health has changed to
make it impossible for you to travel and work in that office. And it sounds like the government put you in that dilemma in the
first place. It's like a Catch 22. That's why I was saying you should be able to make the case for continued work at home.
Doge said they are working with Dept. heads to keep recommended core employees. USAID is keeping 99 employees...and it's moving under the umbrella of the State Dept. Do you have a recommendation from your supervisor/Dept head?? I'd ask for mine if I was in this situation. You could even type up a draft, and put it on a form with some check boxes and blanks for handwriting in notes.
If you're ultimately disabled, file asap, because it takes 2 years to get approval for SSI.
This world is obviously chaotic. Better in some areas, worse in others. The pendulum swung so far left toward Insolvency and Socialism under the last Administration, that the American people gave Trump a mandate. They couldn't take it anymore. Even the Amish, who NEVER vote came out in droves in Pennsylvania to vote for Trump. It's not a perfect science, but I believe it will be quite some time before the pendulum swings back more toward the middle.
My feeling is that the lack of TERM LIMITS for Congress is the true reason we were all put in this position. The Founders never envisioned Career Politicians who would
never go home and give someone else a chance. They understood greed and avarice full well, but they never envisioned people like Pelosi & Schumer's (& McConnell's & McCarthy's) antics to just hold onto POWER. A lot of them sold out their own grandkids...because they created an unsustainable country.