When I worked as an engineer in Florida, I saw government waste at it's best
They start a "stormwater" tax, because the EPA demanded they do things about stormwater and because some areas flood when there is a hurricane
Fine. They do what the EPA asks ( a lot of it is nonsense) , and the fix the major problems. It gets paid for by this stormwater tax ( paid by property taxes). What do you think happens next? They remove the stormater tax and dissolve that department? Hell no! They raise the stormwater tax, hire more employees and use the money to do things like fix puddles in front of a city commissioners house and such. The EPA is the worst. I did some of the stormwater annual reporting for that. They wanted to know the amount of snowfall in Orlando Florida. Ok then....I replied " NA" , they sent and RFI " what exact amount did you get?" . I had to put zero in there instead of NA. Some EPA lab tested a fish and found mercury in it , in a lake. So an entire system gets started to test all the lakes for mercury. No mercury found anywhere. Below detection limits, not even the muck had mercury in it.
I could go on for pages.
My point: government waste of tax money! And this was just a relatively small issue. Imagine the big ones. This is not even the corruption!
Government is like cancer. It just spreads and gets bigger